Falling Hard || The Music Fre...

By Loony_Lovegood_101

9.2K 385 596

The band has finished another stressful school year. The competition, schoolwork, and bickering is finally be... More

Chapter One: Falling
Chapter Two: When We First Met
Chapter Three: The Legend of the White Rose
Chapter Four: Falling In Love
Chapter Five: The Greatest Fear
Chapter Seven: A Confession (FINALE)

Chapter Six: Waking Up

1K 45 43
By Loony_Lovegood_101

"You know, I'm honestly still surprised you're still alive."

"Don't worry, I'm still trying to convince myself I'm still here," smirked Zander. The two step-siblings were leaning against the kitchen island, drinking cups of orange juice. The White Rose was still in Zander's hand, petals brushing his fingertips.

His step-father was now cleaning up the scattered mess of dead spiders in the garage. He could still remember them, lying on their backs with their stomachs facing the ceiling, legs splayed out.

Zander had burst into the garage, looking for that spray Hailey had used. He still remembered the panic and fear that had flooded him as he wreaked chaos across the room, searching for it.
The spiders had chased him all the way from the tree, and they were just about to crawl up Zander's leg when he had found it - a small, half empty bottle that was uncapped. He had whipped around, and the repellent had done the rest.

Zander shuddered. He didn't even want to think about them. Describing the eight, angry eyes as they had chased him wasn't fun. Especially when he had just narrowly escaped what seemed like hundreds of them.

"And the fact that you managed to keep running until you reached the garage is impressive," Hailey mused. "Or how you managed to find that bug repellent with that daft brain of yours."

"So it's not you we're talking about?" scoffed Zander. The two looked sideways at each other and laughed.

"But really, in all seriousness," said Hailey. "I can't believe you got the rose! It only seemed like a legend at first... And they're so rare as well!" 

"I can't believe it either," he looked down at the rose. It felt light in his hand, like it wasn't there at all. But when he touched it, it felt soft and smooth. It seemed to radiate a sort of aura like how a sun radiates heat. A sort of comforting glow, like everything would be alright.

"Ki-ids!" he heard his mother's sing-song voice. "Are you ready? We're going to the hospital now!"

His mother, like his father, had jumped to her feet in excitement when she heard Zander had gotten the rose. It seemed like his whole family knew about the legend except him. Sarah had insisted they go to the hospital at once, after giving Zander a break.

"The first White Rose in our family!" she had said. "And to save Luke - oh, how noble of you, Zander!"

"The car's leaving in a minute!" Sarah yelled.

"Coming!" Hailey called. Zander followed her out the door, and into the black, shiny car. It was evening, the bright summer sky darkening little by little. Clouds blocked out the sunlight, tree branches swaying in the late afternoon breeze.

The car ride seemed to take centuries. Zander could only think of Luke's eyes opening, full of life. It had barely been a week since he had fallen off the tree, but yet every day without him was like a year.

Hailey couldn't sit still either. Zander could tell: the way she was fiddling with her watch, pulling at the frayed ends of her sweater, and constantly reaching up to touch her star earring even though it was in perfect condition.

One song passed. Then another. The playlist his mother always played in the car felt too familiar. Always the same few songs... Over and over again. Zander tapped his fingers on his knee like it was a piano. His musical self could pick up the exact pitches from the music, and even recognize the fingering.

"You came into my life

just like another season.

Not for long just a time

just like another season..."

Zander's fingers froze. He knew this song. Back when they were in middle school, Luke had shown this song to him. It was one of the only songs he liked that wasn't a classical piece.

"So, what's your favourite song?" Luke asked. The two sat side by side in the grass at the back of the school. It was just them, the clouds, and the birds chirping in the sun. Zander could hear distant shouts from other kids in the background, but the wind carried them away.

The school playground was at the west side of the school, so they were far enough to have a small moment alone. It was autumn, a fresh start to middle school. Little Bird Elementary...

Everyone seemed new. He only knew Luke, but Hailey had somehow already managed to find a new friend - Sean. Both of them had the same taste in music and shared the same favourite colour: blue. Zander wasn't used to Hailey not being around him and Luke. The three were always together.

"So... Have you found any good songs to listen to lately?" Luke asked.

"Eh. I've been listening to a bit of Chopin," Zander shrugged. "Ya know, being the classical geek I am. You?"

Luke smiled sympathetically. "Aw, don't call yourself a geek." He looked off into the distant mountains. "I found a really good song called Seasons. Oh, actually!"

He pulled out his phone from his pocket, with a pair of earbuds. "You should hear it!" he said excitedly. "When I first heard it... I thought of you! I swear, it's really good, and I think you'll like it!"

"I dunno..." said Zander, eyeing the earbuds gingerly.

"Awww, please? I promise you won't regret it!" Luke was now giving him a look that Zander absolutely couldn't resist.

"Alright, alright, keep your hair on," Zander took the earbud, the other one already in Luke's ear. He hated when Luke gave him that pleading look. It was as if Luke had cast some sort of spell on him.

Suddenly, a chorus of clear chords rang in his ear. It almost sounded like a piano, but... altered. The melody wove between them, drawing the two friends closer.

"The seasons come and go like thoughts of you...

Like a wave returns to the sea into the blue...."

Zander stole a glance at Luke. His eyes were closed, but he was smiling, clearly enjoying the music. He couldn't help but smile too. Luke was right - the song really was nice. Perhaps he should listen to more of this stuff in the future...

He was snapped out of the memory as the car turned into the parking lot of the hospital. He recognized the curve of the hospital building, and his excitement rose. Just a few steps away from saving Luke... So close... Soon, he would be able to feel his warm embrace....

"Come on, come on!" Zander felt like a child going out on a Halloween night. Hailey didn't hesitate, and their mother only laughed.

He opened the door to the building and quickly slammed it shut, running down the hallway. Maybe it was just because he was running, but he felt his heart beating like a wild animal trying to escape from its cage.

"Here!" Hailey gasped as the elevator doors slid open. They pounded down the fifth floor. Somewhere down the hall, was Luke.... And he was going to be alive. He was going to be okay.

"513... 514... Here!" he cried, turning the doorknob to Luke's room number: 516. Hailey hurried in, out of breath. They stumbled into the room, gasping. Zander could feel a stitch in his chest from running. But before he could properly catch his breath, he felt the White Rose glowing in his hand. It was warming, like he was holding a tiny sun. 

Without warning, it was slowly lifted in the air, and Zander and Hailey gaped as it slowly floated towards Luke's bed. It landed between his two folded hands across his chest. For a moment, it lay there, still glowing a faded orange light.

All of the sudden, the light died, and his heart skipped a beat as he saw Luke's chest rise and fall.

"LUKE!" he cried, rushing over towards the side of his bed. The rose had strangely disappeared, but none of that mattered as he watched Luke's eyes flutter open.

A/N: Yeah, I sincerely apologize for not having a scene where Zander escapes the spiders.... I just don't really know how to write... 



I'm normally really good with writing action scenes, but this one just kinda flopped, so uh.... Yeah, I'm sorry.

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