
By anonymissbliss

208 1 5

Don't More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Information Chapter - Please Read!


24 0 0
By anonymissbliss

That hoe cheesebag slut bitch hag canniving little freak.

What is she doing here?

Why is she here?

What does she want?

How did she get here?

How did she know we were here?

Had she been followings us?

Spying on us?

Jane knows Andrea from all the times Lee had come over to her house to hang out with Craig, Andrea managed to always let Lee drag her along. Jane's face instantly changes from relaxed to fierce as she slaps a nice big smile in her face, opening the door for the witch waiting outside.

Andrea slumps in on her stilettos, boobs bouncing up and down up and down. I can tell she's chewing bubblegum, with no respect she blows it into a huge bubble and pops it in Jane's face. That popping sound almost made Jane lose it, the expression on her face cold and furious.

"Where's my boyfriend?" She commands, not even asking.

"Lee is no longer interested in you, you have no business being here, since you and your family shoot and kill every innocent animal you see, and since we don't tolerate you, please leave as we are closed anyway."

"Where's my boyfriend?" She commands again, clicking her tongue, voice filled with the unbearable sound of bitchiness.

"Andrea? What the hell are you doing here? Have you been following me?" Lee snaps in the background as he exits the changing room.

"Oh baby how I've missed you!" Andrea fake laughs and runs for Lee, voice high pitched and not so satisfying to hear. Her arms wide open, expecting Lee's to open so she can jump onto him and with no surprise Lee's hands stays beside him. Andrea crashes into him, bouncing off of him in he opposite direction. He stayed still as a rock, well, since he's the ultimate beast . . . .

"What's wrong baby? Why aren't you kissing me? Grabbing me? ... " She looks around her in confusion, "What's wrong with you! Look what that imbecile has done to you!" She bursts out into anger with a tad hint of jealousy, she points at me and continues raging, "You love me and you know it! You don't like her, admit it you dick head! YOU ARE Too afraid to stand up for yourself, too afraid to do anything for yourself, too afraid to say something, you're a wimp, a coward!"

I spot Lee's hands curling into fists, his left eye giving off a twitch but I know Lee, he would never, ever hit a girl. He was raised with manners and respect; unlike the behemoth exploding right before our very eyes.

"Andrea" He slowly says, raising his hands to calm her down, "I don't love yo-"

"You were gonna hit me! You were gonna hit me! He was gonna hit me! He was gonna hit me! Lee Adams raised his hands at me! Call the police! Now! Someone here with a sense of reality call the fucking police!" Andrea snaps and yells aloud, screaming and raging while walking and running around like a maniac, the other guys enter the room as well probably from all her arguing and yelling.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Kyle asks, obviously not impressed with the fighting.

He gasps and places his hand before his mouth, "sorry Jane, I meant WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? "

"Andrea, how did you get here?" Kade steps in, determined to get it out of her.

She glares at him hesitant to speak, "I had a feeling." She gulped at the end, she's lying.

"Fucking tell the truth! You had no 'feeling' Andrea, the jealous witch that you are you followed us till here! You couldn't stand the fact that Lee DOESN'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE," he yells is part of the sentence, "HE DOESN'T WANT YOU! Leave him and us alone, and if you dare lay a finger on our Ashlen," Aww, I'm their Ashlen, "you will regre-"

"I will what? Huh? Huh Mr.Kade?" She firmly goes to stand right in front of Kade's face, millimeters away from his face.

Jane steps forward and pulls Andrea away from us all, yanking her by the arm. "What the fuck old lady?!" Oh no, she did not just call Jane old lady. Jade turns her head in our direction and heavily sighs, "peasants these days"

Andrea lets out a huge gasp, eyes wide and steam blowing out her ears.

"You did not just call me a peasa-!" Security storms the room and grabs Andrea, pulling her out of the reception area.

"You will regret this old lady Jane! And YOU," pointing at me,"leave him alone, he doesn't love you! You will regret the day you came out of your mom's vagina!" She's dragged outside where she storms off into the distance, talking furiously on her phone.

The first thing that comes to mind is Lee.

Number one: how could he love that?

Number two: why did he love that?

Number three: I am fucked at school tomorrow.

"Well, this was quite interesting ... " John's words trail off as he tries to break the awkward silence.

"You guys should probably get going, since we're opening in a few minutes ... " her words trail off as well, opening the door and waving us goodbye as we walk out.

Lee stays behind, walking with Jane to her office. What is he doing at the sanctuary? And most of all, how did he know we were there?

