Undying Love ( Yandere x Read...

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[ Yandere! Prince! x Female Reader! Fortune Teller! ] Prince Bastiaan is the only heir to the throne. He exce... Más

the three of swords.
the hierophant.
the high priestess.
the star.
the hermit.
the chariot.
the sun.
the six of cups.
the tower.
the wheel of fortune.
the moon.
the eight of cups.
the ten of wands.
the four of pentacles.
the world.
the magician.

the five of swords.

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                  This chapter contains moderately sexual scenes. Viewer discretion is advised.

                    "So, my boy, how has your father been?" An older man speaks out, sitting at the head of a grand chestnut table, decorated with a red cloth running perfectly straight from top to bottom. Sat in the dining hall, Bastiaan feels his boredom seep into his soul, inclining his eyes to wander. Looking at the large window panes, he feels the morning sun caress his skin, like a mother's touch.

                  "He has been quite alright," He responds curtly, fingers drumming lightly on the table, not loud enough to make a sound capable of being heard from the opposite end of the room, where the King of Itreseon sat next to his daughter, Princess Stella Hansen.

                  "That's great news. I apologise that my wife was unable to attend our brunch. Things were quite short notice, and she was already scheduled to go play croquet with the other ladies of the upper class on this fine morning. What have you been up to as of late?" The King asks, his voice welcoming and somewhat soothing as well. He appeared to be kind-hearted and respectful to those who respected him.

                  "Papa, why even bother asking Prince Bastiaan that? He's always up to nothing fun," Stella comments shortly after in a hushed tone, yet it was still within Bastiaan's earshot.

                  "I'd rather be a respectable young man whom my father can be proud of," Bastiaan responds in a firm tone, causing Stella to sink within her seat, as if trying to hide away from Bastiaan's glares.

                  "Now, now. Why is it that you two must always argue in some type of way, no matter whose company you are in?" Her father intervenes, raising his hand as if signalling the two to halt the urge to spite one another.

                  "I think it's sexual tension, papa," Stella states confidently.

                  "It's nothing of the sort," Bastiaan insists immediately, eyes widening with embarrassment from the fact she would dare speak such things in front of her own father.

                  Not particularly taken aback, the king simply waves his hand and decides to try his best to at least ease up the atmosphere a little bit, "Now, now. Stella, I incline you to be on your best behaviour in the presence of Bastiaan. He is our guest and we are accommodating, so enough of your comments. Everybody is their own person. On another note, do you really expect Bastiaan to marry you with your attitude? He is looking for a lifetime companion, not a fling."

                  Stella bites her lip to suppress her anger, not being able to object to her own father's wishes. "My apologies, perhaps I stepped out of line for a brief moment," She forces out of her mouth.

                  "It is quite alright," Bastiaan responds smugly, an inevitable smirk appearing on his lips.

                  "So tell me, what have your mother and father been up to as of late?" The king asks, a small smile on his lips.

                  Stella's eyes widen as she immediately clings onto her fathers arm in a cautioning motion, "Father! Do you not remember what happened? You know better than to-"

                  "My father has been attending his royal duties and sticking his nose into my business as usual, while my mother is six feet under," Bastiaan responds plainly, his eyes wandering to the golden dish in front of him. He had not touched the food even once, despite the hunger beginning to growl in his stomach. And now having talked about his mother, his appetite was ruined.

                  "My apologies, I seem to have trouble remembering these days. Prince Bastiaan, I hope you know I have no ill intention. It was years ago but such big news, so I myself am surprised I couldn't remember. On another note, why did you come to our palace on such short notice?"

                  "I must apologise for my father's sudden actions. I didn't plan on visiting so soon, yet he insisted since I was visiting Trodour. I hope I didn't interfere with any important plans."

                  "Not at all, I was just surprised. Stella here became so excited when she heard you were coming to visit, she couldn't quite contain herself. I reckon you two have some catching up to do."

