Masked Attraction

By taylorcelanturxx

487K 12.1K 1.1K

Emma Barnes is a shy sophomore with a predictable life. Struggling with anxiety and focusing on her parent's... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Kappa Alpha Society
Chapter 3: Your Fate Is Sealed
Chapter 4: Oops
Chapter 5: Dancing
Chapter 6: You're On
Chapter 7: I'll Just Add Myself
Chapter 8: I Lied
Chapter 9: You Always Eat My Pizza
Chapter 10: Bashy
Chapter 11: He's Only Cute if I'm Drunk
Chapter 12: I Can Sing Better Than the Band
Chapter 13: Doritos
Chapter 14: Girlfriend?
Chapter 15: I Can Totally Pull Off a Mustache
Chapter 16: Barista
Chapter 17: Model Emergency
Chapter 18: Man Spreading
Chapter 19: Flavor
Chapter 20: Out of Your League
Chapter 21: Movers
Chapter 22: Mini Castle
Chapter 23: She's a Little Scary
Chapter 24: Steam Coming Out of Her Ears
Chapter 25: Kiss Me
Chapter 26: Munchkins and Midterms
Chapter 27: Sebastien John Reed
Chapter 28: Wrong Feelings
Chapter 29: Mushy Gushy
Chapter 30: Scream Music
Chapter 31: Big Bad Wolf
Chapter 32: Good and Dandy
Chapter 33: Pancakes
Chapter 34: Karaoke Night
Chapter 35: Slacker Cookies
Chapter 36: Turkey
Chapter 37: Victor
Chapter 38: Did That Happen?
Chapter 39: On A Break
Chapter 40: Dumplings
Chapter 41: Strike
Chapter 42: I'll Bite You Too
Chapter 43: The Grinch
Chapter 44: Me, Myself & I
*Extra Pictures*
Chapter 45: Everything Okay?
Chapter 46: Old Sellers
Chapter 47: Deathtrap
Chapter 48: Bubble Bath
Chapter 49: Boy Toy
Chapter 50: Masked
Chapter 51: Attraction
Chapter 52: Everybody Knows
Chapter 53: You are Crazy
Chapter 54: Striped & Solids
Chapter 55: Goodbye
Chapter 56: Dragon Tattoo
Chapter 57: Engaged
Chapter 58: Bewitched
Chapter 59: Parents

Chapter 2: He Won't Fall For It

12.3K 313 22
By taylorcelanturxx

Earlier this week, Sebastien mentioned this "so-called elusive party" because his current girlfriend was pestering him for an invite. From being best-friends and neighbors for as long as I can remember, I am used to him treating me like one of the guys and confiding to me all about his revolving door of girlfriend drama. It never even occurred to me to grab an invite for Jamie, but I am sincerely regretting that decision as Jamie is now glaring at me.

"You texted him?" She asks forcibly.

"I did," I clarify showing her my phone to prove it.

"Hmph, alright. Thanks. I'm going to keep getting ready, because I plan on meeting a hot guy tonight."

"Well as always, you look amazing so I think you will," I respond back to her.

She winks at me over her shoulder, "Thank you. But if I don't get into Kappa tonight I won't have any decent prospects," she informs me and I roll my eyes at her dramatics.

Sebastien's name begins typing.

They aren't letting anyone else be added this late. The list has already been confirmed with the other frats & sororities :/ (Sebastien)

I cringe as I read the text over. I silently glance over at Jamie in her spiked boots and denim jacket and reply back to him.

That's just great. I text sarcastically. Can you text her that?

Nope. that's all on you. You'll say it nicer than I ever will 😉. Tell her I said that I am sorry. (Sebastien)

I groan anticipating her reaction.

"Um, James," I say tentatively.

"Yeah?" she answers twisting to face me. I give her an uneasy look. "No, no! He can't not invite me. Hell no, I won't stand for it," she exclaims and plops down next to me on the bed.

Out of nowhere, she bursts up again. I reflexively grab my laptop to prevent it from flying off the bed. "Wait, I have a brilliant idea! How about you tell him you want to go," she says nodding her head enthusiastically.

I go still. "What? No, I don't want to go!" I respond horrified by the mere suggestion. I definitely do not want to go to a frat party tonight or any time in the near future.

"Emma, he'll say yes to you," she counters pleadingly, her bottom lip pouting.

I look at her like she is crazy, which she is. "Jamie..." I start.

"Don't Jamie me," she says back to full on glaring at me. "Please, this is really important. If I miss this, I won't get a good sorority to take me seriously. They are super competitive. Come on, when was the last time you went to a party," she taps her chin pretending to think. "Oh that's right, the one-time freshmen year when you stayed all of twenty-five minutes. You didn't give it a true chance and they are really fun...But if you won't go for fun, please do it for me," she urges.

I sigh. "Jamie, he'll know you are just setting me up. He won't fall for it. He knows me."

"Then convince him," she says and then proceeds to beg. "Pleassseeee. I won't go to another party for a week or ask for anything else. I'll be the best roommate. I'll take out the trash all month. I'll.."

I meet her gaze, my guilt starting to rise. She has been telling me how much she wants to get into one of the top sororities since high school. I don't know how one party could be such a deal-breaker, but I can feel my guard shattering. Plus, I'm pretty sure she still doesn't know where the garbage chute is and we are in the same building as last year. This must be incredibly important to her if she is willing to take out the trash for a whole month.

Much to my distress, I break. "Alright fine." I say completely defeated. "Only because I know how much you want to get into a sorority. But you're going to take out the trash for the month and I want to save that no party arrangement for midterm week. Deal?"

"YESS" she squeals. "Yes, I'll do it. Oh my gosh, we are going to a party!" She starts jumping up and down clapping. I can't help but laugh at her giddiness.

"Well, don't get too excited yet. I still have to convince Bash I want to go and to somehow get us in," I mutter biting my lip. Astonished she is in some way convincing me to go to a party, my nerves begin racing and my knee starts to have a small tremor. Before I can think about how much I'll end up regretting it, I dial his number taking a deep breath.

*Author's Note*
I'm sorry some of my beginning chapters are on the short side. I went back and edited them and cut out a lot of info. Thank you for reading ❤️

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