Hero Hunter Deku [My Hero Aca...


633K 15.2K 5.8K

80% of the world is born with quirks but not izuku. He's one of the lucky 20% that has no powers. He lives hi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Thank you!
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Quick update
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
The Final Chapter
The New Generation
The Aftermath

Chapter 58

4K 123 36

Bakugo sat in the back of the helicopter as it flew across the sky. He kept his head down and rested his arms on his thighs. He sat in silence listening to the loud rudders above him. After a few minutes he felt a tap on his shoulder, Bakugo peaked upwards to be met by the assistant pilot giving him the thumbs up.

Bakugo took a deep breath before putting on his hero mask and slipping in an ear piece. A wicked grin spread across his face as he peaked outside the window at the city below.

".......hello?.......hello?.......can you hear me?" A voice crackled through the ear piece.

"Loud and clear" Bakugo responded.

"Good. We're approaching the target soon. Estimated time of arrival 2 minutes."

"Roger that"

Bakugo took his time and fixed up all his gear. He made sure his boots where tightened, his gauntlets strapped, and belt secured. Another minute of radio silence passed before the voice came back in his ear.

"Target is in range. All civilians have been cleared from the area and we have the green light from the ground team. Operation New Life is a go, give them hell Ground Zero."

Bakugo grabbed the door handle next to him and slid the door back. He threw his legs out of the helicopter and onto the support beam below. Carefully Bakugo attached his support harness and moved completely onto the support beam, only being held onto by the strap around his chest. Bakugo scanned the area and found the helicopter approaching the compound highlighted by his new goggles from that tech bitch with the weird eyes she made him specifically for the raid.

Within the next few seconds his goggle lights changed from a red to green tone, giving him the single it was his time to shine. Bakugo outstretched one palm and used his other to designate an area of concentration for his quirk.

"ROLLING THUNDER!" The blond screamed as he carpet bombed the Yakuza base from above.

The helicopter started its way on a full circle around the base allowing Bakugo to hit every square inch of the above ground section of the base. As they finished their lap Bakugo ear piece came back to life.

"Time to move Ground Zero"

Bakugo made quick work as he received his instructions. He scanned the streets and quickly found the ground team advancing towards the compound. In one swift motion he snagged the top portion of his harness and ripped it clean off allowing him to free fall towards the ground. Using his explosions Bakugo accelerated downwards and made his way to what was left of the main lawn. He did one last blast before placing both hands in front of him to stop his downward fall and rolled across the ground landing right next to Kirshima.

"Wow Bakubro that was freaking amazing!" The red head cheered.

"Oi praise me later, we've got a job to do. ROUND FACE YOU'RE UP!"

"Right!" Uraraka responded as he ran to the front of the pack. She placed both hands on the ground and concentrated as hard as she could, slowly a pink glow started to emit from her palms and into the ground below.

"AHHH!" She screamed as she threw both hands into the air.

As her hands reached their peak the rubble on the ground started lifting up off the ground, clearing a path into the basement of the compound.

"Everyone let's g—" Sir started to yell but was interrupted by a loud rumble beneath some of the rubble.

The raid team stopped and looked around as the tremors got louder and louder until a massive gust of wind shot out as a huge set of arms broke through the rubble.

"Who turned off the lights?" The man boomed as he pulled himself the rest of the way out.

Bakugos eyes widened at the large man. He was huge, he even had to use his arms to walk as if he was a gorilla. Another thing caught his eye though, the mans mask. It was the same style as Overhauls just not as fancy.

"It's one of the eight precepts of death! You all go on, the Ryukyu agency will handle him!" The dragon quirk user yelled as she started to transform.

"Let's move!" Sir yelled as he and the rest of the raiders dropped into the depths below.
Several minutes before the raid.

"How does it feel to know your sole purpose in life now is to feel pain?" Overhaul asked sadisticly as he dragged a knife across Izukus left arm.

