Arshi FS: Never Let Me Go [C...

By bubbilicious76

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A little take on the arrange marriage of Arnav and Khushi. A light hearted story, few nok jhoks and some roma... More

NLMG Part 2
NLMG Part 3 - A
NLMG Part 3 - B
NLMG Part 3 - C
NLMG Part 4 - A
NLMG Part 4 - B
NLMG Part 5 - A
NLMG Part 5 - B

NLMG - Part 1

28.2K 554 75
By bubbilicious76

Hi Guys, this is another short story i have written on Arshi. Initially it was suppose to be a three shot, which then turned into a five shot. :)

Do leave your comments, to let me know your thoughts :)

A/N: Characters' thoughts in ITALICS 

Arnav was sitting on bench, elbows on knees and hands under chin, tapping his foot worriedly on the floor ... waiting for the doctor to come out ... waiting to see her.

Finally his wait was over after few minutes, doctor came out of the room. Arnav immediately stood up, "How is she doctor?".

"She is fine Mr. Raizada. There is a good news that we didn't have to cut her hand, which I was afraid that we have to because of the condition of her wrist", said the doctor. Arnav sighed with relief.

"But the bad news is that we couldn't save her pregnancy. Her blood pressure was too high and we had to operate her", doctor finished in sad tone.

Now that was a shock for Arnav, "She was pregnant?".

"Yes, almost 2 months pregnant", said the doctor and look confuse at the shocked face of Arnav, "You didn't knew?".

"No, we didn't knew about that", said Arnav in worried tone. "Can I see her?"

"Just give us few minutes, we are shifting her in ward", said the doctor and went away.

Arnav run his hand in his hair, frustrated and angry. She was pregnant? Why didn't she say something about it? Wasn't it a good news to be shared? Was their friendship was so weak that she couldn't even share her happiness with him now? Do others know? He has to ask her Mom.

And Karan ... did he knew? If yes then how could he let that all happen? How could he leave her like that? What has happened really?, thought Arnav angrily. He will have a talk with Karan soon. But first he has to make sure that she is fine.

After few minutes Arnav enters the room, he moves towards the bed where she was laying lifeless. He took the stool beside the bed and look over her pale features with sadness and worry.

How beautiful she was, funny, talkative and now there is no sign of them. It was almost a month that he had last seen her and now today, when he went to her in-laws house, he was shocked to see her condition.

She was in love right? Weren't people supposed to be happy and content when they are in love and live their life with their love? Then what happen to her. She was facing too much and he didn't knew, she didn't say. Why? ... Why she didn't complain. If she had ... said something, anything then she wouldn't be laying here, thought Arnav sadly.

Weren't they were friends? ... best friends to be precise. What if they went on different roads, leading their own lives. They had their own special bond. Didn't they?. He has to find all the answers, thought Arnav as he takes her hand in his and call her name, "Lavanya...".

He looks at her other hand, which was bandage from thumb to little below the elbow. He has to find out how she burnt her wrist and how the burn got so bad that the doctors had to think to cut off her hand.

He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't hear the door open and a person came in. His thought process broke when he felt someone's touch on his shoulder. And he knew who that person is ...

His wife.

Arnav turn around and saw his wife standing behind him with teary eyes. Arnav stood up and hug her. "Khushi" said Arnav in choked voice. And felt her one arm going around his waist, hugging him back.

"Arnavji, everything will be alright ... don't worry", said Khushi rubbing his back, trying to keep her voice steady.

She was also worried about Lavanya, but more worried for Arnav. She couldn't see him like that.

Arnav breaks the hug, "How I don't worry Khushi? Look at her. What has happened to her ... what that bas***d done to her", said Arnav as his anger rose with each word.

"Arnavji ... relax", said Khushi has she took his hand, "Lets go outside, let her rest". Khushi drag him to the door and went out. She gesture Arnav towards the bench outside the room to sit down and she herself sit beside him. She then takes a sandwich and juice bottle out of shopper which she was holding and extends it towards Arnav, "You didn't have lunch and its evening now ... you have to take your medicine". She had gone to canteen a while ago to fetch something for Arnav to eat; as he has diabetes and he have to take his medicines.

"I am not hungry Khushi", said Arnav pushing her hand away, "Did you know Lavanya was pregnant?".

"What? ... She was pregnant", said Khushi as a smile broke on her face but the next moment she realized something, "What you mean was pregnant?".

"Doctors couldn't save her pregnancy, her blood pressure was too high and they had no other choice but to operate her", said Arnav as a tear roll down his cheek.

Khushi put her hand on her mouth, too much worried with the news. She remember how Lavanya always says that she is waiting for the day when she will have her own baby as she loves babies a lot.

Khushi put the sandwich and juice on her other side and move closer to him and hug him. Arnav too hugged her, as he needed the comfort and support and not to forget the warmth that he only feels in her arms.

Khushi didn't say anything but just keep on rubbing his back.

After few minutes Arnav pull back, "How would I tell Mom, Dad about this Khushi? And Astha aunty?", said Arnav looking at Khushi.

"I already informed Papa ji ... he will be here in sometime", said Khushi as she rubs her fingers on his face, moving the wetness. Arnav mentally thanked her, as he didn't have the heart to tell others about Lavanya's condition, he need time to compose himself.

"I know you are worried Arnavji ... but you have to eat ... you know you can't skip your meals and medicine", said Khushi. Arnav open his mouth to refuse again but Khushi put her hand on his lips stopping him.

