Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~...

By Namifangurl07

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She was happiness. She was joy. A charming little girl with who would always see the positive side of things... More

The main Cast of the Story (Yours truly)
CH1 - Changing minds
CH2 - Hope in the impossible
CH3 - Like brother like sister
CH4 - Between the flames and the light
CH5 - A chance to become someone
CH6 - The First Case
CH7 - The three Yokai
CH8 - Reunited again. . .
CH9 - A Son's motivation
CH10 - Eye to Eye
CH11 - Meeting the Master
CH12 - Fighting in the darkness
CH13 - Brains and Sheer Dumb Luck
CH14 - Rise or Fall
CH15 - The Spirit Detective Strikes Again
CH16 - Where the adventure begins
πŸ–πŸŽ¨ Drawings πŸŽ¨πŸ–
CH18 - Genbu the Stone Beast
CH19 - Byakko the White Tiger
CH20 - Inside The Room of Hell
CH21 - The Second Round
CH22 - The Cold-hearted Warrior
CH23 - No time to waste
CH24 - The beginning of the real fight
CH25 - What's important. . .?
CH26 - The end of all this
CH27 - Back home with confusion
CH28 - The Second Wave of All
CH29 - The Nightmare Case
CH30 - Here we go again
CH31 - Into the Unknown
CH32 - Under the Water
CH33 - Battle between emotions
CH34 - The Scarves From the Past
CH35 - A Rocky Situation
CH36 - Like Water and Fire
CH37- Difficulties and more conflicts
CH38 - Final Decisions
CH39 - It's combat time
CH40 - The moment of truth
CH41 - The Flame within ourselves - Part 1
CH41 - The Flame within ourselves - Part 2
CH42 - The skeleton in the closet.
CH43 - A Heart to Heart
CH44 - Getting into a little situation
CH45 - Miyuki's conclusion
CH46 - Blind Love
CH47 - Opening Up
CH48 - From Good to Disaster - Part 1
CH48 - From Good to Disaster - Part 2
CH49 - Start of Something New - Part 1
CH49 - Start of Something New - Part2
CH50 - Weird Days Happens
CH51 - Lamenting Beauty
CH52 - Freaks in our way
CH53 - With Small Steps Forward
CH54 - The Demon Triad
CH55 - The Toguro Brothers
CH56 - One Last Mission
Last Page - Author Note

CH17 - Into The Maze Castle

501 22 14
By Namifangurl07

As Keiko was ordering chocolate milkshakes for the three of us, I fixated his hair and turned to Kuwabara, who we had bumped into on the street and decided to join us.

"So do your arms bend in the right direction now?" I asked with a little bored tone. It's not like I didn't care I was just dead tired from the training Miyuki and I both had from those two grandmas.

"Yeah, with Genkai's healing powers I was only in bed for a day after the fight." Replied Kuwa as he lifted up his fist. "I can try them on you if you want!" He cockily threatened, which just make me laugh.

"Buddy, I'm afraid they'd send me to jail." I warned him truthfully, but a bit cockily as well. "After what Miyuki and I learned from those old ladies, fighting you would be cruel."

"So, was the training very hard?" My thug friend asked me curiously, earning a groan from me.

"Let's just say I'll be having nightmares for the next four years cause of that crap I went through." I scoffed out annoyed as I remembered all of those stupid and awful things my sister and I had to endure from those two crazy bitches. The snakes, needless, bone-fire, hours of standing on one finger and such, not to mention those ass kicks that crazy blind Yara had preformed on us along with that sister of hers. What a pain, that's for sure.

"Then I sat and meditated on bonfire for a week." I listed the many torturing methods me and my sister had to go through. "Oh, and I had to sleep with snakes for three weeks."

"AGH!" Kuwabara cried out in fear. "Okay, forget I asked. Just listening to everything gives me the creeps." I gave a slight chuckle at that. Of course, he would freak out like that.

"Yeah, but it was worth it for all the tricks we have learned." I told him, making his eyes lit up with wonder. 

"Ouhh, now that's what I want to see." Kuwa said in awe.

"Maybe next time, when my sister is also there." I promised to him since I really want Miyuki to be there too to show off. 

