Yes, Sir?-BoyXBoy

By c_m_fairbanks

7.6K 312 77

Austin is the new music teacher at Bellevue High. Oli loves music class. He is know as the the bully, just to... More

Warnings and Stuffs Reload
~18~ Finalle


573 26 13
By c_m_fairbanks

I walked out of the house, ready for school. I saw Austin's car and he waved me over. "Get in." He smiled. I got in and gave him a quick kiss.

"Morning, Aus."

"Morning." He started driving. I guided him to everyones house and they got in the back.

"Awe. Look." Jordan pointed to our intertwined fingers.

"They better keep it a secret." Austin told me.

"If they dont, I'll kick their ass." I threatened.

"We won't. Geez. My ass is too nice to be kicked." Lee settled.

He pulled into the school and popped the trunk. He turned the car off and everyone got out. We grabbed our shit from the back and went inside. Austin smiled at me.

"I gotta get to class. Bye, Oli."

"Bye, Aus." I smiled as he walked away.

"Aus? Thats his name?" Matt K asked.

"No. Its Austin." I answered as we made our way to our lockers.

"So. You tap that ass yet?" Matt N asked.

"No, Matt. I want to know him before we fuck. I mean, hes hot and all, but I dont know."

"But you still wanna fuck him?" Lee asked.

"Yeah." I answered as I put my combination in.

"Only you Oli." Jordan muttered.

"If he came on to me, I wouldn't mind. Unless he was like drunk or high. Then we would have a problem." I defended.

"Yeah. True." They agreed.

"Is he nice? He seems like an ass in class."

"Yeah. He's really nice." I answered. "He's only an ass so only I get detintion."



I smiled at Austin as I entered his room. No one was in here, plus I was really early. I walked over to where he was looking at papers and leaned against the desk.

"Hey, babe." I greeted.

"Hey." He smiled at me and looked around. He kissed me quickly and chuckled. "So cute. Go sit down. You're too distracting and people are coming."

"I can make you come."

"Oli, sit down. Please?" I smiled and walked to my desk. I got my stuff out and Lindsey, a girl in most of my classes, walked in. I acted busy.

"Hey hot stuff."

"Flirting with your teacher isn't allowed Lindsey." Austin retorted.

"Cmon. Lighten up. No one has to know."

"I'm with some one. I don't cheat. I know what it feels like." He defended.

"But Mr. Carlile, you could do anything you wanted."

That's it. "Stop being such a fucking slut, Lindsey. He already said no. Get it through you're fucking head. Maybe you're too much of a dumbass to know the word no. Stuck up bitch." I yelled. "Now. Shut your fucking mouth and sit down."

"Oliver, that language isn't allowed. I could've handled it. Detiontion. All week. Don't even think about getting out if it. Maybe enough detiontions will help in learning your lesson." He scolded.

"Yes, sir." I replied.

"Everyone come in and sit down. You're watching a video and answering questions." He instructed. He put in a video and started it.

I turned the lights off and he took his seat at his desk. I bit my pen and smiled. He shook his head slightly and chuckled silently. Let the teasing commence. I started moving it in and out of my mouth. He shifted and cleared his throat a little. I was a little teasing shit all through class. I got zero work done. Everyone left as the bell rang and I packed up. I shut and locked the door, pulling the blinds down.

"You teasing little shit." He commented as I walked over to him.

"I don't know what you're talking about, sir." I smiled as I pushed his chair back. I straddled his lap and kissed his neck.

"You are going to pay for this." He mumbled.

"Punish me, sir." I replied, making a mark on his neck.

"Up." He commanded. I stood up, him doing the same. I smirked, knowing what may be coming next. He undid his pants and pulled them down with his boxers. He pushed me down. "Suck."

I gladly complied, wanting to please my boyfriend, and sucked him. He moaned softly and gripped my hair. I added my tounge into this mess and he pulled my hair. I bit him lightly.

"Fuck. Oli. I'm gonna come." He breathed. I bobbed my head faster and he came into my mouth.

I swallowed it, like a good boy, and pulled off. He pulled his pants up and fell into his seat. I got off my knees and hopped onto his desk. He smiled at me and I chuckled.

