The Turnabout of Hope Book 1:...

By DreamersWriters

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Phoenix Wright becomes a defense attorney and finds himself in the most intense yet completely strange cases... More

Notes for this Story
Chapter 2: The Intern
Chapter 3: Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth
Chapter 4: Turnabout of Sweets and Self-Love
Chapter 5: Think About the Past
Chapter 6: About the Past
Chapter 7: Turnabout Von Karma Truth Part 1
Chapter 8: The Von Karma Truth Part 2
Chapter 9: The Von Karma Truth Part 3
Chapter 10: A Mystic Introduction
Chapter 11: Two Sides
Chapter 12: A Deceased and A Spy
Chapter 13: Fey Family Fault
Chapter 14: The Interpol Case
Chapter 15: Escaping Evil Clutches
Chapter 16: The Turnabout of Saving!
Chapter 17: Returning Home
Chapter 18: Calling a Friend and Foe
Chapter 19: Discovering the Truth
Chapter 20: Turnabout of Points!
Chapter 21: Saying Goodbye to the Past and Hello to the Future
Thank You!
Chapter 22: The Chief Calls for Help
Chapter 23: Investigating a Corrupt Crime Scene
Chapter 24: The Turnabout of Real Truth!
Chapter 25: The Turnabout Terror and Demon Prosecutor's Victory
Chapter 26: Back to Work, With a Side of Justice!
Chapter 27: Unexpected but Expected
Chapter 28: The Turnabout of Wishes!
Chapter 29: Learning from the Best, Right? Wright?
Chapter 30: Even a Small Case is a Case
Chapter 31: The Turnabout of Plunders!
Chapter 32: Athena Cykes is Ready to Go!
Chapter 33: Cooking Up Disasters
-Thank You Again!-
Chapter 34: The Turnabout of Feasts!
Chapter 35: Too Many Invitations
Chapter 36: A Dance to NOT Forget!
Chapter 37: Magic is in the Air!
Chapter 38: The Ball Transforms
Chapter 39: The Turnabout of New Truth!
Chapter 40: A Serene Ending
Epilogue: A Puzzling Foe
Bonus Chapter 1: Nightlife Freunds on New Years!
Bonus Chapter 2: Be A Girl, Pastel Heroines!
Bonus Chapter 3: Apollo and Athena Finally Get Together!
Bonus Chapter 4: A Christmas Exchange
Author's Note

Chapter 1: My First Trial

394 10 13
By DreamersWriters

Wright Anything Agency

March 31, 10:00 AM

(For the sake of argument, my thoughts will go under the time, date, and location. I don't want to mess that up. Anyway, onto the story! I really love Phoenix as a character, especially after everything he's gone through. You can tell he grows up and really loves his job. I really hope I'll get to that point in life where I have a job that I enjoy. Either way, Enjoy!)

(Phoenix's POV)

                 I carried two cups of warm tea to the guest table. I placed it on the table as the two young ladies each took a cup for themselves. I didn't expect to have any clients today, but it isn't too bad really.

"So, what kind of a case am I taking?" I asked them with a smile as the young Asian girl took a sip from her tea and then placed the cup on the plate.

She wore a black dress and had her brown hair neatly tied into a loose ponytail. She adjusted her black rimmed glasses to avoid it being fogged up. Although she seemed quiet, her brown eyes were shinning with enthusiasms. She was holding a notebook. Ah, she must be a writer. I wonder if I have read any of her works. There is a popular author who publishes books about the many strange events happening around the world. I wonder if that is her.

"Ahem. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to meet with us, Mr. Wright – Edgeworth" the lady with short blonde hair said with a smile as she rose her face from the tea, "But, we are not here to talk about a case. Rather, we will be the ones who will do the interrogation this time"

This young lady seemed to be more well-mannered. Though, she appears very strong. Physically at least. I wouldn't be surprised if she is strong emotionally as well! She wore a dark purple dress and adjusted her dark purple glasses. She had short, dark blonde hair and had blue eyes. She held a prideful and strong smile. Hm, I wonder if they are here to learn about me and my friends... Hm...

"Well, this wouldn't be the first time I've been interrogated actually" I confessed to them as the lady with brown eyes light up brightly.

She kind of reminds me of my youngest daughter. Always filled with energy and spunk.

