Arshi FS: Never Let Me Go [C...

De bubbilicious76

156K 5K 611

A little take on the arrange marriage of Arnav and Khushi. A light hearted story, few nok jhoks and some roma... Mais

NLMG - Part 1
NLMG Part 2
NLMG Part 3 - B
NLMG Part 3 - C
NLMG Part 4 - A
NLMG Part 4 - B
NLMG Part 5 - A
NLMG Part 5 - B

NLMG Part 3 - A

10.9K 408 43
De bubbilicious76

Normal Font = FLASHBACKS

Bold = Current thoughts along with flashbacks

FLASHBACKS - 1 year and some months ago ...

Shashi stopped his car near a magnificent 10 story building, "Here you go", he smiled looking at his daughter beside him on the front seat.

"How I am looking Papa?", asked Khushi adjusting her white cardigan over a peach color churidar Kurta.

"Pretty as always", said Shashi with love.

Khushi took a deep breath and opened the car door. "Ok Papa, wish me luck", giving a big smile to her father.

"Best of luck ... don't be nervous ok. Just be yourself", said Shashi and then quickly added, "Be yourself means not your crazy self ok".

"Papaa...", Khushi pouted, "I am not crazy ok".

"yeah right, Ok I have already informed Mr. Raizada about you coming. Arnav will take your interview. Please don't do any of your antics", Shashi said in a warning tone.

"Yes yes, now can I go?", said Khushi rolling her eyes. Shashi patted her head and Khushi came out of car and wave goodbye to her father who drove away to his own office.

Khushi move forward and entered the building, giving herself a pep-talk that she could do this and don't have to be nervous. She moves to the reception area and give her name. Receptionist asked her to go to 8th floor and to the right side, where Mr. Arvind Singh Raizada's cabin was. She moves in elevator, taking her cell out and gasped that she is already 10 minutes late. She tapped her foot in nervousness, just then her cell beeped and saw a message from her brother.

She quickly typed a reply, just then elevator door open and she went out, going to right side. She pressed the send button, locked her phone and tried to put in her hand bag which was swinging due to her hurried steps. As her eyes were down she didn't saw the person coming and in the next moment collided with him.

"oww", said Khushi as she felt her body bump into something hard. Her files and bag fell on the floor. Few things came out of her bag, as she had opened the zip to put her cell phone and same with file, papers were out of it.

"Haww ... look what you did?", said Khushi as she look at the person and got mute for few seconds looking at a handsome man with sharp features and beautiful brown eyes.

"What ... I did it? You were the one who was looking down", said the person who was holding her arm to break her fall.

"Haww, you ...", Khushi pointed her finger at his face and saw his eyes going down to her finger. He then look at her and raise his eyebrow as if challenging her to prove him wrong.

"ok ok fine I was looking down but you should have taken care na, if I wasn't looking then you should have told me", said Khushi in hurried tone and kneel down to pick her stuff.

The person roll his eyes at her and take a step to side to go away when he felt a tug on his hand and he found himself kneeling opposite to her.

"Now where are you going, help me in correcting my file", said Khushi as she thrust the empty black file in his hand, "put the papers back in there ... and do it number wise ok".

"What? Me and ..." the person was saying when Khushi cut him who was putting her things back in bag.

"yes yes you ... can't you help an innocent woman like me?", said Khushi giving him a pouting look.

"Now hurry up ... I don't want to be late for interview and give that Arnav Singh Raizada a chance to bad mouth me", said Khushi zipping her bag.

"You're here for interview?", enquire the person.

"Yes and ...", Khushi stopped and look the file, "Haww you didn't put the papers back yet, oh give me that", saying that Khushi snatch the file and started to put the papers back and also arranging them number wise.

"You know I don't understand whats this Arnav Singh Raizada has, my papa always praising him. Arnav this ... Arnav that ... learn from Arnav ... Arnav is that good ... you should be like Arnav ... ufff ... so much that sometime I feel like strangling him", said Khushi and made a gesture through hands as if choking someone. The person looks at her with astonishment.

"Just let me meet him once ... I will tell him that I am also intelligent ... more than him actually. Oh I will prove him that how good I am at work ... then papa will know how intelligent I am, as he always say I am crazy. Do I look crazy to you?", said Khushi looking at him as she close her file.

10 minutes ago ...

"But Papa she has no experience in this field", said Arnav little irritated at what his father was asking him to do.

"Look Arnav, at this point she doesn't have, but now if we don't give chance to freshers than how they will learn and gain experience? And believe me I have met her and talk to her ... she has that spark and potential ... we just have to polish her and she will be an asset to this company, I am 100% sure. Do you know when I offer her the job she said she doesn't need favors. She want to find job on her own, she said she will give interview and if she passed, then only she will work.", said Arvind.

