Happily ever after! Or is it?

By Kai_1227

1.4K 30 17

What happens after Mal and Ben get married? Do they get there happily ever after? Does everything go to plan? More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
A bit about me
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 1

375 3 1
By Kai_1227

                                                                                     Mals POV      

   We arrive at the kingdom of corona for me and bens honeymoon. After a lot of debating we finally decided to go to corona and stay in Mother Gothel's tower where she kept Rapunzel for the first 18 years of her life. We make our way behind the tower to find the door that leads to stairs to make it to the top of the tower. When I open the door the sun shines through the hole where the door is giving the whole area a nice golden color. We make our way up the stairs and finally make it to the small 2 room tower. Ben takes the bags up to the bedroom while I admire the artwork on the walls. My favorite was one of a small clearing in a forest with a small lake, most likely what Rapunzel thought the outside world looked like while stuck in the tower. I feel a pair of arms make their way around my waist. I turn around to see my new husband, I smile at Ben and he asks me what I was looking at. I showed him the artwork and he too liked it. We spent our day exploring the tower and small villages and landmarks nearby. 

~time skip Of a few days brought to you by Mal, a bad bitch~ 

I woke the day before we were supposed to leave we had a lot planned. It also just happened to be  Rapunzels birthday, so Ben and I got up and ready and decided that we should go into the kingdom. Once there we were greeted by Maximus, we went and bought a few apples for him. We decided to thank Rapunzel and Eugene for letting us stay in the kingdom. They told us that we could stay anytime we liked, and they would love to show us the kingdom. I excitedly said yes because I had never seen much of corona. They took us through the kingdom showing us the middle of town where she and Eugene had danced and had fun. Ben bought one of those tiny purple flags with the sun on it, and then some lunch at a small shop that sold delicious sandwiches. They then showed us the dock, the snuggly duckling, and there favorite clearing in the forest. We then thanked them for the tour and since it was around dinner time we thought it would be fun to eat at the snuggly duckling. After we ate it started to get darker outside so Ben thought we should go get cupcakes then go watch the lanterns, I agreed so we headed off to the kingdom. We went into this small shop with delicious looking cupcakes. We bought four, two for me and two for Ben. We brought the box down to the dock to get on a boat so we had a good seat to view the lanterns. I picked up one of the cupcakes and started to eat it as the lanterns began to fly. I looked up above me to see the lanterns and more and more of them appear. It felt so magical to be sitting there. I looked at Ben and he seemed to be as mesmerized as I was. We continued watching the lights and eating the cupcakes. One lantern started to drift lower right in between me and Ben, we put our hand our and lifted the light back into the sky and watched to float away. It was so beautiful. We sat there for what felt like forever, but it was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. After most of the lights had drifted away we docked the boat and got out. We threw away the box and started to head back to the tower.  

     We made are way to the bedroom and are lips meet, it starts slow and gentle  and quickly because more quick and passionate. We made our way to the bed without breaking the kiss. We fell onto the bed, and well I guess you know what happened after that, and if you don't, why are you on wattpad.  

     I woke up wrapped in Ben's arms, not wanting to wake him up I stay where I am. A few minutes pass and his eyes flutter open revealing his honey brown eyes. "Good morning" I say as I meet his eyes. "Morning" he responds voice still sleepy. We both smile at each other and I pick up my phone to see the time. Shit we slept in kinda late it was almost 11 already! I had like 15 texts from evie asking me things about the honeymoon, typical evie, I told her we could talk about it once I got to Auradon city. I sat up and walked to go get some water. I brought back a glass for Ben as well, I said we should probably pack up our things soon. He agreed as we slowly fully woke up and packed our things. I got dressed and so did Ben, we grabbed our bags and made sure we had everything packed up. We walked down the steps to get outside and began to walk out of the forest back to the royal limo, yes it's still purple, and loaded our things. Ben drive us back and we got there in a little less than an hour and we were greeted by some of our friends. Evie, Uma, jay and Harry were there, Carlos was apparently taking dude to the dog park with Jane. Uma and Evie greeted me with a hug as I grabbed my bags. Evie invited me to her castle, while Jay and Harry asked Ben if he wanted to go do something together, idk whatever guys do when they hang out. I said yes to Evie and Uma and Ben said yes to Jay and Harry. Ben gave me a kiss on my forehead and we said goodbye. Evie wanted to know everything that happened while we were at Corona. I told her about the snuggly duckling, the cupcakes, the lanterns on the last day and told them how much I loved the view, when Uma and Evie gave me that look. You know the one where they look at you sarcastically and trying to get me to tell them more about what happened. Evie then said spare me the major details but did u hand "it" in. I laughed at evie and said no, that Harry has gotten that one on the isle. Uma gave me the what the fuck look and we just laughed it off. We talked and laughed about everything for hours.