                  "We really do, Prince Bastiaan. We may have spoken briefly during your little ball in Ophnosleanade but there is still so much to talk about. The last time I've properly gotten to spend some alone time with you is several years ago when you came to one of the first parties I've ever hosted," Stella cuts in positively, a small nostalgic smile on her lips.

                  Bastiaan purses his lips, seeming not that interested as he responds: "If you insist, I believe it is only natural we converse over some tea about the events of the past. On another note, I'm quite certain that you both know the reason why am I here in the first place."

                  "Ah yes, I heard that your father was pressing you to find a wife, and my beautiful daughter may just be the one. If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to ask me," Her father speaks, a warm smile on his lips.

                  "I do, actually. Why is it that you allow your daughter to host so many parties, and have decided to make Duke Albrecht the heir to the throne of Itreseon?"

                  "I reckoned you'd be wondering about that. Well, Duke Albrecht is better suited to the throne and as a close relative, I feel quite comfortable with him being next in line. My daughter on the other hand," He coughs and looks away for a moment, "I don't feel as reassured."

                  "Not to mention, I don't really want to be Queen of Itreseon when I know Duke Albrecht has been preparing, practically since the day he was born, to become our next King. I'd rather marry you and give you my great intellect and let our countries form an unbreakable bond, Prince Bastiaan. That way I won't be a complete waste of space in the palace," Stella explains briefly.

                  "Nonsense my child, you are of great help in the palace. My young Stella here is a fine woman, even if she doesn't like to admit it. She is more intelligent than she lets on, and I believe she can be very mature when the time is right. You may think she is quite out of line at the moment, but I'm sure marriage will whip her right into shape, right into the perfect Queen to rule by your side," The king insists.

                  "Quite glad to hear it," responds gingerly, raising his fork to have a poke at the food in front of him. He noticed they were eating fairly slowly in case he were to start eating any time soon. He decided to force some sort of an appetite upon himself and proceeded to pick up a knife from the large selection of silver cutlery around his platter. He took a bite from the food, finding its gourmet taste and richness smudge his tongue beautifully, however only leaving him not all that impressed. He had quite the fine palette after all, and was naturally picky with his meals.

                  "Has my Stella been causing you any trouble?" The king inquires, earning a nervous glance from Stella as they continue to dig in as well.

                  Prince Bastiaan pauses for a moment, looking unapologetically at Stella, "I would have preferred her not to be messing with a random man on the night of my arrival, and also to not flash my eyes with her bare body, which I looked away from."

                  Stella sunk deeper into her chair, knowing that she was going to receive an earful from her father once they were both alone. In the meantime, her father replied calmly, "I apologise for my daughter's behaviour. I'll be having a talk with her later."

                  "I would hope so," He responds simply, continuing to eat his food. As time passed on, he continued to converse mainly with the King, only hearing a comment or two being uttered from Stella's mouth every other moment or so.

                  As noon soon rolled around, the King said his farewells over a cup of well brewed tea before taking his leave, abandoning Bastiaan in the large dining room with his daughter, who looked at him with a strong yet foreign emotion in her eyes, as if with great intent at something she had been plotting in her mind.

                  "What are you looking at?" He interrogates her harshly, already feeling quite annoyed by the Sun's harsh afternoon rays gleaming into his eye.

                  "You, of course! What else? You can't help but make me hope I can become your Queen," She admits, her index finger trailing around the rim of her afternoon glass of wine, the red liquid gently swirling like a whirlpool blood with each movement she made on the glass.

                  "How do I do that?"

                  "You're so mysterious and dark. I can't help but feel that way. Not to mention you're just my type, in terms of personality and looks. So mature and clean... just how I like it. Like a fine glass of wine," She says, tipping her glass in his direction for acknowledgment of him.

                  "I already know that. Is that why you want me?"

                  "I guess there are more finer details that I can get into but I'll spare you today. I know you couldn't care less what I think about you. But if you did, I'd be surprised. Nobody knows whats going on in that head of yours."

                  "Indeed, I believe I'm not that easy to read. Unlike you, of course. Your face and voice always match what you're feeling inside."

