The Villain and the Cannon Fo...

By julianti28

558K 64.3K 819

Tepat setelah mendapatkan sertifikat koki kelas satu dan sebelum sertifikat itu ada di tangannya cukup lama u... More

Chapter 1 & 2 - She just woke up. How did she get a daughter? (1&2)
Chapter 3 - She age ten years older, she also gained two children! (1)
Chapter 4 - She age ten years older, she also gained two children! (2)
Chapter 5 - Their father had died (1)
Chapter 6 - Their father had died (2)
Chapter 7 - Their father had died (3)
Chapter 8 - Hey, classmate (1)
Chapter 9 - Hey, classmate (2)
Chapter 10 - Lin Yiyi suddenly felt her head hurting (1)
Chapter 11 - Lin Yiyi suddenly felt her head hurting (2)
Chapter 12 - Lin Yiyi suddenly felt her head hurting (3)
Chapter 13 - Meng Yuran's expression blackened (1)
Chapter 14 - Meng Yuran's expression blackened (2)
Chapter 15 - Meng Yuran's expression blackened (3)
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 - Meng Yan: ??? (1)
Chapter 27 - Meng Yan: ??? (2)
Chapter 28 - Meng Yan: ??? (3)
Chapter 29 - Let's just call it silly dog (1)
Chapter 30 - Let's just call it silly dog (2)
Chapter 31 - Let's just call it silly dog (3)
Chapter 32 - People couldn't help but have cravings for that food (1)
Chapter 33 - People couldn't help but have cravings for that food (2)
Chapter 34 - People couldn't help but have cravings for that food (3)
Chapter 35 - Meng Yuran had already turned his head away to ignore them (1)
Chapter 36 - Meng Yuran had already turned his head away to ignore them (2)
Chapter 37 - So, how many people were watching her live stream at the end? (1)
Chapter 38 - So, how many people were watching her live stream at the end? (2)
Chapter 39 - So, how many people were watching her live stream at the end? (3)
Chapter 40 - So, how many people were watching her live stream at the end? (4)
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49 - "... Perfect, my son is thirteen too." (1)
Chapter 50 - "... Perfect, my son is thirteen too." (2)
Chapter 51 - "... Perfect, my son is thirteen too." (3)
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55 - I wasn't poisoned after all (1)
Chapter 56 - I wasn't poisoned after all (2)
Chapter 57 - I wasn't poisoned after all (3)
Chapter 58 - I wasn't poisoned after all (4)
Chapter 59 - Lin Yiyi's Birthday (1)
Chapter 60 - Lin Yiyi's Birthday (2)
Chapter 61 - He Saw A Man Foolishly Smiling At His Mother (1)
Chapter 62 - He Saw A Man Foolishly Smiling At His Mother (2)
Chapter 63 - He Saw A Man Foolishly Smiling At His Mother (3)
Chapter 64 - What Was Meng Yan Thinking? (1)
Chapter 65 - What Was Meng Yan Thinking? (2)
Chapter 66 - What Was Meng Yan Thinking? (3)
Chapter 67 - That woman probably wants you to go earn money with dad (1)
Chapter 68 - That woman probably wants you to go earn money with dad (2)
Chapter 69 - That woman probably wants you to go earn money with dad (3)
Chapter 70 - I no longer love him, thanks! (1)
Chapter 71 - I no longer love him, thanks! (2)
Chapter 72 - I no longer love him, thanks! (3)
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76 - I am going to smack you (1)
Chapter 77 - I am going to smack you (2)
Chapter 78 - I am going to smack you (3)
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87 - Did you get the entire family of three, grandpa? (1)
Chapter 88 - Did you get the entire family of three, grandpa? (2)
Chapter 89 - Did you get the entire family of three, grandpa? (3)
