15 Letters I Wrote To You

By niceya

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In which she sends him letters. And in which he answers with one condition. Can she take another chance on h... More

About This Book
Part I
Her First
It Started With Dreams
Her Second
Her Third
Her Fourth
Her Fifth
Her Sixth
Her Seventh
Her Eight
Her Ninth
Her Tenth
Her Eleventh
Her Twelfth
Her Thirteenth
Her Fourteenth
Her Fifteenth
The Restart
His First
Part II
In Which She Comes Back
In Which He Comes Back
In Which She Looks Back
In Which Home Means Annoyance
In Which They Meet Again
In Which He Throws the Pebbles
His Second
In Which She Revisits the Past
His Third
In Which Her Mind is Full of Questions
In Which They Go for Lunch
In Which They Finally Eat Lunch
His Fourth
In Which it is a Date
In Which it's a Picnic
In Which She Hears The Truth
In Which it is a Sister Bonding
In Which it is Between Beers and Crickets
In Which There is Vulnerability...and a Surprise

In Which She Has to Face Reality

69 5 2
By niceya

"I'm not sure."

The words were out her mouth before Amanda could think them through. The second she heard them especially coming out from her, they immediately made her feel anxious.

She was not sure - how aptly.

And when would she be sure of things?

Amanda drank her glass of wine as frustration for herself bubbled up inside her. In most instances, she needed time to think through things first before making a decision. But right now after four months of freedom from life's responsibilities, in just a matter of days, she found herself in a tight schedule.

"When do I need to decide again?" She knew that she was stalling but Amanda couldn't help as she asked her bestfriend.

"Not certainly right now," Rosalyn told her. "But the school was going to make an announcement by the end of next week so there's a chance someone else will apply for the position."

Amanda looked down at the drink she was holding, and then glanced up at her friend. She could feel the heavy knitting of her brows as she momentarily closed her eyes then faced the large window overlooking at her sister's backyard with the celebration coming in full force.

She roamed her eyes around, noting the familiar as well as the unfamiliar faces today. She couldn't believe how fast the neighbours' kids grew up, some she couldn't even distinguish like the McQueen boys she had babysat before, now looking on their way to breaking some teenaged girls' hearts. How long ago was it...twelve...thirteen years ago? Time flew really fast it seemed.

But here she was seemingly still stuck with her past.

Amanda pulled a deep breath and drained her glass.

Thaliana's christening was as smooth-sailing as one could hope for with a baby who cried and cried throughout the ceremony. Baby Thalia definitely had great lungs for sure. Now the baby was as happy as a Larry seeing the pink balloons and being cooed over by the guests. And in the short amount of time Amanda had spent with her niece, she realized she still had a heart to give as she fell in love with the cutest although a bit fussy 3-month old baby. Her godchild was definitely luring Amanda not to leave Countryside.

And here was her bestfriend also dangling an offer which to be honest, she found very tempting.

Not long after they had polished off the cupcakes, which were indeed delicious with their toppings of fresh strawberries and blueberries, Rosalyn pulled her to the quiet kitchen, away from the boisterous festivities outside and then excitedly told her the recent news.

The very kind and sweet Mrs. Lawrence, which was the school nurse at the Countryside Elementary School for as long as Amanda could remember, was now retiring. Rosalyn was urging her to apply for the soon to be vacant position.

But Amanda wasn't sure.

She blew out a long breath and faced her bestfriend. "Can I think about it tonight and get back to you tomorrow?"

Rosalyn slowly nodded, "Okay," And then her brows pinched in confusion. "I thought you'd be more enthusiastic in hearing this news. You told me you don't want to go back to a 12-hour shift at the hospital anymore. This is an 8-hour job and your weekends are free."

"I do...I do," Amanda agreed. "I'm delighted about it."

Oh, to have her weekends free and no graveyard shifts. Indeed, it would really be delightful for Amanda.

