The Assassin (Discontinued Fo...

By SleepyIdiot2_0

63.5K 2.3K 1.7K

I Just keep coming up with new ideas and want to get them all started... And no this is not a Haikyuu x assas... More

«Part 1»
«Part 2»
«Part 3»
«Part 4»
«Part 5»
«Part 6»
«Part 7»
«Part 8»
«Part 9»
«Part 11»
Not a Chapter
Meet My Best Friend
My answers to your questions!

«Part 10»

3.7K 174 27
By SleepyIdiot2_0

~Third Person Pov~

Everyone was making their way back to the cafeteria, when they noticed Hinata in the arms of Nelson, passed out.

"I-is he alright?" Iwaizumi asked concerned

"Oh yeah, he's fine. Just passed out from a bit if blood loss. He has a personal favorite doctor at the house. Let's go guys!" He smiled

They all followed Nelson outside and found 3 choppers. "Alright, pile in. Your families will be arriving shortly after us." Nelson said

Oikawa walked up to him "I'll take him, if that's alright sir." He smiled at the man

"Ah, Oikawa Toru yes? As long as you don't mind a bit if blood getting on your clothes" he shrugged

"A bit?" Oikawa raised an eyebrow "More like a bath, but I don't mind."

"Alright, here ya go. Just be careful with him."

"Of course" he smiled politely

Oikawa gently took Hinata into his arms, he looked at the boys features, taking in just how peaceful he looked.

He then felt an all to familiar dark aura behind him "L-look S-Suga, I-im just trying to h-help.." he gulped

"Fine. No funny business. He's hurt and doesn't need any of your shenanigans." Suga growled

"Y-yes sir. No worries." He chuckled nervously

After they were in the helicopters, they made their way to Hinata's "house" or as most of them thought when they saw it... A fucking luxurious hotel of some sort.

As soon as they stepped out, cars were pulling up left and right with their families. All hugging and greeting their children.

Oikawa's mother ran up to him, seeing the limp boy in his hands "Oh my word! What happened? Are you alright? What's going on? Toru what the fuck!"

"Mom, calm down. Hes just been shot and to-"

He was interrupted by a man approaching him "I'll take sir Hinata. Thank you." He smiled gently at the boy, Oikawa reluctantly handed him to the man and turned back to his mother.

"It's a long story.. to sum it up, Hinata is an assassin, Japan's top assassin at that. He ran into trouble... Well more I guess trouble found him. He's the only one hurt, he protected us. No one else on the teams got hurt except him." He started to tear up "He.. mom.. he saved our lives while risking his own."

"Wait.. so you're saying one of your friends.. from another volleyball team.. is Japan's top assassin.. he put all your lives in danger because he was at the volleyball camp.. and you all got attacked. Is that right?" She growled

"You make it sound so bad moooom!" He whined

All the other conversations were going just about this well..

They all made their way into the mansion and we're surprised by just how large it was. Oo's and aah's could be heard from left to right.

Soon, each family had a man in front of them. Then a small boy appeared behind them.

"Excuse me." He spoke up, gaining everyone's attention.

"First and foremost, I'd like to apologise. It was never my intention for any of this to happen. The reason you've all been invited to live with me, is because you've all been targeted by.. my father.. because of me.." he sighed "I never wanted this to happen. But because of my mistakes it is happening. But I promise I will be keeping each and everyone of you safe. That's why you're here." He stopped to see the disgusted and angry looks from the parents of his friends.

"I understand what most of you are thinking. I agree with you. I'm angry at myself as well. It's my fault these things are happening, and if I had taken more precautions none of this would be happening. But I promise you all, I would take a bullet for any one of you. You're my friends families. I don't want any of them to lose you, like I've lost mine. So I've made the decision to make sure that will never happen."

He saw the looks on their faces soften. He smiled a bit "Any food, drink, activity, anything. It's all yours. If you ever need or want anything just let someone know and they'll get it for you. What's mine, is yours. Please make yourselves at home." He bowed

All the teams ran up to him and gave him a huge group hug. The families saw just how much this boy cares for all of them, and they all realized, maybe, just maybe.. he's not that bad. It's not completely his fault that he was born in this line of work.. but for the fact he's doing all of what he can to protect everyone. They were all thankful.

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