"Woah really?" My thug friend asked a little surprised. "Speaking of which where is your sister anyway? Did you left her at the old ladies to suffer more?"

"No." I replied as I also shook my head. "She is going to see-" "See what?" Keiko's sudden question startled both of us. Sure enough, she was in front of us with our milkshakes in her hands.

"Oh, uh. . ." I mumbled out loud. Come on Yusuke, think. Wait I got it!

"Yeah, Miyuki told us she went to see her friend, sadly missing the movie Kuwabara and I wanted to see, right Kuwabara?" I lied as I nervously turned to Kuwa who was just in the same state as I was.

"Yoo, movies I love them!" The punk replied nervously but at least he managed to play along.

"Oh!" Keiko said with enthusiasm. She actually bought the lie, thank god. "I know a great foreign art film!"

"Oh, great!" I trailed off but smiled with relief. With that, we all started to head toward the movie theatre together. I watched as Keiko was leading us, giggling whole-heartedly. She seems really cheerful today.

"I haven't seen Keiko this happy for months." Kuwabara informed me. "You guys must really have something for her to be that way."

At that, I slyly turned away with my cheeks heating up a little. But then out of nowhere, I was captured in a headlock by the ugly idiot.

"Don't act like you're not excited too!" Stupid Kuwabara screamed into my ears as his fist almost squished the milkshake out of me. "How do you think Keiko feels when you pretend you don't care?"

"Hey, you're squishing my milkshake!" I warned him irritatedly, however, that moment was cut short when I felt something odd, and bad. . .

"Yusuke!" I hear Keiko call me, snapping me back to reality. "Stop wrestling, the movie is about to start." Oh, great. Perfect timing as always.

"Uuh-Hey, Keiko!" I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. "I've gotta grab something at the store first."

"What?" Keiko asked, making me feel a little nervous.

"And Kuwabara has to get something too, right?" I turned to my ugly friend as I hit him lightly in the chest. He looked a little angry, but somehow I managed to get him the message before turning back to Keiko. "We'll be back in five minutes tops. Would you mind saving us some seats?"

"Well, if it's quick, I-I'll come with you." Keiko offered, with a small stutter in her voice while she looked conflicted.

"No, you see it's kind of embarrassing actually. I-It's a guy thing." I lied through my teeth. Man I hate myself so much right now. "We'll be back soon, okay?" I promised quickly before grabbing Kuwabara by the wrist and drag him away in a sprint.

"Fine, I'll be in the center row!" I hear my brunette girl shout behind us before disappearing at the next corner. As soon as we were out of her sight I let go of Kuwabara and started to casually walk.

"So what things do you wanna buy with just guys, huh?" My stupid enemy/friend teased. "What do you need, some itching cream or something?"

"Shut up, I'm not buying stuff." I grumbled under my breath, earning a questioning look from him. "We're being followed."

"What?" Kuwabara questioned as I just kept looking ahead.

"I caught a glimpse of them at the movie theatre." I explained it to him just as soon as we began to reach a small alley.

"Well, we've got the time." Kuwabara reassured me. "I say we have some fun with them." I can't help but agree. Once we are done with these jerks we will go back to Keiko.

"You jokers are in trouble now!" Kuwabara laughed tauntingly. "My name's Kuwabara the number one thug in of Sarayashiki Junior high."

I let out a short cocky laugh. "No sense telling lies." I bragged. Just then those guys began to pull out their pocket knives or another kind of dangerous and sharp weapon. Okay, this is a bit too much.

"I don't think these guys are playing around. We haven't even started and they're already pulling their knives." Kuwabara said just as off guard as I was.

Those punks began to chant 'must kill' over and over again before attacking us with their weapons. We managed to block their attacks and punch them, but it didn't do much since those guys were already back on their feet.

"Are they human?" Kuwabara asked scared as the zombie jerks readied themselves for another attack. "What do we do."

"Tsk." I stood upfront. "Now we leave it to me." I placed my left hand onto my wrist as I prepared my new technique for the knockout.

"Whoa! Is this one of your new techniques?" I hear Kuwabara ask me amazed.

