How many mates?

By Thunderthighz2005

83.4K 2.1K 591

When you grow up your parents, friends and even school teach you about soulmates and the moon goddess and how... More

Chapter 1 - The new kids
Chapter 2 - Permanent reminders
Chapter 3 - School trip
Chapter 4 - What the fuck happened?
Chapter 5 - Spending time with my mates (The Avengers)
Chapter 7 - Spending time with my mates (The Cullens and Jacob)
Chapter 8 - Spending time with my mates (DC superheroes)
Chapter 9 - Spending time with my mates (Teen wolf)
Chapter 10 - Spending time with my mates (13Rw)
Chapter 11 - Singing and school time
Chapter 12 - And it continues
Chapter 13 - Confrontations
Chapter 14 - Talk to them
Author's note
Chapter 15 - Today's the day pt. 1
Chapter 16 - Today's the day Pt.2
Chapter 17 - Relaxing
Chapter 18 - Last day
Chapter 19 - School time
Chapter 20 - She's awake
Chapter 21 - Thinking
Chapter 22 - The talk about Hunter
Chapter 23 - Mum? Dad?
Chapter 24 - Awkward Dinner
Chapter 25 - Who's Hydra?
Chapter 26 - The truth
Chapter 27 - Let them go
Chapter 28 - What did you do?
New book
New book
Announcement and new book
Chapter 29 - She's gone
Chapter 30 - 1/2 of the Avengers
Chapter 31 - We found her

Chapter 6 - Spending time with my mates (Henry, Charlotte and Jasper)

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By Thunderthighz2005

Kelani's pov

I woke up Peter and Pietro's embrace. They look so cute when they sleep. I didn't want to wake them up so I carefully slipped out of their arms and replaced me with a pillow. I wrote a sticky note and put "Kel substitute" on the pillow. Then I got in the shower, washed my hair with lemon conditioner and shampoo. Then I washed my body with lemon soap. I got out and dried myself and got dressed into this.

I curled my hair and then went back into the bedroom and did my make up. Peter and Pietro were still sleeping. So I walked into the kitchen to see who was awake. No one was awake. So I made some toast for breakfast. I wrote a note and stuck it on the fridge. The note said "I left already, no one was up so I made myself toast for breakfast. I will most likely be sleeping at Henry's tonight. So I love you all see you tomorrow or sometime this week. - Kelani Xxx.

I walked to the lift. 

"What floor Kelani?" Friday asked me

"Ground floor please" I said

I eventually got to ground floor and saw Henry and my other mates waiting in the car for me. I hopped in the front seat next to Henry. I said good morning to them all. 

"Good morning Char, Jas and Hen" I said and kissed them all.

"Good morning angel" Jasper said

"Good morning princess" Charlotte said

"Good morning baby" Henry said

"So what are we doing today?" I asked

"Well we were thinking about going to the art studio to paint today. Sound fun?" Henry said

"Yeah I can't wait" I said

Henry drove of to the art studio. 

Pietro's pov

I woke up snuggled to Peter and something very big. I opened my eyes to see a pillow instead of my vincessa. 

"Veter" I said

He didn't wake up.

"Veter, Veter, Veter" I said shaking him.

He eventually woke up.

"Sorry for vaking you up vaby boy but vhere is vincessa she's not here." I said worried.

Peter picked up a sticky note on the pillow and read "Kel substitute"

"Let's go alert the other avengers she's not here" Peter said

"But first good morning my handsome man" I said

He blushed and said "Good morning" He said and pecked my lips.

We both got up out of bed still in our pyjamas.

"Friday call the others" Peter said

Not even ten minutes later everyone came down.

"What's a matter?" Tony said

"Kelani is not here she didn't wake up with us" I said

Everyone started panicking.

"Where is she?" Clint said

"Where did she go?" Bruce exclaimed.

"Our queen just left?" Thor boomed

"Wait a minute" Natasha said and picked up a note from the fridge.

"I forgot Kel is going to spend time with Henry, Charlotte and Jasper today" Natasha said.