"But dad why me? Aman could do that ... also Akash. I have other projects to look after. I have to prepare for our Singapore deal as well", said Arnav.

"Yes I know and I want her on that project that's why I ask you to be her mentor.", said Arvind.

"What? Are you kidding me dad? You want an inexperience to work on an international deal?", said Arnav as he stood up from chair.

"Arnav ...", Arvind give him a stern look, "Just work with her for a while ok. Then if you find she is not good for it, I will appoint her to another project. For now you have to mentor her. And be humble with her ok . She is my good friend Shashi Gupta's daughter. I don't want her to be uncomfortable here. Now she will be here in few minutes. You go, I will send her to your cabin once she is here".

Arnav sighed and went out of cabin, not feeling good that now he has to teach business and stuff to some girl. Oh God ... he was lost in thoughts when he felt his hard body bumped into something soft and as a reflex he move his hand to stable the person.

And now kneeling down, listening to the girl who apparently wants to strangle him, he was amused. When she asked him does she look crazy, his heart said she looks beautiful. But he stopped the words before they can surface. He stood up, confuse at his inner words, and she follows.

"Oh I guess I made you late for your work as well", said Khushi as she smack her forehead, "So sorry ... papa is right. I am crazy", she give him a smile and then straighten her cardigan, "Ok you go now, I don't want you to face that Arnav Singh Raizada's warth. I heard that he is a very hot tempered boss".

Arnav has just open his mouth to say something when again Khushi cut him, "ok now wish me luck haan ... baye", saying that Khushi hurried forward.

Arnav just stood there for few seconds thinking, what had just happened and then he smiled and shakes his head and went to his cabin ... waiting to see the girl's reaction on knowing who Arnav Singh Raizada is actually. And his wait was over in next 10 minutes when there was a knock on his door and his father came in with the same girl.

"Khushi ... meet my son Arnav Singh Raizada", said Arvind gesturing towards Arnav with his hand. Khushi smile and turn to Arnav and next second her eyes got wide seeing the same person to whom she had bumped with a while ago.

Hey Devi Maiya ... why me?, thought Khushi that the person who she was telling to strangle a certain person, was the same person.

Arnav stood up and smile a little at his father and was amuse to see Khushi's opened mouth in one second and then worried face in next second and then nervousness as she put her finger in between her teeth.

"Don't be nervous dear ... be confident", said Arvind as he thought that Khushi was nervous regarding her interview. But Khushi was not at all nervous regarding interview. She is nervous that now there will be no interview as she had just admit to strangle her boss some minutes ago.

Arvind then left the cabin and Khushi came near the table. Arnav too move around the table and stood infront of her. "So would you like to strangle me first or shall we start with the interview first?", asked Arnav with a light smirk.

"Hey Devi Maiya", whispers Khushi as she put her both hand on her face hiding it. Arnav chuckled seeing her gesture. Listening to the sound Khushi put her hands down and give him a determine look and forward her file to him.

"So I guess strangle later", Arnav took her file, giving her another smirk and Khushi felt a little embarrass at not to shut her mouth and blabber away, as her father had corrected her many times not to do that.

Arnav chuckled as he remembers his first meeting with Khushi. How cute she looked when she hid her face and then her cheeks little pinkish during the interview with her embarrassment. He perfectly remembers how he asked her few random questions and few related to work and Khushi had given answer to every question correctly and with confidence. His father was right, the girl does have potential.

Khushi smiles ... as how stupid she felt that time when she find out that she had said all that to Arnav himself, whom she wanted to strangle. That's not her fault, her father always praises him, how intelligent he is, discipline, punctual, hardworking etc.

Khushi and her father met Arvind some 2 years ago for the first time at some finance conference. Khushi was there as she had done her Business management degree with Finance as majors. Shashi brought her there so that she can try for contact to get the job. Arvind offered her job but she decline politely as she wanted to do that on her own. Arvind liked her quality to be independent.

2, 3 months later Shashi and Arvind started to meet often as Shashi was promoted a while ago as the Bank Manager of the branch who handles the accounts of Arvind's company. Soon these meetings turn into friendship. During these meetings Shashi had met Arnav and instantly like the boy with hardworking nature and complete gentlemen personality. And since then Shashi had been nothing but praising Arnav quite often. And Khushi find it irritating sometime.