"You need to be strong for our family Arnavji ... they will need your support ... especially Lavanya ji", said Khushi as she removes her hand and grab the sandwich and juice bottle from side. "So please eat", said Khushi as she hand him the juice bottle and started to unwrap the sandwich. Arnav open the bottle and take a sip.

Arnav was taking Khushi to late lunch outside when they got a call from Lavanya. He had planned a special evening for Khushi ... but had to cancel all plans.

Arnav look at Khushi who gave him the sandwich with a smile. He thought to say the thing he wanted to say to her from past many days but then stopped.

He needed that moment to be special for her ... for them.

After some time Raizada family reached hospital. Arnav told everyone how he got the call from Lavanya and was on their way home when suddenly Lavanya screamed with pain and got unconscious and they took her to hospital. How they got to know her condition is worst as doctor examined her burned wrist, how doctor told them that they might had to cut her hand, but the good news was that it wasn't needed after the procedure. And the bad news, that they couldn't save her pregnancy. All this while Khushi was holding Arnav's hand, giving him silent support and strength.

Astha Kashyap sit down on bench shocked and broken and started to cry, listening about her daughter's condition. Ratna, Arnav's mother, sit beside her trying to console her but couldn't stop her own tears. Arvind, Arnav's father, lean against the wall, hurt and sad after hearing all this.

Khushi left Arnav's hand and gesture towards Arvind to go to him, and she went and sits on other side of Astha.

"Aunty, did you know that Lavanya ji was pregnant?", asked Khushi after few seconds.

"No, I didn't knew ... she didn't even say anything to me", said Astha trying to keep her voice steady, "I talked to her 3 days ago ... she was upset about something, she had a fight with Karan. I asked her to tell me but she said she will handle it herself".

Khushi looked at Arnav, who was now standing beside his father ... seeing the worried expression and questioning eyes she asked again, "And her burnt wrist? Did she tell you about that?".

"Yes she told me that she burn her wrist a little while making tea ... but it was this worst I didn't knew", said Astha crying and place her head on Ratna's shoulder. "Ratna what is happening with my daughter?"

"Astha calm down, we all are here for her", said Ratna as she wiped her tears.

"All this has happened and we didn't knew, why?", said Arvind in anger and hurt. "And where is Karan? He should be here".

"Dad don't take his name ... that bas***d asked Lavanya to get out of his house. He ... he ...", Arnav couldn't even complete his sentence due to anger. Khushi instantly went to him and held his hand.

"What? Karan asked her to leave? Why?", asked Ratna shocked.

"We don't know Mummy ji", said Khushi. "Lavanya had called Arnavji to come to her place, she was crying on the phone. When we get there she was standing in the porch crying and Karan was shouting on her to leave his house and that he will divorce her", said Khushi in low tone.

Ratna and Astha gasped hearing this. "What? Divorce ... why? Whats the reason?", asked Arvind.

Arnav was about to say but Khushi press his hand. Arnav look at Khushi who was looking at Arvind and said, "We don't know the whole thing Papa ji, we were also asking Lavanya ji to tell us when she became unconscious".

"How dare he do that?", Arvind said loudly in anger, "How dare he hurt our daughter? He has to answer me". Arvind move away but Arnav stopped him,"Dad .. dad stop".

"Leave me Arnav, I won't spare that bas***d. He dare to hurt Lavanya. She ... she suffer so much and we didn't even know a thing. I am hating myself that I couldn't protect her. I couldn't fulfill my promise to my best friend", said Arvind as few angry tears escape his eyes thinking about his deceased best friend cum brother.

"Dad I am also worried and confuse that why Lavanya didn't tell us anything. We have to find out the truth before we take any action against Karan", said Arnav and Ratna agreed with Arnav. Arvind calm down after few seconds.

"Papaji, we will go and ask the doctor when we can take Lavanya ji home", said Khushi, "Come Arnavji".

Khushi held his hand and gesture him to come with her. Arnav too wanted to ask Khushi that why did she stopped him to say what Karan had said.

"Khushi why did you stop me?", asked Arnav as soon as they were at a distance.

"Because just like you said, we don't know the whole truth. May be it was just all misunderstanding or ...", Khushi was saying when Arnav cut her.

"Misunderstanding Khushi? Karan was accusing her of having an affair. That bas***d think so low of her ... his own wife ... and his mother was also uttering such rubbish about me and her also. How could they think like that?", said Arnav in anger.

"Arnavji please relax ... let Lavanya ji get conscious. Then we will ask her, we have to know her side of story before we take any step", said Khushi and Arnav agreed.


After an hour or so Lavanya gained conscious, doctor checked her first and then gave them permission to see her. They all rush inside, Astha and Ratna sat on either side of bed, asking her how she is and what had happened. Arvind and Arnav stood at the foot of bed while Khushi was standing beside Arnav.

"Lavanya whats all this? Why didn't you tell any of us about whats happening with you?", asked Astha, holding Lavanya's hand.

"You didn't even informed us about your pregnancy, why beta?", asked Ratna.

"Lavanya please tell us Beta, why Karan said to divorce you?", asked Arvind as he move closer.

Hearing the word divorce and Karan, Lavanya begin to cry. Astha move closer to her, running her hand on lavanya's face and hair.

"Beta please tell us what happened?", said Astha as few tears roll down her cheek.