                  "I can't deny it. Don't you think I'd be a great actress?"

                  "You can do whatever you set your mind to but I really couldn't care less."

                  She crosses her arms in annoyance, there was no getting through to this guy in any sort of romantic manner. "What are you thinking about right now?"

                  "I'm just wondering what my handmaiden has been up to all morning."

                  "Why are you caring so much for a handmaiden? Don't let her overtake your thoughts now-"

                  "Don't spout such nonsense!" He scolds, his voice still calm yet having grown in volume now, and his cheeks flustered with a light pink dust showcased to her by the spotlight of the Sun.

                  She sighs, noticing a visible reaction from Bastiaan unlike usual. "I don't believe you for even a second. You never act that way around me, or even do so much as blink an eye at the mention of my name," She sighs, deciding to drop the topic as she sees his threatening glare commanding it of her due to the evident embarrassment sprouting on his cheeks.

                  "She is nothing notable, so do not take it the wrong way. I am just quite insulted you think that I would ever have an intense affection for... a handmaiden. The only notable thing about her is the fact that she is an exceptional fortune teller."

                  "Fortune teller?" Stella echoes, perking up slightly and finally fixing her posture after having been slouching in a disrespectful manner for the entirety of the morning due to the dullness of Bastiaan and the King's conversation.

                  "Indeed. I'm sure she wouldn't mind giving you a reading, if you're interested," Bastiaan offers. Stella was the type to stick to a certain provider if she truly liked their service. For example, she only has had her clothes tailored by the same boutique since she was only twelve years old, after they gave her a stunning ball gown that left everybody in her presence awestruck. If you could impress Stella, Bastiaan had not a doubt in his mind that having a princess as a faithful client to your services would certainly help your business.

                  "I'm not all that interested in fortune telling and whatever, but what's the harm in giving it a try? In fact, I want a reading right now... just to get it over with of course," Stella suggests, twirling her hair nervously as she attempts to conceal her interest for fortune telling and astrology.

                  "Very well," Bastiaan confirms, nodding his head to a butler by the door you nodded his head in return, getting the idea of what Bastiaan wanted to be done.

                  "Has she ever given you a reading, Prince Bastiaan?"

                  "Indeed she has. Even I must admit that her tarot readings in particular are incredibly accurate."

                  "She really must be quite impressive if even you are wiling to admit it. I hope your word doesn't betray me."

                  "When has it ever?"


                  Their conversation is interrupted by the sound of the main door cracking open, revealing the grand dining room to your vision. The bright light from the large windows at the back wall eradicated the room of any shadow or gloom. Your eyes stopped at Bastiaan, who was sat at the opposite end to Stella, making them quite far apart.

                  Bastiaan stands up from his seat at your arrival and walks over to you, sticking his forearm out for you to hold onto it, as though he would be the one assisting you. You became flustered, noticing the envious glares from the palace staff and especially Princess Stella herself in particular, whose eyes seemed to watch and read into your every move.

                  You hesitantly hook arms with Bastiaan as usual, wondering why he felt the need to assist you such a short distance. He leads you to the end of which Princess Stella sat at, and you both took your seats across from her.

                  Her judging eyes only left your finger to snap at Bastiaan's with admiration when he spoke.

                  "I hope you wouldn't mind giving Princess Stella a fortune telling," Bastiaan asks you, his voice strict and demanding, rather than suggestive.

                  "Of course, it would be my honour-"

                  "Please give me a regular three tarot card reading but focus on the aspect of love and romance in my life, if you can." Stella interjects, nearly as though she was challenging you in a type of way.

                  "Of course I can."

                  You take your favourite deck of golden tarot cards which Bastiaan had gifted to you, feeling lucky that you always kept them in the pocket of your uniform just in case. While you prepare the cards, Stella decides to make some small talk.

                  "So you visited Princess Odile Agnes? What a boisterous young lady. How did that go?" She inquires, hoping that she would hear of something at least slightly entertaining.

