An Evening on the Block (Bloc...

By Blaq_Panda_Koi

14.5K 238 36

Eve is a college student who somehow gets mixed up with some crazy high school guys who are determined on kee... More

An Evening on the Block
Chapter 3 - Halloween
Chapter 4 - Sparks
Chapter 5 - Trash
Chapter 6 - Relief & Realization
Chapter 7 - Tension at the Studio
Final Chapter - Her Boys
Part 2 is up

Chapter 2 - A Second Chance

1.8K 31 5
By Blaq_Panda_Koi

Two short weeks went by when Eve woke up to find a picture text from a number she didn't know. The picture was of a crowd of people from the point of view of someone on a stage. She was confused at first and scrolled down to see what else the message had thinking it was maybe a chain letter.

*notice anything? ---{@ ???

It said. She rolled on to her stomach and propped herself up to look at the picture better. Zooming in on it she noticed right off the bat almost ten girls with flowers in their hair. She laughed and wondered who sent the message. She couldn't say she'd completely pushed Jiho and Kyung from her mind since Ale talked about them from time to time and it had only been two weeks.

Eve looked at the number that had sent her the message and wondered which of the two had sent it. A big part of her wanted it to be Jiho in hopes that maybe he was growing some balls and wanted to drop being such an awkward kid. The smaller part of her said: you know its Kyung.

He was more confident and would probably have no problem with asking a girl who obviously liked him for her best friends phone number. He was safe either way because he had a girlfriend. She texted back.

*the flowers??

* XD exactly! You're a trend setter!

*and you're kinda creepy.. Strange anon that's sending me pic texts..

*LOL this is Kyung :D

*oh.. This is Eve.?

*LOL I know. I got your number from Ale. Why didn't you come hang with us last weekend?

*the lack of an invite might be a justifiable reason..

*you were invited! We told Ale!

*she never told me..

*O that explains it! X3 lol well then what about this weekend?

*its Sunday..

*it never hurts to plan in advance! :D

*we'll see..

*aw you're gonna be like that! Really??

*not to be rude but I think I'm a bit old to be hanging around you and your crowd..

*age is just a Number! Lol alright alright I'll leave you alone. Don't be afraid to text or call whenever you wanna feel like not an old lady! Have fun at temple! Ttyl

She read his last message and rolled her eyes as she saved his number in her phone. A few minutes later she got a particularly happy picture of himself with Jiho. She wondered why didn't he just send one of himself since he obviously wanted her to set it as his profile picture but from what little she knew of Kyung he probably wanted her to have the picture of Jiho so he could tease her later on. She set the picture as his caller Id and peeked about for her room mate who know where to be seen.

Tuesday rolled around innocently before it sprang something on her she hadn't been expecting quite so soon. She got an email from one of her professors asking her to visit and set up a booth at one of the local high schools for college day both Thursday and Friday. For some reason she cringed at the thought of being around high school kids. She usually enjoyed doing this kind of thing having done it at least once a year since she'd been at this campus. The email asked her to reply back with an answer and while she was dying to send back an apologetic rejection she, with a sighing heart, sent a formal acceptance.

Thursday morning Eve pulled on her polo with the school logo on it and a high school appropriate khaki skirt with some flats. She used Ale's little curling iron and put on a headband and clipped a flower to it. When she was done getting ready she went to the main office to pick up all the things she'd need. She noticed there seemed to be a few things missing and started to glance around.

"I've already loaded most of it up. You can ride with me if you want." MinHyuk said coming up from behind her and grabbing another armful of things.

"Oh hi... Um are we going to the same place?" Eve asked.

"Yep. You mind grabbing that and following me out?" He asked and she grabbed the two small boxes that were left and followed him out another door. She noticed he was in a nice pair of jeans and unusually clean sneakers but what really threw her was how he was in just a plain navy tank top. He put the things he was carrying in the bed of a pick up then took her things and noticed she was making a face. He smirked.


"Oh nothing... Well- are you really going like that?" She asked trying not to be rude. He snorted.

