Adam Driver Character Imagines

By supremexrenx

132K 2.1K 673

(Requests Closed): A collection of Adam Driver character imagines, preferences, one-shots, etc. All will be X... More

~Partners-Flip Zimmerman~
~Untamed-Kylo Ren AU~
~Untamed P.2-NSFW~
~Shattered-Adam Sackler~
~Fighter Pilot-Kylo Ren~
~The Bartender-Clyde Logan~
~Black Swan-Kylo Ren AU~
~Toxic-Adam Sackler-NSFW~
~The Seventh Knight-Kylo Ren~
~Reunited-Philip Altman-NSFW~
~The Empress-Kylo Ren~
~Little Brat-Kylo Ren~
~The Empress P.2-NSFW~
~The Seventh Knight-P2-NSFW~
~Assistant-Charlie Barber-NSFW
~Caretaker-Kylo Ren~
~Babysitter-Charlie Barber-NSFW~
~Starved~Flip Zimmerman-NSFW~
~Nutcracker-Kylo Ren AU~
~New Years-Kylo Ren~
~Car Fire-Clyde Logan~
~The Monster I See-Kylo Ren~
~Car Fire P.2-Clyde-NSFW~
~Mine-Charlie Barber-NSFW~
~The General's Wife-Kylo Ren-NSFW~
~Play Thing-Kylo Ren-NSFW~
~Road Rage-Kylo Ren-NSFW~

~Tough Times-Charlie Barber~

4K 95 31
By supremexrenx

Summary: you and Charlie have been together for a while now, which meant you knew all about Nicole. Although there was no hatred between them, arguments still sparked like a wildfire. Often times it would leave you to comfort him.


Charlie's hands tighten around the leather-bound wheel and you take notice of it at once. His hands were so large they practically engulfed the damn thing. He presses his full, pink lips together, his tongue darting out to wet them every once in a while. Your boyfriend was usually a relaxed driver. Something had to be up. And you knew exactly what is was. Who it was.


His ex-wife and the mother of his only child. Although Charlie had adored her, their marriage wasn't meant to be. They split around two years ago and it had taken him to pluck up the courage to get back in the dating game. That's when he found you and everything changed for the better. He got healthier--mentally and physically--along with finding himself all over again. When you first met him, he was always wearing khakis and sweaters. Now he was wearing leather jackets, jeans, and t-shirts. It was like the side that Nicole had smothered was returning. He refused to get rid of those sweaters though, but you couldn't complain. You adored Charlie and he adored you.

Even though Charlie and Nicole had split, they remained in touch. You never got jealous though. In fact, you liked that the two of the stayed in touch so they could settle things and take care of Henry together. They fought less but when they did fight, it was bad. One time Charlie had called you in the middle of one and had you take Henry away before the kid heard some things he wasn't supposed to you.

With your schedule and Charlie's schedule combined, it only made sense for the two of you to take him on weekends. It was a little hard on him to be away from his son for so long, but it only made him happier when he got to see him. Now it was Saturday morning and you were speeding off toward Nicole's house.

"Charlie?" You say softly, reaching out towards the arm closest to you.

Lost so deeply in his thought, he flinches slightly at your touch. Charlie shakes his head, snapping himself out of his daze. "I'm fine."

"Obviously not," you chuckle lightly. "Just try not to start anything with Nicole. Think about Henry."

"I am." Charlie says angrily. "I haven't seen my son in four weeks because she keeps making up excuses. She's damn lucky I don't take that up with the court."

You squeeze his strong arm. "If it turns into a problem, we can do whatever you want. For now let's just focus on getting Henry and spending the weekend with him."

He sighs and glances at you, shifting his arm off of the steering wheel. Your heart bursts as Charlie intertwines his fingers with yours and rests his elbow on the center console. With a happy sigh of content, you lean in and rest your head on his broad shoulder. The two of you try not to move from this position until Nicole's house comes into view.

