Mortal Origin (NSFW)

By LeonTavash

2K 28 1

Disclaimer: "There are mature themes such as sex, suicide, assault, and death. Read with caution!" Secrets... More

The Now (Levi)
Accidents Happen (Levi)
Awakening (Levi)
Awakening (Levi)
Pervert (Crest)
Clashing Heads (Crest/Seth)
Bath Time (Levi/Crest)
A New Desire (Seth)
Dirty Secrets (Elijah)
Hostage (In progress)
The Guest
Guilty but Pleasured (Sexy Warning)
Midnight ashes (In progress)
Blissfully Naive
Deeper Desires (NSFW)
Crystal Clear
Ultraviolet Heart

Severment of ties

71 1 0
By LeonTavash

The sun gradually began to seep through the windows and light up the wall. The birds chirped and the wind blew through the tall trees, causing the still forest to come alive. There was a slight fog that spilled over the ground. Seth sat on a rock and slowly waved his hands side to side, causing the fog to swirl and rise into the air.

"Why is he so complicated?" Seth jumped off the rock and swung his hands, causing the fog to split and reveal the ground. He forced his hand left, causing the ground crack as pillars of rock rose from the ground. He stomped his right foot and a slab of rock shot into the air right in front of him. He grunted and flexed his mind, the rock slamming right into a tree. "I'm so confused."

"Seth are you alright?" Finnick jumped over the shrubs, walking over to the rock he sat at moments ago. "It's been several weeks since we've talked. You aren't eating and I haven't even gotten a message from you. I'm starting to worry." He added, reaching for Seth's arm as he stood and faced the opposite direction.

"Things are just getting overwhelming. I can't really explain what I'm feeling right now. I'm fine though." Seth groaned and pulled away from Finnick's grasp, making his way back to the camp.

"Is it something I did?" Finnick's ears drooped as he began to follow Seth. His eyes watered but he kept his stance and held back. "I just hope you aren't shutting me out."

"This isn't about you. It's about Leviathan. He's been acting different. I can't explain it." Seth started walking faster, shoving people out of the way as he stomped into the building. He clenched his fist and turned to meet face to face with Finnick. "Look, I'm sorry I've been such a pain but you have done nothing wrong. I promise." He leaned in and kissed him deeply, pulling him into a tight hug. His cheeks grew flustered once he slowly pulled back to look into his partner's sapphire eyes.

"T-Thank you for assuring me. I was beginning to think I was the problem." Finnick added, slowly licking his lips as his eyes shifted from Seth's chest to his neck. "Just promise you won't get too lost in your thoughts. I'm always here." He continued, pulling Seth close to him as he kissed and bit down in his muscular neck.

"Mmmh- N-not while we're exposed." His cheeks began to grow red as he quickly pulled away. That's when Levi walked down the stairs with Crest, holding his hand.

"So are they an official couple?" Finnick tilted his head, looking over at Seth who growled and watched intently. "You alright?"

"Why do I suddenly feel the need to rip that leader of yours to shreds?" Seth crossed his arms and tapped his foot.

"Calm down. You need to accept what is. They are clearly perfect for each other. I think I saw Crest smile. I'm not sure I've ever actually see him smile before." Finnick pulled him into a hug and grabbed his jaw, forcing his attention away from them. "You have me. I promise, you're not alone."

"Thank you, Finnick..." Seth's eyes watered as he held on tight to his slim figure. Levi slowly turned to look at them as they embraced one another, he watched as he held onto Crest's arm.

"I'm going to go introduce myself to Seth's friend. Let's go." Levi pulled Crest over to Seth who quickly let go of Finnick.

"H-Hey, Levi. What's up?"

"Is this your friend I smelled on you?" Levi crossed his arms.

"Yeah... This is Finnick. I met him a while ago." Seth pulled him close.

Finnick lowered his head as his antenna flashed, smiling big. "It's very much a pleasure to meet you. I've heard so much about you."

"Why haven't we met sooner? This must explain why Seth has been acting so odd. You two had sex? You must be special." Levi gave a cocky smile, showing his teeth.

"I'm... I'm sorry?" Finnick looked at Seth and narrowed his eyes.

"I couldn't hide the scent! Don't look at me like that." Seth shouted, blushing angrily. He knew the scent was strong and that washing it off wasn't gonna help. A part of him wanted to find out. He wanted Levi to know that he's not just some overprotective burden to have around.

"You're terrible at being sneaky." Finnick grunted, crossing his arms and looking off to the side. Finnick at least wanted to hide the fact that he was involved.