"So, detiontion ALL week?" I asked.

"The days you don't have band practice." He answered. "I'm only making this exception for you."

"Because I'm your boyfriend and like me more than all the other kids."

"Not nesarily." He joked. I glared at him slightly and he laughed.

"Such a dick." I mummbled.

"Don't use that language." He disciplined.

"Whatever. You love it when I'm bad." I argued.

Someone knocked on the door and I scurried to the nearest seat, faking bored. Austin got up and opened the door. Principal AssHole stood there. Austin smiled at him.

"Not suprised to see him here." He grunted.

"Shut the fuck up, asshole." I shot back.

"Oliver. Do not talk to your principal like that. I'll deal with you later." Austin glared at me. They stepped outside. I went to his desk and started drinking his Pepsi, not giving a shit.

He came back in a few minutes later and glared at me once again. "Off my drink." He commanded. I shrugged and put it down.

"What did he want?" I asked.

"Just checking in." He answered, walking over. "Out of my seat."

"So demanded today." I grumbled as I got up. I went to the white board and started drawing.

I ended up drawing a dead tree with a man hanging by a rope on it. He was killing himself. I sighed and grabbed the blue and red markers. I drew the British flag and the bell rang. I grabbed my bag and left. I shoved headphones into my ears and blasted ACDC. I cried as I walked to the field. I sat at the only grave here.


I laid beside it and grabbed the picture. I looked at it and put it back down.

"I miss you so much, Matty. I wish you were still here. I got an A on my test today. I think you would be been proud. You always were. I'm dating someone. His name is Austin. He's really hot and nice. He's twenty and my teacher. Drop Dead is doing well. The beatings have gotten worse. Aus and the guys don't know. I don't think they should. They'll worry. I wish neither of us died. Or I did. Sometimes I feel like if I died, you would be happy. Maybe I'm just you're annoying little brother. You were always nice to me, though. Yeah, we had our moments like every sibling, but we would get over it and design stuff in my room. Remember that one day we went to the park and scared some kids. That was fun." I rambled. I wiped my cheeks and chuckled. "I am insane. You can't hear me. Maybe you can. I hope you can."

I looked at his grave.

Matthew Sykes 1984-2013 Great brother and son. Died too young.

"Yeah. You did die too young." I murmered. I heard footsteps and shot up. I saw Austin standing behind me. "What're you doing here?" I asked.

"You ran out crying. I needed to know if you are okay or not.' He answered. "Followed you here."

"You heard that didn't you?" He nodded. He sat down beside me and put his strong arms around me. "You probably think I'm insane."

I sniffles and leaned into him. "I used to do the same thing. My mom died when I was seventeen." He soothed.

"We're all fucked up in our own ways. Some more than others." I whispered into his shoulder. He put his arm around me and kissed my head.

"I know, baby. I know." He whispered. "Shh. It's okay."

"I miss him so fucking much. Why does the world have to be such a dick sucking, ass fucking bitch? Like, why can't one thing go right for a change? Why does everything have to be so fucked up?"

"Baby, everything will be fine." He stroked my hair. "Cmon. Let's go to mine." He whispered. I nodded and he helped me up. I cried as we walked to his car, Austin holding me and kissing ny cheek.

He helped me in, got in himself, and then drove us home. We hurried in, me looking down with my hoddie up, and sat on his couch. I kicked my beaten up Converse off and he opened his arms. I cried into his shoulder.

"Aus?" I asked after I finished crying.

"Yeah, baby?" He questioned softly.

"Thank you." I whispered. Something meowed and I jumped about ten miles. "You have a cat?" I asked.

"Two." He smiled. I got up as one came near me.

"They are the fucking spawn of the devil. Those cunts can fuck off. They are devils." I ranted. He laughed at me and I glared at him. "When you get killed by one, don't blame me. I'm warning you of those fucking cunts."

"They're sweet animals. Cmon. They're is nothing to be scared of. I'll protect you." He smiled at me. I walked over there cautiously and sat beside him. "That's Nala and the other one is Sophie."

"Isn't Nala Alan's name backwards?" I asked.

