๐‚๐€๐‘๐„๐๐„๐€๐‘!, sam evans.

By --ghosthunt

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in which ... More

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451 29 22
By --ghosthunt



𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐎𝐅 𝐋𝐈𝐋𝐘'𝐒 𝐒𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑. That was the first thought that Lily had that morning as she was startled awake by her obnoxious alarm clock. Slamming it off, Lily did what was between a mix of a groan and a yawn as she rolled over tiredly, and sat up, rubbing her bleary eyes. Standing up she begrudgingly made her way to the bathroom to pee.

After finishing she made her way over to the sink to wash her hands. Looking into the mirror she took in her appearance: dishevelled hair, blemishes she hadn't had the chance to cover yet and a sad look that she hadn't had time to hide away yet.

After fixing up her hair a little and playing on her phone the fifteen year old made her way to the kitchen where she was left with a note from her mother.

Good Morning, Lily, it read, Dr. Stevens called me in for an emergency shift, so sorry I can't be there for your first day of sophomore year! You'll do great, sweetie. There's some lunch money on the table, good luck.

Love, Mom.

Lily sighed once she finished reading the letter, she couldn't say she was surprised. Ever since her father had passed away, Nora had been picking up shifts at the hospital left and right, just wanting a distraction. And while Lily understood why Nora was hardly ever home, as everywhere you looked there was memory of the late John Matthews, she still needed her mom.

 Losing her father had been one of the hardest experiences Lily had gone through and a lot of the time all she needed was a hug from her mom and for her to tell her that it was going to be okay. But ever since Nora had returned to work and Lily had returned to school post John's passing, it was like the woman didn't want to be anywhere near the house or her daughter, and sometimes there were days where it felt like Lily had lost both her mother and her father.

Shaking those thoughts out of her head, Lily made her way to the fridge to grab the milk so she could make herself some cereal.

After she finished eating and had cleaned all her dishes up she made her way back up to her room so she could pick out an outfit. Lily had never enjoyed picking outfits, due to her indecisiveness it was almost impossible to pick out an outfit by herself, she had failed anytime she tried. This morning she had chosen Tina Cohen-Chang as her stylist, after texting her photos of the outfits she had planned out she waited patiently for the asian girl to make a decision as she went to brush her teeth in the bathroom.

After finishing brushing her teeth and putting some light makeup on to see what Tina had decided, only to also find a message from her saying that her and Mike would pick her up.

Once she had finally finished getting ready for the day, she made her way down the stairs, grabbing her keys and lunch money before heading outside and locking her font door behind her, just as Mike Chang pulled up to her house.

"Hey, guys!" She greeted in a cheerful tone that sounded fake even to her own ears, though nobody ever noticed it was fake, as she climbed into the backseat.

"Hey. I see you went with my advice on the purple top." Tina remarked with a smile after she took in Lily's outfit.

Lily laughed as she remembered Tina's text message: 

u cant wear purple...it makes ur skin look kind of yellowy :/

is what Tina had written when Lily had sent her a picture of a purple t-shirt and black jeans.

The trio carried on conversing about the year ahead of them and what they had done all summer as they carried on the drive to McKinley High.

Lily had been walking down the hallway, on her way to her first class when she was cornered by Jacob Ben-Israel who was doing a blog post on what he liked to call 'Glee's Big Gay Summer'.

"How do you respond to the rumours that say you were out of school for two months last year because you got pregnant and had an abortion?" Th Jewish boy asked as he shoved a microphone into the girls face who tried her best to keep a smile on her face, though it quickly fell once sh heard JBI's question.

Lily hated the anybody brought up anything that had to do with her dad or his death or why she missed so much school after he died, she didn't like talking about feelings and stuff, she'd much rather deal with it on her own, she especially hated it when people made comments like this when the whole school already knew that her dad died as it was all anybody kept whispering about when she had finally come back to school last year.

 With a roll of her eyes Lily pushed the microphone out of her face and stomped off to her first class, ignoring JBI's shouts after her.

Making her way to her English classroom she slammed the door shut behind her, causing JBI to run into it, the whole class laughed once they saw JBI's face smushed against the door's little window.

Mrs. Beckman, Lily's English teacher signalled for Lily to take her seat as she made her over to the door with a roll of her eyes.

Mrs. Beckman opened the door just as Lily had taken a seat in the second row, next to Becky Jackson, once the English teacher had opened the door Jacob Ben-Israel had fallen face first to the floor as he had still been smushed against it.

"Jacob." the English teacher called sternly, "Go to class. Now."

The jewish sophomore quickly got up and rushed down the hallway, his camera guy following after him, just as Miss Pillsbury had approached the doorway.

Lily began doodling in her notebook boredly as the two faculty members kept on talking in hushed whispers.

"Lily, go with Miss Pillsbury." Mrs. Beckman ordered at the confused girl who slowly closed her notebook and packed her things up once agin, following the red head out of the class.

"Good Morning, Lily." Miss Pillsbury greed with an overly cheerful smile, which Lily tried her best to return. "Um, so we have a new student. I was thinking maybe you could show him around a little, teach him the ropes of the school a little."