"No. I'm gonna wear my baseball jersey. I just didn't want it to get dirty." He said slapping at his shirt and she noticed dust from the boxes.

"Oh." She said. Their drive was awkwardly quiet until he made a sort of sharp turn that had all the boxes sliding around. She turned and looked back.

"Is that a table?" She asked.

"Good eye." He said and she decided not to say anything else. When they arrived he had her stay outside with the stuff while he went and let them know they were there. He came back out waved to her then made to unload the table.

"You know they probably have tables for us." She said.

"I like this one." He said simply and carried it off without waiting for her. She picked up something small and went after him just so she'd know where they were going to be setting up. She cringed at the thought of the smell when she saw it was the gym which turned out to be not so bad. It was one of three and completely carpetted. MinHyuk found their spot and put up his table then took down theirs.

"Really? Who brings their own table?" She said.

"People who have good taste in quality tables." He said walking off again to go get more stuff. She rolled her eyes and went to help. He helped her set everything up neatly which was nice even if he was somewhat of a mute. Everynow and again Eve would notice when girls would go and peek in at all the tables and wondered if it was just her imagination that they all seemed to be swooning over Minhyuk as he tacked up their little banner behind their table.

"Done. Ready for lunch?" He asked jumping down off the chair he was standing on and checking his watch.

"Yeah sure." She said then cringed. She'd left her wallet in her car that she'd been expecting to drive over in. "I'm so sorry. I left my purse in my car." 

"Why are you sorry? I ambushed you. Its cool. Come on we gotta hurry." He said motioning for her to follow. Just as they stepped out of the gym doors the bell rang and the halls were flooded with teens. MinHyuk walked briskly but still kinda slow so Eve wouldn't get lost in the halls as she followed him. They turned out a door that made Eve think they were clear on the otherside of the building and was just about to comment on it when they heard a car honk. Minhyuk turned towards it and raised his arms with a smile. 

"Oh My God! What Are You Doing Here!" Kyung yelled at Eve as he leaned out of the window of his big black escalade. The huge knowing smile on his face was extremely suspicious and left her frozen in a suspicious glare that MinHyuk punched her out of lightly on the shoulder.

"Come on let's go. They don't have a lot of time." He said jogging up to it and climbing in the very back with Yukwon. She climbed in and was surprised to see a girl in the passenger side and wasn't surprised that unless she wanted to be in the back with the two love birds the only other place to sit was with Jiho.

"Ey what's up Girl." He said with so much swag he made her blush.

"Hi." She said crossing her legs and looking away. Jiho was glad she looked away because when the sun hit her long legs most of his swag went out the window.

"Eve! It is Nice to see you!" Kyung said in an overly chipper voice as he sped away.

"Nice to be here." She said warily.

"Glad to hear it! So where are we going to eat?" Kyung asked.

"Are you kidding me! Just take me to my truck." MinHyuk said from the back.

"Calm down Princess! I was just kidding! We're going to Jiho's aunts. Call her and let her know what Eve wants. She'll probably have our sandwiches ready when we get there."

"What did you order me?" Eve heard MinHyuk ask quietly.

"Turkey." Yukwon said sweetly then she heard a wet smooch.

"So what do you like?" Jiho asked her.

"Um Tuna?"

"Ey Yo Auntie! Imma need two of mine." Jiho said. "What do you like on it?" He asked.

"Oh whatever you get on it is fine." She said not wanting to be difficult but also finding herself more interested than she should be in what he put on his sandwich.

"So Ale never told you we were all hanging out saturday night?" He said with a chuckle.

"Must've slipped her mind."

"Yeah right." He laughed. "She still psycho over Kyung?"

"She tries to only mention him every two or three hours instead of every fifteen minutes." She joked then felt a little guilty.

"Would you have come? If she would have told you do you think you would have gone out with us?"

"As a group?"


"I don't know."

"Ha ha how did I know." He laughed. They got to the small deli and all filed out except for the girl in the passenger side that Eve only just noticed had been completely silent the entire short trip. Kyung rolled down the windows for her and opened his ash tray that had a spare key in it.

