Bad End of the World

By silkwatt

18.6K 803 1.1K

Cover art: -- A darker tale which explores the more obsessive side of Catra... More

Seeing Red
It Should Have Been Obvious
Killing Me Softly
I've Got You Under My Skin
Broken Promises
Close To The Edge
Inch By Inch
I'll Be Your Distraction
Blood On Our Hands
Nothing Lasts Forever
Scratching An Itch
End Of The World
I Am Vengeance
Happy Ever After

I Will Try To Fix You

1K 53 74
By silkwatt


Adora looked down at the sword. It was right where Catra had left it, just lying there on the floor. She bent down to pick it up, her hands still trembling, and fresh blood trickling down the wound in the center of her chest.

"Catra...?" she whispered, only then noticing that the cell barrier had been left deactivated. She released a long, deep sigh, then sat on the bed, and pressed the tip of the blade onto the tiled floor. She actually wants to kill me, Adora thought, squeezing her eyes closed as silent tears rolled down her cheeks.

She rested her palms atop the rounded end of the hilt, staring into the blue jewel in the center, grinding her teeth together. I came all this way to heal her, to tell her how I feel... But she just wants me dead.

Adora laughed bitterly at the irony. How had they ever drifted this far apart? How could she love someone who clearly hated her so much? Her chest started to throb, and she wasn't sure if it was the injury, or her heart aching.

Maybe it's both.

And then she felt her gut twist, along with a wave of nausea at a harsher truth. It wasn't just that Catra hated her. No, it was far worse than that. She'd seen it in the way Catra's hands had trembled while she'd held that sword, and heard it in the way she'd stuttered.

Adora shifted her hands and gripped the handle of the sword until her knuckles turned white, tightly enough that it would have probably shattered if she were She Ra right now. The woman she loved, and had apparently loved her entire life, was terrified of her. And she had no idea what to do about it.


Adora snapped back to reality and twisted her head to the right, finding Kyle, stood perfectly still while holding a blue food tray and a bottle of water. He stared down at her hands, which were still tightly gripping the hilt of the blade.

"Oh, hey Kyle," she said, attempting a weak smile.

"Should I... set off the alarm?" he asked, wincing.

"No. I'm not going anywhere," Adora said, sighing. "Or maybe I am. I honestly don't know anymore."

Kyle took a few nervous steps forwards, and put the food and drink on the end of the bed, where his eyes widened. "You're hurt! I'll go get some bandages, just wait-"

"No. I'll fix it," Adora interrupted, shaking her head. She didn't bother to transform, since it was a relatively minor injury. She raised the hilt of the sword to her chest, and a few seconds later the bleeding stopped.

"Wow," Kyle said, folding his arms. "Neat trick."

Adora sat cross legged on the grey sheets of the bed, propped her back against the wall, and lay the sword flat across her thighs. She noticed that Kyle was still looking at her, and felt her heart sink when she detected the same traces of fear she'd sensed in Catra. "Kyle, it's just me. I promise."

"Well, you say that, but..."

Adora thumped the back of her head against the wall. "Can you... just do me a favour? For old times sake?"

"I'm listening..."

"Just... stay a while."

"Um, I can do that," Kyle said, smiling weakly. He sat down on the floor, cross legged, and folded his arms, looking up at Adora expectantly.

"I guess you're wondering why I came back."

Kyle shook his head. "I already know. You two were always inseparable, after all."

"I just wanted to try and make things right, especially after..."

"We all know it wasn't your fault, Adora. We heard about what Catra did, setting that trap, and infecting the sword."

Adora let out an incredulous laugh. "Does it matter? I should have been stronger," she said, scowling down at the sword. "I should have fought it off. The things I did..."

"That wasn't you."

"Wasn't it?" Adora asked, choking out a sob and covering her mouth with her hand, "She's terrified of me now. She even tried to kill me."

"She... wait, seriously? Is that why you were hurt?"

Adora nodded, and brushed away fresh tears. "I can't blame her. I'm an idiot, I don't know what else I expected."

Kyle furrowed his brows. "Wow. I mean, I knew she'd been on a downward spiral lately, but-"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, things obviously got worse after you left," Kyle said, slumping his shoulders. "Catra didn't take it well. She doesn't talk to us anymore, or anyone else for that matter. And she's been even worse these past two weeks, since... you know."