Khushi had done 1 month internship at some private company and she was not satisfied with it as she had done file work mostly. She wanted real work which will test her potential. And Shashi asked her to work at Arvind's company as there she will learn a lot and obviously from Arnav, was her father's exact words. So she agreed, to prove that she can be better that Arnav ... as she started to feel a little jealous of him who had win over her father completely. But soon her jealousy turned into admiration when she worked with him and agreed with her father that Arnav indeed was a very intelligent, hardworking and a gentlemen person.

Khushi then remembers how her admiration started to turn into attraction.

It's been a month and half since she had joined RK enterprise. She was now adjusted with the work environment and made few friends as well. Aman, mostly known as Arnav's right hand man, a very jovial person. Misha, Arnav's P.A, engaged and kind hearted person. Ritu, a modern girl but good at heart, always live life at its fullest ... works in HR department. And Kabir, little shy and humble person, who works along with Khushi in Finance department which is under Arnav's supervision. These 4 persons have become her good friends who also help her whenever needed.

Arnav is a great boss, he is very discipline and strict regarding work but helpful at the same time. He had given Khushi some tasks and she had done them perfectly earning a "good job" from Arnav. He was understanding and patient whenever she tells him that she didn't understand this particular thing or having difficulty in doing something. And she couldn't help but admire his dedication towards works, his discipline, punctuality and most importantly honesty. Her father was right, she is learning so much from him.

But she couldn't understand why his dad had warned her, on day of her interview, that he had a bad temper and also she heard around the office too. He was nothing but always helpful and humble towards her. But one day when she got to know why, when she heard Arnav shouting on Aman about something, and it somewhere scared Khushi and she stayed in her cabin unlike always, as she goes to Arnav every day for work.

Arnav was working when he needed some report to tally and realize that Khushi haven't come to his cabin yet, he looked at the watch and saw it around 4pm. He stood up and went out of cabin thinking what could be the reason as everyday Khushi came to his cabin regarding work before lunch time.

Khushi cabin was on the same floor as Arnav's. He went to her cabin and saw her engrossed into computer screen, through glass walls. He knocked twice on the door and went in. Khushi immediately straighten up seeing Arnav coming inside her cabin.

"You didn't come to my cabin today ... don't need help today?", said Arnav with a small smirk, "Proving your intelligence haan?".

"Um no Sir, I just didn't want to disturb you", said Khushi as she look again at her computer screen.

Arnav was surprise that she didn't retort back or give her usual determine expression that comes on her face whenever he would comment about intelligence or work to her before.

"Hmm ... well I was looking at some reports and I needed the one with budget charts for this month", said Arnav still standing near her table.

"Yes I just completed it ... I mean I completed it earlier but there was some addition to be made. I was just going to print it out", said Khushi.

"Its ok, I just need to see some figures", said Arnav as he came around the table and stood beside her and bend down placing one hand on back of her chair and other on table.

Khushi got conscious with him standing so near to her that she can practically smell his musky and spice fragrance which started to affect her senses.

She gasped a little when she felt Arnav's hand above her which was on the mouse, as Arnav scroll down the screen. Khushi remove her hand from under his, as she felt some tingling sensation on her hand which was going upwards to her arm, feeling confuse at what it is.

Arnav look at her for a moment seeing her pink cheeks and then look back at the screen again, not understanding what happened to her. But at the same time he couldn't help but think that how soft her skin is.

That was the first touch of theirs, and after that Khushi had become more conscious of Arnav's presence around her. When they are together in his cabin or her for work, in conference room to attend meetings and when sometimes he bend over from behind while teaching her stuff on computer. Whenever Arnav gets near her proximity, her senses gets on alert and she feel that strange beating of her heart that she couldn't fathom what it is.

A week later
they had a video conference with US client; Khushi had to stay back for it. The meeting would start around 10pm, as in US it will be 10am.
Around 9pm Khushi was going to the conference room with Arnav, as they have to discuss matters with other persons before the meeting starts, when she remember that she haven't told her father that she will be very late tonight.

Arnav look at her questioningly when she stopped, "What?".

"Wo um Sir, I haven't told Papa that I will be late, you go I will be come in 5 minutes", saying that Khushi turns to go but Arnav stop her by grabbing her arm, he didn't notice her slight gasping at that.

"Relax Khushi, I already informed uncle. And I will drop you home as meeting will run till 2, 3 hours", said Arnav.

Khushi smile a little nodding her head, not able to speak. She follows him inside the conference room.

Next one hour they discuss the budget plan, finance charts and other stuff related to project. Then at 10pm their conference with client started which went on to next 2 hours. That was the first time when Khushi participated in the presentation along with Arnav, explaining client how they can save money while achieving their goal and the profits with pros and cons. Client was impressed with the ideas and was ready for the merger. He asked for a day to discuss with his higher authorities. Another hour went while winding up the meeting. It was around 1 am when they got free, everyone including Akash and Aman praised Khushi and went out.

