His surrogate (Completed)

By ChristianahOyetunji

439K 19.3K 676

Meet badass Antonia Lewis who never imagined getting married in twenty years to come, talk less of getting pr... More

Am pregnant🙄🙄
Martin pierce
Authors note
Authors note
let the game begin
Day 2
Broken heart
His girlfriend
The urge
His girlfriend (me)
A day before
Truth or Dare.
Author's note
Authors note 2
Mood swings.
cast of characters
forgiven and forgotten
something new
The bomb
sharing him
Friends in need
Where you belong
Gone wrong
Quarantine 😭😭😭
Heart to heart
coming home
finding HER
A clean slate
Author's note
The visit
A big yes
pinky promise
Making a friend
Authors note( Q and A)
planning a wedding
Author's note
The wedding/The wedding guest.
The wedding party
New story alert

Dress to kill/ No to bridal shower

3.8K 198 8
By ChristianahOyetunji

The places the wedding planner arranged, having only been to one of them, I knew they were the real deal .
As soon as we entered the first dress shop, Tessa and Bella saw a white flowery dress which they fell in love with immediately.
"This is it, the dress for the bridesmaids. "Anna showed the lady in charge of the store.
She took their measurements, and assured that the dresses will be available by next week.
"It seems like we've forgotten why we are here, the bride hasn't even seen her dress. "Eve observed . I nodded at her.
" Please come with me madam." Another store lady appeared pulling me into another room.
I searched for over ten minutes but I still couldn't find a thing .
I was actually expecting one of them to just wink at me or maybe drop at my feet, or even wave at me saying 'am the one'. But no,none of them did.

I walked back out to my friends "We'll be picking only the bridesmaids dress,let me have your contacts so we'll keep in touch and I'll make the payments.....for the..."
" And your own dress?"the lady asked.
" I think we'll check at another store." I dropped my phone number and ushered the girls out.
"The dresses were nice Tonia." Anna whined.
"Yeah,they were, but they aren't the ones I have been imagining since age 7."I answered opening the driver's side of the car to sit in and waited till they all settled in.
I punched in the next stop into the GPS and pulled the car out of the lot.

"How about this?"
"OMG, this has sleeves,so pretty."
" And this has stones,really cute."They all brought each of their dresses .
It still didn't click. "Must I wear white?" I asked tiredly.
"You could wear other colors offcourse,we have nude,pink and other colors." The sales woman advertised.
" Let's see the Pink's."Anna said.
We all followed her into another room. After another half an hour,I found IT.
"This is so nice." Tessa exclaimed.
I couldn't agree less. It had a crop,off shoulder top. And a long skirt. It was really nice. I couldn't wait to wear it.
"Go try it on." The woman ushered me into the changing room.

"But Marty!!!" I whined.
"Don't Marty me Antonia,the last time you all went out ,you spent the night out." He reminded.
I cringed. " It's my bridal shower."
"I know boo,and that is why myself Lucas and Chris will be out, so you and your friends can have the house to yourselves."
" You cannot possibly be serious Martin,we want to go out,have fun....my best friend is getting married okay,for the first time in her life....."Tessa said.
".......also the last." Martin imputed." My decision remains the same,the fridge is stocked,there's take out in the kitchen,the children are over with the parents, have fun y'all." He waved walking out of the house.
" I can't believe Martin just did that!"
" HE.JUST.DID.THAT." I confirmed.


A night before my fucking wedding..... The kids were with the parents back at Martin's house. My friends and I were lodged in a nearby hotel.
"Four hours to go." Bella said nervously. One would think she is the bride.
"Checking the time every five minutes is not helping Bella,keep your time to yourself. And you Antonia,any last minute nerves...are you really sure you want to do this?" Trust Tessa to ask that question.
" Offcourse I am. I've been ready since I first set eyes on Martin." I blushed...I really am in love with this guy." Kind of like how you're all over Chris now?"
" Well yeah...but we aren't getting married any time soon though. Martin is going to make you so happy. Am happy for you bestie."
" Am happy for me too."
" Is this Tessa,or her twin.... where's Tessa and what have you done to our friend."Anna exclaimed.
"Am still the same Tessa okaaay......pardon me for acting like my age for the first time in a very long while."
I laughed...my friends were crazy. " So I had this horrible dream last night that  Martin didn't show up at the wedding."
" If anyone doesn't make an appearance,that would be you Antonia,cause you mad like that. But Martin."Bella heaved out a very breath." That dude is down for life. Completely whipped."
We all laughed. " Funny cause we really hated each other before all of this. We couldn't hold a conversation without arguing through it."
" I think that just makes your love story more interesting. Now on a lighter note,who's ready to get druuuuuunnnnkk!!!!!!!"
" You bet!"
" Let's do this!" I yelled....or maybe screamed.

Martin's p.o.v..

" I have a feeling leaving them at home is much worse than they actually going out."I sighed.
" Dude calm down,they are fine,there's nothing to get worried about,now cheers to you being a family man." We all raised our drinks.
" With that out of the way,should I bring those ladies in?" Lucas asked.
" I don't think that's a good idea,It's a night to my freaking wedding. I don't trust myself. Count me out guys."
" Boring!"Lucas whistled heading out of the room.
We were at a five star hotel and bar, Chris had reserved a VIP section far back from the bar,that must have cost a hell of cash. I wasn't complaining,I would do the same and more for him.
"You really want to do this,Tessa will kill you."
" I mean" He shrugged." I really dont care,we kinda broke up."
"I have heard that word from you two over a billion times. What did you do this time.?"
" Really,me? Why would you think am the one that did something wrong. I mean,am freaking 30,I simply joked and said we should do this too pretty soon,as regards to your wedding,she flared up. She isn't ,and she doesn't want to get married."
" That's mad. With the whole proposal scenery you have planned. Have you informed Antonia about this recent development?"
He nodded. " I have, She still wants to go ahead with it. She says she'll talk sense into her. Till then,am a free man,let the booze flow,cheers to your last night being single man. Am happy for you." He hugged me.
" You are drunk as fuck Already!"
"I mean,have had about seven glasses,but am still sane,thank you very much." He slurred.
" And here they are." Lucas announced his arrival, with four naked ladies coming after him.
This was not gonna end well. It never does.
A last little fun never hurts right. I mean,I deserve some,I was going to spend the rest of my life with just one person.
And that was the alcohol talking,I lost count already. My vision started getting blurred as one of the strippers settled on Chris lap. I vividly remember one making her way over to him.
"Two for the groom to be....." Lucas yelled as Chris applauded.
Antonia please don't kill me............or rather,make my death less painful.

The next chapter is The wedding.....and the epilogue is up next. Thanks for the never ending support....🤸🤸
New story alert!!
'Ties that bind.'
Available on my profile,add to your libraries,vote and comment.
Two more chapters till the end of His surrogate
Thanks for the endless supports
Much love from me to you

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