~ Kenhina Oneshots ~

By Krimzon_Wolf10

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A book for random oneshots of Kenhina ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’› + Plus some with extra people or ships at times This ship is adora... More

- Stream Crasher -
- Warm Weather -
- 3 Cats + 1 Crow -
- I love you - Prince Au -
- Mirror Meetings -
- Mirror Meetings Pt 3 -
- By Your Side - Yokai Au -
- Good Luck Charm -
- Gaming and Cuddles -
- Beginnings - Demon Slayer Au -
- 2 Owls + 1 Cat + 1 Crow -
- Prophecy - Soldier, Poet, King -
- Prom Dance -
- Among Us -
- Hair Tie -
- Romeo and Juliet - Animal Au -
- Redecorating -
- A Different World?! - Alternate Universe -
- Sick Day -
- Trail of Destruction - Magic Au -
- New Dorm, New Guy, New Crush - College Au -

- Mirror Meetings Pt 2 -

888 44 60
By Krimzon_Wolf10

Credit to the artist!

Here's a Part 2, sorry for the wait! Schools back so updates may be slow. T-T


It had been around a week since the link broke between the two boys. 

Even then both boys still visited the mirror at that time, just hoping that it would magically start working again.

"Good Morning Kenma!" Shoyo greeted the mirror. "Hope you have a nice day today!"

Only Hinata was reflected in the mirror there was no steam and no Kenma. Hope hadn't faded for the first-year though. He remembered the words clearly in his head.

"I love you too Shoyo..."

Kenma loved him and Shoyo loved him back. He didn't want to give up just yet, his determination to see him again was strong.

 "I'm going to the park today Kenma! I wonder what your doing..." He whispered the last part.

"Shoyo! Are you talking to yourself again?" Natsu yelled from behind the door. "Stop hogging the bathroom!"

"I'm coming! I'm not talking to myself either!" The brother shouted back his face flushing from being called out.

"Sure sure..."

"I really wasn't!"

His sister slipped into the bathroom once it was free, leaving Shoyo to head downstairs and put on his shoes.

"Mom! I'm going out!" He yelled out as he opened the door and left.

Jogging down to the nearest park the wind blew coolly past him...It was chillier than usual today. 

Crash! Crash! Meow!

Looking to his right he noticed a few cats in an alley, they were pawing away a pieces of rubbish and random parts. They watched Shoyo pass their eyes watching his every move.

I'll pick up some food for them on the way home. I think I brought my wallet.

Once he had checked that the wallet was in his pocket he then concentrated on looking out for Yamaguchi. Yamaguchi had invited the short first-year out as Hinata had been looking a little down recently and the sweet freckled male wanted to cheer him up.

"Yamaguchi!" Hinata called as he approached the park, the other already there and sitting on a bench. "Hey!"

"Hinata!" Yamaguchi called back with a smile.

Slowing down the smaller caught his breath before sending a bright smile towards the other.

"Shall we head into the park?" The freckled male asked. "I want to ask you something..."

Hinata nodded and both boys wandered in. The pack was relatively big and was for all ages, some bigger equipment for the teens and some small equipment for the toddlers. Nature surrounded the park as well, trees of all different types as well as a pond.

"You've seemed upset the last couple of days at practise Hinata..."

"Huh? Have I?"

The boys wandered over to the pond. Slowly walking past it they carried on with the small conversation.

"Did something happen? You don't have to tell me! But I want to help if there is..." Yamaguchi said scratching his cheek with his finger.

Hinata sighed and looked into the pond. The lingering pain of being spilt away from Kenma still hurt him on the inside. 

"You remember the ghost I spoke about before...in my mirror." Hinata whispered quietly a stark difference from how he normally acted.

The freckled male stayed quiet and nodded.

"I...fell in love with that person...The one in my mirror..." 


"You fell in love with the person in the mirror?!" Yamaguchi exclaimed. "But I thought it was a ghost??"

"No he was real. Just in a different world I guess." 

"Did you tell him?" The taller asked quietly scared for the response.

"I did and he loved me back but..." Shoyo gulped then. "The link between our mirrors broke and now he's gone."