"Mom ... thinks that ... I ... I am having .. an affair with his friend", said Lavanya while crying.

Ratna, Astha and Arvind gasped hearing this. Seeing her cry Arnav was feeling bad, unconsciously his hand grab's Khushi, who held his hand with both of hers.

"I swear mom , it not true ... he is misunderstanding the whole situation. She ... she is responsible for all of this", said Lavanya as her cries got louder.

"Who beta? Tell us everything meri jaan", said Astha.

"That Pallavi ... she created all this mess. It was her plan to get Karan. She ... she also tried to hurt my baby", said Lavanya as her hand went to her stomach. Arnav turn his face away, as he knew what will be coming next.

"Why didn't you inform us that you were pregnant beta, I would have come and take you home", said Astha as she not to cry.

"I was sacred Mom. You wanted me to leave him, I thought you will ask me to abort the baby too. I wanted to tell Karan but then he started to fight with me. I ... I was confuse that what happen all of sudden. I wanted to make everything alright, that's why I didnt tell because I knew that if i said anything, you will take me home. I cannot leave him ... he ..", Lavanya is saying when she stopped seeing the hurt face of her mother and then Ratna.

"My baby ... Mom nothing happened to my baby right", said Lavanya is shaky voice. Astha turned her face not able to tell her the truth. Lavanya looked at Ratna, "Aunty tell na is something happen to my baby", as she started to cry more.

"Beta get hold of yourself ... you will be ...", Ratna was saying when Lavanya literally shouted, "Please just tell me my baby is fine ... why I am not feeling something here", said Lavanya as she runs her hand on her stomach.

"Beta ... you ... you had a miscarriage", said Arvind in sad voice.

"No ...", Lavanya said out loud, "No my baby is fine, you're lying. Tell me Mom, my baby is fine na ... please tell me naa", said Lavanya crying out loud. Astha hold her close and try to console her but she was getting frantic with the news and got unconscious.

Arnav got panicked and immediately called the doctor, who later informed them that she is under stress and shocked knowing about the news. She will be conscious in some hours and asked them not to stress her with questions anymore. Meanwhile Akash and Payal also reach hospital and got worried knowing Lavanya's condition.

"Bhai you go home and rest, you have been here since noon", said Akash holding Arnav's shoulder.

"No Akash, I am fine ... I will stay here", said Arnav.

"Akashji is right Arnavji ... you're tired and you need rest", said Khushi.

"Khushi please ... I don't want to go anywhere", said Arnav in anger and strode away. Khushi looked sadly at his retreating back.

"Don't worry bhabi I will ask Mom to talk to him", said Akash looking at sad Khushi who smile a little in return.


"Mom please stop it, I said before I am not leaving from here", said Arnav getting more angry when his mother also asked him to go home and rest. He is not a kid for god sake.

"I know you are worried and you care for Lavanya very much but what use will it be for you to stay here when she is unconscious. Right now she needs her mother more than anything else, so Astha is here and me as well. Your dad haven't eaten his lunch ... you know that you and he cannot skip meals and medicines", said Ratna ... as both son and father had diabetes. Luckily Akash didnt.

"What? Dad haven't eaten?", asked Arnav worriedly as he look at his watch ... it was around 9 pm.

"Yes just like you, he is also very worried for Lavanya. We all are son, but it will do no good to her if you guys don't take care of your own health. So just go home, eat and rest. Akash and Payal are here with us", said Ratna sternly. Someone has to be strong and taking control over the situation, thought Ratna.

"Yes bhai don't worry, we are here with mom and aunty", said Akash. Payal who was standing a little away give an annoying look to Akash but he ignored it.

Arnav sighed in defeat and agreed to go home. He went to look for his Dad, who had gone to talk to doctor. Khushi was in canteen getting something to eat and drink for her mother-in-law and Astha. Ratna went inside the room where Astha was sitting beside unconscious Lavanya.

Payal went to Akash and stopped him from entering the room, "Why did you agree to stay here? You know I can't spend whole night here. I need to sleep as well", she said in irritating tone.

"So whose stopping you?", said Akash jerking her hand away, "You never care for anyone else before ... so I don't expect anything from you. Just do what you want", saying that Akash enter the room ... leaving irritating and annoyed Payal behind.


Arnav came out of bathroom, rubbing his wet hair with towel. He went to recliner throwing the towel on bed. Just then Khushi enters the room.

"Khushi can you ...", Arnav was about to say when his eyes fell on her hands.

"Coffee Arnavji", said Khushi with a smile and put the tray on coffee table, going on her knees.

Arnav smile a little, thinking how every time she gets to know what he needs.

"I know you will say no to dinner so I made veg sandwich for you, and here are some biscuits and your coffee", said Khushi as she place two small plates on small table beside his coffee cup.

Arnav picks the cup and takes a sip and close his eyes for few second to savor the flavor. Khushi took the towel, his wallet and watch from bed shaking her head a little. Arnav had a habit to throw his clothes or things on bed. She places his wallet and watch on dressing table.

"Khushi ... Dad ...", said Arnav turning to look at her.

"Papaji has eaten and I also gave him medicine. He is trying to sleep ... he is alright", said Khushi giving him an assuring look and went outside to pool area to place the towel on chair.

"Arnavji why are you working now?", asked Khushi as she enters the room and found Arnav looking at laptop with a frown. She knew that look well. Whenever he thinks something deeply related to work.