"Ah, so we have heard. However, we would like to hear the whole story about you, Phoenix Wright. Everything we can! My friend here takes records of everything that happens. She asked me to come here with her to make sure she didn't miss anything! So, please tell us everything and don't leave anything out!" she said determinedly.

I don't know why, but she reminds me an awful lot of my yellow lawyer apprentice. Though, she did establish a law firm back in Europa. I wonder how she is doing. I took my seat and nodded my head at them.

"Alright, then let me tell you about my first case. It was something" I said to them as a smile appeared on my face.

District Court House, Outside Courtroom 4

October 11, 9:00 AM

(Phoenix's POV in the past and from where the story will continue to tell from)

I was biking as fast as I can to the courthouse! I almost overslept! Ah! I hope I am not keeping anything important from happening! I quickly stopped biking once I reached the brown and white courthouse. I chained my bike up to a poll and then ran into the courthouse!

"Ah! I am so sorry I am late, Mia!" I shouted in a very apologetic manner.

I was panting as I placed my hands on my knees. I then flattened my blue suite and made sure I looked presentable. My spiky hair was still as spiky as ever. I then looked up to see my boss, Mia Fey. She had long brown hair with matching eyes to pair. She wore a black suite top and medium lengthen matching skirt. She wore black flats and had a yellow scarf around her neck as well as a purple spirit medium charm of some kind.

"It is alright, Phoenix. I am grateful you are at least 4 minutes here before the trial started" she said with a grin on her face, "Do you have everything you need for the trial? Don't worry, I made copies of everything just in case"

"I have everything! I even looked over everything before I went to bed! Though, I could barely sleep to be honest" I confessed to her nervously as I rubbed the back of my neck.

She smiled at me warmly as I showed her my bag filled with the evidence and other important material. She just let out a nervous laugh as I closed my bag.

"NO! I WON'T GO TO JAIL! I DIDN'T DO IT!" a familiar loud voice shouted as the bailiffs and police officers tried to hold him down.

"Wow. Is that your client? He seems very insisting on his innocence" Mia said surprised as she turned her attention to my client.

The bailiffs brought my client over to us as Mia let out an interesting gasp.

"Mia Fey, this is my client and best friend Larry Butz" I said nervously and with a weak smile as I presented my friend to my boss.

Larry is an old friend of mine. We go back to grade school. He takes a lot of random jobs to get by. He has orangish hair which flowed to the right side of his head. He even has a short stubble as well. He wore an orange jacket, simple white shirt, brown shoes, and long blue jeans.

"Nick! You've gotten prove I am innocent! I didn't do it! I don't even have the heart to kill a fly!" he yelled as he grabs onto my jacket!

"Please get off me! I'll do my best to prove your innocence! Just let go of me!" I said in a strained voice as I forcefully pulled him off me!

Larry wailed as he fell on the ground. Mia blinked a few times as I tried to help my client up and then reassure her that I could handle this case.

"Mr. Wright? The trial is about to start" a bailiff called as he opened the doors to the courtroom.

I gave him a serious expression and nodded my head.

"This is it, Phoenix. Are you ready?" Mia asked me seriously.

"Yeah. I can do this" I reassured her.

Courtroom 4

October 11, 9:15 AM

We went into the courtroom. I walked to the left side of the courtroom with my boss. We both stood at the defense bench as chief stood at my left side. Across from us was the prosecution bench. Both benches were light brown. There were two tables with green tops. Then, in the middle to the far left was the high judge chair. Behind the defense's and prosecutor's benches were the jurors. Then, we have the witness stand to the right of us. On the back left to the witness stand is the defendant's place. To the far right is a place where witness can stay. I placed my bag on the bench and took out some papers and my important evidence. I want to make sure I have access to it during the case.

"Ah! So, this is the new lawyer! He won't last the whole trial against me!" the prosecutor said with a chuckle of confidence as he patted his bald head.

He wore a tan suite and wore a pair of dark shades. He was kind of short in size.

"That's Winston Payne. He's known as the Rookie Killer among the prosecutors. Though, he really isn't much if I am honest" chief reassured me in a whisper.

I simply nodded my head. I was really nervous, so I couldn't find the words to speak! Calm down, Phoenix. You've reviewed the evidences and looked over the facts. You can do this. There was cough as we turned our attention to the judge's chair. The judge wore a black robe and was bald. He had a long gray beard. We saw the judge take his seat at the judge's seat.

He banged his gavel as he said, "Court is now in session for the trial of Larry Butz. Is the defense ready?"