"But I can sense a 'but' in there somewhere," Rosalyn interjected.

She snorted at her bestfriend's astuteness but there was no humour in it. She could not specifically pinpoint the reason why but something was holding her back from committing.

But what if I tried and it's not really for me? The anxious part of her asked.

But what if I cannot stand to stay here any longer in Countryside? The part of her who wanted to run away whenever she was overwhelmed asked.

There were a couple more things jumbling inside Amanda's head in confusion but she refused to give voice to them. Maybe she should do that more often - silence the voice inside her head so that maybe she could easily come up with a sensible decision.

Shaking her head to clear the cobwebs in her brain, Amanda went for reality instead. "I think I need a school nurse endorsement ...and some kind of a type of certificate for that, which I don't have."

"Oh," Rosalyn deflated. "I didn't know that."

"Sadly, you can't just simply change your specialty or areas in nursing without getting the necessary trainings and certificates."

Amanda was actually saddened for the loss of opportunity. She certainly wanted to work with children and was curious how it would feel like working a normal working hours like everyone else, without crazy shifting schedules and her nights a marathon with Netflix. Goodness, when was even the last time she watched some television?

"So you mean it's more complicated than breaking off a relationship and starting a new one?"

"Ah..." She stared at her bestfriend, confused for a moment. What were they talking again? "Yeah, I guess," she answered anyway, now noting the sudden wistful expression on her friend's expression.

Amanda was now curious what was happening with her bestfriend. She felt bad enough already that they haven't had a chance to really bond these last couple of days, especially now that she might only had tomorrow left until she decide to leave Countryside again.

"I mean, you certainly don't need any certificates to submit to make you qualified to apply for the new relationship," Amanda continued, shrugging. "Definitely there are no trainings to undergo and application forms to fill-out."

"Imagine that though," Rosalyn snorted. "You, going to handout out an application form to your suitors at the start of the date."

"That's a novel idea."

"Please carefully fill out your name, civil status, occupation, and amount in your savings account, history of diseases in your family, your likes and dislikes, your five-year plans, any expectations in the relationship and so on."

"As much as I like your crazy idea, I don't think that will work."

"Hmmm, you'll never know Mandy. Maybe I'll try it next time," Rosalyn quipped.

"You're insane for even thinking that," Amanda chuckled and shook her head at her bestfriend. She could just imagine the chaos that would ensue.

"Atleast it could prevent any unnecessary heartaches in the future."

Oh. Her humour gone, Amanda stilled and sat straight on her seat hearing the hint of bitterness in her friend's voice. She raised her brows at her but Rosalyn just shrugged in return.

Okay, this needed an intervention.

With swiftness she could manage on her black four-inch heels she wore for the occasion, Amanda went and quickly grabbed her sister's stashed bottle of brandy from the cabinet, refilled Rosalyn's glass and urged her to drink up. This called for a strong drink than the sparkling wine they were indulging earlier.

She sat down and stared at her friend. "Okay Rosie, what's happening with you?"

She watched Rosalyn closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath and Amanda was getting worried. "And don't say nothing," she told bestfriend before the other woman could even open her mouth.

Rosalyn rolled her eyes at her. "I'm just trying to sort out my scrambled brain right now, you impatient woman."

"Ha-ha and quit stalling."

"That's your specialty though, not mine."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is."

"Fine," Amanda huffed out loud. They were going to go at it for hours if she would not acquiesce already. "So...?" She looked expectantly at Rosalyn. She so would not let her friend get off the hook.

Rosalyn groaned at her and then drank the contents of her wineglass before she dropped the bomb on her.

"I've been dumped."


Amanda's jaw dropped as she stared dumbfounded at her friend, "No way." Who would dare do that to her awesome friend? Now she felt bad for asking.

"Well, not exactly like that," Rosalyn clarified. "But it felt that way anyway when I learned that I'm not part of my now ex-boyfriend's future plans."