"I am not working Khushi. I was emailing Aman that I won't be going office for the next few days and giving him a list of meetings that I had to attend", said Arnav.

"Poor Amanji", said Khushi as she went to cupboard to take her night suite.

"He is not poor ok", said Arnav annoyed. He deson't know why but he never liked Khushi taking side of Aman.

"Yes he is. The amount of work you give to that poor fellow. I have seen it myself", saying that Khushi went to washroom.

After few minutes when she came out and saw Arnav lying on bed, she looked at table and saw the empty plates.

"I ate and also took my medicine", said Arnav giving her annoyed look. Khushi give him a big smile and pick up the plates and cup and went out. After few minutes she came back and saw Arnav staring at the ceiling. She went to her side of bed and climb on. She moves closer to him and started running her fingers into his hair. Arnav turn his head toward her.

"Lavanya ji will be fine. She has all of us with her ... we will take care of her", said Khushi in her assuring tone.

"People supposed to be happy in love ... no? She loved Karan and he loved her. Then why was he accusing her? Doesn't he trust her? Is his love is so weak? And Lavanya ... why she didn't tell us anything? Why she was saving him?", said Arnav staring into the space.

"It's not necessary that people in love will always be happy. There are problems and struggle, with marriage things get different. There is responsibility, understanding , compromising and yes trust as well. It takes two people to make things work Arnavji", said Khushi trying to tell him her feeling in her hidden words. When Arnav didn't say something for few seconds she continues.

"Lavanyaji and Karanji loved each other, they had a love marriage but somehow it didn't work. Karanji should have trusted her. I know Lavanya ji is not that kind of girl. She didnt tell us because she love him and wanted to correct things herself. And didn't she said it's all Pallavi's doing.", said Khushi still running her fingers into his hair.

"Who is Pallavi again?", asked Arnav as he can't remember when Khushi told him about her earlier.

"She is Karanji's brother-in-law's sister", said Khushi.

"I can't wait for tomorrow ... first thing I will do is talk to that Karan. I won't spare him, how dare he let all that happen with Lavanya and never supported her", said Arnav in anger as he fisted his hand.

"Hmm ... sleep now", said Khushi as she started to rub his forehead too.

Arnav had never said this out loud but he loves the feeling of her fingers running in his hair ... it always make his tiredness go away. He closes his eyes and soon was half sleep.

Khushi kept on running her fingers until she felt his soft snores. She move back carefully and lay down on bed.

"I wish you worry for me ... care for me in the same way Arnavji", whisper Khushi looking at his calm sleeping face.

Khushi knew that Arnav care for Lavanya very much and that he had loved her. But when they got married he had promised to make their relation work and fulfill all his responsibilities towards her and their marriage. And he was true to his words, he is fulfilling all his responsibilities but still there is no sign of that kind of love which she want more than anything else.

She also knew that Arnav cares for her ... but she isn't sure in what sense. Does he care for her as a mere responsibility, as a friend or as a husband? She was still waiting for the love from his side and she will wait more. But still it hurts somewhere when you see your husband is being worried for another woman. No matter how honest he is with his marriage ... being a woman herself and a wife ... she couldn't help but feel little jealous and insecure.

"I love you Arnavji", Khushi whispers again with drooping eyes.

----------------------------- NEXT DAY

"Doctor you mean that someone is trying to harm my daughter?", asked Arvind a little shocked with the revelations that doctor had just gave him.

"I am not sure Mr. Raizada, it may be the case or may be its carelessness on Lavanya's part", said doctor, "We have to ask her about this, but if its true that someone is trying to harm her then it's the case of domestic violence".

Arvind got worried listening to this, Khushi who was sitting beside him held his arm and tried to console him.

"Come on Papaji ... lets go, we have to tell Mummy ji and Astha aunty", said Khushi and Arvind stood up.

They went out of doctor's cabin and move towards Lavanya's room. They were in the middle when Khushi saw Arnav coming towards them with anger visible on his face. He was about say something when he saw his father hurt face and painful eyes.

"What happened? What did the doctor said? Is Lavanya fine?", asked Arnav in one go.

"Lavanyaji is fine Arnavji ... come with me. I want to talk to you", said Khushi and then look at Arvind, "Papaji you go ahead".

Arvind nod his head and went ahead. Khushi grabs Arnav's arm and take him to side. Before he could say something Khushi questioned him, "Did you meet Karan? What did he said?".

Now Arnav's anger was back listening to his name, "That bas***d", Arnav hit his palm on the wall with force.

"Arnavji", Khushi gasped as she took his hand and started to rub it, "Please calm down and tell me what happened".

Arnav had gone to Karan's house first thing in the morning, as he wanted to talk to him. Luckily he had found him just outside his house, probably he was going to his office.


Arnav come out of car and went to Karan who had just come out of his house, grabbed his collar, "How dare you hurt Lavanya? Have you any idea what she is going through?", shouted Arnav in anger.

"Leave me ... I didn't hurt her. She was the one who hurt my mother", shouted Karan trying to take Arnav's hand of him.

"What rubbish are you talking?", said Arnav getting confused.

"Rubbish? I am talking rubbish? Go and ask Lavanya, didn't she push my mother down the stairs? Wasn't she giving my mother sleeping pills? She wanted to kill my mother ... just because she was not her choice of Bahu ... just because my mother taunted her few times", said Karan in one go.

