Masked Attraction

By taylorcelanturxx

487K 12.1K 1.1K

Emma Barnes is a shy sophomore with a predictable life. Struggling with anxiety and focusing on her parent's... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Kappa Alpha Society
Chapter 2: He Won't Fall For It
Chapter 3: Your Fate Is Sealed
Chapter 4: Oops
Chapter 5: Dancing
Chapter 6: You're On
Chapter 7: I'll Just Add Myself
Chapter 8: I Lied
Chapter 9: You Always Eat My Pizza
Chapter 10: Bashy
Chapter 11: He's Only Cute if I'm Drunk
Chapter 12: I Can Sing Better Than the Band
Chapter 13: Doritos
Chapter 14: Girlfriend?
Chapter 15: I Can Totally Pull Off a Mustache
Chapter 16: Barista
Chapter 17: Model Emergency
Chapter 18: Man Spreading
Chapter 19: Flavor
Chapter 20: Out of Your League
Chapter 21: Movers
Chapter 22: Mini Castle
Chapter 23: She's a Little Scary
Chapter 24: Steam Coming Out of Her Ears
Chapter 25: Kiss Me
Chapter 26: Munchkins and Midterms
Chapter 27: Sebastien John Reed
Chapter 28: Wrong Feelings
Chapter 29: Mushy Gushy
Chapter 30: Scream Music
Chapter 31: Big Bad Wolf
Chapter 32: Good and Dandy
Chapter 33: Pancakes
Chapter 34: Karaoke Night
Chapter 35: Slacker Cookies
Chapter 36: Turkey
Chapter 37: Victor
Chapter 38: Did That Happen?
Chapter 39: On A Break
Chapter 40: Dumplings
Chapter 41: Strike
Chapter 42: I'll Bite You Too
Chapter 43: The Grinch
Chapter 44: Me, Myself & I
*Extra Pictures*
Chapter 45: Everything Okay?
Chapter 46: Old Sellers
Chapter 47: Deathtrap
Chapter 49: Boy Toy
Chapter 50: Masked
Chapter 51: Attraction
Chapter 52: Everybody Knows
Chapter 53: You are Crazy
Chapter 54: Striped & Solids
Chapter 55: Goodbye
Chapter 56: Dragon Tattoo
Chapter 57: Engaged
Chapter 58: Bewitched
Chapter 59: Parents

Chapter 48: Bubble Bath

6.1K 163 27
By taylorcelanturxx


Free at last! I walk out of my last final exam, a huge weight lifted off my chest. I stroll over to Jamie's house content and walk into her vividly detailed room. Her dirty blonde hair is thrown up into a lazy bun as she lays out on her red bed. Her fingers are dancing across her computer as she types into it.

"Hey James!" I say throwing myself down next to her.

Her eyes meet mine. "Hey Em."

"What's up with you? Shouldn't you have started packing?" I say observing that not a single item is out-of-place. I already have most of my belongings ready to go back home for winter break.

"Oh, yeah." She palms her forehead. "I completely spaced. Without you around, I forget the important stuff."

I nudge her with my shoulder.

"Well, I can help you out. I also brought some semi-good news. I came to invite you to a party Sebastien is throwing."

She shuts her laptop. "You inviting me to a party? I am so intrigued."

"It's a 'foam rave' as Bash calls it," I say putting it in air quotes and roll onto my back. "He somehow convinced me to go."

"That sounds awesome... but I think I am going to have to pass on it."

I blink stunned. Jamie refusing a party and me inviting her to one? What alternate universe is this?

"It didn't go well with Jeremy," she clarifies.

I slump, my entire mood dropping. "Oh, Jamie. I am so sorry," my voice softening.

"It's okay. It's my fault I waited too long. I was going to tell him about Matt, I really was, but then he asked me to be his girlfriend. So, I couldn't tell him then, obviously."

"What! You didn't tell me!" I burst out.