"So you tried to hide him from me? Is there something I'm not understanding?" Levi scoffed. "I tell you everything. What's the reason you're being so sneaky all of a sudden? If you think I'll get jealous you're wrong. If he makes you happy I'm gladly going to support.... Your decision." Levi blushed and looked off to the side as Crest tugged his arm. Crest wanted to remind him that he's still there. Levi and Seth were together for so long that being apart is starting to take it's tole emotionally. It's been a few weeks since Seth moved to the other room and Levi's nightmares have gotten worse. His energy is growing stronger. Elijah hasn't spoken a word since his capture. But he's showing good behavior and making progress to accept the fact that Crest wants to cut ties.

One of the men guarding the door to Elijah's cell came running down the hall and calling Crest's name.

"Sir! uhh- Elijah. He's escaped."

"WHAT!? GET YOUR ASS MOVING AND GO FIND HIM! He is not allowed to leave this building. Close every door and window. Get everyone in the know." Crest began ordering people around and shouting at them. He was immediately focused on the safety of his people. Something a real leader does instinctively. He stomped and pointed, gesturing and ordering. Levi watched with amazement as everyone listened to him without hesitation. In that moment he had an epiphany and knew right then and there that Crest would be the one to lead more than a revolution against the Alpha.

"Yes, Sir, Seth and I will scout the woods with the outside team. You guys search the building. He could be anywhere." Finnick tugged Seth's arm as they disappeared into the crowd.

"Go back to the room, Levi. If anything, he's after you. You need to get somewhere safe. It's too dangerous." Crest pointed and looked at his phone, scanning through the many cameras they had installed around the whole camp.

"I want to help. I can't just sit and do nothing. I'm coming with you. This is our fight now too." Levi crossed his arms and stood as broad as he could, looking off to the side with his head slightly tilted up. "I'm not going to the room."

"I wasn't asking. That's an order." Crest stepped forward and towered over little Levi who took a nervous gulp.

"I'm not just another one of your men you can just boss around. I'm coming with you." Levi stepped forward and growled, blushing slightly as Crest's expressionless face then went even more vague.

"Fine. Don't leave my side for any reason. Don't do anything stupid either." Crest grunted and grabbed his wrist, dragging him upstairs as they scanned through every room leading up to Elijah's jail cell.

As soon as Crest realized that Elijah wasn't in his cell, a cold feeling rushed through his body. The fur on the back of his neck rose, sending chills up his arms and down his spine. He could feel Elijah's dark energy, causing his heart to race and his breathing to increase. "He's near..."

"How do you know? I don't see him anywhere." Levi looked up at Crest with a nervous frown. "Crest. Your're scaring me."

With that said, a gentle chuckle broke the silence and they both turned around to find Elijah looking out of the tall window at the opposite end of the hallway. "You took everything from me, Crest." Elijah growled and the window began to shake, cracking and creaking with instability.

"Elijah, you have no idea what you're doing. You are outnumbered and you have nowhere else to go. Please, get back in your cell. Don't make me use force. " Crest's voice shook and sweat trickled down the side of his face. He was nervous, scared, twitching with every move Elijah made.

"We could of ruled the world together. But you left me to die alone. After you fled, the alpha sent in his army and they attacked me. I couldn't escape in time and they beat me, tortured me, and tried to execute me in front of the entire kingdom. A part of me wanted you to come and save me but I knew you weren't coming back so I fought my way here to be in this very moment. I wanted to look you in the eye so that I can tell you this." Elijah slowly turned to face them, holding a shard of glass to his scared wrist. He slowly slid the glass across his scars and blood started rushing down his hand. "I wanted to tell you that when you left all those years ago, I spent every moment of my life trying to find you. Praying that you'd forgive me. But now I see that I was so easily replaced by someone innocent and pure. I have no reason to fight but I have no reason to live either. I'll die by my mate's hand. I'll die with honor."

"You son of a bitch. Why? Why are you trying so hard to hurt me? I care about you but I can't love you for what you have become. I've fallen in love with Leviathan, son of Conah and Rinellic Tavash. I fell in love with the hybrid." Crest gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. "I don't understand... anything."

"C-Crest..." Levi's voice grew uneasy and he blushed, tears running down his cheeks. He looked up at him and he smiled slightly as he rested his hand on his shoulder.

"Leviathan... Kill me. End my suffering. Release me of my pain. I beg you. I don't want to rot away in a jail cell again. I don't want to be in a cage.. Have mercy on a broken soul..." Elijah cried out and fell to his knees, running his hands through the blood that pooled at his feet. "I can't live anymore..."

