His Fragile Little Mate

By Xxsavage_surfer

91.1K 2.4K 113

This story is set around the years when the vampires and werewolves had taken over the world. Most humans wer... More

Leonardo (12)


4.2K 114 3
By Xxsavage_surfer

I hummed as I played the piano that sat beautifully on display by the glass walls overlooking the breathtaking view of the lycan kingdom.

I'd read books that has helped me understand about their kind and other different supernatural creatures out there.

Selestial has also been answering my questions for me.
Another week had passed, I finally got comfortable with my.....mate.

We went on dates to get to know each other.
I couldn't help myself but I kept staring at the male specimen.

How can someone be....that good looking?

He's also really funny. Quite a gentlemen too actually.
On our second date, he made me laugh so hard I almost peed and my stomach was kinda sore.

I know, gross.....

Mama and papa have been serving in the kingdom kitchen.
The 'pack' loves their cooking so they decided to hire them.

Of course they declined cause they say and I quote
" our daughter lives here now in your safety, the least we can do for you is cook"

They decided to leave my aunt May-another great baker, to take over the bakery as mama and papa wanted to stay close to me.

I hear footsteps from at least 2 meters away and I wait as the royal grandly decorated door opens seeing my mate standing there with a plate of food.

"Hey baby" he says with a grin coming over to sit next to me.
I blushed as he pecks my dimpled cheek.

He's wearing his work attire-an armani tux suit minus the tie and a few buttons on the upper chest part is unbuttoned giving me a glimpse of his washboard chest, his tatooes that's peeking from his chest, not to mention the ones over his neck.

His scent is different from normal lycans around here.
He smells like mint leaves and chocolate ice cream latte.

"I made you something" he says shyly as he puts the plate of cookies in front of me.
It had these white marshmallow squashed between two chocolate chip cookies.

"Thank you" I told him as I pecked his stubbled cheek.
I see a light unnoticeable pink tint on his cheeks.

Aww,he's blushing.

I tasted a bite, moaning at the taste.

Wow,this is good.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I see him staring at me.
I take another bite, tucking a strand of my curly hair behind my ear, as I slowly leaned into his shoulder blade nibbling on my cookie.

I feel him wrap his arm around my waist pulling me impossibly closer to him as I feel him take in my 'scent'
According to him, he says I smell heavenly-like cinnamon and vanilla and chocolate chip cookies.

"Thank you, I love it. It tastes really good" I say as his arms tightened around my waist and he picks me up placing me on his lap.
I blushed furiously hiding my face in his chest as he stands up with me in his arms.

He sits us down by the expensive leather couch in the living room of....my room-the private quarters I've been staying at.

It has its own kitchen and even laundry room. It also has an art room that is twice the size of my room.
There are plain canvas seating neatly by the wall. Different sets of acrylic paint in cabinet drawers and the grand black piano sitting by the glass wall length window which had a great view of the snow coated forest.

After I finished my cookie, I had fallen off to sleep as Leonardo was playing with my hair, massaging my head softly as he patted me off to sleep.

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