"Oh..." Amanda didn't know what to say to that. "That sucks."

"Tell me about it," her friend exhaled. "We've dated for half a year and out of nowhere he just told me yesterday that he's not getting back here after the summer break because he's relocating to Florida. It sucks because I'm not even gonna hold him back if that's what he really wanted but he could have told me sooner.... He could have told me that I was just a seat filler or a freaking fluffer because all along, I'm not included in his plans. Ugh!"

She winced looking at the pained look on Rosalyn's face. She could just imagine how devastating it was for her friend to learn that she was an after-thought. Rounding the corner, Amanda gathered her friend in her arms and hugged her tightly.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that," she told her. "I didn't even meet the guy and now I have no face to go on to punch when I see him."

"He's not worth it," Rosalyn sighed, her voice now weary, like her ex exhausted her already.

And this right here was one of the reasons why Amanda loved her singleness. Sometimes, relationships are exhausting.

"Thank goodness you know it," she murmured, patting her friend on the back before she leaned an arms-length away to really look at Rosalyn's face. "That guy who can't be named does not deserve your awesomeness."

"I know."

But Amanda could hear the wobble on her bestfriend's voice. "I'm sorry I'm such a terrible friend right now - dropping my life's drama into your lap without knowing you too are dealing with something in your life right now."

She saw Rosalyn's head shaking so with one last squeezed she'd let go of her friend and looked at her with earnest gaze. Her friend might be vocal and blunt with certain things but sometimes, Amanda knew she tends to downplay her emotions.

"Don't be," Rosalyn told her, her voice thick with emotions but she managed a small smile her way. But Amanda wasn't fooled. "Yours is way more interesting than mine...and atleast it happened before I totally fall in love with him," she then shrugged. "But yeah...it still sucks."

She watched her friend took a deep breath so she remained silent, silently encouraging her to vent out.

Amanda could definitely empathize with her friend, seeing as Alex once left her. And it devastated her to pieces. But it also helped mould her into a woman she was now. She just hoped this would not negatively affect Rosalyn's view about love and relationship.

Like what happened to you?

Grrr...Why did it seem like her internal voice was getting chatty these days? Amanda subtly shook her head and reminded herself to focus on her friend who needed her right now. All she wanted for her friend was to be happy.

"But oh well, I guess that's just life," Rosalyn then breathed out. "Sometimes you have the main role, other times you're the secondary character cast aside more often, easily forgotten and replaceable."

"Well, if he can't see your worth then that's his lost."


"One of these days, someone will come into your life and make you his priority."

With that, Rosalyn gave her a pleased smile for the first time tonight. "Amen to that sister."

And then that smile morphed into a knowing grin.

"Is that how Alexander treating you right now? Like you are his priority? I'm so happy for you," Rosalyn continued now gushing at her. "Atleast one of us is being included into someone's future plans and is playing the main role."

Amanda opened her mouth to refute her bestfriend but she halted, her mind racing a mile. Rosalyn's words resonated inside her head.

Is she part of Alex's future plans?

She had yet to tell Rosalyn what happened yesterday with the date.

So she gave her friend a non-committal shrug and a smile, hoping the woman would not notice her uncertainty. Fortunately, her usually perceptive bestfriend was distracted with her own lovelife.

Is Alex making her a priority right now?

What if, at the end of the day, he would once again leave Countryside?

Uh-huh. So that's where her hesitations boiled down to.

As much as she wanted so much to jump for joy now that Alex was finally back in her life, Amanda needed some kind of a reassurance from him...and not just his words.

Because it's not her love that he broke but her trust in him.

Except Amanda did not want any grand gesture from him or anything like that. She just needed his sincerity.

Alex wrote you letters, a voice reminded her. Was it not sincere enough?

Ugh! Why are relationships so complicated?

But didn't her sister just tell her yesterday that love doesn't need to be complicated? Amanda really didn't know what to think anymore.