"I don't want to kill anyone... I don't want to hurt you Elijah... You don't deserve to die. I know that there's good in you I can feel it. Why do you want to kill me so bad? Why can't you see that he's happy without you? Why can't you be happy for him? This isn't about you or me. This is about everyone. I can't kill you. I won't. I refuse to let you die too."

"I want you to be at peace, Elijah. You don't have to live in pain. Stay here with us. Help us fight for a better tomorrow." Crest walked up to Elijah and helped him to his feet, looking into his eyes as he whimpered and sniffled.

"I can't after all I've done... I can't be trusted." Elijah whimpered and rubbed his eyes.

"Cut ties with me. Let me set you free at least... It's the least I can do to help you be at peace." Crest broke through his expressionless gaze and cracked a crooked smile.

"I'm so sorry for everything I've put you through. I'm such a horrible person. I'm such a horrible mate. I wish I could take back the fact that I hurt you but I can't and I have to live with that. I have to live with knowing I put you through pain and suffering beneath your smiles for me. I knew you weren't happy with me..." Elijah broke into more tears and the entire floor began to creak and shake. His cut was still gushing blood and it began to rise into the air. The blood on the floor started to drip upwards and levitate as it began to swirl around them.

"What's going on? What's happening?" Crest looked over at Levi. His eyes were glowing as he danced beautifully to release his hue. Ancient symbols began to burn into the floor around Crest and Elijah as they looked at one another in shock. The blood that floated around them began to glow, swirling faster as the symbols started to light up. The ceiling cracked and the building groaned with instability as it shook.

"Crest... You... You have to kiss him. In order for this ritual to work you two must confess why you loved one another. You have to then bite each other hard enough to draw blood. This will cause the symbols to activate and the ritual will begin. It'll give me the power to carry on the energy flow to severe the bond between you two." Levi's eyes began to water as he waved his hands slowly in circular motions to keep the ritual going. Crest leaned forth before hesitating, looking over at Levi for permission. That's when Levi nodded and Elijah sighed, looking off to the side as he contemplated about the kiss.

"This will change everything..." Crest mumbled softly, looking at Elijah as he pulled him into a kiss. Levi watched them as they kissed with passion. They kissed intensely as Elijah grabed Crest tight and press against him with need, pulling his shirt and causing it to rip. He didn't hold back one bit, grabbing Elijah's face and pushing into the kiss. Tears began to run down his cheeks.

The symbols grew bright and the energy they released began to glow pink. Crest then slowly pulled back from the kiss, a thick strand of saliva connecting their tongues. He looked into Elijah's eyes and smiled ever so slightly. "I forgive you."

"Thank you so much!" Elijah cried out and burst into tears. The symbols began to rise into the air as they spun rapidly around them. Crest then gently grabbed his face and turned it to the side, reveling his neck. He licked his lips slowly as he leaned forward, biting down gently on Elijah's scarred neck. He hesitated a bit before he closed his eyes and bit down harder, listening to him cry out in pain. Crest could taste his blood and he began to lick it up. The memories of their past began flooding his mind in that moment.

"Now, Elijah... You must return the bite. You both must bleed..." Levi pushed down his disapproval of the intimate interaction and watched, his bottom lip quivering, tears causing his vision to become blurry. He blushed furiously and fell to his knees as he grew weak, glaring with great sadness. He managed to keep the ritual going as he waved his hands intricately in gentle motions.

Elijah then looked down at his injury, the slit in his wrist started to close up. He then looked up at Crest who was having flashbacks to when they were together. Tears ran down his cheeks as he sniffled. He then looked off to the side and tilted his head to expose his neck, his eyes slowly shifted to Levi as he watched. Elijah then bit down on his neck and he winced in pain, blushing slightly as the blood started running over his exposed chest.

"It's almost over. Just... Say the thing. Once the confession is over I can sever the ties and you two will be free and your spirits will no longer be connected." Levi struggled to his feet and rose his hands into the air, the light show of energy then following his command. The symbols began to fade and that's when Levi's power began to destabilize. "Please hurry... I don't know how much longer I can hold the gateway open!"

"I loved you because you had the power to lead. I knew that if I had you by my side I wouldn't have to worry about ever being misguided. I fell in love with your dive for change." Elijah then looked over at Levi as his legs shook and his eyes started to grow dark. "Crest we have to hurry. Levi isn't looking too well."

"What?" Crest quickly glared over at Levi as his eyes became engulfed in black. The darkness inside him was coming forth.

"Hurry!" Levi growled.

"I... I... I loved you for what you were capable of! I knew that if I had you by my side I wouldn't have to be alone. I saw myself in you and I saw how much pain you had felt when we bonded. I wanted to protect you!" Crest blushed furiously.