"What does the note say?" Nicky said

"It says I left already, no one was up so I made myself toast for breakfast. I will most likely be sleeping at Henry's tonight. So I love you all see you tomorrow or sometime this week. - Kelani Xxx." Natasha said

"Ohh yeah I forgot she was going out today" Bucky said

"Well least we know she's safe" Steve said

"Today we are going to have a little talk with Tory and teach him a lesson not to fuck with the avengers soulmate" Loki said darkly.

"Of course ve vill, he vill never hurt our baby again" I said.

Kelani's pov

We arrived at the studio and the place was empty.

"Why is it so empty?" I asked

"We rented the whole studio to ourselves for the day so we could spend more time with you" Jasper said

"You didn't have to do that" I said

"No we didn't but we all love you so much and wanted to spend time with you" Charlotte said. 

I squealed and kissed her. 

"I am so excited let's go" I said and grabbed them all and ran in the studio.

We all sat in our stations and started painting. We all took our time with our paintings are focused on them. None of them were done yet but everyone's looked so beautiful. Occasionally I would look up and stare at my beautiful mates and sometimes they caught me and I blushed and giggled. They would laugh at me.

Finally we all finished our paintings. 

"Right show me all your beautiful paintings I want to see them" I said

Jasper's painting the first one.

Charlotte's painting the middle one.

Henry's painting the last one.

(I don't own any of these pictures)

"Oh my God all of you are so talented. I love your pictures. They all have a story behind it. I wish I could draw like you lot. They are all so beautiful. I am so jealous." I said

"Thank you baby girl. Now let us see your painting." Henry said

"No my painting looks terrible compared to you guys. No way" I said.

"Please" They begged

"Fine" I chuckled. 

(I don't own this picture either) 

"Oh my God baby it's beautiful, it's so good" Jasper said

"Thank you" I said and kissed him. 

"It's amazing, you are such a good artist" Charlotte said.

I just kissed her.

"Wow your full of talents" Henry said. I just kissed him. 

We put all our paintings to one side to dry.

Play music

"Can I tell you something?" Jasper said to me.

"Anything what is it?" I asked.

He smirked he had something behind his back. I looked away for two seconds and I felt something drip down my head and clothes. I touched my head and looked at my fingers and saw purple paint all down my body. Jasper laughed and ran away.

"Your all going to get it" I said.

I ran to Charlotte and poured pink paint all over her. She gasped and poured blue paint all over Henry. Then I ran to Jasper when he wasn't looking and put yellow paint all over him. He screamed like a little girl. I fell to the ground in tears. When I wasn't looking Charlotte and Henry poured glitter and gold paint over me. Then Jasper poured pink paint all over me. I chased them all around the studio. I grabbed gold and silver glitter and red and teal paint and I hid under the table. They were all looking for me but I hid and waited for them to be in position. Henry, Charlotte and Jasper all had their backs to me. While they were distracted I went behind them and poured the teal and red paint all over them. Then I poured the gold and silver glitter all over them. I laughed and sprinted away. 

"Come back here you little minx" Henry said

"Here we come" Jasper said.

"We are gonna get you" Charlotte said.

"I surrender" I said and I let them all catch me. We all fell to the ground out of breath for running. We just laughed.

"Look at us" I said

"We look like glitterballs" Jasper said

"No we look like we have let a child paint on us" Henry said

"We look hilarious" Charlotte said.

"You still look like my gorgeous mates" I said.

(I don't own these pictures) Henry and Jasper looked like this. Top picture.

Charlotte looked like this middle picture.

Kelani looked like this last picture.

"Right let's take our pictures go home and shower" I said

We took our paintings and neatly and carefully put them in the back of Henry's car. I sat in the front seat next to Henry and Charlotte and Jasper sat in the back. Then he drove us back to their house.

T'Challa's pov

We all finished our breakfast and then we went to have a little chat with Tory. We called all of Kelani's other mates except Henry, Charlotte and Jasper to come have their "turn" to talk with Tory. After an hour everyone arrived and met us in Tony's lab. We all just stared at Tory for a good few minutes all of us bursting with anger and wanting him dead.

"Are you all just going to stand there and watch me?" Tory said

"Shut your mouth" I said 

"You hurt our soul mate, not just physically but also mentally. You broke her. How dare you lay a fucking hand on her?" I said

"The whore deserved it" Tory said

"That's it" Logan said and grabbed Tory out the cell and punched him square in the jaw.

