~ Kenhina Oneshots ~

By Krimzon_Wolf10

31.6K 1K 1K

A book for random oneshots of Kenhina πŸ§‘πŸ’› + Plus some with extra people or ships at times This ship is adora... More

- Stream Crasher -
- Warm Weather -
- 3 Cats + 1 Crow -
- I love you - Prince Au -
- Mirror Meetings -
- Mirror Meetings Pt 2 -
- Mirror Meetings Pt 3 -
- By Your Side - Yokai Au -
- Gaming and Cuddles -
- Beginnings - Demon Slayer Au -
- 2 Owls + 1 Cat + 1 Crow -
- Prophecy - Soldier, Poet, King -
- Prom Dance -
- Among Us -
- Hair Tie -
- Romeo and Juliet - Animal Au -
- Redecorating -
- A Different World?! - Alternate Universe -
- Sick Day -
- Trail of Destruction - Magic Au -
- New Dorm, New Guy, New Crush - College Au -

- Good Luck Charm -

1.3K 56 37
By Krimzon_Wolf10

Credit to the artist!

I was inspired by this comic!


"Hey Shoyo..." Kenma said quietly as both boys sat in the grass, watermelon in hand. "I was wondering...if you..."

Hinata chomped on his watermelon as he waited for Kenma to finish his sentence.

"Wanted to go..." Taking a deep breath he finished. "On a date on Saturday."

"Of course!" Hinata beamed happy that his boyfriend had made the first move. "Where? When? Are you coming to Miyagi??? Or can I come to Tokyo??"

"Ah." Blushing he everted his eyes and chomped on his watermelon. "Um I was thinking you could come to Tokyo."

"Really??? I've always wanted to go to Tokyo!" Shoyo exclaimed happily. "Where we gonna go????"

Unaware of the stares they were starting to attract Hinata carried on cheering and smiling while Kenma tried to hide behind his hair.

"I could show you around Tokyo. We could go to the arcade as well if you wanted."

"That sounds great!!!" Shoyo's aura was way brighter than usual. "So when-"

"What are you guys talking about?" The tallest player on Nekoma interjected while sitting down next to them.

"Oh! Kenma invited me to Tokyo!" The shortest cheered while was chewing watermelon which caused him to almost choke.

"Oh really? You never been? Could I come?" Lev asked completely unaware that it was a date. 

"No." Kenma bluntly answered. "Its just me and Shoyo."

"Ahhhh Keeennnmmmaaa..." Lev whined as he started to chomp sadly on his watermelon.

"Its a date!" Shoyo exclaimed, "Sorry Lev..."

"Oh that's cool." The tall person said sending a thumbs up. "I don't want to intrude on you guys. You should of said in the first place Kenma!"

Both teams knew about the cat and the crow were dating as Hinata had very loudly confessed his feelings to Kenma outside the gym and everyone heard it. It was very embarrassing when they finally walked back into the gym but as soon as the shock disappeared they were both bombarded with questions. They had been texting non-stop before the confession and both boys had developed feelings for each other and so in the end everything worked out.

They still got teased every now and then but overall they were left alone, except for whenever they would do something cute they would get aww'd at.

"Sooo where you planning to go on your date?" The long legged fellow asked. "Are you going to go to Tokyo Tower?"

"Tokyo Tower! Is it really big???" Hinata asked. "Is it taller than the towers here???"

"Its tall but it would probably be even taller for you..." Lev laughed.

"Hey!" Shoyo exclaimed agitated.

Chomping on his watermelon Kenma watched the interaction with a small smile, his eyes focused on Hinata. Watching as he spoke, smiled, frowned and cheered. He was enamoured.

"Kenma!" Shoyo shouted loudly he face really close to Kenma's. "You ok? You zoned out for a sec."

"Huh I'm fine." The Pudding head quickly answered back before finishing off his watermelon. "I'm putting the rest in the bin."

"Okay! I'll come to!" The boys got up quickly, Lev following behind. "I've finished too!"

Putting their rubbish in the bin they started to walk back to the dorms until they heard the sounds of shoes squeaking on the gym floor. Causing the three to slow down and have a look to see who it was. 

"Oy Lev come here!" Kuroo called. "We need to practise your receives and blocks!"