"I... I severe your ties!" Levi then swung his hands in a larger circular motion and parted them quickly, closing the gateway and forcing Elijah and Crest far apart. The force of the telekinetic energy blew out the window and the blood that swirled in the air splat against the walls.

Levi looked at Crest's neck to see the bite mark and then looked at Elijah who was unconscious. That's when he fell to his knees and his vision tunneled.

"Levi?" Crest quickly reached out and grabbed his head before it hit the floor, gently tapping his cheek to keep him awake. "Stay with me, Levi, stay awake!" 

"My head..." Levi's nose began to bleed as he blinked slowly. Crest could see his pupils vigorously dilating and shrinking, the black energy within his skin slithering around, causing the tendrils on his skin to glow. 

"Seth! Seth help us!" Crest lifted Levi up and quickly ran to the stairs, yelling Seth's name. He then came sprinting around the corner and up the flights of stairs. 

"I'm coming. What's wrong?" Seth jumped the rail and flexed his mind, flying up to the 7th floor. That's when he saw Levi laying cold in Crest's arms. "What happened? What did you do?" Seth reached out and pulled Levi from his grasp, falling to his knees and looking into his eyes. He looked at the Tendrils that slithered under his skin, creeping up his cheek. 

"He preformed the Severing ties ritual. I didn't know until we were unable to break the spirit circle. I could't stop him..." Crest looked over at Elijah who quickly awoke, looking around with confusion. He didn't have a clue what was going on or where he was. 

"He must of overextended his spiritual power. He's freezing cold to the touch. I think he just needs rest. If he's not better by tomorrow I have to return home and Father must treat him. This is beyond my knowledge. I didn't even know he could preform such an ancient ritual." Seth ran his hand over Levi's cheek as he looked off to the side, sighing softly. "So many secrets. And for what?" 

With that said, Levi's body grew colder, causing the air around him to drop in temperature. He huffed and shivered, whimpering as he closed his eyes. His body shook and his teeth chattered. 

"I bet you forgot I was here, Leviathan Tavask.  HAHAHAH- "  A deep demonic voice echoed within Levi's mind. 

"What do you want from me? Why me? Get out of my head! Get out of my body!" Levi yelled into the vast darkness of his mind as images of his past began flooding his vision. He could see what he looked like before he died, his past life, the way he lived. He looked away and grabbed at his head, closing his ears as the echoing of voices clouded his brain. 

"I can show you what you want. I have the power to access your deepest thoughts, memories, and desires. Why is that?" The creature in the dark cackled and slowly inhaled. "We are one, Leviathan, and there's no escape. You think I'm an invasion happening within your body but you never understood why I suddenly awakened. Let me show you. what I really am..." The demonic voice grew louder and that's when Levi quickly Looked over his shoulder. he was standing under a spotlight, surrounded by a blanket of  black every direction. "Let me show you..."

"No! Leave me alone!" Levi yelled into the darkness as loud as he could, blue flames engulfing his fists. 

"You have no Idea..." The demonic voice then grew soft and it stepped into the light, black and tattered skin peeling as soon as the light touched it. You and I are very much alike... because I'm-"

"You're me..." Levi burst into tears and fell to his knees, looking into Malic's faded blue eyes. He wheezed and struggled to breathe, watching his tears puddle below himself. Everything started coming together. The memories weren't his, they were Malac's. 

"I may have lost my time in the light... But you were born. I was forgotten but your soul gave me life and I cannot rest. My soul still lives within your body. The only issue is that the universe gave you a soul of your own and it's eating mine away. The only reason I am still alive is because your life force is giving me the power to exist beyond my death. I cannot pass into the next life... I'm trapped within my own body... And it doesn't even belong to me anymore..." Malac sighed and stepped back into the darkness, his eyes glowing dark blue. "I watched my entire era perish through your eyes. I wish I could perish as well..." Malic groaned and faded into the darkness. 

Levi coughed and groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. He was then met with Crest's sad glare that then changed to shock. He jumped up and quickly pulled Levi into a hug. "Dear Gods I thought I lost you!" He whimpered and sniffled as he buried his head into his shoulder, crying softly as Seth stepped into the room. He crossed his arms as Crest embraced his little brother, growling with disapproval. 

"I'm glad you're back, Levi..." Seth bowed his head and slashed his antenna, blushing as he looked off to the side. He still had his arms crossed. 

"How long was I out?" Levi groaned.

"Oh... Um." Seth looked at Crest and then back at him, scratching his head as he backed out of the room and closed the door. He ears drooped and he quickly sprinted down the hall. 