Izuku didn't respond. He just kept his gaze on the ground. It didn't really hurt him anymore. Everyday it was the same thing over and over, just more pain. After the first two months or so he kind of got used to it. Most of the smaller things such as a knife cut only stung a little. What really hurt was when Overhaul used his quirk. Any time he chose to destroy some part of Izuku, it hurt just as bad as before.

"Still not going to talk? Maybe I've finally broken you"

Izuku slowly raised his head and looked to his left. There standing quite a ways back was the man in the white coat and in his arms was Eri.
The little girl clenched onto the mans jacket with tears in her eyes as she watched Izuku go through all this pain because of her.

Suddenly a weird feeling ran through Izukus body as the hairs on his arms stood up in alarm.

Izukus eyes widened and quickly tucked his head downwards and shut his eyed as the room around him exploded. He slammed into the ground and skidded to a stop as he slowly opened his eyes. Everything was covered in smoke and to make it worse, all he could hear was a loud ringing. Izuku could feel a cold sensation emoting from multiple parts on his body. One on his forehead, cheek, a couple on his legs, and the coldest of all was his left shoulder. It took all of Izukus will power to move his body. He raised his right hand to his forehead and felt a massive gash leaking blood.

So that's what the cold sensation is? So my left arm must be.........shit.

Izuku stared down at what used to be his left arm. Right now it was a shoulder pinned up against a large steel beam that had flattened his lower arm.

Slowly Izuku pushed himself away from the beam and looked back at the horrific site. It looked as if a red paint can exploded under the beam. Using his somewhat good arm Izuku struggled a couple of times but eventually proped himself up onto a concrete piece of rubble, trying to come up with some sort of plan.

Suddenly what sounded like a muffled voice started screaming through the air but it was hard for Izuku to make anything out with his damaged eardrums.

The mumbling got louder and louder until Izuku could make out the outline of a bird mask through all the smoke.

Of course he's fine. He can heal himself at will with his quirk. Wait his quirk?

Izukus mind spring to life as he recalled every painstaking moment he spent with that monster. Everytime he used his quirk, he had to touch me with his hands, specifically his fingers, thought Izuku.

The bloodied kid grew a small smile on his face as he slid his way up his support and stumbled forward into the smoke. Eventually Izuku finally wandered around enough to find Overhaul standing over the mutilated body's of his henchman and sadly Eri.

"No....." Izukus whispered to himself as a tear started to form in his eye.

The man bent down to one knee and touched Eri's head. A small purple light emitted from his palm and before Izuku knew it, Eri jumped up and started coughing up a storm.

"Thank god" Izuku mumbled.

Izuku kept his head low as he watched Eri realize what was happening and looked up at the man in terror. Slowly she started to back up and quickly turned and broke into a sprint towards the somewhat destroyed doorway.

"Not so fast Eri! You don't get to run around freely right now! You and I are going to go find out who did this and teach them a lesson!" Overhaul yelled as he created a wall blocking the girls path.

Izuku clenched his fist until he completely crumbled the concrete he was holding onto .

This guy's still terrorizing a little girl at a time like this? Who the hell does he think he is?

Izuku felt a surge of power rush through him. Everything still hurt like hell but he could move somewhat better now. He slowly climbed to the top of a mound of rubble and jumped into the smoke, disappearing from the view of anyone.

"If I'm right he should be right, HERE!" Izuku yelled as he broke through the smoke and slammed his leg into Overhauls collar bone.

"AH!" The villain yelled as stumbled backwards and gripped his left shoulder area.

"So your still alive? I knew it would be too much of a miracle if you died in the blast but it looks like you didn't come out unscathed. Look at you, you look like a zombie stumbling around on his last leg. Pathetic." Overhaul spoke as he raised his hand to point at Izuku.

"Eri get behind me!" Izuku ordered as the little girl hid behind Izukus legs.

"Tell me Izuku. Whoever did this, most likely hero's, will come down here and one of two things will happen. One they find your dead body in one piece and can lay you to rest once again, or I'll reduce you to nothing but scattered atoms and they'll never even know it's you. The choice is in your hands, hand over the girl and die peacefully." Overhaul commanded.