                                                                                   Bens POV

        Mal went with Uma and Evie and I went with Jay and Harry, Carlos was hanging out with Jane so he wasn't there. We decided to walk around the forest and stop by a clearing, the same one where Jane sprayed me with lake water because I was full on beast because of Audreys curse, but that's not important anyway. We talked about random things for a while mostly just stuff we had going on, Jay and his planning on exploring more of auradon, Harry and Audrey starting to hang out more and things like that. Jay then asked how me and Mals honeymoon went, I wasn't hesitant to tell them that it was amazing because of the events and not just the sights because I had already seen them. Jay being almost like an older brother to Mal always had to make sure I was treating her right, he suspiciously asked me if we did anything else, keyword here is "we". He noticed I hesitantly said no and started laughing, he said through laughs that me and Mal would never have done anything because I was to chicken. Me obviously not thinking burst out and told him all that happened just to prove him wrong, little did I know that's exactly what he wanted to happen, he loudly said haha I knew it. Harry and him were laughing but I started to laugh with them because it was kinda funny. We wrapped up the situation and didn't really talk about it much more. We talked for about another hour when we got a text. It was from a large chat with our whole group. It was Mal asking if we all wanted to grab dinner together. Everyone said that they were free and would love too. The guys went back to their places and I met up with Mal at ours. We got ready and set off to go. We arrived and everyone was there they greeted us but they like to greet Mal as "her royal purpleness" we all like to laugh about that one.

                                                                                  No ones POV

        The group sat around a large table in an isolated part of the restaurant so they wouldn't be disturbed by the others. Everyone laughed talked and everything for a little while. All of them asked how Mal and Bens honeymoon went and they both looked at each other with a small smirk, but nobody saw it, before saying it was wonderful. Everyone smiled except for Evie Uma Harry and Jay they looked like they were about to laugh at us. Mal couldn't help but wonder what Ben had told the guys, and Ben couldn't help but wonder what Mal had told the girls. They enjoyed the rest of the night and said their goodbyes and went on their way. 

~time skip of about two months brought to you by my lazy ass at 2 am~

                                                                                 No ones POV

        Mal woke up and Ben wasn't next to her, she slowly came to and saw a note from Ben on the desk. She picked it up and it read

         Good morning Mal, I'll be down stairs in my office if you need me. Don't forget about lunch this afternoon.

                                ~love Ben~

         Mal smiled at the note and placed it back on the desk. She grabbed her phone to see that she had slept in pretty late. She scrolled through her phone for a bit before getting a shower, getting dressed and doing her hair. Evie had taught her but she always seemed to have trouble. Just then Belle walked in and said "sorry Mal didn't realize you were still in here I came in to look for a book Ben was reading. Mal said it was ok and continued trying to do her hair. Belle asked her if she would like some help and Mal said yes. Belle said that Mal looked beautiful, Mal thanked as Belle finished her hair. Belle said that there was no better girl than me for Ben, she went on about how happy Ben is and how well we go together, Mal couldn't help but smile, Belle finished her hair and Mal hugged her and thanked her. Belle grabbed the book and left. Mal looked at herself in the mirror when Ben came in. He said "now I know the difference between pretty and beautiful". Mal turned around and smiled at Ben. Ben took her outside and they rode into the forest the same one where the enchanted lake is. Ben brought her down to the lake and it looked just like it did for their fist date. Ben gave Mal a bowl of chocolate covered strawberries, Mal loved strawberries but she hadn't yet tried them with chocolate. She bit into it and her eyes lit up, Ben smiled and asked her if she liked them. Liked them!? Mal exclaimed, are you kidding I love them! Ben then asked her if she wanted to go for a swim, Mal was hesitant but then said she didn't have anything to swim in. Ben said it didn't matter cuz he brought a change of clothes for them. He gave Mal the clothes and said it'll be fun. Mal reluctantly agreed and went up to the bathrooms to change. She went back down to the lake and Ben followed they both got into the water and stayed in for a while. When they got out Ben gave Mal a towel and her clothes so she went and changed, Ben did the same. Just then Mal got a text

From Evie to Mal, and Uma. You guys wanna hang out at my place tonight.

From Uma to Mal, and Evie. Sure I'm free

From Mal to Uma, and Evie. Definitely, I'm so down see u guys around 6?