Chapter 90 - Maybe there was really something wrong with his head (1)
Chapter 91 - Maybe there was really something wrong with his head (2)
Chapter 92 - Maybe there was really something wrong with his head (3)
Chapter 93 - I Hate Expressionless Faces (1)
Chapter 94 - I Hate Expressionless Faces (2)
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98 - The Villain and the Male Lead are about to meet (1)
Chapter 99 - The Villain and the Male Lead are about to meet (2)
Chapter 100 - The Villain and the Male Lead are about to meet (3)
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105 - An unwanted visitor (1)
Chapter 106 - An unwanted visitor (2)
Chapter 107 - Meng Yan and Lu Xun meet (1)
Chapter 108 - Meng Yan and Lu Xun meet (2)
Chapter 109 - Meng Yan and Lu Xun meet (3)
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116 - An Unlikely Friendship (1)
Chapter 117 - An Unlikely Friendship (2)
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121 - Ms. Lin Ping was the true big boss! (1)
Chapter 122 - Ms. Lin Ping was the true big boss! (2)
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125 - Lu Xun had a bad feeling all of a sudden (1)
Chapter 126 - Lu Xun had a bad feeling all of a sudden (2)
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 130 - Whatever happened, he would not be replaced (2)
Chapter 131 - Whatever happened, he would not be replaced (3)
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138 - Executive Assistant Zhou facepalmed (1)
Chapter 139 - Executive Assistant Zhou facepalmed (2)
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142 - Don't worry. I will be here for you (1)
Chapter 143 - Don't worry. I will be here for you (2)
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146 - What's with these unconscientious servers at this restaurant? (1)
Chapter 147 - What's with these unconscientious servers at this restaurant? (2)
Chapter 148 - They finally got rid of the pair of wild mandarin ducks (1)
Chapter 149 - They finally got rid of the pair of wild mandarin ducks (2)
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157 - It was quite scary with the place being pitch black... (1)
Chapter 158 - It was quite scary with the place being pitch black... (2)
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164 - There were others who did the same
Chapter 165
Chapter 166 - There was no good answer to this question
Chapter 167 - She really wanted a lollipop to calm her nerves!
Chapter 168 - We don't need your fatherly love
Chapter 169 - They wished they could run up there and separate the two of them!
Chapter 170 - Just that one step, and it was already too late to back out
Chapter 171 - They were picked up by their stepdad!
Chapter 172 - Had I known??!
Chapter 173
Chapter 174 - That would be the little secret between the two of them
Chapter 175 - That... didn't sound half bad
Chapter 176 - One would think that Lu Mingzhe had stolen his wife from him
Chapter 177 - 14 years old, that was so far away! Would she even be alive then?
Chapter 178
Chapter 179 - She was an old lady with principles!
Chapter 180
Chapter 181
Chapter 182 - No way! That must have just been a figment of his imagination!
Chapter 183 - Do you mind helping to save a life?
Chapter 184
Chapter 185
Chapter 186 - Do your best... Do you think I'll be intimidated?
Chapter 187 - Textbook case of a tsundere