Khushi was arranging the files and closing her laptop when Arnav came to her and congratulate her, "That was a good presentation Khushi, good job", said Arnav.

"Thanks Sir, and congrats to you too, you also helped", said Khushi giving a proud smile.

"Well it was your idea that client liked so I guess credit goes to you more", said Arnav returning the smile.

"Ahan ... so then it calls for a treat. And don't expect me to give it as I worked hard for it. You have to treat me ... and I will decide where ...", Khushi was saying when the light went off entirely, the room got full dark resulting in Khushi's shriek.

Arnav got worried that she might have move in darkness and got hurt, he didn't knew that she had a phobia of darkness.

"Sir ... Sir", Khushi shouted in fear moving her hand forward and second later grabs Arnav arm tightly, hugging herself to it.

"Khushi ... I am here. What happened? Why are you shivering?, said Arnav in concern.

"No .. no ... li ggh .. ht ... pleas..see ..", stammered Khushi with fear.

Arnav quickly take out his cell from pocket, browse through it and switch on the torch. He was shocked to see Khushi fearful face, sweat beads on her forehead and ragged breaths. He got more worried.

"Khushi don't worry light will be here any minute, the generator will be on soon", Arnav tried to assure Khushi but she just held onto him tightly.

After 2, 3 minutes the light came back, as generator was on now.

"Khushi ... its ok ... light is here", said Arnav putting his hand above hers which are clutching his arm so tight that he started to feel a bit ache there.

Arnav watched as Khushi breath got normal and she loosen her grip on his arm but didn't take her hands off.

"Can we ... we ... go home ... please?", asked Khushi trying to make her voice steady.

"Yes ... come", said Arnav as he move head, Khushi followed him but didn't let go of his arm and neither Arnav said something. He was feeling trouble that what happened to Khushi, it doesn't look like a normal fear ... like usually girls are afraid of dark ... but they don't sweat or panic like Khushi did. Nonetheless he didn't say anything and drive her home, all the while Khushi was quiet and holding her sear belt.

Khushi had launched herself into her father's arms who had opened the door, he was worried seeing Khushi hugging him tightly.

"What happened beta? Tell me", said Shashi patting her back and head.

"Papa ... dark ... it was so dark ...", shivers Khushi in his arms. Shashi look at Arnav questioningly who explain how lights went out in the conference room. Shashi understood what it is. He slowly breaks the hug and grabs her arm.

"You're my brave beta ... hai na ... look no darkness around", said Shashi as he led her inside saying encouraging words and after few minutes Khushi got relax and went upstairs to her room.

All this while Arnav had just stood there and watched how Shashi was consoling her like she was a little girl. Seeing his confused and questioningly look, Shashi told Arnav about her cousins' prank on her and how later she develop a phobia of darkness. Arnav was feeling angry at her cousins and worried about Khushi. Shashi assured her that she will be fine; she just needs some comforting words.

Next day when Arnav asked her how she is doing, she smiled at him, "Sir I guess Papa had already told you about my phobia, that's why I always carry a torch in my press but yesterday I didn't had my purse with me in conference room ... so I panicked .. I am sorry if I caused you any trouble".

"No Khushi ... it was no trouble. But you're fine now right ... do you need to visit a doctor", asked Arnav with concern ... it was the first time for Arnav that he was feeling concern for some girl other than from his family.

Khushi giggle a bit, "Yes Sir, I am fine ... if the light would have been gone for hour than I might have got unconscious due to fear, which happened before ... but its alright now", said Khushi smiling ... but her smile faded when she saw a stern look on Arnav's face.

"It's not a funny thing Khushi", said Arnav and left her cabin. Khushi was about to go after him but thought not to. She didn't want to be subjected to his shouting. But later in afternoon she got surprised when an electrician came to her cabin and fixed an emergency light, so that when light goes it will lit automatically

Not only in her cabin, the conference room, meeting room, Arnav's, Arvind, Akash and Aman's cabin now had the emergency light as well. Almost all the places where she goes to while working in the office.

It was such a sweet and heart warming gesture from Arnav that she couldn't help but feel something in her heart for him. It was first time that, other than her father ,someone else was showing this much concern for her.

After that Khushi couldn't help but feel attracted to Arnav. She had started to notice him more, his gestures, how he stand while one hand in his pant pocket and with other shaking hands with client, how his one eyebrow lifts when he questions or challenge her in work, how there is this frown on his face whenever he is thinking deep, his stern face which reflects how serious he is. How beautiful his eyes are which twinkles when he smirks or chuckles.


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