"Yeah, sure thing." Lily quickly agreed as the pair arrived at the counsellor's office, where Lily could see a blonde boy nervously bouncing his leg.

Miss Pillsbury quickly led the girl into her office as the boy turned around.

"Hi, I'm Lily." The dark haired girl introduced with a comforting smile.

"Uh, I'm Sam." He said. Lily had to admit he was cute, he had large lips, but they were sort of...endearing? And his light, light blonde hair ( which was definitely not natural if you asked Lily!! ).

"Do you like green eggs and ham, Sam I am?" Lily questioned with a laugh which Sam quickly returned.

"Great." Emma Pillsbury remarked with a clap of her hands, "You guys are getting along already. Um, Lily how about you start the tour now, since you have glee right after first period?" 

"Oh, yeah, definitely." Lily said sending Miss Pillsbury a quick nod as she walked out of the room, Sam following behind her.

"So, what brings you to Lima, Sam?" Lily questioned as she led him to the courtyard, which she thought was the best place to begin the tour.

"Uh, my dad got a job out here." He informed the girl, "Pretty lame reason, I know, it would've been cooler if I had moved out here, 'cause like my house got invaded by the Na'vi from Avatar or something."

"I love Avatar. I saw it like nine times." Lily said with a chuckle.

"Damnit. I only saw it six!" He groaned as the two began laughing at how nerdy they were.

"Anyway, um this is the courtyard. Nothing much happens here, um sometimes we put on impromptu performances out here in glee club. Um, and people eat out here and stuff but like, that's about it." Lily shrugged, as they continued their trek to the door to the stairs.

"Glee club?" Sam questioned curiously, "Didn't peg you for the singing kind."

"You've literally known me for all of five minutes." Lily said through a laugh as she led Sam back into the school, pointing out the gym and the cafeteria and all the different classes on the way.

Once the bell had rung Lily made sure to introduce Sam to all the cliques of McKinley High.

Pointing over to where a group of cheerio's stood, she sent Brittany and Santana a quick smile before turning back to Sam.

"Those are the cheerleader's. They are the most popular people at school." 

"Then how come you smiled at two of them? Are you popular?" Sam questioned quickly and curiously, earning a laugh from Lily.

"Uh, no, I'm in glee with the two girls I smiled at. And I guess I'm sort of friends with them." She explained with a small shrug before turning her attention over to where Karofsky and Azimio stood, "Those are the football players, most of them are assholes. Oh, and if you get on their bad side or join glee you will definitely get slushied."

"Slushied? Like, a slushy?" Sam questioned confusedly as he tried to piece together what she meant.

"Oh, um they'll throw a slushy in your face. It sucks, trust me." Lily said with a small shiver as she remembered all the times she had been slushied by them, "This is your classroom, you have Mr. Turner for math's. He's alright, he gets a little distracted sometimes, though, but you'll be fine."

"Thanks, Lily." Sam said with a grateful smile a he took his schedule from the girls hand.

"No problem." Lily said as the two stared at eachother a second more, before being interrupted by Santana.

"Come on, we've got glee." Santana said, sending Sam a flirty smile before pulling Lily away from him, "Who was that?"

"Oh, um, Sam Evans. He's new." Lily explained as Santana finally released her tight grip on the younger girls forearm.

"He's cute. His lips are a little too big, but cute." Santana explained as Brittany nodded along, agreeing with the Hispanic girl.

"Um, yeah, I-I guess." Lily said, attempting to play off the attraction she held for the blonde boy, knowing that the ruthless cheerleader would use it against her, unfortunately for her though, Santana had seen right through her little act.

"Oh, my god. You totally like him." She remarked excitedly as the three arrived in the choir room.

"What? I- I don't like him. I mean, I just met him, I-"

"You're an awful liar, Lily." Santana cut the girl off.

"Yeah, even Lord Tubbington is a better liar than you." Brittany said, earning some starnge looks from her fellow glee clubbers as the three girls took their seats.

Before the girls could argue any further over if Lily liked Sam or not, though, Mr. Schuester walked in with a paper in his hands.

"These are comments from Jacob Ben-Israel's most recent Glee Club blog. 'Glee is a giant ball of suck.'" The man read off as Lily tried to think of what relevance JBI's comment section had to do with anything right now.

"We get it, Mr. Shue. Everyone still hates us. So what? So we're plankton on the high school food chain? Only difference now is that none of us really care." Kurt spoke up in his usual soft tone.

"Kurt's right. We're a family. They can bring it all they want. None of it is going to break us."

"Okay, I'm really happy that you guys have all bonded. The problem is that all of this negative stuff is keeping other students from auditioning." Mr. Schuester explained.

"Good. Why do we need new members?" Tina questioned. She loved the group that they had now, she didn't need anybody new coming in and messing it all up.

"Well, since Matt transferred, we have 12 members, and if we want to go to Nationals, if we want to beat Vocal Adrenaline, we have to go from a small rebel force to a giant wall of sound."

"Did Matt transfer? Or did he die?" Lily whispered to Santana who turned to look at the girl confusedly, "I just mean," She sighed, "First of all: Who transfers for no reason? Second of all: Where did he even transfer to? And third of all: Why haven't any of us heard from him all summer?"