"Right," Adora said, grimacing when a flicker of red blurred through her mind, and an all-too familiar scream echoed in her memories.

Kyle stood up, and patted a hand against her shoulder. "It'll be okay. Just give her time."

Adora brushed away her tears, and chuckled quietly. "You always were the nice one."

"Well, someone's got to be," Kyle said, grinning. He leaned against the wall, and his smile slowly faded away. "We actually really missed you, Adora. Even Lonnie! We were all bummed out when you just switched sides."

Adora squeezed her eyes closed, fighting back more tears. "This is all my fault, isn't it? If I had never left in the first place, then I... then we... "

"I never said we blamed you," Kyle said, holding his hands out. "It is kind of horrible here. The things they make us do now... getting out was the right call. You know that, right?"

"I'm not sure about anything anymore," Adora muttered.

"Hey, you came back for her," Kyle said, crouching down to catch Adora's attention. "That counts for something. She knows it too."

Adora peered down at her reflection in the blade, and sighed. "I lost count of how many times Shadow Weaver hurt her, you know," she said, feeling herself grow angry as she spoke. "Sometimes it felt like the more I tried to stop it happening, the more I pissed Catra off, somehow. And now here I am again, trying to save her, again."

"She always was a bit stubborn."

Adora snorted out a wet, teary laugh. "Hah, understatement."

"But underneath it all, I think she still loves you."

"Wait..." Adora said, furrowing her brows and staring at Kyle. "Why would you say that? She never said... I-I mean, we never..."

"I think everyone apart from you two knew," Kyle said, raising a finger and thumb to his chin. "We used to take bets on who would tell the other first, but I guess we all lost."

"Actually," Adora said, feeling her cheeks heat up. "I... hah. Wow. I actually told her that I love her. Yeah, I did that."

"Huh? Seriously?" Kyle said, raising his eyebrows. "Oh man, I lost! When did that happen?"

"As soon as I got here. But she didn't believe a word of it," Adora said, chuckling quietly despite the thick lump forming in her throat. "I wonder if she ever felt the same."

"Of course she did."

"Well, even if she didn't, or doesn't, or won't... I'm still going to try to help her."

"There's the Adora we know and love," Kyle said, beaming. "So, you're staying?"

"Yeah," Adora said. She twisted around, and hid the sword down the edge of the mattress along the wall. "Hopefully she won't kill me."

"Just be yourself, and it'll work out. I'm sure of it."

"Thanks, Kyle. And hey, you'd better get out of here before anyone notices you're gone."

"Good point," Kyle said, walking out of the cell. "It's good to have you back, Adora."

"Wish me luck," Adora said, watching as the barrier re-appeared at the front of the cell.

"Nah. You won't need it," Kyle said. She saw him smile through the green, flickering field, then watched as he turned around, and walked away.


Adora picked at the small meal that had been left behind, unsurprised to find it was the same as yesterday. Brown rations, the most flavourless of all. She felt a ball of anxiety well up inside of her as she ate, and by the time she'd finished her food she was almost having a full blown panic attack.

What if Catra tries to kill me again? What if Shadow Weaver does something to her? What if Catra hates me forever? What if I hurt her again, somehow? What if I'm trapped here forever, What if-

The thoughts kept spiralling, further and further out of control, until Adora grunted loudly, drank the entire bottle of water, and jumped off of the bed. She stretched out her arms and legs and quickly threw herself into one of her usual high intensity training routines, shutting her mind off completely.


Several sit ups, pushups, and burpees later, Adora was laid on her bed, with her body caked in sweat. But her mind was calmer, now, and she felt more focused than ever. I'm going to heal her, she thought, feeling her determination renewed. Even if she doesn't want me, even if she hates me or tries to kill me. It doesn't matter. I'll get through to her somehow.

"See you in the morning," she said, almost wishing Catra could hear.

She fell into a deep, half-exhausted sleep, and she dreamt again. This time of a younger and more innocent time, when she and Catra were only seven years old.


"Haha! Got ya!" Catra said, tugging at Adora's shirt, and causing her to fall onto her bottom, winding her.

