How many mates?

By Thunderthighz2005

83.6K 2.1K 592

When you grow up your parents, friends and even school teach you about soulmates and the moon goddess and how... More

Chapter 1 - The new kids
Chapter 2 - Permanent reminders
Chapter 3 - School trip
Chapter 4 - What the fuck happened?
Chapter 5 - Spending time with my mates (The Avengers)
Chapter 6 - Spending time with my mates (Henry, Charlotte and Jasper)
Chapter 8 - Spending time with my mates (DC superheroes)
Chapter 9 - Spending time with my mates (Teen wolf)
Chapter 10 - Spending time with my mates (13Rw)
Chapter 11 - Singing and school time
Chapter 12 - And it continues
Chapter 13 - Confrontations
Chapter 14 - Talk to them
Author's note
Chapter 15 - Today's the day pt. 1
Chapter 16 - Today's the day Pt.2
Chapter 17 - Relaxing
Chapter 18 - Last day
Chapter 19 - School time
Chapter 20 - She's awake
Chapter 21 - Thinking
Chapter 22 - The talk about Hunter
Chapter 23 - Mum? Dad?
Chapter 24 - Awkward Dinner
Chapter 25 - Who's Hydra?
Chapter 26 - The truth
Chapter 27 - Let them go
Chapter 28 - What did you do?
New book
New book
Announcement and new book
Chapter 29 - She's gone
Chapter 30 - 1/2 of the Avengers
Chapter 31 - We found her

Chapter 7 - Spending time with my mates (The Cullens and Jacob)

2.7K 62 21
By Thunderthighz2005

Kelani's pov

I am currently in Emmet's car. I am sat in the back next to Alice and Jasper. They held my hands because I was so nervous to meet my last mates. 

"What if they don't like me?" I said

"What if they reject me?" I said

"Do I look alright?" I said

"What if-" 

Emmet stopped the car as soon as we arrived. All my mates turned to face me.

"Stop stressing baby ok, they will love you just as much as we do. They are so excited to meet you and can't wait. We all have waited a long time for you and now we are never letting you go ok baby. Don't worry ok they already love you and will never reject you. You look gorgeous as always. You never look any less than perfect." Rosalie said

"Thank you guys I needed that. I love you guys so much." I said.

"We love you so much too more than you could ever know angel" Emmet said

"No need to be nervous, we'll be right by your side always, we'll never leave you" Jasper said.

"Right ready to go blessing" Alice said

"Ready as I'll ever be" I said pushing aside my nerves.

I got out the car and held Jasper and Rosalie's hands. We walked to the house and I said "Wow your house is so gorgeous. It's so pretty and big" I said.

"It's your house too ok what's ours is yours" Alice said and smiled at me.

I walked into the house and saw my other mates that I met already.

"Edward, Bella, Jacob" I shouted and ran to them. I gave them all hugs and kisses.

"Hello gorgeous" Jacob said

"Hello baby" Edward said.

"Hello my sweet" Bella said

"Right let's go say meet  your last two mates" Bella said 

I was nervous as hell but Bella and Jacob squeezed my hands reassuringly.

We walked into the kitchen and I saw a beautiful woman and a very handsome man.

"" I said nervous as hell.

They just walked over to me and pulled me in a hug.

"Nice to meet you too little mate. Does our gorgeous mate have a name?" The handsome man said.

"Yes my name is Kelani nice to meet you" I said

"Well my name is Carlisle and these are our beautiful mates and this is my wife Esme" Carlisle said.

"Your very beautiful well all of you are" I said

"So are you my precious" Esme said

"Sorry we couldn't meet you sooner but the day you met all your other soulmates we couldn't go obviously because we are not kids we are adults but also because we had work." Esme said

"Well it's finally nice to meet you" I said

"I know we have waited a long time for you" Carlisle said.

"Edward told us about all your powers and other mates and Tory but we will not reject you ok we all love you" Carlisle said

"Right we are going to have a picnic today on the top of that mountain over there" Esme said and pointed. I looked to where she was pointing. 

"It's so beautiful, I can't wait" I said.

I held Esme and Emmet's hands.

Their hands are so cold I thought to myself just like the rest of their body what the hell? I don't mind it but why are they so cold? They are all pale as well. Well except Jacob. Oh well.

We arrived at the mountain and we layed the matt out. Then we all sat on it and relaxed. I layed my head on Jacob's chest and sighed in happiness.

"So what's your favourite food? Color? Drink? Anything tell us more about you precious." Jasper said.

"Um alright" I said smiling.

"My favourite food is Belgian waffles. My favourite drink is banana milkshakes. My favourite colors are mustard yellow, sunset orange and like camo green. My favourite season is summer because I love the sun. That's basically all there is to know about me besides my powers and my other mates" I said.

"What's your favourite season?" I asked them all.

Bella answered for them all and said "None of us really like summer, we can't be in the sun because it just gets hot but except Jacob but the rest of us like winter" Bella said. Everyone looked at Bella when she said that sentence. I saw that look but they didn't think I saw it.