"I'll take that as a stupid question." I answered boldly as my eyes fixated on those punks who jumped up in the air and launched themselves onto us.

"SHOTGUN!" I shouted strongly before punching the air and sent thousands of spirit bullets right at our attackers.

"Oh wow, that's crazy Urameshi!" The stupid exclaimed. "It's like you're shooting a whole spray Spirit Gun bullets all at once!"

"Well yeah, like I said it's a Shotgun!" I pointed out as those zombie guys fall flat on the ground unconscious. Finally. I walked over to one of them to take a better look but suddenly Kuwabara interrupted me.

"Hold on!" He warned me in a serious tone. "I feel something really strange around us, I don't think it's very human." He said as he warily looked around until he finally spotted something. A weird-looking figure all dressed up in a big coat and hat along with a bandana that is covering its mouth.

"Something like that!" Kuwa growled, which got that suspicious person to freak out and run away.

"Get up!" Kuwabara shouted as I pulled myself back up to my feet and follow his lead. As we were chasing that mysterious person, but as soon as we got through the next corner someone knocked that punk out. I turned to that thing we followed, then I switched my stare to the person who had walloped him.

"Now that is teamwork." My assistant said with an iron baseball bat resting on her left shoulder.

"Botan?!" I exclaimed in disbelief.

"Hey, it's the pretty girl!" Kuwabara cried out cheerfully. "Have you thought about me?" I almost stumbled on my feet. This bastard is so impossible.

"I've been shadowing that once since it slipped through the barrier two days ago." Botan explained making me turn back to that knocked out. . . green thing.

"So. . . what is he?" Kuwabara asked.

"He looks like he grew up too close to a nuclear plant." I remarked as I finally got a good look at that monster.

"I'm quiet certain he's spying from the place you and Miyuki will be going as your next mission." Botan said me. Now I was really pissed off.

"Okay Botan, you can stop right there!" I screamed at her clearly annoyed by the fact that I will never get a freaking break nowadays. "We got back from those Grandmas' evil boot camp today, and I deserve a vacation as well as my sister?! Why don't you call back in two years!" I turned on my heels and started to walk away from the others.

"Then I guess you don't mind everyone in the city being turned into a zombie?" Botan asked with a stern tone, stopping me from going away any further.

"Does that question have a point?" I asked her bluntly as I turned to face my assistant again.

"Koenma was given a message yesterday." Botan started to explain with a serious tone. "It was sent by an agent, much like the one that we just walloped." Then started to tell us about what Koenma found out about that message.

"I don't see what all the fuss is about. " I finally spoke up thoughtfully. "If Koenma's in charge, then why can't he just turn down the request? And who are these stupid saint beasts?" I scoffed. I mean this makes no sense to me at the moment.

"They are four of the most notorious criminals in all of Spirit World." The blue-haired girl began to talk again. "The title 'Saint' was given to them by their followers, Years ago, they were chased by a coalition of pursuers and evaded capture by locking themselves into a booby-trapped fortress. Since then, a whole city has formed at its base, filled with vile crooks who vie these species like Gods. The City of ghosts and apparitions." After that, she began to walk toward the zombie figures that I and Kuwabara previously encountered with.

"Hey, aren't you gonna finish your story?" I demanded as I followed her.

"Why don't you take a look at these boys you knocked out?" Botan asked as she pointed one finger at those guys. I did as I was told, and to my horror and utter disgust, a flying bug crawled out of each punk's mouth.

"Ugh!" I grossed out. "Tell me I didn't just see a bug crawl from his throat." I exclaimed as I turned to Botan for answers.

"They're called Makai Insects, a parasite from the darkest parts of the Spirit World." Botan told me. "They bury themselves under the skin and they nurture a part of their primal desire. Mine's occupied by this parasite develop and need for destruction, physical power, and murder. It will be a disaster."

"Well, can't we tell people?" I pointed out. "I mean, there's gotta be a cure." I protested.

"There is." The blue-haired girl said with a small sigh. "But ordinary people can't see the insects. The inflicted will be seen as merely psychotic, and I'm afraid the cure will not be first on the human's mind."