"Yes! The defense is ready, your honor!" I exclaimed a little too loud as chief laughed a bit.

"The prosecution is obviously ready, your honor" Prosecutor said with a smirk.

"Then, let's begin. Would the prosecution say their opening statement?" the judge asked in a coughing voice.

"Of course, your honor. The victim was April May, a model. She was traveling to Europa for photo shoots. The defendant was visiting his lover's apartment room when she arrived back from her trip to Europa" the prosecutor began to explain as the TV showed the victim's home, "He went into his lover's room and picked up the murder weapon on the nightstand, the thinker clock. Then, when she turned around, he struck her head and died from the impact and fell on the wooden floor of the apartment at 3:30 pm!"

You have got to be kidding me?! I didn't know about the murder weapon! I didn't even get an autopsy report...

"Come on, Phoenix. Don't give up yet. We still have to prove your client is innocent. You do believe your client is innocent, right?" chief asked me nervously.

"O-of course, I do! I just have to find the contradiction, right?" I asked her the most determined voice I could somehow muster.

"Sigh, first, let's wait for the defendant to give his side of the story" chief said calmly as she rubbed her head a bit.

Larry was put on the witness stand. I really hope he won't say anything to ruin his case.

"Now, defendant, please give your opening statement" the judge said as I faced Larry.

"Well, I did go to my lover's apartment after she got back from her vacation. I didn't kill her! I just talked to her. I had to leave to see about a new job!" Larry explained in his usual loud manner.

Well, that doesn't sound too bad... But Larry doesn't just stop talking like that either. He usually talks on and on about anything.

"Phoenix did you notice something odd?" chief asked as she snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, Larry would normally talk a lot about anything. Something isn't right... It is like he is hiding something from me..." I answered my chief as I looked at Larry.

He was being oddly quiet... I looked at my chief as she grinned at me.

"That's interesting... Well, what do you want him to do? Make him talk or move on?" chief asked me.

I have to make Larry talk more. He's hiding something from me.

I slammed my hands on the defense bench as I shouted loudly, "Your honor, I request that Larry talk more about the day of the murder!"

"Very well. Defendant, please add more to your testimony" the judge said seriously.

Larry squirmed in the witness stand nervously as he weakly nodded his head.

"Ok! She called me over to her apartment. Well, I did go to my lover's apartment after she got back from her vacation. We sat at her table with my gift there. But I didn't kill her with it! I just talked to her. I had to leave to see about a new job!" Larry explained loudly.

We were all quiet as I pondered on his statement.

I placed a hand on my chin as I asked, "So, what was this "gift" you mentioned?"

"Oh! My thinker clock! I made it for her! She took it with her on her trip to Europa! It was sitting on the table outside on the balcony" Larry gushed as his face brightened happily.

"Why does this matter?" Prosecutor Payne asked with annoyance in his voice.

"Yes, I fail to see how this piece of evidence is important, is it important, Mr. Wright?" the judge asked.

"Yes, it is important. Please add it to the testimony" I answered the judge.

Larry said happily, "My thinker clock! I made it for her! She took it with her on her trip to Europa! It was sitting on the table outside on the balcony"

I got him!

I slammed my hands on the desk as I shouted, "OBJECTION!"

Everyone was silent as they turned their attention on me. Well, this is a bit nervous.

I calmed myself down as I stated strongly, "If my defendant really killed his lover with the thinker clock, then why did the prosecutor state the thinker cloak was on the nightstand when my defendant said it was on the table outside?!"

Everyone jumped in shock as the prosecutor screamed in disbelief.

"Good job, Phoenix! You were able to do it!" chief said proudly.

I was a bit embarrassed as I grinned.

"OBJECTION!" Prosecutor Payne shouted as he gained everyone's attention, "Honestly, does it really matter where the clock is?! He still kills her with it!"

"HOLD IT!" I shouted, "Yes, it does actually. If you stated that the defendant killed the victim and she fell to the wooden floor. How can that be when the defendant and victim were sitting outside with the thinker clock still there?!"

Prosecutor Payne let out another "AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRGGGGGHHHH!" as I placed my hands on my hips with a smirk on my face. I got him!

"Well, then this will end the cross-examination of the defendant" the judge said, "Does the defense or prosecution have anything else to add?"

Before I could give him my answer, Prosecutor Payne yelled, "Yes, your honor! We have a witness! The prosecutor calls Richard Wellington to the stand!"

