Subject Twelve (On Hold)

By KrazyCookieRaider

786 53 55

Werewolves, Were-eagles! Seriously this world is weird what's next goblins and fairies? For four dreadful ye... More

Subject Twelve
First impressions are the best
Buffy guys just don't give up do they

I hate badgers

125 10 13
By KrazyCookieRaider

“Stupid girl,” Hunter mumbled as he ran through the wide desert he had come face to face with when he opened the door. He should have been ecstatic that he had finally escaped from that drenched hell hole. He should have been jumping for joy and singing sweet nothings to the sky but no instead he was running with a passed out girl in his arms as he desperately tried to avoid getting caught by giant guards with guns. Yep…could his life be anymore simple –that was sarcasm by the way-

I don’t get how the Superhero’s always end up falling in love with the girls they safe. If you ask me it’s really, really annoying.

He looked down at the girl in his arms briefly as he ran, looking for cover.

Oh yeah that is totally going to happen in the middle of a desert Hunter!  He rolled his eyes at his thoughts. God the lack of sleep was really starting to get to him wasn’t it?

He could hear the pounding footsteps of the guards as he ran and could hear as they yelled at him to stop, some of them even saying that they weren’t going to hurt him and just wanted to talk to him and the girl calmly!

God, how stupid are they? Do they really think I’m going to believe that! Man, I’m pretty sure I’ve thought this a million times but this company, or whatever it is, really need to get some guards that are way less stupid.

He stumbled in shock as he ran when suddenly the only thing he could hear was no longer just shouting but also gunshots. The sound thundered in his ears and he had to remind himself that he was holding someone in his arms to stop himself from reaching up to cover his ears.

He continued running, speeding up as even more bullets where shot. He focused on the path ahead but all he could see was sand, more sand and oh look at that, even more sand!

Any other person would have probably given up and let the guards catch up to them, or maybe let doubtful thoughts fill their head, letting all the bad things that could possibly go wrong cloud any hope they had of actually escaping. But not Hunter, Hunter had learned from a young age that he won’t achieve anything if he simply gave up when things got hard or when it seemed that there was no way of possibly triumphing what he wanted. No, he didn’t simply give up, he pushed on, pushed on until he was caught and even then he would not give up, instead he would keep fighting until his body shut down.  Seemed like something way to serious for a person like him right? But…

Hunter focused back on the task at hand as another bullet spun a lighting speed passed him; he looked behind him at the guards chasing after him, not slowing down despite the fact that he could no longer see where he was going.

Four of guards where running right behind him and when he says right he means like eight to nine meter right behind him.

It was a miracle he hadn’t got shot yet.

As he kept looking at the guards he didn’t notice the hole in the desert ground, didn’t notice he was getting closer and closer to it as he ran but he definitely noticed when he fell in!

His body lurched forward and for one second he thought he was going to throw up what little food he had in his throat.  A scream tore itself out from his mouth –if anyone asked though he would deny it every single time- and last but not least he felt Kendra slipping from his grasp. He flailed his arms around trying to catch her falling body –terror he knew he shouldn’t be feeling gripping his heart- but that was quite a hard task to do when he himself was falling.


He didn’t have time to flinch or think if she was ok as he heard her hit the ground because not even a second latter his own body made contact with the hard ground.

His arrows and bow splayed out around him and any other time he would have cursed and quickly checked if any of the arrows where broken.

This time though he was in too much pain to even think clearly. Blackness covered his vision and he stumbled as he tried to stand, immediately getting a strong nauseous feeling in his tummy –yes, tummy, don’t judge him ok-

He shook his head, clearing his vision –thought not completely successful- and froze as he heard the shuffling of feet and the guard’s voices just above the hole.

He moved as rapidly as he could with the way he was feeling and ran over to Kendra, which he spotted sprawled out a two or three meters from him.

With a nagging feeling tagging at his heart like puppet strings he pulled her deeper into the shadows, out of the guards view.

“What are we going to do?” He heard one of the guards’s ask his comrades.

“We’re going to have to jump in a catch them else the boss gets mad at as.”