She shot a look at her bestfriend. "Want to get drunk tonight?"

Rosalyn's brows went up her hairline in surprise; her mouth formed the perfect 'O'. But before Amanda could hear her response, someone else answered.

Turned out they weren't alone anymore in the kitchen.

"Oh, count me in on that," said the booming voice.

Both she and Rosalyn turned around in astonishment and what she saw made her paused, made her heart stopped then raced.

Because there in the entryway that separated the kitchen and the living room, were two guys standing. But Amanda had only eyes for the dark-haired blue-eyed man.

She wanted to run to him, kiss him and hug him in a way to convey that she missed him terribly despite the fact that it was only less than twenty-four hours since they saw each other. But did she have the right?

Did she have the right to casually claim him in front of other people after the way she left their conversation yesterday?

They were not boyfriend-girlfriend here, they were ex-lovers.

And that fact was solidified by the sudden mounting of tension inside the room. She saw Alex hesitated for a moment before following Gabriel towards them. Rosalyn shot her a look but Amanda ignored her. She was busy formulating scenarios inside her head on how this sticky situation would turn out and at the same time admiring Alex in his black pants and black long-sleeved shirt, his two buttons undone. Ugh, how could the man make wearing all-black look sexy?

Except she didn't have to think of ways on how to proceed to greet Alex as she heard a groan beside her and Amanda swivelled her head towards her bestfriend who now had a sour expression on her face.

"Ugh! Why are you here?"

"Hello to you too Rosie," Gabriel drawled walking straight towards Rosalyn and dropping an arm around her shoulder which the latter quickly removed.

Amanda's brows rose at the scene in front of her. She watched in fascination as Gabriel just smirked and laughed, not at all concerned by the daggers her friend was shooting at him. What was happening right now with her friends? Did she miss something or what?

"What? Your boyfriend will get mad? Where is Lance by the way? He's too busy again to accompany you?"

Amanda's jaw dropped. Oh, he did not just go there.

"You know what?" Rosalyn angrily jabbed a finger on Gabriel's chest. "Screw you."

And with that, her friend walked out of the kitchen leaving Amanda behind. She was shell-shocked at the suddenness of what just happened to even call her friend back. She swivelled her head towards the culprit.

"Why did you do that?" She reprimanded Gabriel, narrowing her eyes at him.

"What?" The man asked in confusion. "I didn't do anything."

Amanda rolled her eyes at him. Goodness, are all men clueless?

"Rosie and her boyfriend just broke up." She didn't dare mention about the fact that her friend was sort of dumped. No way would she do that to her bestfriend.

"Shit," Gabriel cursed out loud.

Yeah, shit alright as Amanda watched him walked out the kitchen without any preamble, going into the direction her friend disappeared to.

"Well, that was something else," whispered the voice beside her.

"Yeah," Amanda nodded.

What was that about?

For a moment silence descended in the kitchen.

And then the chattering from the celebration outside permeated through the open window and she couldn't ignore it anymore. Breathing in deeply, it was now time to face her man-problem also. So Amanda faced the man sitting beside her on the stool, elbows propped on the table, indecipherable eyes locked on hers.



And for the life of her, Amanda didn't know what to say next.



Okay, this was awkward for her. She saw Alex looking at her expectantly.


"So, you like brandy?"


Okay, she really needed to get a grip on herself; Amanda told herself as she saw Alex reached out and grabbed the bottle of alcohol she got earlier.

"Oh that," Amanda exhaled and then shrugged. "Well, it's the one I saw on my sister's stash and Rosalyn looked like she needed a stiff drink earlier so I got it," she said by way of explanation.

For the life of her, she couldn't even tell the difference between the various hard liquors except that they taste awful and leave a fiery path down her throat to her stomach.

"Ah," Alex murmured. "This one's good," he said after inspecting the label.

"You want a glass?"

Alex looked at her and then shook his head, "No, but thank you."