"WHAT?!" chief and I shouted in shock as the courtroom doors opened to reveal a young man wearing a blue suit with the weirdest black and yellow hair enter.

"Hello everyone! It is nice to meet you all! I am Richard Wellington! The famous college student!" he introduced to the court as he took the witness stand.

Man, he looks like he is filled with hot air.

"Witness! Please give us your testimony" the judge said seriously.

"I was walking by the apartment of Miss May. I heard talking. Then, bam! The victim was struck down by the thinker clock! I saw that man holding the clock!" Richard said with a smug smile on his face.

There's something odd about that statement, but what is it?! Where is it?!

"Phoenix are you ok?" chief asked me worriedly.

"Sorry, chief. I just can't find a way to get around this statement" I said defeated.

"Haha. Come on Phoenix. This is your moment to turn your thinking around. Ask about something only Larry and us should know about" chief reassured me with a warm smile.

What does she mean? I can't see it! What is something only we know that he shouldn't know? Wait a minute....

"OBJECTION!" I shouted as I gained everyone's attention.

I then walked to the evidence table to take one, important piece of evidence.

"Mr. Wellington, you said you saw this clock on the scene of the crime, right?" I asked him as a smirk was on my face and showed him the clock.

"Of course! I saw it clear as day!" he answered with a smile.

"But, how could you have known the clock was a thinker?!" I shouted as I presented the clock to the stand.

"What does that have to do with anything?!" Prosecutor Payne asked in a very defeated manner.

"Didn't you pay attention to the defendant's testimony? He claimed it was gift to his lover. This is not an ordinary gift you can just see sold in a store, because the defendant made it himself!" I declared as everyone gasped in shock.

The judge slammed his gavel on the stand to quiet everyone down.

"Well, that is quite a startling revelation the defense has made! It also appears that the prosecution has no other claims to bring forth. I will now hand down my verdict" the judge said as I felt pretty happy about my first trial going smoothly.

I totally got this!

"OBJECTION!" Mr. Wellington shouted as we turned to him.

What is he doing?!

"You can't do prove that the clock is that unique!" he began to rant loudly as he growled at me, "After all, that clock was just gathering dust by just sitting outside! It must've been from a tacky store as well, because I would never be caught dead with that! It doesn't have any value worth stealing! It is so loud as well! Too loud at telling the time! I could hear it echoing in my head!"

That is an odd detail to mention about the clock... Wait a minute, the thinker clock does tell the time out loud. I got him!

"What did you hear?" I asked him seriously.

"The time! What else would it be?! "I think it is 3:30 pm"! Seriously?! How could anyone want a disgusting thing like that?! It is so garish!" Mr. Wellington shouted as I smirked, and Prosecutor Payne gulped.

"OBJECTION!" I shouted as I pointed at him, "Mr. Wellington, you just revealed yourself to be the true culprit of this murderous crime!"

He screamed as chief said proudly, "Good job, Phoenix. You did a very good job"

"Will the defense explain the connection of the murders?" the judge asked seriously as he tried his best to compose himself.

"Of course, your honor" I said as I composed myself, "It is very clear as to what happened. After my client left his deceased lover, the culprit snuck into the house to see if he could steal anything. Before you even ask if he was going to steal, please recall what he said just a moment ago, "It doesn't have any value worth stealing". He was looking through her belongings to find something of value to steal. The victim must've been busy and turned her back away from him. Then, when she saw him, she tried to scream until the culprit picked up the clock then struck her with it. Your honor, that is clearly what happened!"

"NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO! THIS CAN'T BE! HOW DID HE FIGURE IT OUT?!" Mr. Wellington shouted in complete shock as he slapped his hands on his face.

He let out a defeated scream and then collapsed on the witness stand. Everyone in the gallery was surprised and in an uproar. We had to take a short break for a moment before we reconvened to hear the verdict.

"Prosecutor Payne how is the culprit?" the judge asked.

"He's currently being held by the bailiffs and being watched. He is trying to grab anything and smack it against anything..." the prosecution said in a defeated tone.

The judge shook his head as he replied, "Such a vile man. Murdering an innocent woman for petty thief. A terrible act indeed. Defense?"

"Yes, your honor?" chief and I asked as we remained calm.

"I must say, I didn't expect a case like this again! Filled with emotion and determination to find the truth. Miss Mia, you are clearly doing something right if you have a new defense attorney who is willing to pursue the truth like you and your friends" the judge complimented.