"Wait so you don't see him anymore?" Yamaguchi's head spun at all the new information.

"No...I don't know what to do..."

Silence fell over the boys then. Neither knowing what to say or do.

"I'm not sure what to do but I will see him again!" Hinata suddenly exclaimed. "I swear I will!"

The mood brightened at that.

"How about you Yamaguchi? You fell in love with anyone yet?" Shoyo asked curiosity getting the better of him.

"Ah...um..well...you see..." Yamaguchi became a stuttering, blushing mess. "M-maybe..."

Hinata smiled mischievously. "Would the person happen to be Saltyshima?"

"What?! Uh...um..ahhh....Hinata!"

"I'm guessing I'm right then! What do you like about him? His hair? His personality?"

"Hinata!" The embarrassed freckled male whined.



The two boys talked for ages until it was time for dinner and they both had to head back. Hinata's feet dragged across the floor as he looked into the sky.

Are you watching the sky too?

"Oi Orange!" A voice shouted from beside him.

"Coach!" Shoyo called smiling brightly and heading into the store.

"What's with the face?" The coach asked as he put out the cigarette. "You looked deep in thought for once."

"I wondering...about the sky..." Hinata said with a smile, it wasn't a complete lie.

Heading into the cat food aisle he pouted.

"Which cat food is the best?" 

"Did you get a cat or something?" Coach Ukai asked, "Can't remember the brand but it was blue."

"I didn't get a one I just wanted to feed a few cats that seemed like they were hungry..." Looking through the shelves he finally found what he was looking for. "Got it!"

Heading up to the counter he placed it down and the money next to it.

"Be careful feeding strays." He accepted the money and got the appropriate change out. "Here."

"Thanks Coach!" Beaming the student when to leave.

"Wait." A chocolate bar was chucked at his face. "Take this. Don't think too hard."

Thanking the older man Hinata left and started to tuck into the bar as he headed towards the cats. Once done with the chocolate bar he quickly put it into a bin before heading over to the cats and then struggling to get the cat food open.

After a struggle he finally managed to get the can open and placed it down in front of the cats.

"You know you remind me of Kenma." The redhead murmured as he watched a calico slowly eat away at the food. "Anyway...Goodbye cats!"

Waving to the small cats he headed back to his house, his thoughts full of a second year...



Golden corn-like grass swayed in the little cool breeze. 

A tree stood father away in the distance on a little hill.

It was the same as last time.

He began to hurry. Something he never thought he'd do.

The tree came closer and closer.

Was he there?

The grass crackled underfoot as he progressed.


The golden eyes darted around the hill.


Clambering up the hill he looked all around.

There was only grass seen for miles.

"Shoyo! Are you here?!"

Silence was the only reply until...


Turning around he came face-to-face with the short first-year until he faded away.


Gasping Kenma woke up from his dream. Sweat dripped from his forehead. 

Again...The same dream again...

Mumbling grumpily he ripped off the blanket that was covering him, his console having switched to sleep mode from being left for too long. 

"So annoying..."

Grabbing a cloth from the bathroom he started to wipe away the sweat that had formed, it had looked like he had ran a marathon.

"I saw him again though..."

It started a few days ago...whenever he would fall asleep he wouldn't have a normal dream. Each time he would wake up in the same golden grass meadow and head towards the tree. Something drew him there...It felt like he would be there...and he was. Nearly every time he would find Shoyo sitting there or doing something.

"It felt so real..."

It was like they were there together

"I want to see him again..."

Looking up to the mirror he wondered if Shoyo was on the other side. Raising his hand he gently placed it on the mirror.

"Shoyo are you there?" He whispered gently.

Bring bring....Bring bring....

Looking down at his phone quickly the Pudding Head noticed the name Kuroo. Answering quickly he put it to his ear.

"What do you want Kuroo?" Kenma asked annoyed, "Is it something important?"

"Ehhh? Why so grumpy today?" Kuroo pouted on the other side of the phone. "I was calling to see if you wanted to hang out with me today?"

"No thanks." The pudding head replied bluntly 

"Ah well um that's a problem..."


"I'm sort of outside your door." Kuroo said smirking.