Lev tensed and then sighed bidding the boys a farewell before sluggishly making his way to Kuroo. Sighing inwardly with relief, he was happy that Lev had finally left so he and Shoyo could spend sometime together. Tsukishima, Bokuto and Akaashi were also in the gym doing their practise.

"Hey hey hey! Hinata hey! You joining us today or you hanging out with your boyfriend?" Bokuto yelled as he bounded up the doors. 

Hinata looked between Kenma and the doors before shaking his head.

"Sorry Bokuto! It's the last day of the training camp so I want to spend sometime with Kenma..."

"Wow there is more than just volleyball in his head." Tsukishima commented in the back earning a chuckle from Kuroo.

"Alrighty then. Have fun you two~" Bokuto said before waving and heading back to the court.

Walking a little Kenma broke the silence. "You can go train with them if you want."

"No no! I want to spend time with you Kenma!" Hinata beamed. "I mean we don't spend that much time together since we live so far away."

"Speaking of where we live do you want me to come and get you? When we go on our date or are you coming to Tokyo by yourself on the train?" Kenma asked as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

"I'll just take the train it should be fine!" 

Walking into the school building they went off the subject of the date as Shoyo asked if Kenma had gotten any new games, this lead to them both talking about new and old games. It was surprisingly mostly Kenma talking as he knew more about games than Hinata.

Coming up the Nekoma dorm first the shorter smiled and took his phone out his pocket.

"I'll going to go in the baths but when I'm finished I'll text you!" 


Hinata lingered for a second as if he wanted to do something but thought against it as he waved goodbye and walked a little further down the corridor. Entering the Nekoma dorm he was greeted with the Nekoma players that weren't out training. Saying a little greeting, Kenma immediately grabbed his clothes and his phone.

I should probably go to the baths to...

Heading to the spare baths Kenma took a bath.

Once Kenma was dressed he headed back his dorm. The rest of his teammates had returned now and seemed to be getting ready to hit the baths themselves. Kuroo walked up to him then and slung his arm round the second-year's neck much to his annoyance.

"It's the last day of the training camp so you got to make your time with the Shrimp count K?" Kuroo said kinda seriously.

"I already know that." the pudding head huffed.


"Ohoho can't keep Shrimpy waiting." The rooster head teased as he headed out the dorm with clothes in hand.

Opening his phone he smiled.

From: Hinata Shoyo
Hiyo!!! I just got out the baths!!

From: Kozume Kenma

From: Hinata Shoyo
What are you doing? :)

From: Kozume Kenma
Thinking of going on an app. What about you?

From: Hinata Shoyo
Just thinking about the date!

From: Kozume Kenma
When should the date be? I'm free whenever.

From: Hinata Shoyo
Hmmm... Weekends are
the best for me
because we don't have
practise or school.

From: Kozume Kenma
That's fine with me.

From: Hinata Shoyo
This is so awesome! I'm excited already! :D

From: Kozume Kenma
This weekend or next weekend?

From: Hinata Shoyo
Tomorrow??? Sure! I'm free!

From: Kozume Kenma

From: Hinata Shoyo
What time should I arrive?

From: Hinata Shoyo
I'll have a look!

From: Hinata Shoyo
The earliest is 10am! Is that cool with you?

From: Kozume Kenma
Yeah that's fine.

From: Hinata Shoyo
Great!!! Its all sorted now
I just need to ask my mom!
I'll ask when I get back though!

From: Hinata Shoyo

Kenma blushed and smiled. The difference between Shoyo and Kenma's typing styles would make some people laugh, how ones crams all of the words into a paragraph and uses lots of punctuation and the other short and to the point sentences. Who knew that these would mix to make something special.

They texted each other till late until both boys' phones were snatched off them by their upperclassmen much to the disappointment of them. Laying there they both drifted off to sleep thinking of the other.

Waking up the next day they both immidetely headed to breakfast to try and catch the other. Once Hinata got inside he grabbed his food and looked around for Kenma until he felt a tap on his shoulder. 

"Kenma!" Hinata greeted loudly. "Do you wanna sit together?"


Sitting down together at the end of Karasuno's table they dug into their food, Shoyo talking inbetween mouthfuls and almost choking. Nekoma was orignally confused when Kenma didn't join them but when they saw why they left it be.