"You're so fast!" Adora said, beaming up at her. "I wish I could run as fast as you can."

"I'm faster, but you're stronger," Catra said, sticking her tongue out. "That makes us even."

"It does?"

Catra pressed her index finger to Adora's forehead. "Yes, dummy."

Adora burst into a fit of giggles, and Catra joined in, until they were both laughing so hard that their bellies hurt and tears sprang to their eyes.

Adora grinned widely. "Let's play hide and seek this time. You're too good at tag."

"I'm good at hiding too, Adora," Catra said, beaming.

"I'll still find you!" Adora said. But then she noticed Catra's smile suddenly vanish, and she followed her gaze behind and above herself, where she found Shadow Weaver standing there, right behind her.


Adora gulped. "Uh, we were just-"

"Adora," Shadow Weaver said, saying her name as though it were coated with honey. "We've talked about this. You may only play with Catra after you have finished your duties. And I can see that you have not."

Adora quickly grabbed the nearest sweeping brush, and started to clean up the floor. "We only stopped for a minute, I promise."

"As for you, Catra," Shadow Weaver said, her voice full of venom. She reached a hand out, and splayed out her fingers. "You will stop being such a nuisance," she continued, as black tendrils flooded out from somewhere beneath. "Is. That. Clear?"

"Argh!" Catra squealed and her eyes turned wide, as swirling, black smoke surrounded her.

"Stop!" Adora said, dropping the broomstick in horror. "You're hurting her!"

Catra wriggled around as she was hoisted up into the air, and she reached her hands to her neck, gasping, trying to pull away the black tendrils that were wrapped in tight circles around her throat. Adora couldn't stand it anymore, she ran up to Shadow Weaver and tugged desperately at her crimson robes. "Please, stop! Please!"

Shadow Weaver grunted, and appeared disorientated. She placed her hand over her eyes, and a few moments later Catra was released, falling onto the floor on her side.

Adora ran up to her, feeling her heart sink when she saw the awful red marks visible around Catra's neck. "Catra... Catra!" she said, folding her hands around her fingers, and squeezing tightly.

Catra opened her eyes and smiled weakly. "Hey, Adora."

Adora broke into a loud sob, sad that her friend was so hurt, but happy that she was going to be okay. She felt Shadow Weaver's presence looming behind her, and saw the shadow stretch across the room.

"You'd better keep her under control, Adora."

Adora wasn't even sure what that meant, but she squeezed her eyes shut, and nodded her head vigorously anyway.


Adora snapped her eyes open, and found herself covered in sweat. That was the first time, she thought, remembering it so clearly. The first time Shadow Weaver seriously hurt Catra.

She looked down at her hands, and found them trembling. Then she peered towards the barrier and suddenly yelped, almost falling out of the bed in surprise.

Catra's furious gaze bore into hers, her amber and blue stare distorted through the green flicker of the barrier. "What. The fuck," she growled, swishing her tail violently left to right.

Adora took a deep breath, got out of bed and stormed up to the barrier, meeting Catra's angry stare head-on. She pointed down to Catra's injured leg. "I'm not going anywhere until you let me fix that."

"Fuck!" Catra yelled, fisting her hands into her hair. She slammed her hand onto the print-scanner, causing the green barrier to fall, then stormed towards Adora. "What part of I don't want you here don't you get?" she asked, fisting a hand into Adora's bloodied shirt, and stretching it upwards.

Adora kept her voice calm. "What part of I'm not leaving until I heal you, don't you get?"

Catra bared her fangs. "Seriously?!"

"If you want me gone so badly, let me do this one thing."

Adora was suddenly pushed backwards with full force, landing roughly on the floor, with Catra towering above her. I almost forgot how strong she can be, she thought, watching Catra unsheath one claw after another. And then, Catra lunged for her, and a small part of Adora thought that maybe she should sit there and accept her fate. But a bigger part still refused to give up, so she reached up and grabbed Catra's wrists mid-air, then used her momentum against her, swinging her to the side and then straddling her, pinning her to the floor.

"Fuck you!" Catra spat, as she tried to yank her arms away.