“No way man, we have no idea how deep it is we could break our bones!” Hum, so maybe they’re not as stupid as I thought they were. Hunter mussed.

“But if we don’t the boss will have out heads!”

“We can just tell him we lost them. He’ll still get mad but maybe not as mad as he would get if we told him we knew were they where and just left them there.”

The sound of someone sighing heavily was overheard and then, “fine but I have a bad feeling about this.” The shuffling of feet was heard once again and then it was silent.

A breath he hadn’t even realised he was holding escaped his lips and he relaxes against the stone wall he had unconsciously leaned against.

The sound of breathing beside him reminded him that he wasn’t alone a he quickly set to work on inspecting Kendra. He looked her over searching for any bruises or darkening of skin that looked suspicious, making sure that she wasn’t bleeding internally or bleeding at all for a matter of fact. Not that he really would be able to tell if she was bleeding internally but he still felt better knowing he at least had checked. Then he felt her arms, head and legs, feeling for any bones that were out of place or broken. When he reassured himself that she was fine the feeling that had been clutching at his heart faded away.

With a tired exhale he got up and went about collecting his arrows and once again tying them around the piece of clothing he had ripped from one of the dead guy’s clothes. Then he picked up his bow a slung it around his neck.

I really need to find a better way to carry around my arrows, this is just annoying.

Walking back to Kendra he picked her up with a huff, “come on sweet cheeks we better get moving again.”

Great that it, I’m going crazy; this is the final sign of someone going crazy, speaking to unconscious girls.

Before he began walking he finally took a proper look around the hole. In his haste of hiding from the guards and checking if Kendra was ok, he hadn’t taken the time to look around.

Now that he did though he realised that one, he couldn’t simply climb out and two, the hole was not just a hole but a cave. Spinning around slowly, taking in the cave’s details the first thing he noticed was obviously the skeleton across him!

Waking warily towards him –he was pretty sure it was him- he poked his head with one of his bows, jumping back when it fell off.

“Shit! Sorry, sorry, here let me fix that,” hastily picking up the dead guy’s head he tried to put it back on him but froze when he acknowledged what he was doing.

“What the hell, first I speak to a passed out girls and now I try to reassure a skeleton and try to put his head back on, man I am getting worse by the minute! Oh and know I’m speaking to myself.”

He cautiously stepped away from the skeleton looking at it as if it was going to came to life and try and eat him. When he had put himself  what he presumed was a safe amount of distance between him and the dead dude he started looking around again his eyes drifting occasionally back to the pile of bones.

Man I do not want to know how he died, though I’m guessing it might have been because he got stuck in this cave.

Pushing away the sense of dread that was threatening to settle in his stomach he looked around again for a way out. At the far end of the cave there was a pathway- well more of a tunnel anyway-leading to a…well he didn’t actually know since the light seemed to fade the further he looked into it.

This of course made him reluctant to go that way but seeing as their seemed to be no other exit except the way he fell –which he was sure he couldn’t climb out carrying a passed out person unless of course he…no- he would have to go that way.

Picking Kendra up again, he started walking into the tunnel but just before he left he took one final look at the skeleton.

“Uh…bye dude, um rest in peace?”

He resisted the urge to slap himself and simply walked.

In the dim light provided by the hole –that was fading away the further and further he got from it- he could see tools laying around. Picks, knifes and shovels lay abandoned and even deeper into the tunnel he could very faintly see some old pans.

An underground mine? Why would there be an underground mine in the middle of nowhere. Surely there is no coal or goal around places like this.

Not that Hunter would really know, he of course having been trapped at that laboratory hadn’t gotten the chance to even go to school or at least go to school for more than two years.

With a shrug he ignored his curiosity and kept walking, it really wasn’t important at the moment.

Though as he walked and it gradually grew darker and darker and his legs started getting sore from overuse. Finally it got so dark he wouldn’t even have been able to see a person if they was standing right in front of him.

It’s to dangerous to continue walking like this

I sigh that could only be described as tired and frustrated escaped his throat and with a reluctant and cautions feeling settling inside him he let instincts take over.