Knock knock knock

"You've got to be kidding me..." Kenma mumbled before ending the call and heading downstairs. 

His mom had already opened the door and welcomed Kuroo in.

"Kenma, Kuroo has said that your going to the shops today! That's good. You haven't been out for awhile." His mother smiled. "You should go get dressed, I'll keep Kuroo company."

Sighing he didn't try to argue and just slowly trudged back upstairs to get changed. He made sure to do everything sluggishly. Once changed and ready he headed back downstairs. The rooster head immediatly stood up once the second-year was down.

"Thanks for the tea Mrs Kozume!" Kuroo thanked her politely. "Let's go Kenma."

Waving to his mom slightly they both headed out the door. The sun was just a little over halfway through the sky. 

"What's been up with you the last couple days Kenma?"

Kenma didn't reply as they carried on walking towards the park.

"Can we go into the game store please?" Kenma asked as they almost passed the store.


While browsing Kuroo slid next to Kenma.

"Is it about Shrimpy?" 

"Shrimpy?" The pudding head asked confused.

"You know Ghost boy! You told me he had ginger hair and was small so his name is Shrimpy." Kuroo explained with a smirk.

"Don't call him that." Kenma frowned. "Shoyo isn't a shrimp he much more impressive."

"Oooooo getting defensive and praising him." Kuroo teased. "It's almost like he's in your good books you two must be in love."

Once the last few words fell out of the third-years mouth the second-year froze.

"Wait...don't tell me..." Putting the pieces in place the taller figured it out, "Don't tell you and Shrimpy were dating???"

"Shut up Kuroo."

The noise they were making was attracting attention from the worker and the other buyers. Scuttling into the cue he held a game for the PS4 "Life is Strange".

"So what happened? Did he reject you? How could he reject you? Was he mean about it?" Kuroo hastily whispered.

"No. He liked me too." Was all that he said as he moved further in the cue.

"Well then why are you grumpy?" Tilting his head he scratched his bedhead, "Well grumpier than usual."

That sentence caused Kenma to glare at him before going to pay for the game. Paying in silence he clutched the game with both hands and left the store. Following closly behind Kuroo directed them to a nearby bench.

"He disappeared." Kenma said quietly. "Shoyo disappeared."

Kuroo watched as the frown on the pudding head's face deepened. His fingers clutched the game in his hand harder as he thought about the small, ghostly male.

"What do you mean fade?" Kuroo asked gently, "Do you not see him anymore?"

There was silence until Kenma spoke again...

"He faded away...I don't see him anymore..."

The wind blew gently on the two males making their hair sway. Crows flew overhead speaking to each other as they landed on poles and fences. There black wings flapped as their lean bodies cut through the air.

"I've been having this strange dream for a couple of days..." The second-year spoke deciding to confide in his childhood friend.

"Strange? How so?" Kuroo took the talk seriously.

"I wake up every time in a golden field, there's a tree in the distance and I always hurry over. I sometimes find Shoyo there and we talk. It feels so real and when I wake up I'm covered in sweat like I was actually there running to him..." 

Briefly summing everything up Kenma played with his hair nervously as Kuroo thought to himself.

"Maybe...the mirror link broke but you still have a connection...You sometimes see him right? So then maybe your talking to the real Shoyo. Have you ever asked him?"

"How am I suppose to ask if he's real? He can't prove he's real." Kenma said frowning. 

"That's true but maybe try asking him the next time you see him. You probably miss each other sometimes because of your difference of sleep schedules." Kuroo concluded.


Time flew by quickly as the two boys carried on talking about the link. It was possible they were still connected but for how long? Would they disappear again? Was it real? How was this possible? Most questions were left unanswered. Kenma agreed in the end to try to talk to Shoyo more and try to somehow figure everything else out from there.

On the way home Kenma was lost in thought.

If it was real this whole time then he heard everything I said to him...

Has he figured this out already? No probably not...

Could...Could traveling between our worlds possible...?

The last thought hit a nerve. Shoyo could come to his world. They wouldn't have to be apart. As he came to this conclusion he had arrived at his house.

"Thanks Kuroo. Bye." Waving a little Kenma hurried into his house. Kuroo smiled as he turned away heading to his own house.

