Gohan OC x seven deadly sins...

By MrDrippy202

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When meliodas and Elizabeth had a child during the holy war, he had blond hair (like super sayian gohan) he h... More

Meet elizabeth
6 years past
The sleeping forest
Gilthunder vs sins
Meet ban
Finding king
Fighting festival
Meet gowther
Holy knight expirement gone wrong
Battle for brittnia part 1
The awaken of a god
Award ceromony
Scared treasure lostvayne
istar training
Fighting festival 2
The true power of gohan
Time skip
Trying to master beast
Back to liones
family's past
Next god of destruction
Meliodas the new demon king
Competiton setteled!
The return
Gohan anger unleashed
The beast
holy war
War torn britannia
Sneak peak
Escanor vs gohan
Gohan true pontential
Mixed feelings
Finale part 1
Thanks for 7k reads
Final chapter


344 3 0
By MrDrippy202


Gohan: what the hell happened?!?

DK: I bought you here.

Gohan: what do you want grandfather.

DK: to say your no longer the air to the throne.

Gohan: I don't care, after what you did to my mom and dad I will destroy you.

DK: please, how are you going to destroy me?

Gohan: because I am the new god of destruction.

DK: what?!? Your bluffing!

Gohan: ask beerus himself. Just remember that you and grandma will face my wrath!

DK: we'll see about that.

                              Out of mind scape

Gohan wakes up and sees a person taking Elizabeth and meliodas.

Gohan: Hey! Who are you.

The person then turns around.

???: so you're the child of young meliodas and that despicable goddess.

Gohan: who are you?!?

Chandler: I am chandler, your fathers master.

Gohan: what are you doing here?

Chandler: to take meliodas and kill that goddess.

Gohan: I won't let that happen!

Chandler: and what are you going to do?

Gohan:destroy you!

Gohan then powers up to ssjg.

Elizabeth: be careful gohan.

Gohan: thanks mom.

Gohan then punches chandler and knocks him out side.

Gohan: merlin! Get mom and dad and go to Diane and Gowther and ban and king!

Merlin nods and released them from the perfect cube.

Merlin: sis-sis! Come!

Elizabeth: okay.

Gohan then teleports outside.

Chandler then gets up.

Chandler: I see....so the rumors are true you are the new god of destruction.

Gohan: that's right. And I won't let you win!

Gohan then powers up and goes to attack chandler. Gohan kicks him in the stomach and punches him. He then sends a barrage of ki blasts.

Gohan: don't underestimate me.

When the smoke clears, it reveals that chandler only had scratches on him no wounds.

Chandler: that was pitiful for a god of destruction.

Gohan: *growls* you will face my wrath!

Gohan then powers up even more and then says this.

Gohan: kamehame......HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!

Gohan then released a huge power beam towards chandler but....

Chandler: full counter

The beam then deflects back at gohan and injured him greatly.

Gohan: how....are....you.....this strong?

Chandler: it's simple. You have not mastered the power of a god. You need to wait to master all of its power.

Chandler than grabs gohan by the neck.

Chandler: you're lucky that you're meliodas Child because if weren't, I would have killed you.

Chandler than drops him and goes inside.

Gohan: no-o. *gets knocked out*


Gohan: where am I?

SD: wow, I'm disappointed with my own grandson.

Gohan: what are you doing here?

DK: to say you are a pitiful god.

Gohan: no I'm not! I will defeat you! Aaaaahhhh-

They then knock gohan down.

DK: stay down, you are a disappointment to the demon race.

SD: and the goddess race.

Gohan: n-o  s-top please!

SD: you are a complete failure.

Gohan then snaps.

Gohan: say that again.......

SD: you are a failure.

Gohan: hehehaha! I'm going to kill you.....

DK: what?!?!

Destroyer energy then flows around gohan as he transforms.

DK: w-what the hell?!?

Gohan then punches him hard that breaks his helmet.

Hakaishin Gohan: your lucky this isn't real. Or else I would have killed you.

Gohan then faces the supreme diety.

Gohan: your next woman! KAMEHAMEHAAAAAAAA-

After gohan launches his attack he wakes up on Elizabeth lap.

Gohan: what happened?

Elizabeth: gohan! You're okay!

She then hugs him.

Gohan: I'm alright mom no problem. But what happened here?

King: chandler attacked us. It if weren't for gloxinia nor drole we wouldn't escaped.

Gohan: I see.....how are we going to defeat him if he comes back?

Merlin: for now, Our plan is to just retreat.

Gohan: okay, but I have to go.

Elizabeth: where gohan?

Gohan: beerus planet. Well guess my planet. You see when I became a god of destruction, that means I may not ever see you guys again.