After breakfast was done and put away and all the teams were ready they headed into the gym. Karasuno had greatly improved since the first day of camp but their were still many many mistakes, they had improved but no perfect as of yet.

The lovers didn't get to talk to each other much, only breifly meeting in games together. There was never anytime to chat as Karasuno had to do penaltys and Nekoma was normally in a game. 

Once the games were over the players gathered outside and were rewarded with a barbeque which they happily dug into.

"Shoyo." Kenma called as he stood next to the shorter.

The shorter was stuffing so much food onto his plate that it looked like it was going to break.

"Shoyo. Let's eat over there." Pointing to a shady spot he dragged Shoyo away before he could eat the whole barbeque.

They seemed to have gotten lucky as it was one of the few shady spots and nobody bothered them the whole time they ate. The second year was secretly grateful as he didn't want to deal with any noise or annoyances when eating.

"Its the last day..." Shoyo sighed. "I don't want to leave you!"

Hinata shuffled nearer me then and rested his head onto my shoulder while chomping on some meat. Kenma rested his head on top of Shoyo's and the two quietly sat and enjoyed each other's company.

"You'll be seeing me tomorrow so its fine." Kenma pointed out. "We'll only be separated for a little time."

"Yeah but that's tooooooo loooonnnnggggg." 

Chuckling slightly Kenma carried on eating, time seemed to pass quickly between the two teens as once they were finished their teams were calling them over. Shoyo rushed over to his team once he had bid farewell to Kenma and they disappeared into the building to collect their stuff. Nekoma close behind.

The buses were waiting as the teams bid farewell to each other. Yamamoto and Tanaka were crying. Sugawara and Yaku were conversing about their crazy teams. The coaches were getting competitive. Daichi and Kuroo were having a very intense handshake. And then were Kenma and Shoyo.

Hinata was happily smiling to Kenma as he gave the second year a small hug.

"I'll see you tomorrow!" 

"I'll be waiting." The pudding head replied.

"I'll text you on the way back so keep your phone on!" Hinata shouted as he stepped onto the coach, he was the last one so he wasn't blocking anyone.


Heading onto his own bus Kenma sat on the seat next to the window. Waving to Hinata he watched as their bus disappeared into the horizon. Back to Miyagi they go. Kuroo sat next to him then. 

"You don't seem upset?" Kuroo pointed out as he lay back. "You happy to get rid of him?"

"No of course not. I'm not upset because we'll see each other soon." Kema replied holding his phone.

"You'll see him soon? You going on a date?" 

"What's it to you?" The second year asked a little annoyed he was asking.

"Maybe I should spy on your date~" The rooster head commented smirking. "See how it goes."

"Don't." Was all Kenma replied with.


"Is it loverboy?" Kuroo asked peeking over to have a look.

"Shut up."

From: Hinata Shoyo
Hey! Sorry about not texting straight away!
Kageyama was being grumpy but he's gone to sleep now!

"It seems we're both having setter problems." The third-year commented.


From: Kozume Kenma
Its fine. Kuroo's being annoying too.

The two boys chatted the whole back and only stopped a couple times because the person sitting next to them started to pester them. They only stopped for awhile when they reached their own schools.

They started texting again once they got home.

Shoyo woke up early that morning as it was the day he would travel to Tokyo and go on a date with Kenma. Getting changed and oing his daily routine he went downstairs to get breakfast. His mom was fine with him spending his time in Tokyo as long as stuck beside his boyfriend and didn't wander off.

While eating breakfast his mom gave him some money and snacks, placing them in his bag she also gave me some instructions for the train stations and what to do. Times for the trains were also written down.

Once done eating he checked he got everything but looking at the time.


"I'm going to head out! Bye Natsu! Bye mom!" Hinata yelled as he left.

"Bye!" was shouted from behind as the short boy made his way to the train station.

"Right time to get to Kenma!"

The train ride felt like torture to Shoyo as it took so long, he just wanted to see his boyfriend right away. After half an hour or so, the train finally came to a stop.


Heading off the train Hinata immediatly looked around marvelling at how many people were there. Running out the train station he looked around and noticed a Pudding Head standing with a rooster head.