"Then what the hell are we supposed to do?" I asked with a demanding voice. I mean, what do these people expect me and my sister to do in a situation like this?

"The only way to rescue the city is to kill the Makai insects and the only way to do that is by destroying the whistle, which the enemies posses." Botan answered firmly.

"A whistle?" I asked a little surprised, earning a nod of confirmation from Botan.

"Without the whistle sustaining frequency, the Makai can't live outside of Spirit World." She replied.

"So. . .How long do we have before these beasts leave their castle and come to Earth themselves?" I inquired.

"At this point, they can't." Botan said with a serious face. "For years we've had them trapped inside the city with the barrier wall. Now with this threat of insect invasion, they helped forces to open the barrier."

"I see, so they give you the whistle if you open up the wall." I concluded.

"Instead, we'll make a small breach in the wall to let you in." Botan informed me. "Eventually they'll find this hole themselves."

"And what if we're not able to beat them?" I asked.

"I don't think I have to tell you what would happen if all the demons from that city were unleashed on Earth." Botan pointed out.

Of course, if Miyuki and I can't then all hell will break loose. After a small pause, I turned to Botan.

"I have to be honest Botan, this takes the record for confusing." I sighed.

"Yes, just try to remember the basics: You and Miyuki are good and the entire city is bad." Botan said. "Destroy the whistle and defeat the beast, and the case will be closed."

"Ok, I just can't believe Koenma expects me and my little sister to take over the whole freaken city of demons alone!" I growled out loud with irritation. "Don't they send teams out for this kind of thing?!" I ranted on angrily. I mean come on, just me and Miyuki? That's ridiculous.

"What about me Urameshi?" Kuwabara suddenly spoke, startling me and Botan. Oh yeah, I almost forgot that he was even there with us.

"Uh. . . Oh, Kuwabara, there is no such thing as demons! Yusuke and I were just joking!" Botan quickly said as she laughed awkwardly, trying to hide the fact that she totally messed this up.

"Look, I'm not dumb! Or blind." Kuwa growled with a small hint of annoyance in his voice before catching one of those ugly bugs with his hand.

"We all know I can see supernatural stuff a whole lot better than Urameshis, and I'm not gonna sit around my house while Yusuke and Miyuki don't see things and let big monsters and insects take over my city. Cause I'm Kuwabara and in case you guys forgot, I've got a sword!" The loud noisy hometown speech again. Oh crap here we go again, this stubborn ass is going to get himself killed one day with this.

"Well, Yusuke, I guess there's no point in arguing with the eager." Botan awkwardly agreed with the ugly one. Oh, great, just what I needed.


Botan lead Yusuke and Kuwabara to an old warehouse. Once she opened the door, dust flew everywhere making the boys cough uncomfortably.

"Watch for dust." Botan warned a little too late.

"Gee, thanks for the warning." Replied the spirit detective sarcastically as he watched his assistant tapping the floor or hit it. "Banging on the floor in some random warehouses seems like fun to me." Yusuke joked while Kuwabara curiously watched the girl's action.

"This is where they were supposed to put the breach in the barrier." Botan explained as she kept hitting the dirty floor with her fist to the point she finally found what she was looking for.

"Bingo!" Botan said as the floor opened up like a trap door. She reached for it and lift it up. The boys looked inside to see the green gas covering the whole thing.

"You are gonna give us a rope ladder or something?" Yusuke asked a little nervously.

"No, jumping down should land you safely on the outer bank of the city." Botan informed before facing Kuwabara. "You know you don't have to go through with this if you don't want to. No one will hold it against you." Yusuke was a little surprised but relieved at the same time.

"Oh, okay. Goodbye." Yusuke said as he began to walk off like nothing.

"Not you!" Botan sternly told him as she tripped him with her white boot. "The Spirit Detectives do not have a choice in this, Kuwabara does!" Snapped the blue-haired girl annoyed earning an irritated look from the Spirit Detective who was on the floor.

"Don't worry about me lady, I sort of feel like a Spirit Detective myself now." Kuwabara reassured confidently as he stepped over the trap door's opening. "And as for Spirit Detective, there's no turning back!" With that Kazuma jumped right into the portal like hole, surprising and scaring both Botan and Yusuke.