                  "It began well but ended in quite the disaster, for [Name] in particular. Let us just say that Princess Odile is no longer being considered as a potential wife for me," Bastiaan replies bluntly, leaving out the specific details in respect for Odile who would most likely not appreciate such information circulating about her.

                  "I would love to hear some finer details," Stella admits, a small yet mischievous smirk sneaking onto the corner of her red lips.

                  You bite your lip in order to restrain yourself from making a spiteful comment towards Stella. Even if Odile was rude to you and had betrayed your friendship, you could not deny your affections for her as your past friend.

                  "And you will get none of the sort," Bastiaan responds simply, ending the short conversation then and there.

                  You present the cards to Stella and allow her to pick whichever appeals to her the most, the identical backs allowing no sort of bias. Before you can even explain to her what to do, Stella picks out three cards on her own accord then looks at you expectingly.

                  You can't help but feel annoyed by her behaviour before flipping over the first card, "You have gotten 'The Lovers' in past position. The suggests that your foundation can be found in a love relationship that has lasted for a long time, most likely your parents. Their love has given you your 'ground ness' if you will, or well being in other words."

                  "Go on," Stella responds immediately, your reading not earning any sort of reaction from her.

                  You nearly express your annoyance with her attitude, causing you to hesitate as your fingers reach towards the middle card that she had selected. Turning it over, you announced the card: "You have gotten 'The Tower' reversed for your present position. This means you've managed to narrowly miss a traumatic experience. You should take this as a warning to get rid of any negativities in your life that you have at the moment, or they could worsen with time and you may end up getting 'The Tower' again. Just because you have avoided this experience, doesn't mean it has no chance of returning and this time actually having an impact on your life."

                  Stella's face remains blank before she finally opens her lips to reply, after looking at you as though she had been waiting to speak: "I believe that is correct. I guess you're not completely useless, handmaiden."

                  "I should also mention that when 'The Lovers' and 'The Tower' are together, this suggests a type of separation of sorts in the future is inevitable. The permanence of this in not in your immediate control. On another note, let us continue," You state, finally turning over the final card, "'The Five of Swords' in the future position. This suggests a conflict in the future, perhaps arguments or negative gossip. If you are accused of something you know is true, the card is communicating that it will be better for you to own up to it. However, if it is two people you are fond of are arguing, do not pick a side."

                  "Your guidance has been meaningful to me, handmaiden. I must thank you. Perhaps I have underestimated you but we will have to wait and see what awaits me in the future to be absolutely positive," Stella admits, giving you a slight smile of budding affection. Her classic red lips had only moved so slightly, yet the smile at least seemed somewhat genuine.

                  "Your guidance has been meaningful to me, Countess [Name]. I appreciate you coming out here and helping me, and even doing so in your new shoes," Florian gives his thanks to you as he scrambles to get the washing from the clothing line as the rain began to fall upon the sky. You both filled your arms with the cloth before running over to the confines of the grand mansion behind you, it's beauty dulled by the rain's heavy falling, like a screen of grey cloud.

                  "Don't mention it!" You exclaim, not paying attention to your new, velvet red shoes now ruined by the mud.

                  "Who am I to be making a Countess to chores? You have a big heart, Countess [Name]. We're not even that close, and it's my first week here yet you still insist on helping me," His voice says thankfully, his tone much younger and slightly higher than what you have remembered in your past flashbacks.

                  You both proceed to hang the clothes back up inside the house in order to make the process quicker. "Thank you but it's just basic human decency really. I don't have much to do nowadays anyway. Did you hear that Princess Lilou of the Becker Family is planning to visit? Nothing is official yet but just the possibility is so exciting. I've heard only good things about her."

                  "It's been raining quite a bit lately but hopefully she will still come and visit us either ways," Florian responds, sending a bright smile towards you.

                  "I've heard it rains quite often where she comes from, so she won't really mind - or at least I hope so. She's around our age and she's already achieved so much more than me. She's also been quite popular lately and I admit, she probably has a bigger heart than me. She willingly did chores to save up money and open a school for those in poverty! Isn't that amazing? Though I'm guessing she gets paid an astronomical amount for such simple tasks."