"Kenma! Kenma! Kenma!" Shoyo yelled as he approached the pair. "Kenma!"

After the final call the one being shouted for looked up. Kuroo immediately left knowing he wasn't needed anymore.

"Shoyo." Kenma greeted. "How was the trip?"

"It was looonnnggg but it was fine." Smiling he immediately grabbed the second-year's hand.

"Let's get the date started." Dragging the shorter boy they got out of the crowded area and started to walk down the street.

"Where do you want to go first Shoyo?" Kenma asked as they wandered around.

"I don't mind!" Hinata marvelled at everything as they went.

The crowded streets. The bright, colourful signs, the items in the shops. Everything was different to Hinata.

"Oooo can we go in here please?" Shoyo pointed to two key-rings. One the star and the other a calico cat. "They symbolise us!"

"Ok." Walking into the shop they both looked around, it was mostly Hinata but Kenma browsed a little.

"Could I have the sun and cat key-rings please?" The first-year asked polielty.

The old man at the counter smiled and reached over to get them, when he turned back Kenma had appeared beside Hinata.

"They fit you both very well." The old man commented and handed them over.

"How much-"

"No no. You can keep them. I've been waiting for the right pair to come along and claim these and you two fit it to a T."

"Thank you so much!" Shoyo exclaimed.


Walking out the shop Hinata immediately attached the cat one to his bag and the sun one to Kenma's small bag.

"Now we have each other!" beaming he grabbed the pudding head's hand again. "What do you like to do here Kenma!"

"Me? I like to go to the arcade." Tightening his grip the pudding head carried on. "I was planning on taking you there for this date."

"Woah!! Really??? Lets go!" Hinata bounced when he heard the news.

Smiling he led the shorter to the nearest arcade, its bright and colourful decoration standing out completely. Pulling the other in gently Kenma entered the arcade with his boyfriend behind him.

"This is my usual hang out place when I leave my house." The pudding head commented, "What do you want to play?"

"Show me what you play!" 

"Oh ok."

Dragging Hinata over to exchange money for game coins, the orange-haired male got distracted by the prices.

"Woah Kenma look! There's some Pokémon plushies!" Pointing over to the shelf Hinata smiled brightly. "Can we try and get them???"

Looking over to the plushies he noticed Litten, a pokemon starter that he had grown very attached to. After looking at the plushies he looked at the ticket cost.

1,500 each.

"Yeah we can get them." Kenma nodded and took the game coins. "Let's go play some ticket games."

"I want to play your favourite games too!"

"Ok. I'll show which ones."

After playing an array of different games like street fighter, pac-man and ticket games, they managed to gain 1,750 already and it had only been half an hour. Kenma had won most of the games excpet for one, that was a basketball game. Hinata had used his jump to an advantage and energy and won by a landslide. 

Cheering Hinata smiled. "We've got enough for one plushie we just need to get some more!"

"Um excuse me..." Turning behind were faced with a young woman and man. "I was wondering if you wanted these tickets?"

They opened their hand to reveal 1,000 tickets.

"We don't need them anymore since we got what we wanted, these were just extra and we didn't want anything else. Here take them." The young man spoke giving them to Kenma.

"Uh thanks." Kenma said avoiding eye-contact.

"Thank you!" Hinata bowed to them as they smiled.

"Have a nice date you two!" Called the woman as they left resulting in the teens to become embarrassed.

"We've got 2,750 now. We only need 250 and then we have the plushies."

"Let's get playing!"

Playing a few more games they gained more than enough, they had 3,500. Going up to the prize counter they immediately asked for the Pokémon plushies. Hinata getting Torchic since it suited him and Kenma getting Litten.

"Thank you!" Shoyo exclaimed as he was given his. Once his boyfriend had received his they decieded to head out and go somewhere else. Before leaving Shoyo had given the spare tickets to a little girl who seemed to be wanting to a get a prize, she thanked him before running to her parents.

Pitter Patter! Pitter Patter!

It seems our good luck has run out...

Rain poured down from the sky soaking everything. Standing inside the arcade they both stared outside.

"I didn't know it was going to rain." Hinata commented.