"She's a bitch" Justin starts talking while we're going to the car, "I don't see what possessed Lee into dating her" he has a point, I mean she's the devil's daughter.

The drive home, it's Kade's turn to drive. Martin is in the front seat, John and Kyle are in the row before me and I'm sitting next to Justin in the far back of the car.

"So ... What happened between you and the ever so charming Lee?" Justin whispers, not wanting others to listen in on our secret conversation.

"Even I don't know Justin ..." My words slowly go silent and I stare out the window. He pats my shoulder, "I saw you kiss him, good job" What? How could he have seen it?

"Bu-but h-how?.. ?" He looks into my eyes, "there's a window thing to watch the dolphins from inside so I could see you guys having a hot makeout session" Oh My God. How did I not see that?! "We were not making out!" I throw back at him, hoping he'll shut his dirty ass mouth! "Ah ah ah Ashlen, the first step to winning an argument is to not argue" . "That makes no sense!" I'm definitely losing this argument. "It's only not making sense if you let it not make sense" and he's definitely winning this argument. I sigh deeply and look down, frantically shaking my head.

Justin Justin Justin.


I walk onto the school grounds and see Marah waiting for me by the balcony. "Marah!" I squeak and race to her for the longest hug I would ever get! We haven't seen each other the whole weekend, which is unusual because our kind of weekend doesn't consist out of endless shopping and partying till dawn; oh no, we stay at each other's houses, have slumber parties just the two of us and going out once in a while. Since Andrea has practically banned us from showing our faces at social events, we'd rather stay under our sheets, telling stories and sharing secrets.

Damn it Ashlen, get a grip in your thoughts!

We crash in each other, and we don't bounce off of each other because we're not beast-like. "Ashlen I missed you!" She exclaims in a rather aggressive way, but smiles when she says it. For a few days of not seeing each other, we actually do miss each other. The conversation kicks off as we start talking about the first thing that comes in our mind.

"I watched this movie about a women who gave birth, then her evil mother-in-law stabbed her with an injection and stole the baby" she mentions, as if she watches movies where someone gives birth then their evil mother-in-law stabs them with an injection on a regular basis. I giggle at her taste in movies, it's actually really unusual, but that's what makes her special.

"So, how did your weekend go?" I don't want to tell her about the Lee thing, even though it might hurt her in the future knowing that I didn't tell her something best friends should be able to discuss openly with each other without feeling insecure about it or feeling judged by your best friend.

"It was okay" I slur at the end, hoping the bell would ring any minute now. I pull out my timetable for the day and see I have almost all my classes separate from Marah. *sighs* .


"Hey Ashlen, my grandma called, she wants her panties back." Maxine yells down the hall, viciously laughing at their own stupid diss. I roll my eyes and laugh along, sarcastically. When I finally reach my locker, it feels like I've walked for ages just to exchange one book from my bookbag into my locker. I really need to start exercising.

I barely got any sleep last night, internet keeping me awake. Or should I say, social media. Oh Whatever Ashlen, it's basically the same thing! I enter my code and hesitantly open it. Last term, the behemoths filled my locker with fish. Fish. Rotten fish for that matter. How they got past my code, I will never know.

They don't know it, that's for sure. I make sure to change it every week and force my already overloaded brain to store it somewhere where there's a millimeter of space available.

To my luck, there's nothing in there except my stinking books. I remove my Physics book from my bag, hallelujah, and place it in the locker; then, grasping my Biology book and placing it in my bookbag. I actually like Biology, so I don't mind carrying the only like-able book I have in my bag around all day.

I wonder if Lee's in school today ... I haven't seen him yet, which sort of makes me disappointed in some or other way. I sigh heavily, thinking of the day ahead and all that comes along with it. I notice the small mirror Marah plastered to the inside of the locker when we first met and shared a locker. I glance over to her locker, which is just down the hall, so it is not too far from mine. We know each other's codes, just for 'safety reasons' is what we say when people ask.

Back to the mirror Ashlen!

I stare at my reflection in the mirror, wondering how someone could find the the horrifying vision I'm witnessing right now. I'm surprised that the mirror hasn't broken and shattered into tiny little pieces onto the ground. I stare a few more seconds and noticed that a new mount Everest has planted itself onto my face. I'm not even gonna bother covering it up as various loose strands of hair are already doing its job.

I loudly groan and slam the locker door shit, as hard as I can. I lean against my locker to the left side and I earn some 'what's wrong with her today' 'did she wake up on the wrong side of the bed today' looks from a few fellow students bypassing me. I squint my eyes at them, as if I'm blind, and wave my hands dismissively in the air making them stay away from me, making anyone who dare glance at me today stay away from me.