"Okay...umm you want some food?" She then offered as a distraction.

The man really knew how to stare like it was his job as Amanda could feel the heat crawling up her face the longer his eyes were intently focused on her. She fought the urge to tuck a strand of loose hair behind her ear.

Without waiting for his reply, she stood up and got to her feet. "I'll get you something to eat then." And she fled the room.

But Alex was also on his feet already and followed her. It was too late for Amanda to tell him to wait for her in the kitchen when they already crossed the back door towards the ongoing party and the couple of people loitering on the back patio stared at them.

Amanda froze and Alex almost collided with her. She felt his hand slid on her lower back and even though she liked it and wanted to melt in any other circumstances, right now she wanted to curse him. She didn't like the attention they were getting at.

Why can't people be subtle when they're intrigue? Ugh. It's not even the first time she and Alex went out together now. Taking a deep breath, Amanda straightened her spine. People can look all they want, she reminded herself. But she was done worrying with gossips about her. She was better than that.

You're stronger now, Amanda told herself repeatedly. But ugh, sometimes, it was better said than done.

She looked at Alex.

"Is this the surprise you were talking about?" Amanda hissed at the man besides her. She looked around at the celebration happening and yup, it seemed like all eyes were upon them.

"What?" A crease appeared on Alex's forehead as he concentrated on her. Then his eyes widened in understanding as he looked around. "No, this is definitely not it," he whispered.

She narrowed her eyes at him and then she remembered something. "No offense, but why are you here?"

She watched as Alex dramatically placed his hand against his chest. "I'm definitely offended sweetheart. I'm friends with Tom you know."

"Oh, I don't know that."

"It's because -" Alex started but Amanda wasn't able to hear the rest of his sentence as she suddenly grabbed his hand when a figure she was so familiar with was coming their way.

Oh God.

Her mom was coming towards them and Laura had disdain written all over her face. This was not good.

How could she forget that her mom was also here?

Amanda closed her eyes briefly and said a silent prayer. This day was definitely going to end in a disaster. She winced.

And her sister Tasha would definitely be pissed at her. Goodbye peaceful celebration.

Amanda braced herself. From the corner of her eyes, she saw Tasha also coming their way, ready to intervene by the way her sister gave her an anxious look. Bless her sister for that but she had a feeling this was not going to end well.




Amanda didn't know what to do as Laura neared them. Her brows furrowed in confusion as she watched her mom, her heart pounding for some vague reason. She knew her mom wasn't really tickled pink with the prospect of her and Alex getting back together but she could not comprehend why Laura had such irritation written all over her features. And she was not the only one who noticed as she felt Alex stiffened beside her. She could almost taste the heightening tension in the room.

Was her mom really opposed with Alex? Uneasiness started crawling up her spine.

Her nerves were on edge and Amanda wanted to flee. She could almost taste the sourness of nausea threatening to come up. But Amanda couldn't move, like her feet were frozen on the spot. God, she really hated the attention they were garnering now, but guess what? Life was really throwing her lemons right now, forcing her to face the things she thought she could run away from.

So she sucked a deep breath and squeezed Alex hand and immediately felt his response. The loud chattering on the background became murmuring but Amanda's awareness of the man besides her only heightened, she could feel the warmth emanating from him and suddenly, it didn't feel so scary anymore being exposed like this in front of others.

She was not alone.

And that thought centered her.

Yeah, people will talk no matter what and she couldn't do anything about it. But she could control her reaction, her response and perception of the whole situation - that's what atleast she had learned from the four months of travels she did to sort of find herself.

Plastering a smile on her face, Amanda started to greet her mother when she stood before them, there at the open back patio of her sister. "Mom..."

Except Laura wasn't having any of it. "Amanda, what are you doing?" She hissed, pointedly looking at her and Alex's entwined hands.

She blinked at her. "What do you mean?"