"I knew it would but I didn't think it would be this bad." Kenma said putting his hand out to catch the rain. "I would of taken you to Tokyo Tower but it said it was going to rain so I thought we could do it next time."

"I wouldn't mind going anywhere as long as its with you." Smiling both boys looked at the sky.

After standing there for around 10 minutes they both sighed.

"Hey...do you want to come to my house? Its near and its out the rain. We could wait and see if it stops." The pudding head asked a small blush on his face.

"Sure! I would love to!" Getting up from where he was sitting the shorter took he jacket off and put it over his head. "I'm ready to run."

Sighing the second year put is hood up and put the plushie under his jumper. Speed-walking both the boys left the comfort of the arcade and were exposed to the cold rain of the Earth. After speed walking for a few minutes they came to house which Kenma quickly opened the door too and went in, Hinata following behind.

"Mom, dad this is Shoyo." Introducing Hinata quickly he then dragged the short boy up the stairs.

"Woah your room is awesome!" Shoyo looked around in wonder at all the games, posters and consoles that were spread about the room. "Wow!"

"Sorry its a little messy." Tidying a little he straightened the bed out. "I didn't have time to tidy up..."

"No no its fine! My rooms worse!" 

"You want to play on the console?" Kenma offered. "I got a new 2 player game to try."

"Of course!"

They played different games together for ages going from Snipperclips and Mario Kart to other games like Minecraft and Rocket League. Taking a break Kenma went downstairs to go grab snacks and looked outside. It was still raining and it might of even started thundering.

Grabbing some crisps and juice he quickly headed back upstairs.

"It's started thundering..." Kenma said as he placed everything down. "I don't want you to get soaked going home..."

"What should I do?" Hinata asked as he got picked up his phone.

"You could...stay here." The pudding head finally whispered out. "You could sleep over and leave tomorrow."

"What?! Really?!" 

"Yeah I can ask my parents. One second..." 

Quickly getting up Kenma headed downstairs.

"Mom. Could Shoyo stay over tonight please? I don't want him going out in the rain." Kenma asked quietly

"I was going to suggest that. Yeah that's fine but check with his parents first." His mom said agreeing.

Heading back upstairs he nodded towards Hinata. Taking the hint Shoyo called his mom and explained the situation, she was a bit worried at first but eventually agreed to it as long as he came home earlier tomorrow. Thanking his mom he ended the call and smiled.

"We get to have a sleepover!" 

"Yeah...we don't have a futon so I'm not sure where you would be able to sleep."

"Could I....sleep with you?" Shoyo asked quietly.

"Uh...I.." Blushing Kenma looked away. "Sure."

Both boys stayed where they were embarrassed for a little but were quickly snapped back to reality when Kenma's mother shouted for them to come down and have dinner. 

Dinner wasn't quiet for once in the Kozume household. Hinata was very polite and respectful but also a chatterbox. He would find anything and everything to talk about and the Kozume's would gladly listen and talk. Kenma started to get embarrassed when his parents started telling Shoyo baby stories of him.

Once dinner was done and tied up they both headed back to Kenma's room.

"Do you want any clothes?" The pudding head asked as he grabbed his pyjamas.

"I'm fine thanks! These are quite comfy!" 

Nodding the taller went into the bathroom before coming out a minute later dressed in comfier pyjama clothes. Grabbing his phone he lay on the bed and looked towards Shoyo. He was just awkwardly standing there clutching at his shirt slightly.

"Come here." Kenma patted the empty space next to him and the other boy slowly approached until he sat on the bed.

Laying down slowly Hinata snuggled into the taller's embrace. The smell of Kenma and the house invading his senses as he closed his brown eyes. The warm embrace was like a blanket.

Looking towards the shorter, Kenma smiled softly. He was glad it rained, it was lucky that he got to spend more time with Shoyo. Playing on his phone he concentrated on trying to beat his own high-score, It had been ages since he had beaten it and so wanted to again, however it wasn't easy.

After only the first go he was beaten it. Shocked he looked down towards the person cuddled into his chest. He had been unusually lucky today and that might of been because of the little sunshine in his arms. 

Moving down he gently kissed the top of Shoyo's forehead a small smile appearing subconsciously at the act.

"Thanks Shoyo....Your my good luck charm..."

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