Percy Jackson Gay Ships

By Emzy985

514K 8.9K 6.7K

Mostly Percy-centric ships. I'm willing to do the odd straight and/or non Percy-centric ships. Includes smut... More

Connor x Percy (Fluff)
Jercy (Fluff)
Percico (Angst)
Author's Note
Willercy (Fluff)
Perleo (Fluff)
Frank x Percy (Smut)
Out Of My League
Nico x Percy x Annabeth (Fluff)
Lukercy (Angst)
Out Of My League Part 2
Jercy (Smut)
Percico (Fluff)
Unique Part 2
Lukercy (Smut)
Perleo (Angst)
Lukercy (Angst)
Lukercy (Angst)
I'm Sorry
Bluebell Part 2
Unique Part 3
Connor x Percy (Smut)
His Angel & His Devil
His Angel & His Devil Part 2
Secrets Part 2
I'm Feeling Little
Percollo (Fluff)
Perjasico (Smut)
Dead Part 2
Endangered Health
Willercy (Fluff)
Alone At Night
Endangered Health Part 2
Fake I Love Yous
I'm Feeling Little Part 2
Perjaswilico (Fluff)
Perjasico (Smut)
Alone At Night Part 2
Alone At Night Part 3
I Don't Give A Fuck If It's Not Canon
Endangered Health Part 3
Believe In Me
Jercy (Fluff)
Jercy (Fluff)
Someone Help Nico
Believe In Me Part 2
Hide The Baby Part 2
Endangered Health Part 4
All It Takes Is A Panda Onesie
Out Of Sight Out Of Mind
The Thief's Daisies
Fucked It For Real This Time
Someone Help Nico Part 2
You're My Person
Endangered Health Part 5
Clarisse x Percy x Chris
Praetor Boyfriend
Praetor Boyfriend Part 2
Someone Help Nico Part 3
Nobody Camper
Love My Fear
The Creator
Christmas Prompts (1/25)
I Mean I Hope So
Christmas Prompts (6/25)
Christmas Prompts (7/25)
Christmas Prompts (8/25)
Christmas Prompts (9/25)
Christmas Prompts (10/25)
Christmas Prompts (11/25)
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Christmas Prompts (19/25)
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Christmas Prompts (22/25)
Christmas Prompts (23/25)
Christmas Prompts (24/25)
Christmas Prompts (2/25)
Christmas Prompts (25/25)
Mistake (Percico)
Christmas Prompts (3/25)
Hide The Baby Part 3
(The) Dispute
Christmas Prompts (4/25)
Christmas Prompts (5/25)
Force of Confusion - Habit
Young Prissy
Competition of Love
Be Your Friend Part 1
♡ I'm Back ♡

Hide The Baby

4.7K 83 35
By Emzy985

Warning: Smut. Self-loathing thoughts, swearing. Underage drinking.

The Giant War ended four years ago, the first year spent rebuilding as well as building.

New Athens was built, several of the older campers choosing to live there.

Jason and Piper were one of the only original couples that were still going strong.

Percy and Annabeth had broken up not long after the war, both staying friends but going their separate ways.

Leo and Calypso hadn't really lasted, Leo wanting nothing more than to settle down in one place whilst Calypso wanted to go out and see the world.

It was Percy who had suggested the hunt to her. She'd only had bad experiences with men and he felt like the hunt could help her. It also meant she got to travel, see the world.

Calypso had been interested so Percy had Iris Messaged Thalia to let her know about the situation.

The next time the hunt was at camp, Calypso was already one hundred percent on joining, so she did.

Percy had got a good laugh out of the hunter's reactions when they learnt it was his idea however.

He'd spent at least ten minutes on the floor, clutching his stomach as he laughed loudly.

Thalia had just rolled her eyes before stepping over him, 'accidentally' stepping on his leg.

Yeah right, 'accidentally'.

Leo had took comfort in Hazel and Frank, both of whom were happy enough to take him in.

They'd danced around each other for about a year before going on their first date.

No one could say they were surprised.

About two years after the war, everyone had had enough of Nico and Will.

Percy was the only one to take action however, 'accidentally' shoving Nico into Will so that they both tumbled to the floor.

They just lay there for five minutes staring into each others eyes until Percy walked past, pushing Nico's head down until their lips touched, darting away straight after.

He valued his life, thank you very much.

Reyna and Annabeth had been a fairly new development, only spending time together properly about three years after the war. They'd been officially dating for six months now.

Clarisse and Chris were the same as ever.

Clarisse starting fights, Chris breaking up those fights.

Clarisse having a go at Chris until he placed a kiss on her lips and walked away, ignoring the profanities she shouted after him.