"We used to date." He answered, frowning slightly. I nodded and petted Nala.

How is this moment? Awkward.

I sighed and handed him an Xbox controller. I started it up and opened COD. We started playing online, our team winning. I was doing pretty well. 37-1. We moved, me sitting on his lap.

"How are teachers supposed to have gaming skills? The only things I'm good at is screaming, drawing, and teaching." He asked as he died...again.

"I'm sure you scream a lot." I teased.

"No. That would be you. Make you scream so loud you can't talk the next day." He whispered in my ear. He nibbled on my ear lobe and I moaned slightly.

He set his controller on my lap and kissed my neck. It kept vibrating on my dick, getting me hard. He wasn't helping with his kissing either. I turned the console off and kissed him. It was heated. Very heated. He pushed me down ans started taking my clothes off, me doing the same. He let his hands roam. This didn't last for long. It reminded me too much of what Josh did.

I pushed him off of me and put my clothes on. "What the hell, Oli?" He asked as I slipped my shoes on.

"I'm sorry. I can't. Not yet." He got up and blocked the door.

'Really, Oli? You said you were ready."

"I thought I was. Aus, pl-"

"Don't Aus me. You think or you know. I haven't been laid in months. I broke it off with my fiancee because she was cheating. We didn't have sex. Months later, I get a job. Didn't date any one. Had no sex."

"I just blew you in detiontion. Deal with it Austin." I argued.


"Stop. Let me leave."

"Don't come crying to me when your parents beat the hell out of you for being a faggot. You deserve it." He let me leave. I ran to my house and got beat. I went to my room and cut. A lot.

I called Lee with shaky hands, barely holding the phone. "What-"

"Help me. Please. Blood. Everywhere. Help." I cut him off. I heard footsteps.

"You still there, Oli?" He asked after a few minutes. I was seeing black spots.

"Spots. Hurry." I warned.

"I see your house. Stay with me, Oli. I'm almost there. Just one more minute. You'll be okay. I promise."

I mumbled incoherently. I heard someone come in and run up the stairs. I dropped the phone and Lee came in with Matt K. "Help." I whispered. I stared to close my eyes.

"Oli, stay with us. You'll be okay bud." Matt said. I reached up and put my bloody hand on his cheek. He took it in his as Lee cleaned my other hand. "It's gonna be fine. I promise."

He squeezed my hand and smiled at me. I felt a tear go down my cheek. "I'll never be okay. I'm too fucked up." I replied weakly.

"Oli, everything will be fine. I promise." Matt whispered. Lee cleaned my other arm and made me drink a lot of water.

"Matt, look." He pointed to my arm.

"It says Austin. What did Austin do?" He asked me. I started explaining things.

"Jesus Christ. Im gonna kill him." Lee hissed.

"No." I instanltly replied. "I just need to clear my head."

Two days later last block

I walked into Austin's classroom. I skipped yesterday. I sat in the very back and noticed no one was in here. I was five minutes late.

"They are at an assembly. We need to talk." He said, looking up from his desk. "Look, I'm sorry about the other day. You're not ready and I shouldve respected that. But I didnt. I got mad and yelled at you. I shouldnt have done that." He apologized. He was in front of me when he finished. He squatted down and took my hands.

"Its okay. I promise."

"No. Its not." He rolled up my sleeves and frowned. "Lee told me. He thought I should know."

"Oh. Im better now. I just freaked out." I whispered. He kissed my hands, traling his lips onto all my scars.

"You're so beautiful." He murmured as he looked at me. I slid out of my chair and into his arms. He kissed my head and petted my hair.

"Im sorry." I whispered.

"Its okay. How about I take you somewhere special this weekend to make up for it?' He asked and smiled.

"You dont have to. I'll just come over or something.'


"Positive. Im so glad we're okay now." I kissed him and he pushed me away.

"Footsteps. Seat. Now." He whispered. Aus ran to his seat and smiled at me. I smiled back and he started grading papers.

Lindsey walked in, shutting the door behind her, and walked over to Aus. "Hey sexy." She leaned over, pushing her boobs in his face.

"Hello. Go have a seat."