                  "Well, if you ask me, you seem to be the one with a bigger heart. I haven't heard of her helping people before. You on the other hand, have been helping people all your life. As your new advisor I have to research about you after all, so that's how I know. You didn't wait until you had an 'astronomical amount' of moola to help people. Like today! Even if what you did for me is small, I still greatly appreciate it. Royalty nowadays barely help anybody."

                  "Thanks, that's really sweet of you to say. It makes me happy, actually."

                  "Come, sit down here," He says, patting the base of a small wooden stool in the corner. You follow his instructions and do just that, folding your hands formally over your knee.

                  "Why do you want me to sit here?"

                  "Let me clean these shoes for you, my Countess," He states rather than offers, picking up a rag from a small bucket of water at the side. He begins to clean the mud off your shoes, not caring much about the fact is was beginning to get onto his new uniform in the process. "Velvet stains quite easily. It's thin, so any stain or spillages on it should be taken care of as soon as possible. I want to make sure they don't get ruined, and if they do, I'll buy you a new pair with my first pay check. You can pick whatever you want, as long as I can afford it. How does that sound?"

                  "It sounds like too much. I appreciate the offer but you really don't have to. This is good enough for me," You reply, a reassuring smile on your lips as you look at him.

                  "I can tell you are quite impressed, Princess Stella. May I just say, I told you so," Bastiaan points out, a smug atmosphere surrounding his figure while you scramble to put the cards away.

                  "No need to rub it in. How much must I pay you to come visit me once a month for a reading, handmaiden? Surely not much. Peasants like you don't see the value in a lot of things but I shall take it upon myself to educate you about the mannerisms of the higher class. How about this, if you can learn enough manners to survive, I'll also give you a regular invitation to some of my parties. I'm sure you can find yourself a handsome and rich man among the crowd-"

                  "The only handsome and rich man that [Name] needs is me."

                  You and Stella both jump at Bastiaan's harsh and seemingly protective tone, as his eyes became more slim when he glared towards Stella's figure.

                  "What are you, her father? Let the woman do what she wants. Oh!" Stella exclaims as she gets an idea, suddenly grabbing onto your hands and holding them within hers with a new air of excitement with each movement she made, "You can be my little sister! I will teach you everything I know about charming rich and handsome men! With my expertise, you can even earn yourself a royal title by marrying an Earl, which seems like a long shot but let's take on the challenge! I mean, Earls are quite low ranked in terms of Royalty, but better some sort of title than none. Doesn't that sound exciting? Practising your job but also getting rich and handsome men? I'm sure those scruffy old peasant men are atrocious!" She rambles on, her words flooding your mind as you try to process her sentences, which only proved to be more difficult as the speed of which she was talking at increased with each word.

                  "She will not be participating in such behaviour!" Bastiaan exclaims, slamming his hand on the table and causing it to shake, as though a warning and shake of awakening Stella back to her senses after getting so caught up in the flow of the moment. She immediately shuts her lips and sits back down, not having realised that she had been progressively leaning forwards.

                  "Prince- Prince Bastiaan is right. Even if I'm not the most highly ranked or rich woman, I'd prefer not to use such methods to solve my issues," You reply before sending Stella a reassuring smile. "If I ever need such lessons, you'll be the first that I will try and contact."

                  "I look forward to you contacting me in the future then but, I doubt you will be able to. Once I'm Queen I don't want to get near peasants like you sadly." Stella replies, a cheeky yet small smile after Bastiaan's large announcement. You both could not read Bastiaan, who has now staring with intense eyes at his lap. He was internally scolding himself without your knowing, wondering what in the world had inclined him to have yelled out. Just the sound of what Stella was suggesting filled his veins with a pent up rage, which he would usually be able to control or at least conceal. However for seemingly the first time in his life, he had failed to conceal his emotions.