"Curse the person who created school, fuck you person fuck you" I mutter to myself, not surprised if anyone else thinks so too. My watch tells me it's twenty more minutes to go before hell actually starts to burn.

"Where's Marah ... " I pout, wishing she could see the utter boredom leaking intensely from me right now. She told me she had to go see a teacher to get some extra info about a new project she got, in another class because I would certainly not ask a teacher for extra information about a specific topic; I mean, isn't that what we have Google for?

My side starts to cramp from leaning against the locker, while scanning anyone walking past me for gum.

Still leaning against the locker, I slowly turn to my right side, not for one nanosecond lifting my back or shoulders from the locker; "Surprise!" I jumped in fright, thinking I was the only one merely sleeping against my locker, "What the fuck do you think you're doing pal I think you should back up now," I turn to face this person who dare scare me, " cus really if you do that one more time buddy you are dead -" My sentence suddenly gets stuck in between my throat and mouth.

"You're really gonna kill this guy? This guy?" He sadly asks, placing his hands on his chest. Nothing is more familiar than those deep ocean eyes and messy brown hair. Oh and dreamy smile ... lovely face ... rocking body ... sexy cheeks ... cute dimples ... sweet words .... perfect jaw-line ... melting personality ...

Oh Ashlen! Stop drooling and get a hold of yourself!

"I'm gonna murder you." I tell him, straight up, straight face. His smile sort of fades and face straightens; "them I'm gonna dance on your grave" I add, emphasizing on the last part of the sentence, your grave.

"If you'd kill me, you still wouldn't be able to keep your hands off me." A smirk coming across his face; he flirts off the fact that I just threatened to take his life.

"Ah, there's the Lee I know!" I snort, pushing him aside and walking elsewhere. I'm getting tired of the same old spot I'm leaning against, I want to lean against someone else's locker for now.

All the lockers look exactly the same, except they have different numbers on them. I spot a comfortable looking locker and lean against it. Lee following, he also leans against the locker next to me. He turns to face towards me, staring at all the details and little things that make up my face. It seems sweet for a second in my mind ... Argh! Ashlen! He probably does this to every girl that walks past him, so stop dreaming ... But I don't want this dream to end! The expression on his face tells me he expects the same humanity from me, but all I can offer him right now are my eyes, my eyes I'm narrowing down at him.

I can smell his cologne millimeters away. Its so strong, it's blocking my nose and making me cough. "You okay? You look sick" he points out, backing away a little bit, me already knowing why; his Godly cologne.

"So..." His words slowly trail off in the cutest manner ever. "So?" I turn to stare intently into his eyes, making him feel uneasy. "Look, Ashlen, you know what I want, and I know that you know that you want it too, can't we just skip the whole pop-the-question shit and, be, you know ... A couple ... ?"

I release a bitter laugh; I'm stunned he's actually saying this to my face and not over the phone or over text message. "No can do Sir Lee, you have to ask, be a gentlemen at least for once in your life." I'd like to see what he's gonna do ... "Okay fine ... Ashlen, will you be my girlfriend?" His question earns some good glares and gasps from the students passing us, but seems Lee has learned to ignore it. I'm silent for a few moments, thinking what this could possibly bring into my life. His posture stiffens as looks down running his fingers through his damn fine hair, making it impossible to say no, ever.

"Look, Ashlen, if you don't want to , then, that's oka-" I press my index finger over his lips, making him flinch at the touch of my hand. Dammit, he's lips are so soft !

"I'm not some cheesy old hag, you better step up your game because mister I'm not that easy" I smile deviously at him, placing my full hand in front of his mouth before he was about to blabber something, "do something special Lee, for me" I peck him on his cheek and walk to class. I force my head to stay focused on the classroom door far down the hall, not wanting to look back at him.

Pfft, the bell hasn't even rung yet, I just wanted a cool exit. But, still, he needs to do better than that.



So how are you guys? Please vote for the chapter and comment your thoughts on the chapter or little bits and pieces of it, it shall be highly appreciated! Please forgive my nasty soul for not updating, I am (or was) nowhere near any internet to publish anything. I could type in that time, thus the chapters have been so exceptionally long. I was on the road so many times, so please please excuse any grammar mistakes, those roads seriously need some serious fixing and attention. (If there are any I usually check for them before I publish). I hope you had joy reading this chapter because if you didn't then please hit me baby one more time. Have a lovely day! Or night!
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