Hurrying up the stairs the pudding head took off his jumper and lay down on his bed. Now he just had to fall asleep. This was unusual circumstance for the second-year as he usual stayed up playing videogames and rarely slept, but now that he wanted to keep he felt wide-awake.

"Maybe if I play a game..."

After about half an hour on Life is Strange he still hadn't fallen asleep.

"Mmmm maybe revision?"

Sitting at his desk he revised maths and science for an hour. Still no tiredness.

"This is so annoying."

Sighing he flopped face-first onto his bed. He turned his head to the side and stared at a glass of water he dad had brought in for him. The clear water reflecting the pudding head.

I wonder what Shoyo is doing...

Is he frantically trying to get to sleep?

Is...he...thinking of me?

The thoughts of the small first-year filled Kenma's head. The thought and images of him slowly lugging the second-year to sleep.

Shoyo...I  love you...


Hinata once again found himself in the golden fields. He had just fallen asleep after practising a little volleyball. Falling asleep was strange to him, for the last few days it was always the same. It felt so real and he always saw Kenma.

Once again he started to sprinting to the tree in the middle. The only thing different from the golden grass and the bright blue sky. Even thought the sun beamed down he felt nothing.

"Kenma?" Hinata called hoping for a reply.

Every now-or-then Kenma wouldn't appear or he would but then he'd disappear. 

"Kenma? You here?" 

Sitting down he leaned against the tree, the leaves acting as a barrier between him and the sun.

"Shoyo?" A small voice called.


The figure of the second-year turned around. He looked just how did in the mirror. Smiling Shoyo jumped up from his spot next to the tree.

"Hey Kenma~" Hinata sang smiling, "How you doing today?"

"I'm doing fine..." Kenma seemed to crease his eyebrows as he replied.

Huh that's weird...

"Whats wrong Kenma?" Shoyo asked concerned. "What's the matter?"


"Shoyo are you real?"


The question stunned the first-year.


I think I'm real...

"Yeah...I'm real..." Shoyo replied slowly. "Why do you ask...?"

"Are you sure your real? Not just a figment of my imagination?" Kenma asked hope present in his voice.

"Figment? What's that? Also I am real! Are you real?" 

Tears came to Kenma's eyes as he started to believe that it was all real. Hinata quickly came forward and cupped his cheeks wiping the tears away with his fingers. 

"Shoyo...your really here...." the pudding head whispered out. "We are together again. Together..."

Hinata realised what he meant then. 

Am I...holding him?

"Kenma....Kenma...!" Tears from Shoyo's eyes were released then. "Kenma I missed you..."

"I missed you too..."

The two boys cried in each others arms until they couldn't anymore. Sitting down together with their hands intertwined they smiled gently towards each other.

"I can't believe its you! I can hold your hand!" Hinata exclaimed. "I came everyday to the mirror just hoping to see you again!"

"I did as well..." Smiling gently the second-year squeezed their hands together gently.

"It turns out we were talking to each other this whole time and had no clue!" 

"I'm glad that we still have some form of connection with each other..."

Silence followed afterwards but it was comfortable. They just enjoyed the company, the first time that they were sort of together. Hinata slowly turned his head then and kissed Kenma on the cheek causing the other to flush.

"Shoyo!" Kenma said quickly embarrassment flooding his face.

"What?? Nobody's here! It's like our own secret paradise!" Hinata said laughing, "I could stay here forever with you..."

"But Shoyo...this is only in our dreams. You'd only be able to see him forever every time you sleep."

That dampened the mood a bit as they started to move onto the important topic.

"What time do you fall asleep around Kenma?" Hinata asked. "We should try and sleep at similar times!"

"I don't really fall asleep at a scheduled time but I could try to start to..."

"How about...7pm?" Shoyo asked. "We can talk until we wake up in the morning then!"

"Yeah ok that sounds good with me..." Kenma whispered. "I love you Shoyo..."

"I love you too Kenma!" 

Kenma seemed to fade in front of him then...I guess it was time to wake up. Hinata frowned as his lover disappeared in front of his eyes once again but that frown soon softened as he reminded himself that they would see each other again.