                  Bastiaan clears his throat and shakes it off, "My apologies, I just didn't think you could hear me over all your chatter. You have become nearly as chatty as Princess Odile." Bastiaan avoids eye contact with you, not sure how to behave himself now that he felt somewhat awkward. Still, he forced himself to speak: "And you, [Name]. If you ever need financial help from a rich and handsome man, I should be the first you contact. Not Princess Stella. I am your employer after all."

                  "Nobody wants to talk to their boss about stuff like that, Prince Bastiaan. Look, if a woman wants help from such a man, she probably will only consider it a fling and an easy way to earn some cash. And maybe to get some good sex. The male royals nowadays have rather large-"

                  "[Name] isn't like you, Princess Stella. You can do what you wish but don't drag her into this," Bastiaan interrupts, his pale hand subconsciously holding your wrist, as though it were a chain to tie you down to him.

                  "First name basis with Prince Bastiaan? Touching? My, my. She surely doesn't need such a man if she's getting sex from the one and only Prince Bastiaan!"

                  "Don't make such preposterous allegations. As the only member of my palace staff which is assisting me, and taking on such a large burden of accompanying me on my journey to find a wife, it is only natural. Being formal with somebody you must converse with all the time can be exhausting," Bastiaan objects.

                  "Exhausting? You surely have changed in a sort of way. But I'm not buying it. I bet you're paying her to be a good little slut for you-"

                  "Our relationship is purely professional. Do not spread rumours about my handmaiden, or you may regret it," Bastiaan states, his face listless as usual yet his tone threatening. It sent a shiver down your spine, and out the corner of your eye you could see Stella's usual confidence slightly shaken as goosebumps began to form on her skin.

                  "Fine, fine. Even though you know I love a good gossip. But I still can't help but want to. So what are you going to do? You're the one who should be careful right now."

                  "Are you attempting to blackmail me without evidence?"

                  "Tainting the perfect prince's reputation sounds like great fun. But let's be honest, it'll be the handmaiden who will suffer. I guess that's what she deserves. Not that anybody would care, she's just a peasant after all."

                  "She is not just a peasant. She is much more than you will ever know," Bastiaan spits back. This argument reminded you of what happened in the past when a female was spiting you just for being of a lower rank. Back then, Bastiaan barely flinched or had a reaction and only took minor efforts to protect you. However now, he was clearly upset. For the first time, Bastiaan was visibly upset. His doll-like eyes that seemed stable and unmoving now shook slightly, and you noticed the drumming of his finger due to anxiety. The changes were small, yet were easy enough for somebody like you to spot.

                  Stella's mouth stays agape with shock. "Are you actually defending her?" She inquires, disbelief resonating throughout her voice as she looks around and laughs forcefully. Finally regaining her composure shortly after, she stares Bastiaan dead in the eyes and speaks: "I shall make a proposition then. Meet me in my bedroom tonight and I will not utter a word."

                  "You have yourself a deal."

                  You sat there perplexed at the situation which just unfolded in front of you. You had never seen people talk about you right in your face without you being able to speak a word, or at least barely fit a sentence in as their shots were fired quickly and without restraint. They both seemed like experts in arguing with one another, and the hurtful or strict sentences seemed to flow naturally to them with no thought needed.

                  Bastiaan stands from his seat without saying farewell and progresses back to his chambers, taking the familiar route which you had taken time to memorise just in case you had gotten lost in the grand palace of Itreseon. You tail behind him, jogging every several moments as his pace was much quicker and his legs much longer. You struggle to keep up but after having to tail him for a while, it had grown less difficult to do.

                  "Thank you for defending me, Prince Bastiaan," You utter between several pants.

                  "Do not mention it. She is quite the spoiled brat, so don't mind what she says. I will ensure that no harm comes to you," Bastiaan states only to bite his lip before continuing: "Don't read too much into it either. I only did it because you are the only fortune teller that I trust and I can't have jealous noblewomen hiring hitmen to kill you on the streets."

                  "Sure, whatever you say," You sigh, beginning to suspect that perhaps Bastiaan was forming feelings for you without even realising it himself.

                  "You sound like you don't believe what I speak. I shall have you know that I rarely lie, and only do so if completely necessary."