"What? Are you mad? Why would Lavanya do this all? She isn't like that ... she would never even harm her enemy. She respected your mother so much", said Arnav.

"You think my mother is lying, she told me that Lavanya pushed her and I found sleeping pills in her drawer. I was too wondering why mother has suddenly develop habit of sleeping that much", said Karan in disgust tone. "I don't want to do anything with the person who is harming my mother ... doesn't matter if she is my wife".

Now Arnav was hell confuse, whats all happening, "And about Lavanya? Did you know she was pregnant?", said Arnav in anger and saw surprise on Karan's face.

"Did you know that her burn got so worst that doctors were thinking to cut her hand? Do you know that she had lost her baby?", said Arnav in anger and saw Karan shocked eyes.

After few second the scowl was back on Karan's face, "Well that's good then, who knows whose baby was that".

"KARAN!!!", Arnav shouted and grab his collar again, "Watch what are you saying".

"What wrong did I say? I caught her myself talking to my friend. She was saying 'I love You' to him. What you say about that? I was blinded in her love that when Pallavi warned me I didn't trust her ... she was cheating on me", said Karan.

"Its all Pallavi doings. Can't you see that? You have known Lanvaya for years, do you really think that she would do all this? And that Pallavi, how long have you known her that you trusted her over Lavanya?", said Arnav in anger.

"Oh now you will blame Pallavi? She was nothing but caring towards everyone. I have seen her taking care of my household when Lavanya would be sleeping and complaining. It was her duty to take care of my mother ... but instead Pallavi was doing that", said Karan, "Lavanya can go live her life as soon as I divorce her. I don't want anything to with her now".

"How disgusting Karan, for you she fought with the family ... and here you're not even trusting her", said Arnav moving back, "What divorce you will give her ... I will make sure that she doesn't come back in this hell again".

"Yes why not, after all you loved her right. You wanted to marry her but she chose me. Who knows, this all planned by you two. She was not happy with me ... a middle class guy ... she herself said that it was a mistake that she married me. Now you have a chance to get her back ... who knows, maybe that child was yours. I will ...", Karan was ranting on without thinking but stopped when he saw Arnav raising his hand to punch him. He move back a step afraid.

"I so wish to punch you right now, but I know Lavanya wouldn't like that. She loved you that much. You will regret Karan, you will regret real bad and that time I won't let you meet her", said Arnav and went to his car

He open the door and look at Karan, "Sometimes what you see, its not the complete truth Karan. Sometimes the situation is made on purpose to make you see what other wants you to see. Just think and you will know how wrong you are", with that Arnav sit in car and drove away.


"The doctor is right then ... it's the case of domestic violence", said Khushi, after few seconds, lost in thoughts.

"Domestic violence? What did the doctor said Khushi?", said Arnav grabbing her arms.

"Arnavji doctor found traces of alcohol in Lavanyaji's blood, which cause the miscarriage", said Khushi in worried tone and Arnav left her arms with shock.

"I am sure someone gave her alcohol, maybe mixed it in something. Because Lavanya ji would never drink or eat something which will harm her baby", said Khushi.

"Pallavi", said Arnav , "I am sure she is behind all this".

"Thats what I thought as well ... and you know doctor also said that if she got burned from tea then it shouldn't have been that bad. It will only happens if it got burned again or use wrong ointment on it or may be an expired one ... that's why her burn got that bad", said Khushi in hurried tone.

"We have to ask her if Pallavi had given her the ointment", said Arnav and they move from there.

Arvind had informed Ratna and Astha about what doctor had said. Lavanya had tears in her eyes. She told them that it was Pallavi who gave her the ointment to put on her burn and from a month she was giving her juices and milk to drink. That's why she would feel sleepy most of the time, because it was due to the effect of alcohol. She didn't knew that Pallavi was planning all this until yesterday when she put blame on her that she was cheating on Karan with his friend, who was actually Pallavi's fiance.

Arnav and Khushi also reached after few minutes and share their thoughts. Arvind repeat to them what Lavanya had told them ... and it was clear to them that it was all Pallavi's planning to take Lavanya out of Karan's life.

Lavanya wanted to talk to Karan but Arnav refuse. When she got angry on him, he told her about his conversation with Karan. They all got shocked and Lavanya started to cry. And Lavanya told them that she didn't push Karan's mother it was Pallavi, who made it look like that Lavanya did it.

Arvind had enough of this, "I am filing case against them, specially that Pallavi. If she thinks that she can get away with this ... then she is wrong". And went out of room, Arnav too followed him.

Doctor came to check on Lavanya and informed them that they can take her home tomorrow, as tonight they wanted to put her on drip, because her hemoglobin is very low.

Arvind talked to his lawyer and asked him to file the case of domestic violence against Karan's family and also file divorce from Lavanya's side as well. He would not let his daughter go to that hell again.

------------------------------ 4 days later.

Khushi was cutting fruits for Lavanya when Payal came into the kitchen. She took the juice from fridge and turn to Khushi, "You know you should look after your husband more than Lavanya".

Khushi stopped cutting the fruits and look at Payal with surprise, "what you mean?".

"I mean Arnavji is spending quite a lot of time with Lavanya ... Don't you think?", said Payal taking a sip of juice.

Khushi presses her lips in irritation, "So? She is his best friend and at this time she needs her friend and family".