"Is she not getting out?" Eve asked.

"Nah she's crashed out." Jiho said.

"Is she ok?"

"Yeah. I mean. I guess. She's A.D.D. Her doctor just switched her prescription so she's gonna be a little off for a few days.."

"Who is she?"

"That's Kyungs girl. Melody." He said as he kept walking. Eve glanced back and tried to look at the girl who was fast asleep with her sunglasses on.

"Watch out." Jiho said as Eve who was still looking over her shoulder nearly walked straight into the building. Luckily she walked right into Jiho's arm. She looked up at him. He was maybe six feet tall practically a whole head taller than her. Which meant if she leaned her head into him she would fit perfectly under his chin. He noticed how red she turned and decided to push it by smiling down and rubbing her arm.

"Be careful." He said quietly then walked off without her. She was starting to curse him and his good looks.

The inside of the little dinner was very neat and clean. There was a pretty older lady busy making sandwiches for her customers. There was a young girl maybe a few years older than Eve next to her wrapping sandwiches and putting them in large basket no doubt to be delivered to the business offices near by.

"Auntie the boys are here." The girl said noticing them.

"Grab your drinks boys then get over here so I can ring you up." The Lady said and their little group migrated over to the cooler and pulled out drinks.

"Peach right?" Jiho asked handing one to Eve who nodded and decided against getting what she wanted so as not to be rude.

"Here. This should cover it." MinHyuk said handing Eve a ten.

"Why are we always shelling out money for you girls?" Kyung asked snatching the ten from MinHyuk.

"She left her wallet in her car back at our campus." MinHyuk said.

"Of course she did! Don't worry about it I got her." Kyung said more to Jiho's aunt than to them.

"Where's Melody?" The Lady asked. "I made her her sandwich too."

"I know. She's actually in the car. She's not feeling too well. She'll probably eat it later. Hopefully." He said his usual smile a little faded and his eyes clouded as he talked. The woman frowned then looked over the others.

"So who's this? I'm Jiho's Auntie Myeongwoo. You can call me Auntie or Auntie Woo."

"This is Jiho's new girlfriend, Eve." MinHyuk said with a straight face. Eve's mouth dropped.

"They're just kidding." Jiho said blushing. But at the word girlfriend both his Auntie Woo and the still anonymous delivery girl looked at her. One with interest the other almost dangerously.

"Eve is it?" Auntie Woo said looking her over then seeing the emblem on her shirt smiled brightly. "Oh! College girl! Good for you Jiho! You need someone smart!"

"I'm looking for someone smart Auntie." He said and they thanked her for the sandwiches and walked off. Eve punched MinHyuk and Yukwons smile fell. Kyung took Eve under his arm.

"Oh come on you know we have to tease you a little. Think of it as a sort of initiation." He said with a big smile.

"Usually an initiation is when someone willing puts themselves through torture and or humiliation to join a cause."

"So I take it you're not a sorority girl? Damn." Kyung joked as he sat next to her putting her across from Jiho who hit her foot on accident then apologized quickly. She unwrapped her tuna sandwich and her eyes brightened at how yummy it looked and smelled. If there was one thing about today she was grateful for, other than the view of gorgeous boys she was surrounded by, it was a new place with good food.

Jiho was trying not to watch her but couldn't help but notice how cute she was as she looked at the sandwich then bit into it deliciously. When she caught him looking at her she smiled out of embarassment and he just chuckled and chowed down.

"Oh crap she didn't give me my chips again..." Yukwon said sadly and MinHyuk rolled his eyes and got up. Eve had a clear view of him walking the short distance to the counter. Still munching on his own sandwich with a chip dangling dangerously from his pretty mouth he leaned over to grab a bag of Yukwons preferred chips.

"Hey! Gross! Your nasty armpit sweat could get all over the sandwiches!" The young girl scolded him. MinHyuk looked at her blanky then with a teasing tongue he folded the chip into his mouth.

