By DarkFangComics

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Currently being rewrote August 22, 2020 More

Prologue: We, You, Here, Together Forever
Chapter 1: The Future and Present/ My Modern Day Hentai

Chapter 2: Violets and Roses

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By DarkFangComics

 Looking down from high above to the guard, the girl would leap from the pedestal down onto the rooftop in front of the guard with a twisted look upon her face. This girl looked almost as if she could be a sweet little angel however it was something off about her as her aura would give you slight chills as her rose-gold eyes would pierce into your soul. Her large cape would wrap around her body forming a black corset over her chest and a skirt formed from her massive demonic black cloak as her tail would shortly be seen from the back causing the guard to pass out hitting the ground hard. 
"What fragile creature they are indeed but no matter because today's the day.. The day My Life begins" she says looking off into the morning sun with a bright smile on her face.

 Meanwhile back at the Wilson residence Zach would make his way into the kitchen ready for his life to begin as well as he looks at his sister siting at the kitchen table as he could hear the living rooms television playing from the front room. The sun's orange rays shined into the kitchen as if were an early Saturday morning, making you wish you could just stay and lay in bed all day long. 
"Well look at you all dressed his morning" says Molly as smiles before digging into her morning sunny side up eggs. Iris's mood had switched into her mature transformation as she sat eating her breakfast as Zach would begin to take his seat in front of her to eat before they head off to school.  Zach couldn't help but take a look towards Iris thinking about how she has changed over the years, sure she may act like a mature woman at times when shes around people who don't really know her well. However deep down down Iris is a tom-boy no matter how how hard she may try to hide it and at times she can be as wild as a crazy gorilla, even the student council can act just like her at times thought Zach.
"What!" asked Iris as she notices her brother looking towards her as she eating her food, Zach would just lean back in the seat and reply "nothing" as he would turn towards his younger sister Molly. Unlike Iris Molly was the good and innocent one, can't really harm anything she cares about or anyone in fact she was like a perfect little child. As Zach would continue spacing out Iris would decide to take some bacon off of Zach's plate quickly shoving down her gullet quickly getting Zach's attention. 
"Why you Gorilla that was mine!" Shouts Zach in anger across the table as Iris would ignore him and continue eating before reaching across to grab his glass of milk to wash it down as if nothing were wrong.
"See this is why your  going to remain lonely, guys don't like girls who act like apes" shouts Zach.
"Oh your one to talk Mr.Anger problems!!" yells Iris
"Keep it up you just try me and I'll have you put back in you place a cage!!" Yells Zach as he slams his fist into his palm standing up from the table.
"Oh I'm real scared, you just try and see what happens to you mutt" replies Iris as sh stands up from her seat slamming her hands down on the table. Molly would begin to go into panic mode as she tries to hide under the table to try and finish eating before the kitchen turned into a wrestling ring quickly getting the attention of neighbors walking by as they hear all the noise from the apartment. 
 Exiting there apartment to head ff to school they would spot a large crowd in front of their house surrounding the mail truck leaving the three of them wondering what happened as they locked the front door to their house. However if it were anything serious the police would surly be there so Zach and his sisters would instead begin to make their way up the street to the schools bus stop. As they walked to the bus stop there was only one thing on Zach's mind, today was the day he finally tell the girl of his dreams how he felt. He could already picture her perfect smile upon her face as her amazing hair flowed in the wind. As the morning breeze blew the fall leaves along the streets as the spot the schools iconic yellow school bus coming up the hill as its red sign began to reach out. Just before Zach got on the bus he will feel a cool breeze brush past him as he would see a group of flying birds passing by over head, upon seeing the amazing sight Zach was now fully hyped and ready for his day to begin. Making his way onto the bus he would make his way to the back of the bus as his sisters would sit in the seat just just before the last bench on the right hand side. As Zach sat down he would stretch his legs out as he would place his studio headphones on to listen to music as he looked out the window to the peaceful skies. 
Corner after corner, neighborhood after another the bus would begin to fill up more and more till they would begin to try and make their way to the high school located at the very top of the hill. Zach would watch as the students all communicated with one another however it was only one thing on his mind and there was and there was no way he was going to mess it up today. As all the buses would begin the pull into the school's drop zone bodies began to fill the grounds with human bodies as they would begin to make their way into the building heading to the lunch room or to await in their class rooms till the bell would ring for classes to begin. Zach would head onto the grounds quickly walking into his friends Dorian and Josh awaiting outside the school. As their trio linked up ready for another day they would begin to make their way to their class room to await the bell. Iris on the other hand would head straight to the school's office to join the rest of the student council board. 
"Good morning"says Grey a young man with blue hair and silver rimed glasses as his pushes them back up on his face, all dressed in his uniform. Sasha would punch Grey and his arm quickly replying "You didn't tell me good-morning  Idiot", causing Iris to briefly smile towards her friends as she carried her back. Meanwhile back with Zach, they would soon enter the grad level building but they would still need to head upstairs to reach their classrooms. However on their way to their class Zach would quickly become stunned as he spotted his objective for the day. A beautiful girl was spotted talking along with her friends on the stair way, her long smooth black hair laid softly on down her back against her school uniform and with the morning sunlight shining into the building over her she looked like a true angel... this girls name is Melissa Sanders "The Crush". Zach would become so starstruck as he wouldn't even notice his friends had stopped to go to their lockers leaving Zach walking until he would suddenly snapped out it as he walked into one of the school's lockers quickly getting everyone's attention on the hallway. Josh and Dorien would quickly rush to Zach to see what was wrong as he shook it off as Melissa and her friends looked down from the stairs towards Zach before going about their way. 
"Bro your so hopeless, I don't know what we're going to do with you" says Dorian as he pats his friend on the back as they would begin to make their way to the classroom.   