"Friend and family Khushi, not only Friend. And from what I see its more Arnavji ... who is ...", Payal was saying but Khushi cut in with irritation, "Stop it Payal ... there is nothing what you're thinking. I will suggest you to keep your thoughts to yourself".

"Yeah yeah fine ... but the truth wont change from me being shut. You and we all know that Arnavji loved Lavanya", said Payal and took her glass and move towards door, "And who knows, that love is still there".

Khushi shut her eyes to compose herself and sighed, she won't think like this, she trusts her husband.

With that Khushi took the fruit plate and move out of kitchen.

She was near the door when she heard the sound of laughter, she didn't went in but stood at the door little to side and saw Lavanya holding Arnav's arm who was sitting beside her on bed and she had a smile on her face ... and Arnav leaned in and said something which turn her smile into giggle.

She turn her face away, it was the first time in 4 days that Lavanya was smiling, before that she would just talk into monosyllabic and stare into space.

Khushi shut her eyes again and tell herself again, that nothing is wrong. After few seconds she went into the room with smile on her face. Unknown to her Astha had seen her distraught face, as she was coming to Lavanya's room but stopped and thought to see what Khushi do further.

"Oh no ... not again. I am fed up of eating these fruits", said Lavanya making an annoyed face.

"But its necessary for you Lavanya ji", said Khushi as she place the plate on her lap and went to other side on bed where medicines, bandage and other stuff was placed.

"Khushi is right Lavanya ... now stop whining and eat", saying that Arnav took a piece of fruit and bring near her lips. Khushi turn her face and start to take out the ointment and other stuff needed to change the dressing. She then climb on the bed and takes Lavanya's hand.

Doctor had instructed to change the dressing two times a day, and it was Khushi who was doing that since Lavanya came home, not only that, she had taken responsibility of her medicine and foods as well.

Khushi was so busy in her thoughts about Lavanya and Arnav and what had Payal said that she failed to notice Arnav's stare on her.

Lavanya smile and nudge Arnav who looked and Lavanya sheepishly and gesture her to eat her fruit giving a stern look. Lavanya roll her eyes and started eating the fruits while Khushi changed her dressing and Arnav just look at Khushi from time to time.

After Khushi is done she places everything back in place, throw old bandage in dustbin and went out of room. Arnav got a little worried, because it was very unlike of Khushi to not sit here with Lavanya and talk a dozen like she was doing since 4 days. He tells Lavanya that he will be back in sometime and went after Khushi.

He saw Khushi going into Kitchen and move ahead but just then he saw his sister and Jiju entering.

"Chote", said Anjali and took hurried step towards him and hug him, "How is Lavanya now?".

"Di, what are you doing here? When you came?", said Arnav breaking the hug.

"What you mean what I am doing here ... do you think I would not have come when all this happen to Lavanya", said Anjali in anger.

"No I didn't mean that", said Arnav and then turn to his Jiju, "Lavanya is fine ... she is upstairs in her room".

Anjali move towards the stairs while Rahul grabs Arnav arm and take him to side, "Arnav tell me how all this happened? Mom didn't tell me everything". Rahul is Lavanya's brother and Anjali's husband.

Arnav told him everything, that how Lavanya called him, her miscarriage, his conversation with Karan and divorce. How Arvind filed a domestic violence case against Karan's family but Lavanya denied to do anything like that when Lawyer came to take her signature 2 days ago.

"What good it will do? I know Bade Papa that she had hurt me and because of her I lost my baby but by doing all this my baby won't come back ... so just let it be. I don't want my family to move back and forth to court because of this case", said Lavanya when Arvind asked her to sign the papers.

Lavanya was hurt very much no doubt, but family's respect was important to her. Raizadas and Kashyaps being a big name, it was sure that media would get hang of this and they will exaggerate it to no extent and she didn't want that.

"Arey Jiju, you here", said Khushi as she saw Rahul standing beside Arnav when she came out of kitchen, "Is Di here too?".

"Yeah she went to meet Lavanya", said Rahul and went upstairs ... Arnav and Khushi also followed them.

Lavanya was hugging Anjali and crying, "Bhai ...", exclaimed Lavanya when she saw her brother and extent her arm towards him, Rahul instantly move towards her and hug her sitting beside her, "Bachi ...".

"Oh come on Lavanya, you just ruined my hardwork", said Arnav making sad face and then looked at Anjali, "Di do you know how much effort it took me to make her smile and now again I have to remember all those mischievous memories to make her smile again".

"Shut up Arnav ... you didn't even remember half of our childhood days. Bhabi do you know how bad his memory is?", said Lavanya turning to Anjali.

Anjali smile and then started to tease Arnav about reminding him of his childhood days. Rahul and Lavanya too take part in the teasing and Arnav in return started to tell the embarrassing moments of his Di, on which Anjali got irritated and throw the pillow towards Arnav, making Lavanya and Rahul laugh.

Khushi was just standing onto side seeing the banter they all 3 were sharing ... at that moment she felt like an outsider ... like she didn't belong here. She looked at Arnav who was smiling and talking.

"He never talks to me like this, never teased me like this", thought Khushi sadly as tears started to come in her eyes. She quickly turns and went out of the room.

-------------------------------------- 2 weeks later.

"What are you saying Astha? How is it possible?", said Ratna shocked at what Astha had said.