He sat on his lap and he looked at me in disgust. I got up and walked over. "Get your slutty ass off of him. He already rejected you once. Deal with it." I growled, quietly so Aus couldnt hear, as I picked her up. I put her in her seat and pushed her chair in.

"Im not a slut." She hissed.

"Then wear a shirt that doesnt show all of your skin. Get a skirt that isnt four sizes too small. And stop hooking up with every moving human." I said, not caring if Aus heard.

"Its not four sizes. Its three."

"Same shit. Stupid fucking slut." I walked back to my seat and Austin glared at me. I rolled my eyes and started on my worksheet.

"Mr. Carlile, can you pick up please?" The lady said over the intercom.

He picked the phone up and talked to her. He came over to me. "You have to go to family therapy after school." He whispered. I sighed and nodded. "Need a ride?"

"Yeah. Thanks."

"No problem." He smiled and went back to his desk.

I finished all the work I never did and the bell rang. I packed up and everyone left, seeing as there was a huge party tonight. I grabbed the stuff I needed from my locker, putting the shit I dont need away, and went to his car.

He drove me to the office. I gave him a kiss then smiled at him. He kissed me and tangled his slim fingers in my hair. "I'll see you later?" He asked.

"Yeah. Your place?" I replied. He nodded and I got out. "See you later." I yelled as I waved. He blew me a kiss and I smiled. I bit my lip as I walked in.

I went into her office and sat. "What has you all happy?" Marcy, my mum, asked.

"My boyfriend." I smirked. "Don't even tell me I can't date him. Because I can."

"No. You can't. Oliver, dating a guy is a sin. I met thips really nice girl today. I'm sure she would love you. She has straight A's and a job. The beat part is, shes catholic." Marcy smiled at me.

"I don't date girls. I don't date anyone who likes God. He can suck a dick. I suck dick and take it up the ass. I met a really nice guy. He's my boyfriend. I'm not dating a girl. That's disgusting. I don't do boobs or vagina." I ranted.

"This us just a stage. You'll get over it. You'll look back and see how disgusting it is."

I just laughed. "Wow. I've been gay since I was thirteen. Boys are fucking sexy. Girls are disgusting. For lack of a better term. I'll see hot guys at the mall and be like I wanna get in your pants."

"Oli, what started this thing with you and your parents?" Katrina asked.

"My brother died a year ago. Hardest thing I ever went through. They don't know what I did that year, but I do. It's was horrible. Anyways, while I was doing my thing they were becoming catholic. They think that just because the belive in him enough, Matthew will just magically appear. They think I should've died instead of him. I watched him die. I have to live with that pain of knowing I couldbe saved him. Got tboned on his side and he died on impact. I saw him. His dead body. I tried to pull him out. I did eventually, but I was too late. He was gone. I got out with a couple scraches and bruises. He was my best friend. I miss him so much." I hid my face as I cried.

"Oliver, what did you do?" Lyle asked.

"None of your business. You would hate me even more."

"Why do you hate your son so much? Why do you beat him?" She asked my parents.

"Because he's gay and the reason Matthew died." My father answered.

"Oh really? I totally planned for that car to hit us. I loved watching my own brother, who I miss to hell and back, die. My favorite moment." I yelled sarcastically. "I'm leaving." I grabbed my bag and left.

I went to Austin's house and knocked. He quickly let me in and I smiled. "Hey." He kissed me and guided me to his sitting room.

"Hey." I whispered. He sat in front of the couch and grabbed his paper and pencils. I sat on the couch so my head was on his shoulder and my feet were in the air. "What're you doing?"

"Drawing." He kissed me and I smiled. I looked at his paper and he covered it. "No. Not until its done."

I sighed and kissed his cheek. He continued drawing and I waited, watching his tv. "Did you finish?"

"Yeah." He answered. I looked down. It was me.

"Aussy, this is perfect. I love it." I kissed his cheek and smiled.

"I'm glad you do. I've been working on it since Sunday." He admitted shyly. I chuckled and kissed him.

We hung out and I stayed at his place. He wouldn't let me leave. The week went on as normal and he came to practice, saying he loved us.

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