Chapter 129 - Whatever happened, he would not be replaced (1)

2.3K 219 1
By julianti28

Lin Yiyi sangat mengikuti rutinitas dalam kehidupan sehari-harinya. 

Dia akan bangun di pagi hari, membuatkan sarapan untuk kedua anaknya, dan kemudian membawa mereka berdua ke sekolah. Hanya ketika dia sangat sibuk dengan restoran atau pekerjaan kantor, dia akan menyuruh Wang Tua untuk mengantar mereka ke sekolah. 

Begitu dia menurunkan anak-anaknya, dia akan pergi bekerja di Xinri Media.

Bagaimanapun, dia adalah bos dan harus muncul dari waktu ke waktu dan memiliki waktu tatap muka di sana. 

Selain itu, setiap kali mereka akan mengembangkan proyek baru atau berinvestasi dalam pertunjukan baru, akan ada penilaian risiko dan pertemuan dan dia harus membuat keputusan akhir. 

Lin Yiyi berasal dari latar belakang yang cukup mengesankan. Terlepas dari apa proyeknya, dia dapat dengan mudah mengeluarkan beberapa miliar yuan. Dengan atasan seperti itu, karyawan di bawahnya sangat termotivasi saat bekerja. 

Ketika Tao Jiahui pertama kali datang, dia melakukannya terutama untuk reputasi Ms. Lin Ping dan minatnya sendiri dalam industri hiburan. 

Tentu saja, gajinya juga merupakan faktor penting. 

Tanpa kompensasi yang sepadan, siapa yang mau bangun pagi dan bekerja lembur untuk menggandeng seorang pemula tanpa pengalaman di bidang tersebut?

Sekarang setelah perusahaan mulai berada di jalur yang tepat dan beberapa proyek awal berjalan, dia dapat mulai mendelegasikan lebih banyak dari titik ini ke depan. 

Tao Jiahui akhirnya bisa beristirahat. 

Xinri Media berubah dari awal diam-diam menjadi perusahaan  berprofil tinggi  setelahnya. Dari pembelian mereka yang berani dan cepat atas beberapa perusahaan film, usaha patungan mereka dengan Shengshi Entertainment, pindah secara agresif ke industri film, dan keterlibatan mereka dalam pengembangan film baru demi satu, sejak itu mereka mendapat banyak perhatian. 

Perusahaan yang baru didirikan dan investasi pertamanya adalah produksi dengan anggaran tinggi sebesar 250 juta. 

Tidak peduli apakah film itu akan menghasilkan uang, pembuatan film berkualitas tinggi akan memakan waktu setidaknya 3 ~ 5 bulan. Melempar ke pascaproduksi, penyaringan, dan pemasaran, dll, setiap langkah akan membutuhkan waktu. Banyak waktu. Dan waktu, bagi produser film, adalah uang. Lupakan sekitar 6 bulan, seseorang akan beruntung mencapai titik impas dalam waktu satu tahun. 

Namun, Xinri tidak hanya melanjutkan investasi mereka; faktanya, kecepatan mereka sedang naik daun…

Sebagai investor film yang dianggarkan lebih dari 100 juta yuan, mereka harus menginvestasikan antara ratusan ribu hingga jutaan yuan. Dan itu akan bertambah. Xinri telah berinvestasi di lebih dari sepuluh film. Bagaimanapun cara seseorang melakukan perhitungan, mereka akan menginvestasikan hingga puluhan juta yuan.

Pada tingkat ini, tidak peduli berapa banyak uang yang mereka miliki, mereka tidak akan bertahan lebih dari beberapa bulan ...

Tidak ada perusahaan baru yang akan melakukan hal seperti itu!

Bukankah mereka khawatir akan kehabisan anggaran dan merugikan operasional perusahaan di kemudian hari?

Alasan mengapa begitu banyak perusahaan kecil berada di ambang kebangkrutan adalah karena mereka masih menunggu pengembalian investasi awal mereka atau karena mereka telah kehilangan semua uang mereka. 

Yang menimbulkan pertanyaan, darimana perusahaan ini berasal?

Lingkaran hiburan tidak terlalu besar dan setiap entitas agak terkait dalam beberapa hal. 

Selama seseorang ingin melihat sesuatu, tidak ada yang namanya rahasia. 

Tidak butuh waktu lama sebelum semua orang mengetahuinya. Oh, Lin Yiyi itu, dia adalah aktris tingkat 18…

Oh? Ms. Lin Ping, maestro real estate wanita, adalah ibunya? Itu luar biasa!


Lin Yiyi berhenti menjadi seorang aktris dan sekarang dia telah memulai perusahaan filmnya sendiri ?!

Tidak heran Xinri tampaknya memiliki anggaran yang tidak terbatas; latar belakang mereka solid.

Jadi, dia akhirnya memutuskan untuk berhenti main-main dan mengambil alih bisnis keluarga?

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