"Yeah, well it didn't last long," she huffs laying down next to me. "I immediately ended any communication with Matt once we were official. But I kept feeling guilty so I confessed a few days later that I was dating them both and slept with Matt. He got pretty upset about it," she mumbles. "The worst part is he wasn't disgusted with me like I thought. He looked more hurt I didn't trust to tell him earlier. He suggested we should just be friends for now."

"That doesn't sound like it is completely over though," I admit sullen.

"Maybe," she responds doubtful, her eyes tearing up.

"It's okay. He just needs a few days away and then he'll be begging to be back with you and if not, well, it's his loss," I joke to lighten the mood.

She giggles wiping her eyes. "Yeah, I mean I know I'll be fine either way. I just really liked him, you know?"

"Yeah, I know," I say more seriously. "It is a tricky situation and I can see both sides of it. You guys weren't on the same page and it really complicated things. Just give him some time, he deserves that...But hey, that means we can just spend the night together then! Ooo, how about a movie night!" I exclaim getting excited.

She shakes her head. "Oh, hell no girl. You are going to that party."

"Not without you," I declare.

"Yes you are. It will make me insanely happy. I have to pack anyway."


"No ifs or buts. You're going. You can't tell a recently dumped girl no," she informs me with a stern look.

"Okay, alright," I answer in defeat. I do not want to leave her alone, but I cannot change Jamie's mind. She's like a train coming your way. There's nothing you can do to stop it, you just have to jump on board with it.

She grins. "And I know just what you can wear."


There is a lot of people here. This room like the many others I passed is showered in foam. Jess and Jared happened to tag along so I am luckily not alone without Jamie. There is a machine blowing foam up in the air, fans swirling it throughout, and a mini baby pool in the dead center of the room. I spot a lot of girls in robes, bikini tops, and guys in just trunks hanging around, drinking and dancing. One fratboy making me giggle walks past me sporting a pair of goggles and flippers. I, however, am just wearing a beige bustier crop top Jamie wanted me to have on, matched with a black laced-up mini skirt. I also sneaked on a thin cardigan after I left, because there was no way I was coming out with that much open skin when it is still winter.

Jared taps the beach ball to me and I laugh sending it back to Jess. We have been playing back and forth while attempting to avoid getting hit by splatters of foam since we got here. The song briskly switches and Jess tugs on Jared's arm.

"We should all dance!" She exclaims. Jared smiles affectionately at her and I take that as my cue.

"I am good, you guys have fun," I tell them with a wave and I drift off to the bar to give them their privacy. I walk up to the young guy that's bartending, the music filling the air around me. I lean forward to get his attention and his honey eyes flick up to me.

"Are you single, taken, or complicated?" He asks me casually.

"Uh, what?" I say befuddled. Did I just hear him right?

He points to the sign above his head that I didn't even notice until now. There is a poster board displaying a cipher for colored cups according to your relationship status. Red for single, green for taken, and yellow for complicated. Indicating you're supposed to drink out of the color that labels you. My eyes roam over the board before I return my attention back to him.

"I'm single," I murmur embarrassed and he nods. I watch him as he pours and hands me the red cup. A group of girls starts pestering him for drinks as well. "Thank you," I mutter, but his interest is already gone and I spin away. I take up a nearby corner observing the room. I look around considering if I should find a cute guy with a red cup to talk with and maybe dance with... I brood as I stand there. I take a large sip of my liquid courage, but it is still not enough. I am coming out of my shell, but I am not quite at the stage of hitting on guys first yet.

A striking, shirtless Sebastien rounds the corner to me and I allow myself a quick look at his sinewy, towering body before he notices. All he has on are a pair of black shorts and sandals highlighting everywhere else he is underdressed. My eyes snag on his dense muscles contouring across his stomach that I crave to touch. Yep, the alcohol may be hitting me a little strong already. I am immensely glad the strobe lights hide my burning cheeks.

"You came, I knew it," Bash teases, his eyes gleaming like the little mischief-maker he is.

"Hey, Bash. So, this is an interesting party you got here," I comment keeping myself laser-focused on his face and not anyone where else on him.