"WIll you just. Calm. Down!" Adora said, trying to hold her in place, without hurting her. "Just let me heal your leg, and I'll go! Is that so hard?!"

"FINE!" Catra snapped, though the way her fingers were still stretched out, with her claws very much unsheathed, suggested there was no weight to the word.

"Um, claws?" Adora asked, arching an eyebrow.

Catra growled, almost too quietly for Adora to hear, before popping her claws back into place, and relaxing her fingers. She faked a smile. "Happy?"

Adora loosened her grip but remained alert, ready to jump away if those talons came back out. Getting scratched by Catra was no laughing matter. She'd seen those things cut through steel, after all. "I'm going to stand up now," she said, releasing her hold altogether, and quickly leaping to her feet.

Catra scowled, and Adora noticed her fingers twitch more than once, before she seemed to think better of it. "I fucking hate you," she said, standing up. She sat on the bed, and waved a hand dismissively. "Just get it over with."

Adora tried not to show any emotion at the cruel words. She kept her movements slow, and reached down the side of the bed, watching Catra watch her every move. She pulled out the sword, and saw Catra's lips curl downwards in distaste. "Sorry, but I need it," she said, wincing.

"Of course you do," Catra said, flattening her ears. "If I so much as smell anything suspicious, I'm going to slice your neck open, just so we're clear."

"I don't even know what that would smell like," Adora said, rolling her eyes. "But I'm going to need She Ra for this. Your injury is still pretty bad-"

"You're joking, right?" Catra said, visibly tensing. "After what happened? Seriously?!"

"It was your fucking trap, Catra!" Adora snapped, then regretted it as soon as she saw Catra's eyes widen.

"Oh, so you swear now? Did your Brightmoon buddies teach you how to loosen up?"

Adora took a deep breath. "I'm going to transform. I'm going to heal you. And then I'm leaving. Okay?"

"Or, I could just kill you."

Adora sighed exasperatedly. "So kill me then! Or don't! Just make your mind up, Catra."

She felt Catra's eyes burn into hers for a full minute, but Adora refused to blink, and refused to back down. And then, for the briefest of moments, she saw doubt flicker across Catra's stony expression, and she took advantage of it.

"I'm doing this," Adora said, gripping her sword's hilt. "Close your eyes if it helps."

"Not a chance."

"Suit yourself," Adora said, raising her sword, and whispering, "for the honour of greyskull."

Catra stared at her during the whole transformation, and when Adora noticed that she was visibly trembling, it broke her heart. She knelt down and slowly, carefully held the blade close to Catra's wounded leg, where she heard Catra's breath hitch, and watched her claws slide out, digging into the duvet.

"I won't hurt you," Adora said, smiling up at Catra, and waiting a few moments longer.

"Tsk, just get on with it," Catra said, looking over to one side of the cell, and sheathing her claws.

Once she felt sure Catra wouldn't attack her, Adora focused her energy around the area until the plaster cast and the leg beneath it were illuminated in a golden glow. "Ugh," Adora grunted, furrowing her brows.

This was harder than all those times she'd practised. She could sense the injury within the cast, sense that the bones were still fractured, and had six holes drilled into them, four of which were partially healed, the other two not healed at all. The muscle felt torn, and the skin felt bruised. It took everything Adora had to undo all of it, to mend bone and flesh alike.

But she managed it, somehow, and by the time she'd finished she felt completely drained, phasing back down to her usual size without even meaning to. She fell backwards, panting, her sword clattering to the floor.

"That's it?" Catra asked, lifting her leg up, and twisting it left and right. She tapped her knuckles on the cast a few times, and grinned. "Well, would you look at that?"

Adora clambered slowly to her feet, still feeling weak from the exertion of healing such a nasty injury. "I'm glad it's better," she said, sliding her sword into the loop behind her back, and then walking out of the cell, without looking back.

"Hey, Adora..."

Adora paused in her footsteps and turned to face Catra, a sudden feeling of hope radiating in her chest. "Yeah?"

Catra narrowed her eyes. "This changes nothing," she said, flexing out a claw and pointing it at her. "You're still a piece of shit, and I still hate you."

Adora swallowed thickly, and managed to hold back her tears. "Goodbye, Catra," she said, before gritting her teeth and walking away.

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