The moment the car's front wheels hit the driveway, Charlie goes tense all over again. You slowly unbuckle your seat-beat, keeping your eyes trained on him as he fumbles with the keys. When he was like this, it was difficult to comfort him. You could see the frustration and the anger building up inside of him like a tea kettle ready to burst. Just as Charlie reaches for the door, you swiftly catch him by the wrist and he gives you a look.

"I know," you say softly. "Just... try to make it quick. This is about Henry. If you still want to discuss it with her, give her a call after. I can take Henry to get ice cream if you really want him out of the apartment."

"Tell that to Nicole." Charlie replies coldly, pulling his wrist out of your grasp.

As he steps out of the car, he swallows thickly. Although he hated to admit it, you were right. You always seemed to be right and he had figured a while ago that it was because you were right for him. Something about you was so different from Nicole. He had been hesitant about it at first, but eventually he caved.

Truthfully, Charlie never thought he was going to find someone after the divorce shook his world. He got to focus more on his work but that only managed to build up his stress. He had nearly fallen back into old habits until you showed up. You were like a ray of hope for him. Now he felt guilty for dragging you into his messes. No matter how many times he apologized for it, you shut it down without fail.

Charlie's massive hand brushes against yours and you offer him a small, reassuring smile as he laces his fingers through yours. The leather from his jacket rubs together as he leans towards the doorbell and gives it a firm press with the pad of his thumb. He jaw locks as he stares ahead at the door, just waiting for it to open.

When it finally does, it is not Nicole standing there. Carter, her new boyfriend, is the one taking her place. He gives Charlie his familiar awkward smile and steps back, opening the door further and gesturing for the two of you to come inside. Without releasing your hand, Charlie steps through first.

"I'm, uh, sorry that you couldn't see Henry sooner." Carter stuffs his hands into the pockets of his khaki shorts. "Things kept seeming to come up out of nowhere."

You give Charlie's hand a firm squeeze and he swallows the words that nearly fly out of his mouth. Instead, he nods stiffly. "No, no, it's fine. I'm just glad I could see him now."

One of the doors upstairs flies open with a bang, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps flying down the wooden stairs. A happy little boy appears with a Lego plane in one tiny fist. His brown hair bounces against his pale cheeks with every hop down the steps.

"(Y/N)!" Henry cries happily.

Charlie releases your hand and cracks a small smile as his son flings his arms around you. Henry grins up at you and laughs. "Are we getting ice cream again today?"

"Give your dad a hug and I'll consider it, kiddo." You tease as you ruffle his hair.

Henry pulls away and collides with his father in a happy embrace. The sight of Charlie with his kid always made you happy. It showed you how much he truly loved him.

"Henry?" A familiar voice calls from upstairs. "You left the-" Nicole's face appears and she comes to a halt. "-oh. I totally forgot you were coming."

"Did you now?" The intensity returns to Charlie's voice.

There was no saving where this was headed and everyone in the room but Henry could sense it. Carter is the first to move. "I'm gonna go wash the car."

Oh how you desperately wanted to say you would go with him. Instead, you take Henry by his free hand and give him a fake smile. "Why don't we go finish building that Lego set?"

"Okay!" Henry replies enthusiastically.

He practically drags you up the stairs past Nicole and you manage to give Charlie one last look before you disappear into Henry's room. Once he knows that the door is fully shut, he follows Nicole into the kitchen and watches with his arms crossed as she goes shifting through the cabinets.

"Water?" She pulls down a glass.

Charlie shakes his head stiffly. "Thanks."

"I'm sorry you couldn't see Henry sooner." Nicole calls over her shoulder as she digs through the shelves. "So much has been going on with him and with the project I'm working on. After my last proposal got rejected, I'm working double time to get this one approved. This directing stuff is hard work, but I can see why you were so crazy about it. How are things with you and (Y/N)?"

"Good, good. Things are... great, actually." He takes a breath. "But that's not what I'm here to talk about."

Nicole slowly lowers the glass. "Is this about Henry?"

Charlie gives her an incredulous look. "It's been a month since I've seen my son, Nicole. He's not just something you can keep here. Not when it's my turn to be with him. You see him more than I do so our time is valuable."