"Mmm" was the reply.

"What if I....came to your world?" Hinata whispered

Kenma moved his head away and looked directly at the shorter. They had been meeting each other for nights on end, the same time everyday. They had never discussed this and now the subject pops up.

"Came to my world?" The pudding head whispered.

"Yeah like what if we found a way for me to be transported to your world. We could be together forever!" Shoyo exclaimed.

"That would be nice but...."


"Would you be willing to leave your family and friends? If it happens to be that you can it might not be possible for everyone else..." Kenma said quietly.


The first-year came to an abrupt stop.

Leave everyone behind? Mom, Natsu....My middle school friends, Karasuno, my high school friends....

Could I leave them behind? I...I don't think I could...

But I love Kenma with everything I have...

Why can't out worlds join? Everyone would be happy then...

"Kenma I-I..." Hinata tried to stutter out any form of words, "Kenma..."

"If I were to come to your world I wold also struggle leaving my family and friends behind.." The pudding head confessed. "Even though I don't talk to any people...the people I talk to I care about..."

They had come to a dilemma.

"What do we do then?" The first-year asked quietly, "We can't leave our families, team or friends behind..."

"I'm not sure..." Was the reply, "I just wish that we could all be happy...That our worlds would join together..."

Tears sprung from both boys eyes as they thought of what they could possibly have but also what they could lose by going. A soft, tender hug enveloped the both, the warmth of each other calming both boys down.

"Kenma...I love you...I really really love you..." Shoyo shouted out as tears fell, "I want to be with you forever..."

"Shoyo..." Kenma tightened the hug, "I love you too...I wish we could be together in the realworld..."

"So do I..."

Both boys hugged each other until...


"That's not suppose to happen right?" Hinata asked worry present in his voice as lightning crackled through the sky.

The second-year said nothing as he grabbed his lovers hand and slowly started to back away. Rain flooded out from above, lightning crackling and crashing every-which-way. Smoke billowed up from areas meaning a fire had started.

"We need to wake up." Kenma said shaking Hinata's arm. "Wake up!"

"I don't know how to!" Shoyo replied panicked.

Not wanting to stick around the tree they sprinted into the now dying grass, the golden shine gone as the wind and lightning destroyed it. 


As they left a massive lightning strike hit the tree, the leaves setting on fire and starting to burn. Smoke was everywhere, the cracking of bark echoed around them.

Are we going to die in a dream?

No way....

That's not possible...

Shoyo held onto Kenma with as much strength as he could. Panic swirled around their minds as they tried to figure out what to do.


Suddenly the ground underneath them shook and cracked in between them. Their hands being ripped away from each other. The force knocked them away from each other causing them to fall from the crack.

"KENMA!" Shoyo screamed. "KENMA!"


Hinata ran to the crack in between, it was immense. It was impossible to cross.

"I'll...I'll come to you j-just wait there." Hinata yelled as he backed up, "I'm going to try to jump it!"

"NO!" Kenma screamed, it hurt to scream but he didn't care, "Don't..."

Before the first-year could jump an ear-splitting, metal-grinding noise could be heard. Covering there ears they both looked towards the sound.




The sky seemed to crack in front of their eyes. Magical light seemed to seep out the cracks as it travelled all across the sky. Gasping Hinata went to look towards his lover when he woke up.

"Kenma..." Looking around more tears sprung to his eyes. "Kenma?"

I-Is he ok? Did he get out? What if he didn't? Why did this happen?

Questions swirled endlessly through his head as he tried to figure everything out.

Bring! Bring! Bring!

His alarm-clock sound reached his ears. 


I don't want to go...

But I have to practise...

But I don't have any energy...

After having an argument with himself for awhile the teen finally decided to go to school. At least that was the plan until his mom found him crying and with a high fever and immediatly sent him back to bed.

"Shoyo! You don' t look well...Go to bed and I'll call the school. Ok?" His mother asked gently.

"But...I have to get to class and practise..." Hinata murmured as he wobbled.

"Your not in fit health! Go back to bed. I'll bring you some medicine, water and blankets." Shooing her son off her quickly picked up the phone and started preparing everything.