"Why are you parading around town with this good-for-nothing boy and now you brought him here?" Her mother demanded, voice rising. "Don't you learn your lesson already?"

"What...?" Amanda sputtered. She couldn't believe the words coming out her mother right now. "What are you talking about?"

Laura sighed exasperatedly at her. "I only allowed you to have a boyfriend in high school because I knew you two were going to break up anyway. It wasn't even serious. And I was right."

Was that gloating she could hear on her mom's voice?

"Have you forgotten already how much you cried when he left town and that rumoured that stained our family? He left you before, what's stopping him from doing it again to you?"

Amanda was speechless.

The string of white lights Tom hung yesterday for the party made sure they were being seen by everyone right now. There was no hiding - no hiding the way her composure broke down as she felt like being slapped by her mother right now. Maybe it was better being literally slapped than having the pain from the past thrown right on her face. Amanda felt the sting all the same as her heart ached, her throat closing up with the onslaught of emotions.

From the corner of her eyes, she noticed Tasha coming up besides them. "Mom, maybe we should do this inside."

"It's not like the whole town doesn't know already," her mom replied thick with derision.

But Amanda only stared, the back of her eyes heating up.

Was this really her mom now talking to them?

She slowly shook her head, not wanting to believe the caring mother she once knew now full of bitterness. She could not even recognize her now in a severe bun and a conservative black dress. She had not really paid attention to it earlier. God, what's happening right now?

"No disrespect ma'am, but what's happening between Amanda and I are our own business," Alex interjected, his voice grave, now standing so close to her.

"Well, I'm her mother so I'm making it my business young man. Why are you even here? Your family and your drunkard of an uncle left town already. Are you here to seduce my daughter and later cheat on her again?"

"Mom!" Amanda exclaimed at the same time she heard her sister's gasp on the side.

"What? A cheater is always a cheater Amanda, best to remember that."

"Mom, for crying out loud, Alex is not like dad."

"They're all the same Amanda. They'll cheat on you, ask for forgiveness and do it all over again."

"Maybe...maybe not, but atleast I got out the first time. I've got enough self-respect to not let a man walk all over me. And Alex didn't cheat on me. We had a huge misunderstanding and we are trying to clear that out now. And he's making an effort unlike dad. He's not even here for his granddaughter's christening."

"Amanda, are you saying that I'd let your dad walked all over me? How could you say that to your mother?"

"Mom, I'm sorry," she exhaled. "I love you alright but I'm old now to make my own decision. Can you trust me on this?"

"Just don't come back crying that he broke your heart."

Okay, that's it. Amanda's patience with her mom was snapping off. "Okay, what is your problem with Alex?"

"He's not good enough for you. What's he even doing here in Countryside, doing construction? I saw him hauling cement sacks outside the hardware store the other day."

"Ma'am for your info -" Alex started but Amanda squeezed his hand. He looked at her questioningly but she just shook her head.

This was between her and her mother. Alex didn't need to defend and justify himself to Laura. He didn't do anything wrong. In fact, right now, she was ashamed with her mother's treatment towards him. Alex did not deserve it.

Amanda shot him an apologetic look before she faced her mom with a hardened face. "Alex is a good man and he'd done his service for this country. Mom, if you can't see that, then that's your problem. And honestly, if he ended up being a construction worker, then so be it. It does not bother me at all. It's an honest job."

"I only want what's best for you," Laura affirmed, placing her hands on her hips.

"Is that why you kept Alex's letter from me? The one he dropped during my high school graduation?" It was only a hunch on Amanda's part but by the way her mom's eyes widened like a deer caught in a headlight, the answer couldn't be more obvious.

Amanda closed her eyes briefly, the fight left out her body. Was this how narrow-minded her mom became?

"You know what mom...maybe you should first deal with your issue with dad and stop projecting what happened between the two of you to us. We're not the same. I'm not you and Alex is not like dad," she breathed out. "We are...we're getting out of here. I'm sorry for making a scene Tash."