"Next time *crunch* don't forget my chip*crunch*shs and I won get my ahmpit shweat in yo shandwiches." He said then stole a cookie she was about to wrap as he walked off.

"Hey!" She said angrily face red as a beat.

MinHyuk ignored her and tossed the chips in front of a smiling YuKwon then sat down next to Eve who hadn't taken her eyes off of him as she munched cutely away. MinHyuk looked at her.

"She wants me." He shrugged and YuKwon kicked him.

"Who is she?" 

"That's my cousin Yeori." Jiho said. "She does that on purpose. She also pays for their sandwiches." He said pointing at them both.

"Does she know?" She asked quietly to MinHyuk who punched her arm. She yelped and looked at Jiho for help but he just smilingly mouthed "no"

Lunch was nice. Eve mainly just watched as the boys around her interacted with each other. She could tell they had all been friends a long time. Being the only girl made her a little uncomfortable and every time she said something awkward MinHyuk would punch her arm lightly. Unfortunately he was a master at aimming his punches to hit the same spot every time and Jiho said absolutely nothing about it. 

"Some knight in shining armor you turn out to be." Eve said as they walked out to the car.

"What! I can't step up to MinHyukie!" Jiho laughed.

"Why not?" She asked checking her arm for bruises.

"Why not!? Have you SEEN Yukwon! MinHyuk may be the pitcher but he's pitching to some serious beef. Look!" Jiho said running around to snatch Yukwon as he was climbing in the Escalade behind MinHyuk. Jiho turned him to face Eve then raised his shirt revealing a chiseled six pack. YuKwon yelped and MinHyuk darted out of the truck as Jiho took off like a bullet around the car. They watched them for a few minutes until Kyung made it out of the store with Melodies sandwich wrapped neat and pretty. He saw what was going on and laughed.

"Get in let's go." He said climbing in and Yukwon and Eve followed suit as she climbed into the very back. Kyung turned on his truck and took off fairly slow compared to his driving to the sandwich shop. Yukwon had the door open and before Eve could look around for the two hooligans MinHyuk climbed easily in. Eve looked at the sweaty glorious boy and wondered if in his past life he was a train robbing cowboy. Then she was pulled from her fantasy as she heard Jiho's playful yell. It was barely a whisper through the roar of the car, the hum of the air conditioner, and the thickness of the doors and windows. She looked back. Jiho was running after them.

"Kyung stop." She said but he pretended not to hear. She looked back and saw Jiho red in the face and slowing down. "Ok ok he's had it. Stop already." Eve said more forcefully and Kyung laughed at her 

"Yes Ma'am." He said and pulled over so Jiho could drag himself in. He was breathing hard and Eve would have thought his friends were heartless having pulled a prank like that but she'd seen worse so she just grabbed a magazine off the floor and fanned him as he threw himself in the back next to her.

"Great now I'm all gross. You're gonna have to park by me so I can get my jersey." MinHyuk said and Kyung agreed. 

"Was it worth it?" Yukwon asked MinHyuk who looked back at both Eve and Jiho. He punched Eve on the leg and she yelped and looked at Jiho.

"Yeah." MinHyuk smirked.

"Hey I flashed his girl. He punched mine." Jiho tried to laugh through his huffing. She punched him and made it worse.

The ride back was way too quick partly because Kyung drove like a maniac and sometimes on the wrong side of the rode. Jiho explained that he wasn't from here.

"Where's he from Canada?"

"No but Jiho is. He's always saying Ey."

"Canadians say it at the end of their sentence not the beginning..." A little voice said from the passenger seat.

"Look who decided to wake up!" Kyung said leaning over when he got to a stop sign and kissing the girl Eve couldn't see's cheek.

"I'm sorry..." She said.

"Don't be. Oh Hey Eve! This is Melody! Melody. Eve." Kyung said and a little round face peeked back. Eve was nearly blinded by the flash of platinum blonde hair that framed her face. If she weren't so red from just waking up the blonde would have made her light complexion look washed out. She removed her sunglasses to reveal big bright eyes and gave Eve a small wave.

"Hi..." The girl nearly sang. Eve waved back.