Elizabeth: but why gohan? I get you're the new god of destruction but... you can still see us?

Gohan: I'm afraid not. I have to take this job seriously mom. So the me you used to know is not there. I'm sorry.

Gohan then disappears.

Elizabeth: *crying* why?

Meanwhile with gohan

As gohan teleports to beerus planet, whis comes up to him.

Whis: so I see you found out huh?

Gohan: yeah.......but my training isn't over, I still need more power.

Whis: I agree. Your power right now is to small for a god so that's why I did a favor.

Gohan: what is it?

Whis: I am allowed to fight you.

Gohan: whis, you cant. Angels law.

Whis: i know. But the Omni kings allowed it.

Gohan: alright. HAAAAAAAAAAA HA!

Gohan then transforms to ssjg.

Ssjg gohan: lets go whis!

As gohan charges to whis whis starts dodging.

Whis: you know gohan, it will be useful to bring out more power.

Gohan: I can't. My god powers hasn't come yet.

Whis: I see. Too bad you have not master ultra instinct nor el blanco.

Gohan:*mind* I just need to focus enough to release ultra instinct.

Gohan then settles his mind and focuses.

Gohan: *mind* I can't be weak all the time, I need to get stronger to protect the ones I love. I will not LOSE!

Gohans aura then starts changing so does his hair.

Whis: so he finally did it.

Ui gohan: I did it. But I have to use it before it wears off.

Gohan then appears in front of whis and is able to hit his face but then whis hits gohans stomach.

Gohan: *cough cough* how is he Able to hit me?

Whis: it's simple, I'm in ultra instinct all the time.

Ui gohan: What?!? *thoughts* no wonder I can't hit him. He already mastered this damn thing.

Ui gohan: no wonder. Looks like I can't hold back. HAAAA

Gohan then powers up even more and starts fighting whis even more.

Whis: I see. Gohan starting to go to offense rather than defense.

Gohan then starts to hit harder and then is able to knock whis back.

Whis: so it's time.


A blue void then surrounds gohan completely.

Whis: congratulations gohan. That glow that hair and those eyes. That is the complete, ultra instinct.

Whis: alright gohan. I see you were able to bring out ultra instinct to it's fullest power. Let's begin.

Gohan then pops I front of whis and hit his face and then sends a barrage of punches towards him. Whis tries to hit him back but he dodged and kick whis in the face.

Mui Gohan: time to finish this.

Gohan then was about to launch a ki blast to win the fight until he drops out of mui.

Gohan: what happened?!

Whis: I see. You were not able to stay in mui for a while.

Gohan: we need to continue.

Whis alright then my lord.

Gohan then goes ssjg and fights.

After 56 minutes.

Progress was great for gohan. He was
Able to get a new form.

Gohan: thanks whis for the help.

Whis: your welcome my lord.

Gohan then powers up and transforms.

Ssjb gohan: this power feels good. It's stronger then ssjg.

Whis: congratulations gohan. Your trading is complete for now.

Gohan: what do you mean?

Whis: you still need to master el blanco.

Gohan: I see.

Whis: now go gohan.

Gohan: where?

Whis: to your family. You can go.

Gohan: really? Thanks whis.

Gohan then teleports.

Location earth

Gohan then lands next to the boar hat.

Gohan: why is it night time?

Gohan looks up to see his dad and chandler there on a different form.

Gohan: what the hell? What is happening?

Gohan looks closer and sees his father holding Elizabeth.

Gohan: I have to save mom.

Gohan then focuses and his eyes turn silver.

Ui gohan: this should be enough.

Gohan then goes infront of his dad without meliodas noticing, gohan takes Elizabeth.

Gohan: hey mom.

Elizabeth: gohan?

Gohan: yeah it's me. Im here to stop dad so don't worry.

Gohan then places Elizabeth next to the sins and the goes goes off of ui.

Meliodas: what the hell?!? Elizabeth!

Gohan: sorry dad but I can't let you escape.

Everyone then turns to gohan.

Meliodas: gohan, bring Elizabeth to me now!

Gohan: no. I will not. And if you want her fight me.

Chandler: meliodas, let me deal with him.

Chandler then goes to punch gohan but gohan dodges.

Gohan: you cant win now.

Chandler: what the hell?!

Gohan then goes ui and then punches chandler in the face.

Ui gohan: who's weak now.

Meliodas was about to attack in-till gohan goes and punches his face.

Gohan then drops out of ui.

Gohan: sorry dad but I can't let you take mom.

Gohan was about to knock out meliodas in-till chandler hits his head and knocks him out.

Meliodas quickly stands up and gets Elizabeth and gohan.

Meliodas: as of today, the seven deadly sins are disbanded.

Meliodas and chandler flys away.

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