He was lucky she never caught the smirk on his face as he walked away.

They even had his shroud ready for the day she saw that smirk.

Travis and Katie were a widely known couple, everyone loving the dynamic their relationship had.

Katie kept Travis in check.

Well, as much as she could anyways.

Being surrounded by couples had left Percy kind of lonely.

It was a good thing, he guessed. It helped him connect with his best friend.

Him and Connor had already been good friends but they were both lonely singles. It gave them something extra to bond over.

They had had a brief fling about two years ago. They had started dating until they realised they worked better as friends. They tried to force a relationship for the sake of a relationship.

Living in New Athens together, Piper and Jason's relationship grew.

They'd recently discovered that Piper was pregnant, something everyone was excited for.

They'd both gone out to celebrate, each taking their closest friends with them to wherever they wanted.

Piper, Annabeth, Reyna, Hazel, Leo and Frank went out to the cinema, going for a nice meal after.

They all enjoyed the day together, it was fun.

Jason, Percy, Nico, Will, and Connor (upon Percy's request) went 'McDonald's hopping'.

There may or may not have been some death threats before hand.

Definitely not from Nico.

After about the sixth McDonald's, they'd all had enough. Except Nico.

They'd somehow ended up in a club, something that could only end badly.

Percy was skittish, nervous.

The smell of alcohol was all around him, overwhelming him.

He held back the urge to gag as someone walked past with a beer in hand, clutching onto Jason's hand next to him for comfort.

Jason didn't even bat an eye, assuming Percy needed this.

Connor made his way towards the bar, Nico following not long after. Nico stuck close to Connor, trusting him to pull off the right tricks to ensure they all got drinks.

Will sighed, already knowing that if he was to mention anything Nico would just pull out the 'I'm legal and definitely way older than you' card.

Percy, Will, and Jason searched the room, Percy's eyes darting around, never staying on one place.

They managed to find a table in the corner of the room, Percy making sure he could see the crowd, not wanting his back to face them.

He was paranoid, so what? He just didn't want to keep his back turned to a bunch of drunk strangers.

Once they'd gotten the drinks, Nico's eyes searched the room, spotting them sat at a table in the corner.

He nudged Connor before heading over to them, dodging body after body coming his way.

As they arrived, Percy squeezed Jason's hand, refusing to let go even as a beer was handed to him.

It's Jason. Let him drink his beer. He won't hurt you.

He mentally sighed in relief as Connor placed a water in front of him, already knowing that he doesn't drink.

Percy's hand shook slightly as he reached for the glass, suddenly hyper aware of the smell of beer on Jason's tongue.

He raised the glass to his lips and took a sip, the cool liquid slipping down his throat and calming him.

He took a deep breath, prepared to do this.

He could do it.

By the end of the night they were all drunk, despite Will having said at the start that he wasn't going to drink.

Percy's mind was at war with itself, he did it. He drank.

His sleeves were pulled over his hands, his fists clenched, nails digging into his palms. His arms were basically bound to his side, not trusting himself to raise them.

They made their way back to New Athens, not really sure how they got there.

They parted ways, all heading into their own apartments.

Percy took one look at Jason before deciding he wasn't letting him go home like that, just to face the disappointment of Piper.

Jason couldn't handle that.

Percy unlocked his door, taking a lot longer than he wanted to.

Everything was starting to get a little blurry.

He gulped, thinking of it as a sign.

They made their way into the apartment when it was unlocked, flopping straight down onto the couch, backs slouched and feet resting on each other.

Percy moved slightly to kick off his shoes, allowing Jason to do the same before moving back.

His heart was heavy, breathing laboured.

He tried not to let his mind consume him.

He drank.

Something he promised himself he'd never do.

Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew it wasn't his fault.

Knew it was the person who'd spiked his drink.

But he drank it, kept repeating in his mind.

He still made the conscious decision to raise the glass to his lips and take a sip.

It's all my fault. I'm such a fuck up.

He was the one who drank more, more, more.

Jason across him was breathing heavily, his breath smelling of beer.

Percy bit his lips, his nails digging into his thighs, trying to distract himself with the pain.

They stayed like that for a while, the alcohol's affect wearing Percy down.

His mind felt like a maze, so many twists and turns and he had no idea where to go.

He wanted someone to come and help him, lead him to the exit.

But Jason was the only one there, with him. And Jason smelled of alcohol.

If anything, Jason would just make him spiral.

He didn't want to spiral. Not again.

He looked up only to meet Jason's eyes, shivering at how dark they were.

Percy could just about see the small ring of blue, but even that was dark.

Percy's mind was swirling, his thoughts mixing and matching.