"Thank you, your honor. I am also very proud of him myself. I hope to find more defense attorneys like him who want to find the truth" she said with a graceful bow.

"Very good. Mr. Wright, you've done an excellent job on finding the real truth behind this case. I expect more of that from you in your future trials. Now, it is time for me to deliver my verdict. I find the defendant, Larry Butz, NOT GUILTY!" the Judge announced loudly with a bang of his gavel.

Everyone burst into huge roar of cheers and applauses! Chief and I shook hands as Larry screamed and hugged the guards beside him. Confetti fell from the ground and scattered around us.

"Court is adjourned" the judge said as he slammed his gavel on the stand.

District Courthouse, Outside Courtroom 4

October 11, 2:30 pm

We stepped out of the court, and I could finally breathe! Wow! My heart is beating so fast! I wasn't even sure I could handle it!

"Great job, Phoenix. You were able to find the truth and reveal to the court! I am so proud of you" chief said with a warm smile.

I felt very embarrassed as I answered chief, "I just gave it my all, and it was thanks to you and your teachings that helped me find the truth as well"

She laughed and replied, "Give yourself some credit, Phoenix. You were able to pick up that the defendant was hiding something. Not many lawyers and prosecutors can do that. Now, pick yourself up and let's see how your client is"

We went to find Larry, but he was standing outside. He was holding the thinker clock in his hands and then looked up to wave at us!

"Nick! Thank you so much! I didn't think anyone would believe me, but you did! Thank you so much!" he screamed as he pulled me into a tight hug.

"I'm grateful I could help you out, Larry" I said as I forcefully pulled away from him.

"But what am I going to do?!" he then wailed as he clutched the clock closer to himself, "She was my everything! How can I go on living?!"

If I can do it after dumping my first ex-girlfriend, you can too. Though, I guess our circumstances are very different.

"Aw, come on Larry. Don't be like that. She took that clock with her to Europa. She must've cared about you a lot. Live for that Larry. She would be very happy to see you live on with that special gift you made for her" chief said gently with some sadness in her eyes.

I wonder if chief is ok.

"Ah! You're right! I can't be sad now! She did take this clock with her! I can't give up on life now! Not when she clearly loved me so much! I'll make sure to live my life to fullest and the best!" Larry claimed loudly as he raised his thinker clock in the air.

Chief and I laughed at him. Just like that, my first case came to a close. At the time, I was just so relived to help my friend. I didn't realize that it would open the path of truth before me. My career as a lawyer and finding the truth was just beginning. I would continue to find the truth in my numerous, future trials.

"Come on, Nick! We need to celebrate!" Larry shouted as he pulled my hand and ran out of the courthouse without hearing my input.

I looked back at my chief who just smiled at me.

"Just come into work tomorrow, Phoenix. Have fun celebrating with your friend!" she called after me and left the courthouse for the Hickfield clinic.

I thanked her as I was forced to go to the local bar with Larry to celebrate his non-guilt verdict.

Hickfield Clinic, Room 3

October 11, 2:50 PM

(Mia's POV)

"Thank you for letting me drop by" I said to the nurse as I entered a patient's room with a white bouquet of flowers in my hands along with an important piece.

I entered the room to find my partner on the bed and hocked to many medical devices I couldn't understand the function of. My partner was laid down on the nursing bed and covered in a white blanket. I placed the flowers in a nearby vase and then took a seat to his right side.

"How are you doing? I'm ok. My first student won his first trial and found the truth behind the case. You would've laughed at the prosecution. He was terrible" I spoke softly as I looked at him.

I then took out the green magatama in my hands. I don't know if Phoenix realized it, but he could feel the hidden truth behind Larry's words. This will help him; I am sure of it.

"He was able to sense something hidden being the words. I am sure he'll be the one to use this. I plan to give it tomorrow. We are so close! I am sure of it! We will find the truth behind those cases we worked with Gergory together! You, Gergory, Lana, and me will finally figure out the truth behind those cases! Ah, I am getting ahead of myself, aren't I? Well, I'll make sure to keep myself grounded until you can come back to do that. I better head out. I have to lock up my office and then call my family. I'll come by and visit you again, Diego" I said softly as I took his hand in mine.

I gave it a soft kiss and then left the clinic. Things are starting to look up, I hope things will continue to favor our side to pursue the truth behind the cases from the past and future to come. 

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