Surviving Cancer

By darlingberational

1.2M 23.7K 4K

Macin Cole was diagnosed with leukemia when she was eight years old. After fighting a three year long battle... More

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Wednesday, September 13
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Wednesday, December 13
Tuesday, December 19
Wednesday, December 20
Thursday, December 21 & Saturday, December 23
Sunday, December 24
Friday, December 29
Sunday, December 31
Thursday, January 4
Thursday, January 4 & Monday, January 8
Thursday, January 11 & Saturday, January 13
Saturday, January 13 Cont'd & Sunday, January 14
Monday, January 15
Wednesday, January 17 & Thursday, January 18
Thursday, January 18 Cont'd
Friday, January 19
Friday, January 19 Cont'd
Monday, January 22 (Finale)
Author's Note (Sequel)

Saturday, October 14 & Tuesday, October 17

17.9K 295 19
By darlingberational


Later that night after homecoming, we were all back at our place in the basement.  We had already stripped ourselves of our fancy attire and were rocking sweats and t-shirts.  I had been a little concerned about how Emma and Jackie were going to get along.  So I was a little surprised when the three girls all cuddled up on the couch next to each other, gossiping about the dresses they saw tonight.  Greg and I however were left with Skylar and that unnerving feeling of having nothing at all to say.  Anyone could have seen how awkward it was between us.  Skylar was just standing there glancing around the room while Greg and I talked.  I looked over at the girls, feeling someone staring at me.  Maci nudged her head in the direction of Skylar.  I knew exactly what she meant.  She wanted me to include him.  But what do you say to a guy you've hated since you met him?  What was I supposed to do walk over and be like "hey I know I've been a dick but seems how you refuse to stay away from my sister like I asked let's be friends?" I think not.  I shrugged my shoulders, giving her innocent look.  She shook her head and rolled her eyes.  Even though we weren't saying anything and our gestures were so minuscule I knew she was frustrated with me.  I turned my attention back to Greg who'd been talking about I don't even know what the entire time I had my silent conversation with Maci. 

"Dude we should totally do that what do you think?" Greg asked."

"Oh yeah, definitely." I agreed even though I had know idea what I was agreeing too.

I tuned him out again as I watched Skylar walk over to Maci.  They had a short conversation before Skylar leaned down and kissed her on the lips.  I felt my muscles tighten as I watched.  The over protective brother in me wanted to go deck him one but instead I stood there and watched.  Maci smiled up at him, her brown eyes sparkling.  Skylar turned and headed up the stairs.  I turned back to Greg who was still carrying on about something.

"Hey I'll be right back." I said, cutting him off mid sentence.

I didn't wait for him to respond as I booked it up the stairs after Skylar.  My heart was beating hard as I hit the top
  step.  I took a deep breath, telling it to slow down.  There was no reason for me to be nervous.  It should be the other way around.  I turned the corner into the kitchen.  Skylar was filling up a glass of water at the sink. 

"Hey." I said, taking a slight satisfaction in the fact I made him jump.

"Oh hey." He said, glancing over his shoulder at me.

I let out a small sigh, I was doing this for Maci, not so much because I liked the guy.  And maybe it wouldn't be so bad having someone else around for Maci this time through.  If Maci thought Skylar was that guy then I shouldn't stand in her way of having someone else there for her. 

"Listen, man, I feel like we might have gotten off on the wrong foot." I said, shoving my hands into my pockets.

Skylar turned around taking a sip out of his glass.  "What do you mean?"

"I know I was sort of a dick.  But you don't understand how rough of a life Maci had.  I was just trying to protect her." I said.

Skylar nodded his head, "I understand, I have a little sister that lives with my dad.  I'll probably be the same when she gets older."

"This is different though, Maci's sick.  You can't just be there for her one day and not the next.  She's got enough to deal with."  I watched his every move, waiting for him to give me a sign that he was going to cave.

"I know and I plan on being there." Skylar said, his face nothing but serious.

I ran my hand through my hair, "It's going to get bad if it's anything like last time."  He didn't say anything.  "You break her heart and I'm going to beat the crap out of you, you know that right?"

"Yeah I know." Skylar said, his eyes dropping to the floor as he nodded. 

"Until then, I'll stop being such a dick.  We're not friends or anything but we're cool, alright?" I asked, holding my hand out.


Skylar shook my hand before we both went back downstairs.  When we were back into the basement, Maci was watching me closely.  Her eyes darted back and forth between Skylar and I.  She cocked her head and I shrugged my shoulders.  I walked over to Greg, who instantly started talking again completely oblivious to everything.  Skylar sat down on the couch next to Maci wrapping his arm around her shoulders.  I knew what she was asking him as she leaned in closer before he whispered back into her ear.  She looked over at me, a smile spread across her face as she mouthed the words 'thank you'.  I nodded my head, a smile tugging at the corners of my mouth.  I loved seeing Maci happy and knowing that I did something to make her happy always, no matter what, made me smile.  I loved my sister more than anything and if Skylar was what she wanted then I'd back off.  Well a little.

I hopped out of the car Monday morning and swung my bag up on my shoulder.  I waited for Levi as he gathered his things before we headed into school.  I hooked my arm through his and rested my head against his arm as we walked. 

"You okay?" He asked, squeezing my hand.

"Yeah." I was silent for a minute before I continued. "Thank you again for talking to Skylar."

I was still in shock that Levi had apologized or whatever he had said.  I knew he still didn't really like Skylar but I loved him for trying to for me. 