                  "I am aware, Prince Bastiaan. You have told me this before."

                  "Just reminding you, in case you did not have the ability to remember."

                  "If I am honest with you, I'm quite surprised that you defended me. Back when I first met you, if somebody pulled such a stunt you barely thought much of it. This time you seemed fairly emotional, and as though you wanted to protect me. You haven't been falling in love with me, have you?" You question, a small giggle escaping your lips, only to melt into a sudden gasp of surprising air as you feel Bastiaan push you against the wall.

                  He places a hand by the side of your head and glares at you, his lips pressed into a thin line, leaving the seemingly hundreds of things he could say in a situation like this completely unpredictable to you. "I hope you remember I am unable to fall in love," He reminds you, his deep voice vibrating throughout your skin smoothly, like a predator brushing up against summer grass in the sweeping winds as they prepare to pounce on their prey.

                  "I would beg to differ. You have been getting quite flustered with me lately," You reply boldly, not letting the fact you were flustered by this position push you into submission.

                  "Flustered? You must be dreaming," Bastiaan replies, leaning into your neck. You gasp as you feel his pink tongue press onto your [S/C] skin, its moist presence dragging along the plateau, as though he were leaving his mark on you. "Tell me, am I the one who is flustered, or is it you? I am quite sure that a man has never done this to you, [Name]," He growls into your ear before beginning to lick and kiss at your neck, focusing upon a certain spot that was fairly high up.

                  "What are you- you doing?" You stutter with surprise. Attempting to break away, you are only met with the unstoppable force of his hands on your wrists, pressing you further against the wall as he held your hands by your head. "Of course I would be flustered from something like this. I thought we were keeping things professional-"

                  Bastiaan bites onto your flesh, resulting in you cutting yourself off. "I will only stop if you retract your statement. If you take too long, I might end up leaving my mark on this precious skin of yours," He demands, his behaviour reminding you much of what he had done to you once before.

                  "Why are you doing this to me? I am only stating facts, if anything this only proves my point. Why are you being so defensive? And why must you leave a mark so high, when you claim you want to avoid a scandal?"

                  "You want it lower? Very well then," He confirms, his tongue now dragging further and further down your neck, now gliding across your collarbone. It didn't seem to slow, and you knew fully well where his lips were headed.

                  "Stop! I take it back!" You exclaim, wanting it to stop before he could approach your chest any closer. With those words he had gotten his wanted response from you, and finally pulled away. With his silky black locks out of the way, you were now able to see the small mark that he had left on you. It was fairly unnoticeable when far away but up close it could easily be spotted. "Why- Why would you do this? You should really find another way to get what you want out of somebody! It's not appropriate at all!"

                  "If it makes you feel better, I only use this tactic with naughty girls like you. After what happened in that dining room, stealing a taste of you really has made me feel refreshed and a hundred times better. You seem quite lively now too, with your blood all rushed to your cheeks," He teases you, knowing that he had won his power over you once again. You sigh in defeat, annoyed with yourself. You had no option but to trail after him the rest of the way, your eyes looking around, thankful that nobody had spotted the scene by pure luck almost.

                  "Can you blame me? I can't believe you would do that. I thought we were past that."

                  "And yet you had such a lewd expression."

                  "No I did not!" You exclaim, cheeks now all the more red.

                  "Sure, whatever you say," He replies smugly, copying the sarcastic statement you had made earlier before him.

                  "Is this how you'll act whenever somebody says you're probably falling for them?"

                  "I wouldn't know, since like I said, I only use this tactic on you and will only use it on you."

                  "You should use these tactics on the princesses. I'm sure they would like it. Anyway, where did you even learn such behaviour?"

                  "Books, of course. Romance novels are the bane of my existence but they seem to be fairly helpful when I need it with women. Even if my actions are not true," He responds.

                  "Would you say then that your actions to me were not true? You got my hopes up for a moment there, feeling as though I was special," You question with a nervous yet pitiful laugh.