We all took our turns punching and kicking him. We weren't halfway done with him but when we took a break he looked like a bloody pulp. Tony stabbed him in the sides. Hulk and everyone else threw punches back and forth to him.

"Your gonna kill Kelani, I would stop if I was you" Tory said laughing.

"Jesus your a real sick bastard stop lying" I shouted at him

He laughed and said "You'll see" 

All of a sudden Kelani burst through the door and said "Stop hurting him your killing me" and ran to Tory.

Kelani's pov


We finally arrived at their house and it was so beautiful.

"Your house is so beautiful" I said as I stared in awe.

"It's your house as well princess" Charlotte said.

"Let's go get showers" Jasper said.

We took our paintings in the house and set them on the kitchen counter.

We all took separate showers. Once we were finished we sat down and watched movies together on the sofa as we snuggled.

All of a sudden I screamed in pain. I looked down at my marks it wasn't any of them. So who else could it be? I thought. Then I knew Tory. I had to get back to the tower and tell them. I called Shawn, Camila, Chris and Ariana to meet me in Tony's lab in the tower because it was an emergency. I screamed in pain again.

"What's wrong?" Jasper asked

"What's happening to you?" Charlotte asked

"Get me to the tower it's an emergency" I said

I screamed in pain again.

Jasper carried me to the car. Henry drove and I sat in the back with Charlotte and Jasper as they held me. I screamed in pain again.

Ten minutes later we arrived and I ran as fast as my legs could take me my mates following behind. I didn't have time to wait for the lift so I ran up the stairs and I finally reached Tony's lab. I burst through the door.

"Stop hurting him your killing me" I screamed. 

Tony stabbed Tory again. I screamed.

"Stop" I shouted. They all looked at me. 

"Oh my God what happened to you?" Peter (Quill) said

"My queen who layed a hand on you?" Loki said

"Tell me we'll kill them" Jessica said.

I ignored them and crawled over to Tory.

"I told you so" Tory said laughing with blood in his mouth.

"Did...did you tell them?" I said starting to lose consciousness. 

"Yeah I did but your stupid mates don't listen" Tory said

I growled "Don't call my mates stupid"

All of a sudden my friends came bursting through the door and ran to me.

"Stop hurting Tory you guys are only killing Kelani in the process." Chris said

"What do you mean?" Bruce asked

"What?" Justin asked

"They are linked by soul, that means whatever you do to Tory or whatever happens to Tory happens to Kelani so if you kill him you kill her hence why she's got the same bruises as Tory" Ariana said.

"What?" Clay said

"So really we have been hurting our princess the whole time as well as Tory" Jessica said crying

"It's ok, you guys didn't know I should have told you earlier" I said

"How are you linked?" Bruce asked

"I don't know but I don't want to be" I said

Tory crawled over to me and stabbed me in the throat and in the rib cage.

I screamed in pain.

Clint and Bucky threw him off and punched him.

I screamed again.

"Clint, Bucky did you not just listen to what was said?" Rhodes said

"Sorry princess we forgot please forgive us" Clint said

"I forgive you all but I'm starting to feel kinda sleepy. I'm just going to sleep for a little bit" I said starting to close my eyes.

"No baby stay awake for us our vincessa. Stay wake vincessa. Ve need to veal you baby girl" Wanda said stroking my cheek. 

"Just five minutes more" I said. I couldn't help it, I closed my eyes.

Two hours later...........

I woke up and gasped so loudly. 

Everybody ran to me and after hours everyone hugged me.

"I'm ok, I'm ok now" I said smiling.

"Baby we were so worried" Flash said

"I'm so glad your alright" Alice said.

"I'm fine now." I said.

  "I know you all hate Tory but I need you all to make sure he doesn't die just until I can some how get our souls unlinked then you can do whatever you like with him and kill him if you must" I said.

They all nodded in agreement.

"Right I am going to go back to Henry's house and then I am going to spend time with Alice and my other mates tomorrow" I said.