Fuck, he didn't even know what he drank.

He saw Jason bite his lip, a small drop of blood appearing on his lip.

Percy's eyebrows furrowed, leaning forward to remove Jason's lip from between his teeth, not wanting his friend to get hurt.

His breath hitched as he felt Jason grip his wrist, his eyes slightly hooded.


Percy had to hold back a shiver, Jason's voice deep, low.


If he was being honest, Jason didn't have a clue what he was doing.

He just remembered all the thoughts he tried to hide away come washing over him after about his third drink of the night.

They were locked away for a reason.

They were supposed to stay there.

But they didn't.

Percy held his breath as Jason's hand landed on his thigh, a bit too high up for comfort.

Jason slowly leaned in, giving Percy the chance to move away, to say no.

Eventually, Percy too leaned in, their lips finally touching.

Somewhere in the back of his mind, Percy knew this was wrong. Knew there was a reason Jason was here right now. Why they even went out to begin with.

His thoughts swirled again, washing all protests away as he forgot what he was thinking, too focused on Jason's lips and how they felt against his own.

Jason inched his hand on Percy's thigh higher, waiting for Percy's reaction.

He almost didn't catch it, the small noise in the back of his throat. He was lucky that's what he'd been looking for otherwise he would have missed it.

Jason groaned into the kiss, moving his hand to rest over Percy's dick.

Percy gasped, bucking up into Jason's hand.

His mind was gone, focusing only on one thing.

Jason, Jason, Jason.

Any sense he had seemed to curl up into a ball at the back of his mind, shaking. Trying to make itself smaller.

Jason's head felt fuzzy, waiting for the moment he's dreamed of for so long.

Percy breath hitched as all of a sudden Jason's hands were on the button of his jeans.

Slowly, torturously, Jason unbuttoned Percy's jeans, unzipping them a few seconds later.

Percy lifted his hips up to make it easier for Jason as he dragged his jeans down his legs, throwing them straight onto the floor after.

Percy felt exposed, sitting like this with Jason leaning back to get a good look at him.

The next thing Percy knew, a slight chill was going down his back, his t-shirt having been removed.

Percy's eyes slipped closed, feeling Jason's mouth on his neck.

He was pretty sure he felt a hand on his chest, only to not find one when he opened his eyes.

He groaned, Jason having found one of his sweet spots.

Jason grinned, continuing to suck and kiss on that area. Percy's head tipped back with a whimper when his teeth grazed across the skin.

Jason's mind was solely on Percy, nothing else mattering.

It was a constant cycle of Percy, Percy, Percy. Piper.

Part of his brain told him to stop, but he just couldn't. Not now that he was finally getting what he's wished for for so long.

Percy. Piper. Percy. Piper. Percy. Piper.


That thought seemed to calm his brain, allowing Jason to move his mouth down to Percy's collarbones.

Jason continued to kiss, suck and bite on Percy's skin until he heard Percy whine, needing more.

Percy loved this. Loved this feeling. Loved Jason.

Why was any part of him against this in the first place?

Jason moved his lips up to Percy mouth, his scent intoxicating Percy.

Jason broke the kiss, moving away for a second and letting Percy lie on his back.

Percy didn't know how to feel about being the only one down to his boxers, Jason still wearing all of his clothes.

But then Jason was leaning in, a bottle clutched in his hand.

Percy obviously failed at masking his surprise because Jason smirked, kissing Percy on the lips before removing his own shirt, revealing his toned torso.

Percy had what he'd seen of Jason's body before committed to memory, each time trying to be discreet as he sneaked a peak.

Jason laughed at Percy's lovestruck expression, wondering how he'd never noticed it before.

He stood up, shuffling out of his jeans before crawling over Percy, bringing with him the bottle of lube.

The shock on Percy's face was amusing. Apparently he was unaware that Jason - as long as he knew where they were - could summon things through the wind.

He knew Percy kept a bottle of lube in a box under his bed.

All he had to do was think about it hard enough and the wind brought the lube to him.

It always made Jason feel so cool.

Jason pulled Percy's boxers down, chucking them onto the floor once they were all the way off.

He kissed down Percy's stomach, watching him gasp.

Jason skipped past Percy's cock, only placing a quick kiss on his neck as he moved further down.

Percy made a noise of protest, wanting the attention to his cock.

Jason didn't listen, instead placing several kisses along his thighs, creating hickies that matched his neck.

Percy's body was painted with love bites, something Jason felt pretty proud of.

Jason opened the bottle of lube, squirting some onto his fingers before placing the lube down next to him.

He slowly circled the rim of Percy's hole, teasing.

Eventually, Jason pushed a finger in, going as slow as possible just to piss Percy off.