She gave a rueful sad smile to her sister before she turned away; not waiting for her mother's parting words. She needed to get out of there before she does something she would regret later.

But Alex's gripped on her hand prevented her from leaving so soon. She glanced at him questioningly.

He gave her a small reassuring smile before he faced her mother.

Amanda was conflicted. She wanted to pull Alex away already, to run away as far as possible from there but as she saw the determination on his hardened face, she told herself to hold it in together. She could do it, just a few more minutes Mandy, she reminded herself. Just a few more minutes and you can allow yourself to fall apart.

And so she concentrated on Alex. Looking at his side profile now as he stood taller and bigger besides her, she couldn't help but think how strong of a man he became. He could not even properly faced her parents before in high school but right now as he stood before her, radiating confidence and ready to defend her, she couldn't help but feel proud.

So Amanda watched Alex with a look of intensity on his handsome face, his voice full of conviction as he told her mom, "I just wanted to let you know that I also only want what's best for Amanda...and I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I don't measure up to your standard of what kind of a man you thought your daughter should be with."

No! Don't say that. Amanda opened her mouth to say those exact words out loud but Alex continued, looking straight at her mother without even flinching at the daggers Laura was now throwing his way.

"Maybe you're right, maybe not," he shrugged. "But know that she's my priority right now and whatever happened to our past, I'm already grovelling and begging for her forgiveness. And I respect you as her mother but Amanda's happiness will always be my priority."


Amanda stared at the man in front of her, her mouth agape as she tried to right her equilibrium that Alex just shook with his declaration.

She blinked her eyes but before she could compose herself, Alex tugged her hand as he led her away from her mother and the turmoil they created.

The sleepy town of Countryside and its nosy people really got a stirring and more.




Amanda was exhausted and she was not okay.

It felt like there was this massive brick on her chest and everytime she breathed, it got heavier and heavier. She was struggling to keep air in her lungs and her eyes were feeling heavy also. They were still damp, fresh tears still trailing down her face even though weariness was starting to take over her body.

God, why did it feel like she just lost her mom? Why did it feel like she just lost her childhood?

A choking sound escaped her lips and she couldn't help it, a sob rocked her body and Amanda fisted her hand against her mouth to keep from crying out loud. How many times already? How many times more should she feel this pain like she was being cut in half?

But she felt those strong arms once again holding her close and the pain became bearable.

"I'm sorry."

Amanda sniffed against Alex's now soaked shirt. "It's not your fault."

"I shouldn't have attended the party... It's just that Tom invited me yesterday and wouldn't accept no as an answer."

"It's okay."

Amanda closed her eyes and leaned against his hard chest, grateful for the silence surrounding them inside Alex's truck.

Maybe they could stay like this forever, her thought as Alex started moving his palm against her back in a soothing manner. Or maybe they should leave and escape this nosy town.




"I feel awful. No man should ever stand between a daughter and a mother."

"No mother should stand in between her daughter's happiness."




"What was that about the rumour she was talking earlier?"

"You don't want to know."




"Mandy, if it had something to do with me, then I want to know. What was the rumour about? Please..."

Amanda slowly opened her eyes. Her tears were finally gone but now she felt sleepy. She burrowed herself further into Alex's embrace. It was comfortable. It was safe.

"You just have to disturb our peace and quiet, do you?" She complained her voice now hoarse from crying.

Alex brushed strands of her hair away from her face and kissed her forehead. "I just want to know," he murmured.

"Don't say that I didn't warn you."


Amanda inhaled deeply.

"That I was pregnant."


Author's Note:
Okay, this is maybe the longest chapter I wrote for this story and it took me two weeks to write this. I thought of cutting it in half...but in the end, I didn't.
I don't know if I conveyed well what I wanted to happen in this chapter but I'll try to edit this when I have time.
There's maybe 2 or 3 chapters more before this story ends.
Keep safe everyone.

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