He smirks. "It definitely is. See," he flicks some foam off his shoulder. "I wasn't lying, it's a giant bubble bath. It was either this or a superhero theme. I thought this might be more amusing."

"Mhm," I nod. I finish off my drink looking out at the clusters of mousse-looking substance to avoid ogling him.

He watches my gaze and then outreaches his hand. "Want to dance?" He questions me. Staring down at his calloused fingers I know I shouldn't, but as my eyes drink him in I cannot resist. I'll be a little selfish tonight.

"Alright," I say softly. His eyes widen a little in surprise, but I place my hand in his large one. Bash doesn't hesitate to pull me deeper into the crowd.

We find a spot not as busy and he lifts my arm twirling me in a circle. I giggle in the spin and he lets go dancing. He moves to the song like it is an extension of him moving smoothly and confidently. I close my eyes pretending I am somewhere else and move my hips to the beat. It's getting easier letting myself be a little more carefree and have fun. I open my eyes to Sebastien grinning and my traitorous eyes travel down the length of him again. Damn. Why does he have to look so good all the time? I cannot stick to friendly thoughts when he looks like a Greek God. I spin around putting my back against his front to avoid the temptation that is him.

I twist and bounce again and it starts out loose and silly. He continues to dance behind me, but at one point he accidentally laughs way too close to me. His warm breath brushes my ear and I swallow shutting my eyes. His hand comes from behind grabbing mine and he spins me around again to the music. I am back to facing his front and I realize this was totally a bad idea. The worst, actually. My skin is brimming with fire and my thoughts are not far behind it. His sea-blue eyes spark and he wickedly grins. Before I register where his polar opposite thoughts are, he has a heap of foam gathered and he throws it all over me. Foam completely soaks me to the bone in lumps of frothy bubbles. My mouth drops. Never mind my previous line of thinking, I am going to kill him.

"Sebastien!" I scream as I wipe my foam-tipped eyelashes. Bash's entire face alights as he devilishly smiles. He cups his hands on my face wiping some foam off softly with his thumbs.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself," he mutters chuckling as he wipes off the last piece.

He doesn't immediately pull away his fingers continuing to send little sparks across my skin, scattering my thoughts of revenge. The strobe light glimmers over us exposing his eyes as they twist in confusion. Right as he withdraws his hands, a whack-a-mole human head pops up behind him. I begrudgingly look over Bash's shoulder at the peering guy and he manages to squeeze around.

"Sebastien!" Derek clamors and then starts babbling from an angle I cannot hear him from. It is obviously something that doesn't involve me and Sebastien's fingers are long gone. My senses start creeping back in and I realize at the slightest touch from him all the defenses I put up come crashing down. Frazzled and mortified at my behavior, I step back from them and begin to dance again to switch my attention to something else.

I grow into the song twisting my body in tune with the beat. I shake my hair out, suds flying off and I laugh moving to the song. I begin to feel the sensation of eyes on me and I discreetly glance back over at the two of them. Derek is still animatedly speaking as Bash's half-listens arms-crossed. But Bash's eyes are what grab my attention. They are in my direction scanning my body a hungry look between them. I stop dead, but as soon as I think I saw it, he blinks whipping his head to Derek. The look is gone and I can no longer tell if it happened or if I imagined it.

"Are you serious?" Bash emits and Derek nods his head. Sebastien clenches his jaw and does not immediately move even at Derek's frantic eyes. He doesn't appear to have any desire to leave.

I have completely stopped dancing and stare back not wanting him to go either, but my mouth betrays me. "It is fine, go help."

"Ugh, alright. Come on Derek." He looks at me once last time apologetic. "I'll try and find you again in a little bit Emma."

I nod my head and he gives Derek a small shove in the other direction.

*author's note*
Was this chapter fun? I like when I bring the characters into crazy college plans. What's been your favorite place so far? I have a few more planned 😏

Stay safe! Have a nice weekend!

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