He felt the change in his body instantly, felt the uncomfortable feeling of his bones preparing themselves to change –change shape and size- but he fought down that feeling, he didn’t need that now.

Instead however he welcomed the feeling of his vision strengthening and despite the fact that he couldn’t see it himself he knew that his blue eyes briefly flashed a bright yellow before simply dulling to a lighter less bright yellow.

Slowly he looked up having bowed his head through that process and wasn’t surprised when he could see what was in front of him once again.

Still a bit hard to see but at least it’s better than nothing.

He continued walking, hoping to find and exit soon and really wishing he had some music with him.

It continued like that for some time. Hunter simply waking and no sound except the one of his feet hitting the ground repeatedly as he walked.

Finally after a very long day he was starting to relax.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Ok he definitely thought that way too soon. Muscles tensing and nerves coming alive he focused his gaze on the place the noise had come from and their not even three meters from him and Kendra was a figure crouched lowly on the ground.

Dam my eyesight is still not good enough for a fight! However the hell that is will have the upper advantage for sure.

Briefly taking his eyes of the figure and looking ahead again he saw light just 20 or so meters from him.

Oh so just as I was about to find an exit something just comes out of nowhere and decides, “hey look there’s some helpless dude over there lets attack him”, because that just happens to everyone! What am I, a character in an adventure book!?

He could feel the anger taking over again but this time without his control and if it wasn’t for Kendra still been in his arms  he might not have fought with his feelings to control it.

With an annoyed moan that sounded strangely like a yaap and hawk which he simply ignored he ran hurriedly towards the light.

He could hear the scramble of something –claws? - against the ground as the figure immediately began pursuing him but this time he didn’t make the mistake of looking back like last time.

“Nearly there, nearly there, nearly t-ah dam it! No let go!” He suddenly tumbled to the ground when the figure managed to capture him around the leg just as he reached the light, Kendra once again falling out of his arms and making him wince.

Thank god she isn’t awake for any of this or this tiny acquaintance we have with each other would no longer be existent. No his heart did not just twitch at the word acquaintance, like seriously that isn’t even possible!

Abruptly he had to focus back on the task at hand when a growl was heard right beside him. A growl!

Out of habit he immediately attacked without even looking at his attacker, bending his legs back towards his body first before kicking them out roughly. He smirked to himself as he heard the soft thud of his attacker hitting the ground.

Twisting himself around he immediately stood up and readied his bow and arrow and prepared to shoot but of course like last time he encountered something unexpected he froze in shock.

A badger! A badger has been attacking me!

He somehow managed to resist the urge to slap his hands to his face and run them down it slowly. Instead he simply settled with letting out a loud annoyed sigh and looking at the badger with just a tiny winy bit – hear the sarcasm in that- of anger.

But of course he forgot that last time he had stopped attacking something unexpected said unexpected thing had proceeded to try and punch him.

Well he shouldn’t have forgotten because that is exactly what the badger proceeded to do, only difference this one had claws, very, very long claws!

All reasonable, calculative and careful thought left Hunter’s mind as the claws got closer and closer and he cowered on the ground (forget about that speech of not giving up), “wait, I uh…I uh, I have food!”,  ok so maybe not the best thing he could come up with but he was about to die for heaven’s sake!

To his surprise and great relief the badger actually stopped and took a few steps back giving him a look that clearly said:

Do you really?

Hunter shook his head up and down, he didn’t really but the badger didn’t know that. Slowly standing up he turned around and pretended to get some fruit but actually silently once again prepared his bow and arrow.

He spun around quickly pulling back and was just about to let the arrow go when…“Hey say what type of food do you have? I quite li-wow, wait put the arrow down” that certainly wasn’t his voice.

Hunter stood frozen in shock –one day he wouldn’t freeze, one day- at the sudden appearance of a very half naked dude standing in the exact same place the badger had been in less than a second ago.

The worst thing about it? The fact that he hadn’t noticed the badger had been wearing elastic shorts didn’t even surprise him.

He through his head back, “why can’t I have a normal life, why?”

“Uh hi? Name’s Brock.’’

Hunter simply waved a dismissive hand Brock’s way. This was definitely the strangest day of his life…ever.

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