"He really did jumped." Botan commented as her voice trailed off a little.

"Maybe. . . he'll be okay alone. . ." Yusuke concluded, which got Botan annoyed. Her look made Yusuke finally give in and just suck it all up.

"Ok-ok!" Yusuke groaned before preparing himself for a jump, but then a gasp escaped through his throat. "OH NO!"

"What is it?" Botan asked a little confused.

"Keiko. . . " Yusuke freaked out. "I just dumped her off at the movie theatre!" The teen explained shakily as his face paled at soon as he thought about an angry looking Keiko.

"Hey, Botan, I'll tell you what, why don't you go take care of things with her and maybe get my sister as well while I go down here. "

"Ou-Ugh, Miyuki is already down there and as for Kei-." Botan nervously said before Yusuke's eyes go wide.

"WHAT?!?" The overprotective brother shouted. "Miyu is already down there?! Why didn't you say so?!?" After that he jumped. Botan's voice was heard after him, but it had fallen into deaf ears.

In another world, where the sky looked darker along with that wicked castle not far behind, Yusuke and Kuwabara appeared in the thin air and fell on their face and butt, landing harshly on the ground.

"Aw, damn!" The male Spirit Detective complained as he rubbed his cheek. After that small pain was over, the boys looked up and saw their destination.

"Well, I guess this is the place." Yusuke guessed as he and Kuwabara got up from the ground. However, before they can even go toward it demonic creatures rise up from the dirt like zombies, smiling wickedly and laugh maniacally. The human scent woke them up from their slumber, ready for a treat as they put it.

"What are those things?!" Kuwabara asked as his voice began trembling a little.

"I'm not exactly sure, but they're not friendly." Yusuke concluded as he looked at the monsters with a glare. Just then they began to attack the two. One by one they jumped onto the boys who were able to punch them off of them. Unfortunately due to the huge crowd of those things, the two boys were outnumbered.

"Urameshi!" Kuwabara screamed, earning Yusuke's attention. "There's too many of them, and I'm not sure but I think they wanna eat me!" The orange-haired guy panicked before drowning in the wave of those monstrous creatures.

"I'm coming!" Yusuke shouted just as many other demons began to surround him, blocking his way and chances to save his friend. "This is gonna be pretty lame if we get killed before we reach the stupid castle!"

Just then a water whip hit the demon creatures off of Yusuke. The Spirit Detective looked shocked at the sudden move. Just then a creature began to run at his direction. Just before the teen can send a punch, that cloaked figure, similar to those creature that are trying to eat the boys, grabbed him by the wrist and dragged themselves toward Kuwabara. The demon creature didn't give up and kept on attacking, but as each of them got hit away by the flying water whip.

The rescuer with a swift hand motion he extended the length of the water whip and pulled Kuwabara out of the crowd.

"Get behind me!" Instructed the mysterious figure. The boys did as they were told and watched each other's back. Just then the water whip began to surround the small group like they were inside a ring. The cloaked and hooded mystery raised up his hands while shaping the water ring into tentacles.

"Whoa!" The orange haired teen exclaimed in awe. " But who is this and why is he helping us against his own kind? " Kuwabara asked while Yusuke just watched that figure blocking those creatures' way away from them with his octopus attack.

Suddenly a loud thunder was heard above the three of them. They all looked up to see a black hole opening up in the sky as bright yellow lightning sparkled out of them. Soon two small shiny orbs came out of the whole. A red and a blue one. They flew toward the tree like lightning. When they hit the top of one of the branches the light began to grow bright. Blinding the boys and the mysterious creature almost while scaring those monsters away from them. The light soon died down and the trio was finally able to see.

"That worked. Whatever that was." Yusuke breathed out as the mysterious figure made the water disappear under his disguise. All three of them looked up to the tree.

"It seems you could use some help." A familiar soothing male voice said.

"If those nothings were too much for you, we're going to have some serious trouble." Another male voice added sarcastically, just as another lightning strikes, revealing the identity of those people who are on the tree. Yusuke Gasped along with that cloaked and hooded figure beside him while Kuwabara looked a little lost. The two figures jumped down from the branch and landed right in front of the trio.