"I'm sorry, but everything was just piling up. I'd been looking for openings for a dentist appointment for Henry for a while now and it just sprang up. The exact same thing happened with the doctor's." She raises her glass to her lips, eyes trained on her ex-husband.

"It's not like we can't take. Like I can't take him. I have a car, you know. The drive is an hour tops." He argues.

Nicole leans against the counter. "Well I'm sorry, Charlie, it won't happen again."

Charlie's lips twitch. Everything inside of him was bubbling to the surface now. All of the pent-up frustration and the rage he felt for being kept away from his only son; it was causing damage now. And now it was ready to burst. "You know what your problem is with these sorts of things?"

She scoffs. "Tell me."

"You just want to make up excuses. You did it during the divorce with that damned gate and you're doing it now. All you ever seem to want to do is keep my son away from me. Do you think I'm some kind of monster? Is that it? Do you have something against me or (Y/N)?" Charlie demands.

"Against her?" Nicole laughs. "Charlie, do you think I'm that petty? No, I'm not against (Y/N)! I think she cares about our son just as much as we do. This isn't me making up excuses. These are actual things that need to get done."

"I'm not incapable, Nicole!" He shouts. "If anything, you're less responsible about these sorts of things than I am. You know I would drive out the minute it involved Henry!"

"This shouldn't be a big deal!"

"But it is! That's my fucking son you're keeping me from!" Charlie's voice breaks. "It's bad enough I only get him on weekends. You're just being selfish all over again! You know, you're lucky I don't take it to court."

She throws her hands in the air. "You wouldn't even dare do that because you know what they would do. You know they could give me less visitation."

"Exactly! I'm willing to do that for you but you aren't willing to for me. All I wanted was for Henry to be happy! For all of us to be happy! Now I don't even get the thing I sacrificed so much for. You know what? Fuck it. I'm taking my son and I'm leaving." Charlie snaps.

He turns on his heel, storming out of the kitchen. There was no need for him to tune out Nicole's shouts of protest; she remains silent. Tears burn in his eyes as the lump in his throat swells. He slowly climbs the stairs, trying his best to compose himself. The last thing he wanted was for his son to see him crying.

Charlie quietly approaches his son's door. Just as he reaches for the handle, he stops himself at the sound of your overlapping voices. He swallows and leans forward, peering through the door cracked slightly ajar. It wasn't much, but it was enough for him to see you sprawled out on the floor beside Henry in a sea of his Legos.

"I don't like it when they yell." Henry says flatly as he fiddles with his plane. "Sometimes I wish they would get along again."

"I know, Henry, I don't like hearing them yell either. But sometimes it's for the best. Fighting helps adults when they get angry once in a while. Even if they love each other." You brush your hair out of your face.

He lowers the plane and giggles. "You mean when dad gets cranky?"

"Exactly." You chuckle. "Your dad and I fight too sometimes, don't we?"

"And you love him?" Henry questions.

You pause before cracking a small smile. "Very, very much."

Charlie sucks in his breath as he fights back the new tears coming to attack him. He pushes the door open and pokes his head inside, causing you to look up in surprise. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

You nod and climb to your feet, brushing off your knees. "Hang on for a second, big guy. I'll be right back." You quietly close the door behind you as you step into the hallway. "Is everything alright?"

His reddened, teary eyes scan your face. To your surprise, Charlie nods and grips you tightly by the shoulders. "Couldn't be better."

He leans in and presses his lips against yours in a passionate kiss. Your lips curve into a smile as your arms wrap tightly around his neck, pulling him in closer. Charlie's hand lifts to cup your cheek as the other snakes around your waist.

"EW!" A voice exclaims with a giggle.

Charlie pulls away but keeps his arms around you, laughing at the look on his son's face. He leans down and scoops Henry up, slinging the boy over his shoulder. As Henry laughs and screams, Charlie's eyes lock with yours. He beams at you and all of the sadness seems to disappear from his honey brown eyes. You give him a warm smile as he mouths:

'I love you too.'

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