Izuku raised his only arm and brung it into an attack position.

"I may not be a hero but I'd rather die the most painful death imaginable then let you take Eri." Izuku stated confidently.

"So be it."

Overhaul slammed his hands onto the ground causing massive spikes to converge on Izuku and Eri. Izuku quickly snagged Eri by her shirt and brought her close to his chest as he jumped up into the air avoiding the attack.

"YOU COULDN'T EVEN COMPREHEND HOW VALUBE ERI IS! SHE'S IRREPLACEABLE!" Overhaul screamed as he sent out another wave of attacks.

Izuku jumped from pillar to pillar avoiding the spikes while keeping the little girl in his arms safe. As Izuku landed on the ground and prepared to jump a wave of dizziness hit him causing him to falter. Pain shot though his leg as a spike dug itself into Izukus calf.

"AHH!" Izukus screamed as he lost hold of Eri. The girl rolled across the ground and slowly pushed herself back up as Overhaul made his way over to her.

"You're mine Eri. But first you'll have to watch me kill this boy."

Izuku looked up as his body trembled with anger.

Damnit I'm losing to much blood. I'm going to pass out before her and I get out of here, thought Izuku.

Izuku looked down at the spike in his leg, luckily it didn't pierce all the way through. He gripped the base of the rock and slid his leg upwards causing massive amounts of pain to shoot out across his body. As Izuku finally got his leg out of the spike some of the pain resided and was replaced with a more bearable amount.

"God damnit Overhaul, leave her alone!" Izuku yelled as he took off towards the villain.

Overhaul sighed and placed his palm onto the ground. As soon as his palm touched the ground Izukus senses when into overdrive. With each step he could feel exactly where the next spike was about to protrude. He swiftly dodged each one and closed the distance between him and Overhaul within a matter of seconds.

As Izuku jumped forward and cocked his arm back he locked eyes with the leader of the Yakuza. He didn't see confidence anymore, it was fear.

Izukus slammed his fist into the mans cheek causing him to fall back onto the ground. Izuku didn't lay up. He quickly jumped onto the villain and let lose with all his built up anger, not giving Overhaul a second to retaliate. With each hit Izuku felt more and more of Overhauls bones breaking, it wasn't until Izuku bashed his nose causing blood to spurt everywhere that he turned his attention elsewhere. Izuku looked around and found a piece of metal laying by his right foot. He reached down and picked up the scrap and said loud enough for Eri to hear.

"Look away Eri."

The girl turned heel and collapsed onto the ground not wanting to see what happened next.

Izuku raised the metal and slashed it across Overhauls hands causing blood to spill out onto the ground.

Izuku dropped the metal as he clanked against the ground and stood up. He looked down at the unconscious man. He was bleeding profusely from his head and his now fingerless hands. But something shiny caught his eye. A small case slightly dented laid alone by itself. Izuku reached down and popped it open to reveal 2 intact red bullets and 2 shattered blue ones. He slipped the case into his pocket and made his was over to Eri. He bent down and wrapped his arm around the girl and brung her to his chest.

"Let's get out of here." Izuku said as he stumbled out of the doorway with the girl in hand.

Izuku kept struggling his was down the hallway trying to avoid the confrontation coming from above. He knew they were getting close. The vibrations from the attacks were getting stronger and stronger every second.

Izuku went to take another step but stopped when he felt Eri tug on his shirt.

"Over there." She whispered.

Izuku dragged himself over to the wall with a raised eye brow as Eri stuck her hand out onto the wall and pressed onto a hidden pressure plate. A low rumble shook through the wall as a hidden doorway opened up to reveal a low lit path.

"It's an escape route. It'll take us to safety." Eri explained.

Izuku nodded and stepped into the darkness of the hallway. The door slid shut behind him as he looked down at Eri. She had wide eyes, probably from the realization she was about to escape this place Izuku thought. A smile tugged on Izukus face as he looked at the hope in her eyes.

"Let's get you out of here"

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