"Where is Tory?" I asked 

"He's right the-" Natasha stopped 

"Um he's gone" Natasha said

All my mates started panicking.

"Don't panic because he won't come near me again now he knows about all my mates and he won't get himself killed because he's smart street smart and smart in general" I said.

They all visibly calmed down.

I gave them all kisses and hugs goodbye. Then Henry drove us back to their house.

"Right it's been an eventful night so can we please cuddle and go to bed?" I asked.

"Yes" Charlotte said

"I love you all so much. I am glad to have you all as my mates." I said

"We love you to and we are always here for you ok don't forget that" Henry said

"I love you guys too night" I said

"Goodnight princess" Jasper said.

We all fell asleep cuddling together.

Next morning

Kelani's pov

I woke up cuddled in all my mates arms. I really wanted to complete the mate bond with all my mates but of course I had to take it slow since I had fifty of them. But today I really wanted to complete the mate bond with these weirdoes of mine.

They are all so beautiful. I am so lucky to have them as mine. Not soon after they woke up and hugged me closer.

"Morning princess" Jasper said with a raspy voice. Fuck he sounded hot.

"Morning" I replied my voice just as raspy.

"Fuck you sound so hot in the morning. Good morning sexy" Henry said

"Morning handsome and morning princess" I said to Henry and Charlotte.

Smut warning

Play music

"Can I....can I complete the mating bond with you guys?" I asked

Their eyes immediately turned dark with lust.

"Are you sure? We can wait" Henry said

"Yes I'm sure. I'm not a virgin remember" I said

They all growled at me in jealousy.

They all took their clothes of and I took mine of.

Charlotte and Jasper took their turns kissing either side of my body. They kissed down my neck leaving dark purple love bites down my neck and chest. Henry gave me a full passionate kiss on the lips before kissing down the front side of my neck down my chest and stopped at the top of my breasts. He put one of them in his mouth and rubbed the other one. I moaned and arched my back. He started kissing lower and lower and kissed my entrance. He started licking and sucking and biting. I moaned louder and louder each time. He started eating me out.. I screamed in ecstasy. He went deeper and deeper using his tongue. Charlotte and Jasper continued kissing down my body and each took one of my boobs in their hands and I kept moaning from all the pleasure I was getting. I started shaking and Henry knew I was close. I came on Henry's tongue.

Then he pounded into me. I screamed as Henry pounded into me hitting my g-spot each time making me arch my back. He kissed me as he pounded into me hard and rough and fast.

"Uggh Henry faster" I screamed and he did and went faster.

"Uggh your so tight Kel, oh god, oh shit" Henry moaned over and over.

"I'm close" I screamed.

"Me too princess" Henry said

He started shaking as did I.

He released in me and I released on his thick length.

Then Jasper crawled on top of me and had his turn. He didn't even give me time to react before he rammed into me like a truck. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I screamed and moaned in pleasure. He went deeper and deeper each time making me start to lose my breath from all the pleasure.

"I'm close angel" he said 

"" I said between breaths. He released inside me and I released on him.

Finally my baby my angel my princess.

Charlotte crawled on top of me and started to grind on me.

I moaned and threw my head back.

She started rubbing her heat against mine slow then faster and faster. I moaned then when I got close she would stop and go slow.

"Stop....stoppp....te....tea...teasi...teasing...Char...Charlotte" I said between breaths.

She stopped teasing and went faster and faster not stopping. My breaths started to get heavier and heavier. I could tell we were both close.

Charlotte came on me. Then she said to me "Cum for me darling" and I did. Then we all layed in bed to catch our breaths for a minute.

"That's one way to wake up" I said. My mates laughed.

"Come on let's get a shower" Jasper said

We all got in the shower and we did it again and again and again.

We got out and got dressed and had breakfast and just watched tv.

Finally an hour later we finished and I kissed and hugged them all goodbye. When I finished I walk out their door and saw Emmet and Rosalie and Jasper and Alice in the car.

I ran to their car and gave them all the kisses and hugs I could. "Where are the others?" I said

"They are back at the house. Ready to meet your other mates?" Rosalie said

"Always" I said 

Emmet drove us to their house.

I am soo nervous.

Oh well time to meet my last two mates.

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