"Crest. How long was I out?" Levi growled as he pulled his hair. 

"Ouch! Ouch! You've been in a coma for a month now! Since then we've been taking care of you... and we fought two attacks from the Alpha. Elijah lost his memory of me when you severed our ties so we're helping him out... It seems the ritual caused you to trap yourself within the spirit void... Seth made sure you were okay though. He preformed a ritual of his own on you. I think it worked considering it took him an entire month to finally get it right and wake you up..." Crest winced in pain as Levi still held his grip tight on his hair. 

"An entire month?" Levi released Crest's hair and put his hands on his muzzle, tears running down his cheeks. He looked over at the oxygen tube that ran down the side of the bed and he tugged it from his nostrils. "You mean to tell me I've been trapped in the spirit void for an entire month? And I'm not dead...?" He fell back onto the bed and sighed aloud, punching into the air aggressively. "I slept an entire month... All because I was too weak and stupid to preform the ritual right! I'm sucha failure of a God..." 

"I think you're perfect..." Crest crawled onto the bed and towered over Levi as he covered his face with shame. "We all make mistakes, Leviathan, but the thing is... We grow from those mistakes and we learn from them as we go on. That's life. It doesn't make you seem weak if you accept that mistake and learn from it. I have faith in you." He cracked a crooked smile, leaning down as Levi pulled him into a kiss, blushing as he whimpered with need. His body shook as he held back his growing urges. They kissed intensely as Levi ran his hands under his shirt, up and over his muscular pecs to give them a gentle squeeze. "Mmph..."

"I missed you..." Levi inhaled uneasily as he broke the kiss, lifting his legs and wrapping them around Crest's torso. "I w-want you..." He groaned as he leaned forward and nibbled on his neck, growing noisy. 

"L-Levi... You're making it very difficult to resist my needs..." Crest moaned softly as he felt Levi's warm tongue slide over his collarbone. His slim, feminine hands then ran down his chest as he attempted to unbuckle his pants. 

"Then don't resist." He whispered into Crest's ear before biting it. 

"Damn you..." He grunted. "I... I can't right now. You need to rest..." Crest lowered his body down and pressed himself against Levi. "As much as I'd love to make love to you, You're much too weak right now. I don't want to hurt you." He looked off to the side and blushed, looking down at Levi's bruised arms. "That's the last thing I want."

"You'll never hurt me Crest. I trust you..." Levi threw his arms around his neck and kisses his cheek repetitively. He knew Crest was in a bad state of mind but he knew that he was strong and stood by his side.  "I understand..."

"I'll be right here. I won't ever leave you. Rest now." Crest lifted the blanket and slid under, throwing his arm and leg onto Levi and pulling him into a cuddle.

"Alright..." Levi smiled and closed his eyes as he held onto Crest's large hand. "I love you..." He added before drifting off into a deep sleep, allowing Crest to watch lovingly as he used his other hand to trail Levi's figure.

"I love you too..." Crest blushed as he kissed his neck, getting lost in the blissful embrace.

"I'll always love you, Leviathan... I know you're probably fast asleep but I just need to tell you that every moment you spent trapped in the spiritual void I thought about you. I hoped that you'd wake up because if you didn't... I wouldn't be able to live with the burden of knowing I couldn't do a thing. You remind me of my little brother in so many ways... And losing you would be too hard because I feel like I'd be losing him too all over again..." Crest began to weep as he squeezed Levi's hand. He then moved Levi's long floppy ear to the side to reveal his neck. As he licked his lips, he leaned forward to placed a gentle kiss on it. He could feel more tears running down his face as he felt his body shake. It was getting difficult to breathe and a ball felt as if it were lodged in his throat.

"Crest...?" Levi then woke up quickly as he felt Crest's shaking. "Crest I'm right here! Breathe!" He quickly threw the covers to the side and tapped his face as he rubbed his chest, telling him to breathe as tears ran down his cheeks. "You're alright! I'm right here... Breathe~"

Crest grabbed his chest as he inhaled slowly then exhaled through his mouth. His eyes were wide as he looked up at Levi, scared for his life. "What's... What's happening? My head feels dizzy..."

"You're having a panic attack... Are you alright?" Levi then rested his head on Crest's broad chest, listening to his heartbeat as it gradually slowed. "What's going on? You can tell me anything..."

"I just don't wanna lose you... And the fear was too great for me to deal with I suppose. That was horrific.. I've never had a panic attack."

"I'm here for you, Crest..." Levi yawned and rested his head on Crest's chest, drifting into a dream once again.

"I'm glad." He added, rubbing his back as he looked up at the ceiling. He sighed and closed his eyes.

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