Walking up the stairs slowly he headed back to his bedroom. Once inside he flopped onto it and grumbled.

"A fever..."

I should text everyone...

Quickly grabbing his phone he went to open the lock when the screen seemed to glitch. Red, blue, green lines flickered all over the screen before resuming its normal look. Notifications of random news and random apps suddenly appeared, almost like the internet had got an increase in knowledge.


Frowning he carried on and quickly typed a quick message to the group chat. Flicking through the notifications he learnt that there were more schools around than he thought, also new celebrities and games.  Thinking it was a glitch he then shut his phone off.

"Gahhh I feel sick..." 

His mom came in then with blankets, a wet cloth, soup, medicine and water.

"Just rest up. If your fever breaks you might be able to go to school." His mom said as she applied the wet cloth, "Don't worry about practise."

"Thanks mom.."

Once everything was done the mother smiled before leaving the room.

Kenma...I would if your feverish...

This could be the effect of what happened in our dream...

Speaking of dreams I feel...

His eyes slowly closed as he relaxed. Tiredness overcame the first-year and he was sucked into the world of dreamland.



Hinata's feet scuffed the ground as he made his way to practise. The good news is his fever had broken thankfully and he only missed two days of school. The bad news he hadn't met Kenma in his dreams. No paradise. No Kenma. The link was severed again.


His mom was adamant that he shouldn't go to school but Shoyo convinced her that he was fine. There had actually been an increase of new people around the area too, new people he hadn't seen before were wandering around like they had lived there all their life. The world is strange. Sighing he switched into his volleyball shoes and walked into the gym.

"Hinata! You feeling better?" Tanaka asked as he approached the first-year, "Not trying to infect us are you by coming in sick?"

"No I'm all better now!" Hinata replied, "I'm ready to practise!"

"Dumbass! You shouldn't of gotten sick in the first-place!" Kageyama yelled.

"It's not my fault! Bakayama!" 

"I think the level of idiot just increased." Tsukishima commented with a smiled, "The King was getting quite annoyed without his servant."

As the team greeted Shoyo a few noticed the change in attitude in the first-year. He was quieter and less outspoken which caused concern. Yamaguchi watched his fellow first-year, he seemed even more down than before.

"Are you alright Hinata?" Kiyoko asked, "You seem a little down..."

Turning towards the pretty third-year the smaller smiled slightly. "Yep! Just a little tired!"

After receiving the reply, Kiyoko grabbed a water bottle and handed it to him.

"Just in case."

"Thank you." Bowing slightly he thankfully took the water.

"KIYOKOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" A pair shouted before launching towards her. "We want a drink toooooooooooo..."

"There's some over there." The pretty third year pointed out causing the two second-years to look saddened.

Laughing Shoyo took a drink and started to warm-up, he hoped that practise would energize him more.

"Kageyama! Toss to me!"


As practise came to an end Hinata took the last drink of his water. Wiping his forehead he started to pick up the volleyballs off the floor.

"Dumbass!" Shoyo frowned at the nickname and turned around to find Kageyama with a few volleyball in hands, "What's wrong with you today?"

"Nothing! Bakayama!" 

Kageyama frowned at the nickname. "I'll race you to see who can put the most volleyball away."

"Your on!" 

The boys tidied up the court in a flash and then proceeded to argue about who won. Apparently  Kageyama had won but Hinata didn't believe that, they than were proceeded to be split up by Daichi and Suga.

"Bakayama I won!"

"No I won!"

The argument continued until the door was thrown open.


Their teacher Takeda appeared out of breath but with a piece of paper in hand. Once he had caught his breath he straightened out and smiled.

"Is it a bad time?" Takeda asked, "I have important news."

Hearing this the team gathered around to hear what was to say. Hinata was still glaring at Kageyama but his attention was caught once Takeda started.

"We have a practise match!" Takeda announced earning cheers, "We an old school we lost contact with for many years. I can't believe I didn't think of them until now its like they suddenly just appeared in my brain! I feel sort of ashamed for forgetting my apologies..."

"No its fine! We know how hard you work." Daichi said with a smile. "What team are we playing?"

"An old forgotten rival team...Their name is...


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