                  Bastiaan knew your expression without even having to look over his shoulder at your countenance and he knew that his actions to you were completely true. He was unable to control himself the way he was able to do so before, and found himself acting on whims and with his emotions. He had not been thinking with his head. He was beginning to interrogate himself about his behaviour, and thought that perhaps it was time to ask for some help, if he could think of anybody that could help. Perhaps a doctor would suffice, or perhaps even you. "No, they were not true whatsoever. I was just testing out the maneuvers I learned from those pesky love books," He admits bluntly yet falsely, lying through his teeth.

                  "I am not a test subject, so please refrain from doing things like that in the future," You warn him before finally deciding to change the topic of the conversation, as you did not want to remember or dwell on what just happened any longer than you had to. "On another note, why does Princess Stella insist on meeting you tonight if she most likely has another party?"

                  "I have not a clue. Not that it matters to me either ways, I could care less about her parties. Instead, we should play some chess in my private chambers," He says, his voice as unreadable and expressionless as always, signalling that he had returned to his usual state.

                  "If you really want me to. Where do you think Duke Albrecht is? If he's the heir to the throne of Itreseon, shouldn't he be around?"

                  "He is most likely attending to foreign matters. Since the King is still in his position, he is most likely taking care of the work here and giving Duke Albrecht responsibility over his work which is to be done outside of the kingdom. The King has been preparing that Duke Albrecht for some time to take over the throne. I suspect that when he is of older age the King is likely to abdicate the throne and willingly give the Duke his position. If not, the Duke will inherit the throne rather than his own daughter after his passing. The Duke may not be his own child but he is still higher ranked than the Princess. Unless stated beforehand by the King that he wants Princess Stella to take over the throne, I am positive that the Duke will inherit the position either ways. He seems keen to do so, and doesn't consider his daughter as a proper heir. I don't blame him," Bastiaan explains to you. "Why? Do you plan on charming the Duke Albrecht? Don't get all that excited, he is a married man after all. That's how he managed to get a higher position. His marriage is terribly broken though, they both are unfaithful and cheat on each other as though there is no tomorrow. Not to mention he's been through quite a few marriages and he's still only in his twenties just like you and me."

                  "I wasn't getting any ideas to begin with. Marriage, hm? You royals seem to think and care so much for it. I have no plan for the future on the other hand. The most I want to do is fix up my house a bit and continue to live my life the way it is. I'm already perfectly happy. I think it's quite funny how I am of lower class than you with barely any money, yet I am much happier. You seem miserable half the time."

                  "I do?"

                  "Yes, you do. Or if not to other people, I can tell. You seem to be depressed over something. If you ever need to talk about your feelings, you can always talk to me. I know I'm only your handmaiden and fortune teller, and a peasant at that, but I don't want to see you with that pitiful atmosphere surrounding you any longer. We're friends after all, right? And that's what friends are for!" You reassure him, a pleasant smile on your lips. Bastiaan blushes, feeling tranquility wash over and rid himself of his current anxieties, just from hearing your hopeful words.

                  "I don't know why I'm miserable either. It is like I am sad without a reason. Yet I can not help but feel so dreary. I must admit though, that your presence has made it better. Nowadays I do not feel as empty, and with you by my side if feels as though sunlight has finally began to wash away the shadows. For the first time in what seems like an eternity, you made me smile. You made me laugh and enjoy life, dare I say. You have filled me with a warm feeling, that competes with the comforting touch of the Sun's rays on one's back. Yet I know I am not in love with you, alright? Even if you make me feel this way, I know that I am the 'cold-hearted prince' and will not be able to feel love. Perhaps I am over reacting, and you have simply spread a disease to me, or have cursed me. Maybe even fed me some type of potion or poison," He begins to conjure up excuses, desperate not to admit the fact, and seemingly not realising it himself.

                  At this moment it was clear as day that Bastiaan was falling in love with you. You purse your lips and reply: "Well, what if your heart is beginning to thaw thanks to this new sunlight in your life?" A small smile forms on your lips as you both finally enter his private chambers.

Status : Unedited

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