"I don't think you have time to eat now..." Kyung said in a tone that almost sounded worried.

"I ate a big breakfast. I'll be ok. They don't check on us anyways. I'll eat when I get hungry." She said. Eve looked at Jiho.

"She's in alternative this week. She kinda snuck out to have lunch with us." He admitted and Eve's eyes went wide. Just when she was starting to think this girl was the complete opposite of Ale she suddenly seemed cut from the same cloth.

When they climbed out of the escalade Eve started to look at Melody who was extremely short with short platinum blonde hair that only made her face look rounder. She had pale skin and was dressed in a white button up with grey capris, checkered suspenders and one pink converse and one sparkly black one. Then MinHyuk took off his sweaty shirt to reveal a glistening sweaty body and Eve didn't even remember saying goodbye to the gang until MinHyuk finished buttoning up his jersey and put on his baseball cap.

"Ok let's go." He said leading her inside.

They had small handfuls of kids mainly seniors coming in at various times of the day but it wasn't until school was out when the gym became flooded with high schoolers and their parents. Eve smiled and was friendly and had to chase off Jiho and Kyung then was abandoned by MinHyuk who disappeared with YuKwon. It had been 15 minutes and it was getting closer to time to put up when Eve checked her phone for the first time that day.

She had 5 missed calls. Strange but not completely out of the ordinary since sometimes when she missed her mothers or Ale's calls they'd keep calling until she proved to them that she was in fact still alive. She checked to see who it was. The school. The school? Why would the school be calling? She called her voice mail just so she wouldn't be completely unprepared when she called them back.

She listened to the message. Wait... Did she hear that right? She listened again. OMG. She'd been ambushed. She quickly called her professor.

"I am so sorry!" She started.

"What happened why didn't you show up?"

"I did show up Mr. Jones. There seems to have been a little mix up."

"What kind of mix up?"

"When I went to pick up the stuff one of my friends was there and he told me I would be going with him or well that we would be going together so I've been here at this campus instead of at the one I was assigned to. I'm so sorry! Tomorrow I'll be there for sure!" Eve said twirling her hair around her finger and pulling. Her Professor forgave her and called the other school to explain the mix up. She started angrily packing up. A few minutes later MinHyuk showed up and she punched him.

"Ow." He said disconcernedly.

"You jerk! You really did ambush me!" She said loudly.

"I told you so." MinHyuk shrugged.

"What the hell is your problem? Why would you do that?"

"Because I'm a pal."


"Jiho really likes you. I know your first meeting was really awkward. He's a good kid. He deserves a second chance." He said simply.

Eve stormed out. All this was a set up to get her to spend time with Jiho. She climbed into the bed of MinHyuks little pick up and covered her face, screamed and kicked her feet. She couldn't stop smiling. Pretty smooth... These guys were pretty smooth...

MinHyuk had to make four trips without Eve's help to get all the stuff loaded and he didn't ask her for any help at all until he was loading up his table.

"Aren't you coming back tomorrow?" She asked and he grunted a "yep"

"Then why load up your table?"

"Something might happen to it." He said sliding it in. "Alright. Let's get out of here." He said closing the tailgate.

"Its just a table." She said buckling up and thus began the quiet journey home.

MinHyuk pulled up infront of Eve's dorm and unlocked the doors so she could get out. Just as she was reaching for the handle he started talking quietly.

"I didn't start dating YuKwon until after I was already in college. I doubt the poor kid knew that I liked him ever since he was a freshman. High school's tough though you know? In college people don't judge you as much. I knew he liked me. He was way too obvious about it or maybe it just seems that way to me but- I didn't  want him to get hurt. I still don't. I'd rather us date more or less secretly like this on two different campuses than to have gone public back in high school and risk him getting hurt... The first time I told him I liked him was while I was sitting behind that table as he was picking up a brochure for the school and listening to the other kid about how great our school is. Its not just a table. Its a memory..." He said without smiling without looking at her. She waited for a moment to see if he was going to continue and when he didn't she got out.

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