"Of course Maci, I just want you happy." He said.

He pulled the door open to the school for me.  The warm air welcomed us as it sent goose bumps across my skin.  Michigan was cooling off quick, the days were getting shorter, and the leaves had alreadyz falling from the trees.  It had happened so fast and with everything that had happened I hadn't taken the time to really enjoy the colors.  Now we were left with bare trees and brown grass. 

"Hey Levi?" I asked as we walked down the hallways together.  There were only a few other students around.

"Huh?" He mumbled.

"You do know that no one's going to replace you right?  Just because I'm dating Skylar doesn't mean that he'll ever come close to you."

I looked up at him while we walked.  I could tell he was mulling my words over in his head.  He finally turned his head, his brown eyes locking with mine. 

"I love you Maci." He said.

I wrapped my arms around him, burying my head into his chest.  I felt him place his head on top of my head, squeezing me tighter.  I wanted to stay like this in the safety of my brother's arms.  Where nothing could touch me because Levi would never let it.  If only real life worked that way.  We finally pulled apart after a minute, a smile playing at the corners of my mouth.

"I love you too Levi." I leaned up and gave him a kiss on the cheek before we started walking again. 

As we neared our lockers, I saw Skylar leaning against it.  I glanced at Levi, who gave me a small shoulder shrug and dropped my hand.  I smiled at him before walking straight into Skylar's arms. 

"Good morning baby." He said, his cologne filling my nose.  "Levi."

"Hey." Levi said, doing that guy head nod thing that means 'we're cool'.

"Hi, how are you?" I asked, letting Skylar slide my bag off my shoulder.

He set it down on the floor in front of my locker, wrapping his arms around me again and letting them rest on the small of my back. 

"I'm good now.  How are you?" 

I looked up into his bright blue eyes, watching as they danced between mine.  "I'm good, really good."

"Yeah?" He asked, leaning a little closer to me.

"Yeah." I nodded my head ever so slightly before I pushed myself up on my toes and closed the distance between us. 

When we parted I put my things in my locker and kicked it shut. 

"I'll see you later Levi?" I asked as Skylar wrapped his arm around me.

He nodded his head, closing his locker too.  "Yeah, love you."

"Love you too." I stepped away from Skylar for a moment to kiss Levi on the cheek before I snuggled myself back into his arms. 

We started down the hallway before Skylar started talking again.

"So how are you really?" Skylar asked.

"I'm okay." I said quietly.  I knew people were just making sure that I was fine but I hated when they asked me all the time.  I didn't want to have to think about it every second of every day.  I'd have to soon enough.  For now while I still felt okay I wanted to not have to be questioned every second.  "I have treatment tomorrow, would you want to go with me?"

I knew he wouldn't be able to go into the actual treatment with me but it'd still be nice to know that he was sitting outside in the lobby waiting for me when I got out. 

"Oh, well I would but.." He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. "The guys and I have practice tomorrow night." Skylar muttered.  "Next time though I will."

"Alright that's fine." I said nodding my head.

I knew, even though Skylar didn't say, that he didn't want to come.  It wasn't that there was band practice so much, they never practiced till later anyway, I think it was more of just being an a hospital that was making his skin crawl.  We had never really went in depth into his depression and attempted suicide but one could only imagine he had spent a decent amount of time in the confines of a hospital room.  So had I, but maybe Levi and I had grown accustomed to hospitals because I had no choice.  I was sick and at some points I was even close to dying.  I had to be in the hospital.  Skylar on the other hand had made a conscious decision to hurt himself.  Our views on hospitals could be completely different. The hospital was there to keep me alive and the hospital was there to prevent him from dying.

Skylar and I walked into Ms. Chilson's room hand in hand and took our seats.  Once I sat I turned toward Skylar finishing our conversation about guitars.  It was nice having someone that understood a deep love for music.  How it can carry all of your worries and fears away as soon as you pick up an instrument.  Music had been a big reason as to why I made it through my cancer last time and I had no doubt it would once again be my release.  Just as it had been for Skylar. 

"I really want one of those Gibson electric guitars." Skylar said, "They're expensive though even if they're beat up."

"Maci, good you're here." Ms. Chilson said as she walked in, in a perfectly tailored suit.  "Can you come into my office?"

I looked at Skylar, his face just as puzzled as mine.  I stood up though and followed her into her office.  "Did I do something wrong?"

"Quite the opposite.  I've read your essay multiple times, I've also had the principal and a few other faculty members read it." She said, shuffling through papers.  All I could think about was how many people now knew my secret after I had specifically told her not to tell anyone. "The reason I did this is because it's quite the story and I feel as though it should be shared."

"But it's not your story to share." I mumbled.  I felt as though all the blood was rushing from my body. 

"I know and I don't want to share it.  I want you to share it."  Ms. Chilson looked up at me smiling.  I however felt like it was no time to smile.  "I'm thinking maybe at the next assembly or maybe we could gather the English classes for each year together.  You'd only have to read it four times."

I had a million emotions running through my mind.  First, how dare she.  Second, I felt nauseas.  Third, panicked.  The list went on.  I had to be dreaming, there was no way I was even stupid enough in the first place to hand in an entire essay about having cancer.  Oh but I had.  And now that essay was completely inaccurate.  The entire last portion of my essay was how I had won.  I hadn't won; I had only fought the cancer back long enough to buy a little more time.  But now it was standing on my doorstep, pounding down the door to collect its dues.

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