"Well-well-well, the thieves." Yusuke exclaimed jokingly.

"Hello." Kurama greeted them politely.

"Well, what are you doing here?" Asked the male Spirit Detective a little surprised.

"Even that fool Koenma knew wit would take more than human powers to kill the Saint Beasts." Hiei answered bluntly.

"By aiding in this mission, Koenma has assured us we can clean our slates in the Spirit World." Kurama informed.

"I guess Koenma heard me complaining." Yusuke chuckled before turning to Kuwabara and introduce the two demons to him. "Hey, Kuwabara, let me introduce you to these guys. That's Hiei and his name is Kurama."

"A pleasure." The redheaded teen replied politely.

"Uh, hi there." Kuwabara greeted back before turning to that hooded figure that just saved his and Yusuke's life from earlier. "And who is this Urameshi?" He asked the Spirit Detective curiously.

"Well, that's a good question." Yusuke said as he also turned to the mysterious figure.

"Hn, how rude of you. Brother." Replied the cloaked figure before lifting her disguise off of her, revealing her true self. That familiar black-haired girl who is also known the second Spirit Detective.

[Miyuki's mission dress. Art by me.]

"MIYUKI?!" Yusuke exclaimed a little shocked by his sister's appearance.

"Don't be so surprised brother dearest." The female Spirit Detective scoffed. "You should have recognized my abilities by now."

"Grrr, rude much." Yusuke growled under his breath as the veins on his forehead began to pop out.

"Ms. Miyuki!" Kuwabara exclaimed happily, as his eyes sparkled with stars. "Whoa, nice outfit-!" His sentence was interrupted by an elbow hitting him on the back of his head.

"Hey! what was that for?!?!" Kuwabara screamed angrily as he glared daggers at Yusuke's direction.

"I'm gonna say this only once! Stop hitting on my sister, ya dig?!" Yusuke warned. Unknowingly to him, two other figures glared secretly at the flirty boy as well.

"Ugh, but wait, what is she doing here?" Kazuma suddenly asked, now puzzled, earning more daggers from the black-haired girl.

"I can ask the same from you Carrot Top." Miyuki stated sternly with a raised eyebrow as her arms were crossed over her chest. She turned to her brother with questioning eyes, who looked just as annoyed as his sister with this situation.

"Don't even ask." Yusuke sighed in defeat.

"Well, I don't have a clue what's going on, but it sure is nice to have a helping hand." Kuwabara smiled as he placed his hands inside his pockets.

"Helping is not the right word." Hiei corrected in a scoff, earning questioning looks from the boys while Miyuki sighed.

"Koenma may regard us as equals but I do not!" Hiei stated blankly. "Once inside the castle, I suggest you let us do the work. As far as I'm concerned we're babysitting." At that Kurama let out a short chuckle.

"Hn, if that's how you consider it, then you have my full permission to take it over." The black-haired girl replied coolly. "I am done cleaning after their messes." She pointed at her brother and his orange-haired friend.

"Hey!" Yusuke complained, whining like a child mostly, making Kurama smile in amusement, clearly knowing the sibling fights way too well.

"Okay, listen you puny jerk face, I'm gonna have to beat you up if you keep talking down to us that way!" Kuwabara snapped as he leaned closer to the fire demon.

"Let's avoid fighting, You're not worth it." Hiei told him bluntly, making Kazuma finally snap.

"Oh, that's it!" Kuwabara snapped as he lifted his fist up and send a punch to Hiei, who dodged it with no problem. Kuwabara fell flat on his face while the demon teen was facing Miyuki.

"But you little Detective are a different story." Hiei said as his eyes looked deeply into the Urameshi girl's chocolate-brown ones.

"Really now?" The water bender girl asked, not fazed by the fire demon's threatening look. In fact she felt amused.

"Yes, and I plan to take my revenge on you, so consider this fair warning." Hiei warned, his crimson orbs never leaving Miyuki's stare.

"Oh, you wanna ignore me, huh?" Kuwabara snapped once more and began to strike, only to kiss the dirt once more since Hiei already dodged him.