 "If there was one time life was actually normal it was our time in school as things never really got out of hand. The only time things would get a little crazy would be as if a fight broke out or something but even then you best be ready for the school hound dogs, the student council  and board and disciplinary unit and trust me you don't want them to get their hands on you. Sure they have suspension but most would try our school's secondary term ignoring everything you did ..if you can beat the entire student council in a wrestling match.  Let me just say the last unlucky soul may have made it past the first two but when got his third match against Iris my older sister well things took a turn for the worst. Countless submissions that would leave you in agony for day but that wasn't even the worst part because once you lose your sent to In school suspension and forced to write one hundred pages of what you do better all while having to do your school assignments as well. Like I said the student council is like a bunch of raging gorillas read to pounce. 

Meanwhile Zach would sit at is desk near the left hand side of the room by the window propping up his arm against his head as he watched the leaves blow across the school yard peacefully. As he watched he would shortly spot another student just now arriving to the school, "He better hope the board doesn't spot him" thought Zach as he watched the student get closer and closer to the school. Shortly after Zach would begin to turn his head towards the front of the classroom as students began to pile in before the school bell would ring. As the students began taking their seats they would begin to hear footsteps coming among the hall thinking it would be the principle so they quickly sit in their seats. As the Classroom door slides pen once more the are greeted by their teacher and the Student council along with someone else. Zach would look over slightly to notice it was the student he saw coming across the street. The student looked like regular eighteen year old, with bleached white hair as his green eyes looked through his glasses upon his face. The student seemed rather quite as if he were an anti social type. The student would suddenly glace over towards Zach as he would pick up on Zach staring at him. However the student would lose interest as he heads inside to take his seat in the class room. 
"Zach" calls out Iris as she stands along the door way, Zach would turn his head back towards to the window as if he didn't hear a word. 
"Zach!" calls out Iris once again making him slide out from around his desk to see what his sister wanted with him. Pulling Zach aside for a moment Iris would hand Zach forty dollars for him to run to the store after the school today and pick up a few items that she could cook for dinner later tonight. 
"What about Molly?" asked Zach
"Well What about her?" responded Iris 
"I'll just tell her to meet you at home after the school to help prepare dinner" responded Zach.
"Very well i'm off, now tuck the shirt in that style is against our student code" replies Iris as she walks off back to the main building with the rest of the student council. Zach would back inside his class room as class was preparing to start all while ignoring what Iris said about his shirt with his signature look on his face. Heading inside Zach would see the new transfer student standing at the board along side the teacher. 
"Alright student's we have a new transfer student and your name is" asked the Teacher.
"Adam Fisher, however it's no reason to learn it I wont be here long" He would say as he looked bored and blandly towards the class as if he wasn't interested in anything that was going on there. Zach didn't really care as his main focus was siting two seats behind him, Zach would slight look back towards her as she reading over her class notes before class. As he watched her he would begin to remember he used o have a lot of classes with Melissa well at least before a certain incident. 

About a year ago Zach and his friends had signed up for the swim team even tho none of them were really interested in it, they did want to be there to support Zach. Until one day Josh came in having a real bad day and headed up to the bleachers to sit along side, Zach and Dorian. 
"Yo bro, a you need to do something about that sister of yours, she like to gave me detention" replies Josh as Zach and  Dorien were watching the swimmer swim across the pool and and back. While down below Melissa would be talking to her friend standing by the pool who would also be the school's swim team captain.
and then... 
it happened ...
"Bro why are we even here is this even a sport, all they do is moved up and down a pool all day whats the purpose of this!!" It was said so look the whole gymnasium hear it, quickly drawing the eyes of captain as she didn't like that one bit. Pushing her friend Melissa aside the woud place her sights on Zach, Dorian and Josh as they stared at her as is she were an monster approaching on a rampage. Every step sound like a large stomp shaking the bleachers sending student bodies flying off like pigeons in the wind.
"WHAM" She slams down her foot just before Zach,Josh and Dorian making them shiver up like wild mice. 
"So you have something against swimming is that it" shouts Swim team Captain Bianca Clamor. The boys jaws drop in fear as Josh would quickly grab Zach and demand he tell her how bad swimming was.... It did not end well.

So between seeing her in class or in the hallway is as close as he was going to get to seeing her now.                 

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