"What wrong I said Ratna? You know that Arnav had always loved Lavanya and we all can see how much he cares for her", said Astha, "Don't you see how much time he spends with her than his own wife? How happy he seems since Lavanya came here ... how angry he was when Lavanya didn't file the case? How worried he got when Lavanya went for her plastic surgery for her arm? What all this tells you Ratna ... haan tell me".

Ratna too had notice all this, Astha was right.

"Arnav never wanted to get marry to Khushi. You know he only did because Arvind Bhaisab asked him ... or if I am right, forced him to do so", said Astha.

"But Arnav would never agree to leave Khushi. I know my son, he takes his responsibilities very seriously", said Ratna.

"So do you want your son to live his whole life fulfilling just responsibilities? Don't you want to see him happy, being loved ... have kids?", said Astha in hurried tone, "And with Khushi I cannot see that happening in years".

No, thought Ratna.

"Look Ratna, Arnav cares for Khushi but he doesn't love her. He is living his married life as a compromise. How long will this go on? He still loves Lavanya and I know he will be happy with her. My daughter did a mistake not to accept his proposal. But this time I won't let her have her say", said Astha in determine tone.

"You're right Astha, but I don't think Arnav would agree to divorce Khushi", said Ratna.

"I know that's why I think we should talk to Khushi about this, we have to make her realize that Arnav love Lavanya not her. How long will she wait for Arnav. We had never seen them share things which husband wife does ... they only seems like friends not husband wife. And when Khushi will agree for divorce I am sure then Arnav will agree too", said Astha.

"Ok, lets talk to Khushi. I want to see my son happy, not living a compromised life", said Ratna.

------------------------------ Around Dinner Time

"What are you saying Mummy ji?", said Khushi in shocked, hearing Ratna that she wants Arnav and her to get divorce. Ratna had taken Khushi to her room to talk about it.

"Look Khushi, you know that Arnav loved Lavanya, I am sure he must have told you before you two got married, and he has been so happy and smiling since Lavanya came back. Don't tell me you haven't notice that?", said Ratna.

Khushi didn't say anything but tears came in her eyes. Yes, she cannot deny that ... she too had notice the change in Arnav. From past 2 weeks how happy he seems, most of time he spends with Lavanya, even takes her out to garden for walk and even took her out to dinner when doctor said that she can eat outside food. Although Khushi did accompany them, but she felt outsider again.

"I am sure my son have not even touched you in that sense ... you know what I mean right", said Ratna. She was feeling somewhat bad seeing tears on Khushi's face ... but she had to do it for her son's happiness.

Little did she know that she is crushing her son's happiness.

She was right, thought Khushi. All they share was just few hugs ... not even a peck on cheek which she had seen Lavanya doing with Arnav, although it was just a friendly gesture but Khushi couldn't help the jealousy she felt.

"I don't want my son to live a compromise married life, I know he cares for you but he doesn't love you. Only care is not sufficient in a relationship Khushi. How long are you going to wait for Arnav's love? Are you even sure that he would start to love you?", said Ratna. "He takes you just as his responsibility nothing else. If you love him you will set him free to pursue his happiness, which is Lavanya .. not you"

"Look Khushi, if you think that we are doing wrong with you then it isn't the case, we are just telling you the reality", said Astha who was quite all this while, "These type of relationship doesn't go on for long. You're an educated and mature woman. You think about what we had said ... we only want happiness of our children".

Khushi who was looking down all this while just nod her head a little and went out of Ratna's room. She went upstairs to her room but didn't find Arnav. She went to look for him and found him in Lavanya's room having dinner with her while chatting animatedly. She couldn't stop her tears and went from there.

Arnav who was saying something, stopped and looked at the door. "What?", said Lavanya and she too looked at the door.

"Um nothing", said Arnav and resume eating ... he had felt Khushi's presence. He remember that he wanted to talk to her ... she doesn't seems her cheery self lately, last time he forgot due to Anjali and Rahul's coming here. He will talk to her tonight.

After dinner, Arnav was going to his room when Rahul called him down to study. Arvind was also present there and they discuss about business. Rahul handle the Mumbai Branch of "R&K Enterprise".

The business which two best friends cum bothers started, Arvind Raizada and Suraj Kashyap (deceased).

Apparently there was an urgent meeting in Mumbai which demand the presence of Rahul. But he didn't want to go as Lavanya's divorce case hearing will be on day after tomorrow. So Rahul asked Arnav if he could attend the meeting. Arnav didn't want to go but he cannot deny either. So he agreed to go. For the next hour Rahul explained him about the project and clients. When Arnav enter his room, he found Khushi asleep. He sighed and went to her side and was shocked to notice tear marks on her face.

He was about to touch her shoulder, but stopped, he didn't want to wake her up. But he will defiantly ask her tomorrow. Whats troubling her? ... he cannot see her sad ... without her beautiful smile that always makes his heart flutter. With that thought he went to washroom to change.

------------------------- NEXT DAY -- MORNING

Arnav came out of washroom wearing office clothes; he took his coat from recliner and starts to wear when his eyes fell on the juice glass, probably placed by Khushi. It was the first time after their marriage that Khushi was not present in the room while he gets ready for office. As before, Khushi would always be there, handing him things and talking to him. And he got more worried.

He went down and saw Khushi placing breakfast on the table, he sit on his chair, his eyes not leaving her. Feeling his gaze Khushi look at him and give a smile, which Arnav could easily tell was not genuine.