From Evie to Mal, and Uma. Sure sounds great

                                                                                   Mals POV

I walked out to see Ben and told him that I was gonna go hang out with Evie and Uma He said alright. We ride home and I grabbed a bag and put in some stuff to stay at Evies. I grabbed my things told Ben goodbye and left. I got there and Uma was already there. We went upstairs and we sat down and talked for a while.

                                                                                 Evie's POV 

Mal and Uma arrived and we went upstairs we talked about things for a while. Mostly about life and things. I had a bunch of snacks and candy and whatever for us. Well all grabbed a few things and sat around talking and eating 

Taste the rainbow bitch! Uma said throwing skittles at Mal.

I am the rainbow bitch! Mal shouted back at Uma.

Then they both started laughing at each other, Mal picked up the candy and ate it. We then started to talk about other things. Then Uma mentioned how she was so frustrated with Gil because he said being a girl wasn't that hard.  I was like does he not know about everything girls deal with, like not to mention all the standards and being sexualized but periods suck and guys will never have to deal with that. Uma agreed and was like it mostly just sucks, cramps are terrible. Me having cramps at the time said I would gladly switch places with a guy to get out of the cramps. Uma said definitely I'm dealing with cramps to. We both kinda looked at Mal for her opinion when she agreed but said she wasn't dealing with cramps because she hadn't hit that time yet. We kinda brushed it off and continued talking while Mal stared at her phone. Uma and I became distracted when Mal showed us a calendar with red markings. She said the stars indicated when her period hit we noticed that she hadn't had it for two months. We call kinda sat quietly staring at her phone. She nervously said maybe it was a coincidence. Uma looked at her and said it wouldn't hurt to check. I said there's no way were all getting worked up for nothing. Mal said probably but she should just make sure. So we all made a plan, with Mal being queen and all she couldn't be seen buying the test because it would be all over the news. Me being the fashionista I am had hats, sunglasses, wigs, and different clothes so we could sneak to the store. We said we would go later tonight so no one would be around. We all agreed and went to get some disguises. We changed and planned our way out, we went there and got some snacks to hide the test and bought everything and left. We weren't noticed by anyone. We took the snacks back upstairs and I handed Mal the test and told her to take it whenever she was ready, I gave her a big hug and told her I loved her. We walked upstairs and talked for forever before all falling asleep. We woke up and got dressed we went downstairs to eat, Mal took something from her bag and left the room. Me and Uma ate while we waited for Mal.

                                                                                Mals POV

I grabbed the little box and went to Evies bathroom. Im just working myself up for nothing, it's probably just a coincidence, and what will people say if it's not we're the thoughts running through my head as I waited for 5 minutes. I sat on the floor just thinking I was so nervous. My phoned chimed telling me I could check. I was so scared I didn't wanna look but I had to. I closed my eyes and picked it up and held it. I counted to three and opened my eyes, I couldn't believe it, how could I let this happen. I looked closely and there was a faint second line next to the first. Shit! I couldn't believe it I was happy but how was I gonna tell Ben. I couldn't help but just break down, when there was a knock on the door. I murmured the spell "make it easy make it quick open up without a kick" I thought it was Evie but it was Uma. She asked me if I was alright, she sat on the floor next to me. I leaned on her shoulder and she rubbed my back. She asked what was in my hand, I quietly handed her the test. She looked at it closely then said Mal this is amazing! What's wrong she asked, I'm not sure how to tell Ben and if he'll be mad. Mal he won't be mad at you, she stood me up and give me a hug. Come on let's go show Evie she said. I walked out, Uma's hands on my shoulders while I showed Evie the test. Evie grabbed the test and then gave me a huge hug. She told me I should probably tell Ben so I agreed I would tell him later tonight. We later ate lunch and I packed my things to go back to Bens. I put the test in my bag hugged Uma and Evie and left. I got to the castle but Ben wasn't there so I unpacked my things and stuck the test in a drawer and went out to find Ben because I had to tell him.

                                                                                   Bens POV

I walked upstairs because i needed my phone charger and I thought I heard Mal, I didn't find Mal but I went to grab my charger. I couldn't exactly remember where I left it, but I then remembered I left it in the drawer by my bed, question was which one. I remember that I lent the charger to Mal yesterday before she went to Evies because she left hers at Evies, so I walked over and opened the drawer. I grabbed my charger when I noticed something else in there that I didn't notice before. Mal has pretty normal things in her drawer, a journal, art supplies, a sketch book, Pads, candy and some other things, but there was something else.

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