Percy tilted his head to the side, mouth slightly parted.

He missed this.

Jason started pumping his finger in and out of Percy, frowning at the look of discomfort on Percy's face.

Leaning up, Jason placed a kiss between Percy's eyebrows, watching as his face finally relaxed slightly.

After about a minute, Jason added another finger, continuing to pump his fingers.

Percy's face was morphing into one of pleasure, Jason making the conscious decision to start scissoring him.

Percy started grinding down onto Jason's fingers, wanting, needing, more.

Who was Jason to deny him what he needs?

He removed his fingers from Percy's hole, wiping the left over lube onto Percy's thigh, hoping for a reaction.

He received none, Percy too out of it to care.

Jason quickly pulled off his boxers before lubing up his cock.

He was impatient, he's waited years for this moment and it wasn't happening fast enough.

Percy looked up into Jason's eyes, his own becoming watery.

Jason smiled down at Percy, gripping his hand before slowly pushing in, groaning at the tightness.

Percy whimpered, squeezing Jason's hand as he adjusted.

Man, he was out of practice.

Jason frowned as a tear slipped down Percy's cheek, his face pink.

Percy's emotions were all over the place, feeling pathetic as a sob slipped passed his lips.

Percy ignores the voices in his head, trying to block out the loudest ones.

You've wanted him for years-

Loved him for years-

And now you're crying?

At Percy's nod, Jason starts thrusting, establishing his pace.

Tears streak down Percy's face, small sniffles filling the air.

Percy cried out as Jason hit his prostate, his moans filling the room as Jason continued to aim for the spot that caused his mind to fog over, stars appearing in his vision.

Half of Percy's mind was focusing on his surroundings, his actions, despite being a little hazy.

The other half was everywhere. Wondering what he'd have for breakfast tomorrow, what it was like to be a chihuahua, if Kronos had a favourite fruit.

He gasped at a particularly hard thrust, his thoughts blending together. He wondered what fruit he'd have tomorrow, what it was like to be a breakfast, if Kronos had a favourite chihuahua.

Jason's hips stuttered, his orgasm looming over him.

It didn't take long before he came, shocking Percy with the weird feeling.

Jason pulled out, his hand wrapping around Percy's cock.

He stroked Percy to release, drinking up the little sounds he made.

Percy came with a cry, his breathing heavy.

Percy struggled to keep his eyes open, wanting nothing more than to sleep despite the cum covering his torso.

Jason moved them around so that he was laying on his back with Percy's head on his chest.

The room was silent except for their heavy breathing, sleep slowly overtaking them.

Percy woke up the next morning, his head pounding. His head felt fuzzy and he had to blink a few times to adjust to the light.

Looking around the room, he spotted Jason sat next to him, his head in his hands.

Percy looked down at himself, noticing his lack of clothes and how dishevelled Jason's looked.

Did they-

Fuck, they did.

Percy could feel Jason's cum on his thigh, the sticky feeling unpleasant.

They had sex.

Fuck, they had sex.

Jason had a girlfriend and they had sex.

Percy made Jason cheat on his girlfriend. His pregnant girlfriend.

Percy was a horrible person, a horrible friend.


Percy paused immediately as Jason held up a hand, signalling for him to stop.


Percy watched, teary eyed, as Jason stumbled out of the apartment, a scowl never leaving his face.

Percy's breath hitched as the door slammed shut, his thoughts tangled.

It was a few hours later that Connor tumbled his way into his apartment, pain written across his face.

"Fuck, dude, my hangover-"

Connor stopped, noticing the blotches of red across Percy's cheeks.

He was still naked, the blanket off the back of the couch the only thing covering him.


Their eyes met, Connor feeling his own eyes start to water as he saw the pure sadness in Percy's eyes.

Without another word, Connor opened his arms, inviting Percy in for a hug.

Percy didn't wait to launch himself at Connor, the odd tear slipping down his face. He thought he had no tears left at this point.

Apparently not.

Connor just let Percy cry into his shoulder for a while, knowing he needed that human touch.

When he was sad, Percy couldn't bare being alone. He needed to know that someone was there. He needed physical contact. Gentle touches made him relax, made his thoughts unwind.

It took a while for Percy to calm down enough to speak, even longer for him to finish the story.

Connor felt his hand twitch, something that didn't happen very often. He was overall a calm guy, except for when it came to Percy.

After their failed attempt at dating, they'd stayed friends, becoming closer than ever.

Percy made Connor promise not to do anything, insisting it was his fault in the first place, ignoring Connor's promises that it wasn't.

I had to stop this here because it was getting too long but the second part should be coming soon, I've already started writing it.

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