"What are you talking about? I was texting him this morning-" Mike began as he listened in on Lily's theory, though he was quickly cut off by Lily.

"Not now, Chang. We're trying to solve a murder mystery here."

"Murder mystery?" Tina remarked as she also turned to face the pair.

"She thinks Matt's dead." Mike explained to his girlfriend with a small chuckle.

"Honestly, he could be. I mean, where did he even go?" Tina asked curiously as her and Lily started talking more theories.

"He's in Florida-" Mike began, though he was quickly cut off again, this time by Lily, Tina and Santana.

"Not now, Chang!" the three girls yelled at him simultaneously, causing the asian dancer to pout as he turned back around in his seat an let the girls have their conspiracy theory session.

"Maybe he got run over by a tractor." Brittany suggested as she also joined in on the conversation.

"Girls!" Mr. Schuester snapped, finally earning all the conspiracy theorists attention, "Here's the plan. Nationals are in New York this year, and we are going. Now let's go out there and show the school how cool it's going to be, how cool we can be. If they're not going to come to us, let's go to them. They say we only sing show tunes and '80s pop. Let's show them how down we are. Let's give them the song of the year, New Directions! style."

All the glee girls were getting ready for their performance the bathroom.

"So, who's this Sam dude that Santana keeps saying you like?" Tina  questioned as she placed herself in front of the mirror next to Lily and began fixing her eyeliner.

"Oh, God." Lily groaned, "He's nobody. I just showed him around school today and now Santana thinks I'm in love with him or something. I mean he's cute and all, but I met him like an hour ago, so that's a no."

"Point him out to me next time you see him. I've got to take sure he's right for my little Loopy Lily." Tina said in baby voice as she pinched the girls cheeks, who was currently laughing at the nickname Tina had come up with for the girl in their freshman year.

"I hate you, Tina Cohen-Crazy."

The New Directions performance of 'New York State of Mind' had been a total bust, aside from a couple of people ( one of them being Sam Evans!!! ) nodding their head or lip syncing the words, the New Directions had received no reaction at all, Lily had expected to at least receive a couple of boo's from the football players, but not even that, it was like they were totally invisible.

When Lily arrived home that afternoon, courtesy of Kurt who had offered to drive her home, she collapsed on her couch, the house was empty as usual. Kicking her converse off she opened her phone ad read some of her text messages;

From: Tina Cohen-Crazy <3;

heeeeyy, lily. i saw that sam guy in the courtyard today when we were performing, santana was right he's cute!!!! ( don't tell mike i said that though)!

From: Mom :)

Hey, sweetie. I'm going to be working late tonight, the E.R is packed!! There's some pasta and pesto sauce in the fridge, just heat it up in the microwave! How was school? Hope it was good, maybe I'll see you later! Don't forget to text your Aunt Noelle happy birthday! Love you, honey. Mom<3

From: Noah Puckerman :/

hey, lily. u looked totally hot today when we were performing, what are u up to tonight ;)?

Lily rolled her eyes at Puck's message and ignored him before she answered her mother. Sighing, Lily got up from the couch and made her way to her bedroom, changing into her pyjamas and removing her make-up as she examined her face in the mirror. She hated the way she looked, her chubby baby cheeks and her small eyes that always squinted together when she smiled or she laughed and her eye bags she had received after so many sleepless nights spent crying and begging for her father to come back.

Washing the excess make-up off with water she rid her head of those thoughts, knowing that if she carried on she'd end up feeling shittier than usual about herself, and that always sucked.

Lily hated being home alone, the endless silence that left her alone with her thoughts, which she never wanted to be, attempting to rid herself of the never ending quietness she decided to call somebody. Choosing who to call, Lily was debating between calling Tina or Brittany, Tina would probably be with Mike, though and she didn't want to interrupt them so she decided to call Brittany, she always had something interesting to say.

Lily listened to the phone ring a few times as she poured herself a glass of apple juice before hearing Brittany's frustrated voice.

"Hi, Lily." Brittany answered before sighing frustratedly, Lily could hear Brittany scratching something dow with a pencil so she assumed the blonde must be doing homework.

"Hey, you doing homework?" Lily questioned curiously as she put the apple juice carton back in the fridge, getting a kit kat out at the same time.

"Yeah, but I don't understand anything. It's like it's in Chinese or something. Lord Tubbington knows Chinese maybe I should ask him if he understands it." Brittany said absentmindedly as she began stroking her cats fur.

Lily laughed at the blonde's comment, almost choking on her apple juice, though she quickly gained her composure and waved off Brittany worried remarks.

"What are you working on?" Lily asked as Brittany and her began working on the Cheerio's biology homework, it wasn't what Lily was planning to do that evening but it was better than being left alone with her stupid brain and her stupid thoughts.

a note!

hey y'all 

sorry i haven't updated anything in a month or whatever, i suck :(

but anyways im working on a lot of new fics rn and trying to update some of my already published ones, so hopefully soon

ugh im super sick and i literally feel so dead anyway

see ya

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