"Hiei, we must face this current business before you start your own." Kurama reminded his friend.

"Hm, don't worry Shadow Lord, you got yourself a deal." Miyuki replied coolly as a confident smirk danced onto her face. The nickname earned a stink eye from the three-eyed demon, but he didn't say anything.

"Great. Now is this a perfect team or what?" Yusuke asked the whole group to which Kuwabara glared at Hiei who just scoffed and turned away, but not before stealing a glance from Miyuki who just facepalmed at the idiot Kazuma.

The group began to make their way over to the castle. As soon as they got to the gate, the group stopped for a moment.


"Wow, not this place is homey." Yusuke commented jokily.

"So I guess we're just gonna walk right in." Kuwabara guessed.

"Any prize that's worth having usually requires a risk." Kurama replied observantly as always.

"I say we make em' come out here and fight us out front like they're not a bunch of sissies!" Kazuma ranted which earned an eye-roll from me. Man, how come Yusuke got him as a friend. I liked it more when he was only a punching bag.

"Idiot. . ." I murmured under my breath quietly.

"Your sense of strategy is amazing-." Hiei scoffed but was cut off by Kuwabara's parrot-like scream.

"Are you talking to me runt-boy?!" He snapped, making Yusuke growl irritatedly.

"Let's go!" Yusuke said as he and I walked ahead, the others followed suit not far behind. After walking in the square-shaped hall for a while, a huge eyeball with wings flew toward us.

"Welcome to Maze Castle." It greeted.

"Whoa, it talked!" Kazuma exclaimed in disbelief. I narrowed my eyes at that eye-ball creature with suspicion.

"Those who enter Maze Castle must be tried by the gate trail." The ugly eyeball said.

"What do you mean 'tried'?" Yusuke demanded just as that flying eye flew toward the wall in front of us and waited for something. Suddenly a part of the brick wall lowered down like a door, revealing a lever, which the eye's tentacle pulled down without any hesitation. The whole area around us began to shake like there was an earthquake or something.

"Urameshi. . . Why did you have to ask?" Kuwabara asked angrily and tensely. I suddenly hear the cogs and gears shifting above us.

"What the. . . ?" I suddenly asked before looking up.

"The ceiling!" Shuichi cried out. On cue, the ceiling fell down right toward. I barely had the time to brace myself, but thankfully I managed to hold up the ceiling with my hands. The weight was unbearable.

"Heavy, isn't it?" The eye-ball taunted. "Sense in the corridor are most intelligent and complex assembly of gears adapts the ceiling's weight precisely to the strength of its victims. Of course, there is a catch, just enough leeway remains of one person to escape, leaving their friends to be crushed by the weight."

"Darn it!" I grunted out as I struggled with the others.

"Damn it!" I hear Yusuke growl beside me.

"But decisions must be made quickly." The eyeball continued on. "Not even the five of you combined can hold the ceiling for long. Insist on teamwork and everyone will be crushed, only by turning against each other your friends will one of you be able to escape. Only the traitor among you deserves to enter Maze Castle, that's why it's called the Gate of Betrayal you see." After finishing with his stupid long speech the thing laughed maniacally, making me want to stab that little crap for a million times.

"Boy, I'd like to get my hands on that thing." Kuwabara growled out in frustration, but as he shifted the weight of the ceiling became heavier.

"Stay focused on the weight or you'll kill us all!" Hiei ordered the stupid Carrot head.

"Oh sure, blame me!" Kuwabara spat back at Hiei. "I bet I'm holding up a lot more weight than you are!"

"Shut it Carrot Top!" I shot at Kazuma angrily as I also tried my best to keep the weight up.

"Well, I'm not going to die for the sake of you worthless humans!" Hiei growled, clearly annoyed. I turned to him with a glare. Damn this little rat and his nasty attitude.

"Don't you even consider it Hiei!" Shuichi warned.

"Oh man, I knew we should have played some trust games." Yusuke groaned before going back to grunt and struggle like the rest of us.

'Why is this always happening to us?' I cursed angrily.

How are we going to survive this now?

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