The Second Queen

By MorrigansFlight

350K 11.8K 583

Lady Isabella Victoria Parr isn't looking for a husband, but His Majesty is looking for a wife. When news arr... More

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 43

5K 186 1
By MorrigansFlight

Isabella Victoria - Three Months Later

"Good morning miss! It is time to get ready."

I close my eyes to block out the light from the rising sun, "What time is it?"

"It's nearly seven. We brought you breakfast."

"Why so early?"

"It's the day of your wedding miss, don't tell me you forgot."

A small smile forms on my lips, "No I didn't forget."

"Good. So get up and eat. We need to get you dressed for the wedding. You're getting married at eleven."

"Alright, alright. I'm working on it."

I sit up and climb out of bed. Theodosia hands me a robe and I slip it on. Anna pours the tea and I walk over to the table. Eliza takes a brush out of her apron pocket and begins to brush and braid my hair. When she finishes she leaves the room. I finish eating and hear a knock at the door. I rise from my chair and begin to walk towards the door.

"I will get the door, Miss."

"It is fine Anna, I can get it."

I walk over to the door and open it, revealing Edward. When he sees me, he quickly places his left hand over his eyes.

"Good morning, Edward."

"Good morning Isabella. Don't you know, it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding."

"It will be fine Edward. Do not worry. Did you need something?"

"Yes, I wanted to give this to you."

He takes the crown box from under his arm and holds it out to me. I take the box from his outstretched hand and open it. I gasp, a silver, sapphire and diamond crown sits in the box.

"Thank you Edward."

He smiles, the only visible joy on his face. "I should go, I wouldn't want to accidentally curse our marriage."

"Oh Edward," I grab his hand and hold it for a few seconds before he kisses my knuckles and says his temporary goodbye. I close the hat box and watch as he walks down the hall.

"Who was it, Miss?"

"It was Edward, he brought me a crown to wear."

"Oh please let us see miss."

"Of course Theo. I'm wearing it for the wedding."

"Well according to the time you need to get in the bath now or you'll never be ready."

"Of course Anna."

I walk into the bathing room, quickly strip from everything but the robe, and walk into the pool. I dunk my whole body under the water and stay floating beneath the surface for a minute. When I break the surface I move to the side of the pool, Anna and Theodosia attack my hair with oils and brushes. When they finish, Eliza quickly braids my hair into a crown and I walk out of the pool. The cold tiles chil my feet as I walk across the room to the dressing room. When I walk into the dressing room, Theodosia opens a cabinet, revealing the dress. Anna begins to hand me clothing, and I quickly dress. She takes the robe from the ground and leaves the room with it. Theodosia pulls petticoats over my body, and then pulls a white corset out of a drawer. She buttons the corset and then begins to tighten the laces, stopping every few pulls to let me adjust to the corset. When she is finished she begins to unlace the dress. She and Anna step on top of stools and pull the dress over my head. They get off of the stools and have me stand on top of one as they finish pulling the dress over my body. I step off of the stool into the shoes that are next to the stool. Theodosia begins to tighten the laces of the dress and hide the ends of the laces in the gown. When she's finished I sit in the chair in front of the cloth covered vanity and Eliza unbinds my hair. She begins to brush it and pull it into an elaborate crown braid. She sets the hairbrush on the vanity and opens a box of diamond hairpins. Theodosia walks into the room carrying a shimmery lace veil and hands it to Eliza who is armed to the teeth with hairpins. Eliza sets the veil on my head and begins to pin it into place. She attaches the crown Edward gave me to the veil. She smiles and pulls a small box of makeup out of a vanity drawer. She begins to do what she always does and brings out my natural face. She sets the last brush down on the vanity, beaming at her handiwork.

"You may look in the mirror now, my Lady."

I stand from the chair and walk over to the full length mirror. Anna lifts the cloth off the mirror, revealing my reflection. I look at my reflection and it stares back at me. But I barely recognize the woman dressed in silver, with navy blue embroidered streaks of color cleverly placed behind a shimmery lace netting over the gown. The thin scar running down the left side of my face reminds me of the journey I have gone through to get to this day.

"Thank you. I- I look"

"Like a queen."

"A goddess?"

"Both. Oh thank you, all of you."

A knock echoes in the room, "It better not be his majesty again. Stay here, my Lady, I will get the door."

Anna leaves the dressing room and Eliza, Theodosia, and I follow her. We watch as she opens the door revealing the figure of my father.

"Father! You're cutting it awfully close to being late."

"I know my Victoria, I came as quick as I could. I have missed you so much, and oh how much you look like your mother."

"Thank you father. I have missed you too"

"Oh it feels like I am to be losing you forever today."

"Father, you're not losing me, just giving me away to a husband. I will still be here for you."

"I suppose you are right, now we must be off to the chapel. You don't want to be late to your own wedding."

He smiles at me and places the veil over my face. I tuck my hand into the crook of his arm and we walk out of my chambers, down the hall in the direction of the chapel. 

A/N: two chapters left.

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