He cannot talk to her in others presence, so he waited for the breakfast to get over.

After half an hour everybody left the dining table to start with their routine. Khushi took the dishes and went inside Kitchen. Arnav waited for her to come out ... when she did he grabs her hand and pull her close. Khushi look at him with questioning eyes.

"Khushi, is there something troubling you? Did I do something to make you sad?", asked Arnav with concern.

Khushi gulped down the lump in her throat and give him a small smile, "No Arnavji ... there is nothing".

"There is ... you cried last night", said Arnav. Khushi look here and there.

"Khushi please tell me what it is?", asked Arnav grabbing her arms.

"Its nothing Arnavji ... I ... I was just missing Papa and Neerav. Its been long that I have met them", said Khushi trying to stop tears from coming out of her eyes.

"Oh ok ... so do one thing ... get ready. I will drop you to your home. Its Saturday, so I guess Shashi uncle will be home today. Anyways I will be leaving for Mumbai tonight ... you can spend some days with your father and brother", said Arnav.

"You're going ... you didn't tell me", said Khushi in a sad tone.

"I wanted to but you were already slept when I came in room yesterday", said Arnav. "Its not for long ... just 2-3 days and I will be back".

"Hmm ok", said Khushi and was about to pick up the plate when Arnav stopped her, "Leave this and get ready ... Hari Prakash will take care of this".

Khushi nodded her head and was about to move away when Arnav stopped her ... he move closer ...he wanted to peck her cheek ... but saw Hari Prakash coming out of kitchen ... so he kissed her forehead quickly.

Khushi eyes look up at him with surprise. Arnav just shakes his head and gesture Khushi to go.


Shashi was so happy to see them, its been many days that he had met his darling daughter. He hugged her tight and patted Arnav's back. He invited Arnav to come in but he apologize as he have to go office .. but promise to come here again soon. Shashi wish him good luck for his meeting and went inside as his phone ring.

Khushi too turned away but stop when Arnav grabs her hand, he had a feeling that Khushi was hiding something from him, he wanted to ask but thought it was not the right place or time.

"Khushi ... you have been taking care of Lavanya and others for so many days ...and I am really thankful for that. But now I want you to take care of yourself ok ... don't work here too. I know there is something which is troubling you", said Arnav and place his finger on her lips when she opened her mouth to say something.

"No ... its not missing your family ... its something else. When I get back I expect you to share it with me ok. I don't want to see you sad ... I want to see you smiling like you always do", said Arnav and he leans in and pecks her cheek for the first time.

It felt really good, thought Arnav as he saw the red tint coming on her cheeks, Khushi look down being shy ... her heart beating fast.

"take care .. ok ... I will see you soon", said Arnav pressing her hand and went to his car. Khushi stood there watching him turn his car and drove away. She touch her cheek and smile but then her conversation with Ratna came to her and her smile vanished.

Khushi spend her morning with her father, and then her brother came back from college. They spend time teasing each other and bickering ... but in all this she could not take out the sinking feeling inside of her.

Her mind was playing the conversation again and again and the thought that she have to go away from Arnav was killing her ... she love him very much. When they were about to marry Arnav did tell her that he loved Lavanya but he had accepted that she wasn't meant to be with him as she got married to her love Karan. And he had promised her to make their relation work ... he also said that he likes her.

It had been almost 7 months to their marriage and he still hasn't developed that kind of feeling for her. Is Ratna right that Arnav would never be able to love her? Will he always love Lavanya? Will she ever get the happiness, his love that she have been waiting still.

After many minutes of thinking she came to the conclusion that she has to talk to Arnav. She wants to know what he wants ... if he still loves Lavanya then she would have no choice but to separate from Arnav ... the mere thought made her cry. After venting out her emotions and feelings, she compose herself and went down to tell her father that she is going to Arnav's office as she wanted to talk to him before he go for Mumbai.

Shashi smile as he knew how much his daughter love Arnav, and Neerav tease her that she can't live without Arnav even for few hours.

After half an hour she reach Arnav's office, she went inside the greeted the receptionist who smiled in return as everyone knew her, because she had worked here before and also that she is Arnav's wife now. Khushi went upstairs where Arnav cabin was. She look at the watch, its around 4pm, hoping that Arnav would be free.

She was about to open the door when she saw, through the glassed windows, Lavanya standing with Arnav near his desk. Khushi stopped and open the door a little and move to side where faded portion of glass was.

"You know I love you right", said Lavanya with a smile and Arnav smirk at her and Lavanya then hug him.

"Yeah I know", replied Arnav smiling.

And that just broke her resolve ... Khushi turn, just at the same time Arnav looked at the door and felt her presence. Khushi hurried away from there with broken heart. Arnav break the hug and move to the door, he went out and look in the corridor. It was just a second late that Khushi had turn the corridor.

"Arnav what happened?", asked Lavanya as she too came out.

"I think ... I saw Khushi", said Arnav and Lavanya giggle,"Ayee hayee ... that much love haan ... that she is at her father's place and you're seeing her here".

Arnav give her a stern look and she made a gesture of zipping her lips.

Khushi had a hard time controlling her sobs as she drive back home. She wipes her face and correct her appearance before entering home. After telling her father that she wanted to rest she rush to her room and get into bed ... and let the tears flow, sobs escape.

Everyone one was right. Ratna, Astha and even Payal that ... Arnav still love Lavanya. She just didn't want to accept the truth.


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