"Anyway let's eat I'm starving." I said

Me and Jacob started eating and the rest of my mates didn't they were all drinking blood. I knew it was blood because I could smell it. Wait, wait, wait hang on a minute except from Jacob my other mates are pale, cold, don't like the sun and are drinking blood. Hang on a fucking minute they are vampires. Holy shit. I am mated to vampires. What if they kill me? 

I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder and I flinched away to see that it was Alice. Hurt flashed through her eyes.

"What's a matter?" Alice said

"Holy shit you guys are vampires" I said 

Everyone who was drinking spat their drink for miles and Jacob who was eating choked.

"How... how did you find out?" Jasper said.

"There is no other explanation as to why all of you except Jacob are pale, cold and hate the sun." I said.

"Are you scared of us?" Rosalie said scared

"We won't hurt you" Edward said

"Will you kill me?" I asked backing away.

"No, no of course not your our mate. We would never be able to hurt you because we love you so much and you are our mate. Plus we don't drink from humans only animals" Carlisle said.

"I also knew you were vampires because I could smell you drinking blood" I said

"Yes we were, wait did you say you smelt the blood?" Esme said

"Yes I could smell it and I still can smell it" I said

"How? You are human right?" Bella said

"As far as I know I am 100% human with powers of course." I said

"hmm strange" Jasper said

"So do you all have powers?" I asked

"Well no but Alice can see what's going to happen in the future, I am the fastest out of all in our family, Emmet is really strong, Jasper is an empath and the rest of us are fast but not as fast as me oh and Bella is really strong and fast. Jacob can transform into a wolf as well." Edward said

"Oh cool I guess, so I am mated to vampires and a wolf great ok I don't care, I still love you all the same" I said

"We all love you to" Jacob said and smiled.

"Now Edward let me get on your back and show me how fast you are" I said

Everyone else smirked.

Pretend it's Kelani and not Bella.

"Hold on" Edward said

I giggled as my monkey spider climbed the tree and screamed as he jumped so far. I  watched the beautiful scenery go by as he jumped and climbed trees. It was so beautiful. Finally we landed.

"What the fuck we were just all the way on the other side of the forest not even five minutes ago now we are here. That's so cool" I said

My mates just giggled at me.

"Don't worry I won't tell anyone about my mates being vampires and wolves" I said

"We told your other mates and friends already so they know" Alice said

I just nodded and kissed them all.

They just hugged me and smiled.

"Right can we go home and eat ice cream? Cookies and cream ice cream?" I said

"Of course anything for our queen" Rosalie said. 

I jumped on Emmet's back and he vamp speeded us back home.

We walked into the house and it was already dark outside.

"What time is it?" I asked

"Nine" Jasper said

"Already" I said

"Yeah we have been out the whole day" Edward Said

"Oh well let's eat ice cream and then I want to snuggle with all of you" I said

"One thing vampires don't sleep" Jacob said.

"Well that's just great well I will still snuggle with you all till I fall asleep" I said

We sat down on the sofa and I ate my cookies and cream ice cream and all my mates just stared at me.

"What?" I said

"Do I have something on my face?" I said

"No your just so beautiful" Jacob said

"Oh well thank you so are you guys" I said and smiled.

Ten minutes later...................

"Well I finished all my ice cream so let's go sleep except the vampires" i grumbled

Everyone chuckled.

I got into the middle of the bed and snuggled next to Jacob and Rosalie. The rest of my mates snuggled around me.

"Goodnight guys I love you all so much" I said

"Goodnight precious we all love you so much too. See you in the morning" Esme said.

I just smiled and went to sleep. 

Morning time

I woke up alone in bed so I assumed everyone was down stairs. I got up and did my toiletries and got dressed. 

I went downstairs and saw all my mates down stairs. 

"Good morning Rosalie" I said

"Good morning precious" Rosalie said and kissed my forehead

"Good morning Edward and Bella" I said

"Good morning our little cupcake" Bella and Edward said and hugged me and kissed either side of my cheeks.

"Good morning Jasper" I said

"Good morning my light" He said and rested his chin on my head and kissed my forehead and we stayed like this for a while. Then I walked over to Emmet and Alice and said

"Good morning" 

"Good morning our little monkey" Emmet and Alice said and showered me in kisses.

"Good morning" I said to Carlisle and Esme.

"Morning flower" They said and hugged me and kissed my cheeks.

"Finally good morning Jacob" I said

"Good morning my little star" He said and kissed my lips.

"Right breakfast time" Esme said.

"We got you real Belgium waffles for breakfast. Edward and Bella went to Belgium this morning and got them for you because you said it's your favourite food." Alice said

"Guys you didn't have to do that. I am fine with toast or cereal but you didn't  have to do that. Thank you that's so sweet of you guys. I love you so much" I said

"Your so welcome you don't have to thank us our little cupcake" They said.

We spent the morning eating Belgian waffles and watching tv and laughing and cuddling. The doorbell rung. 

"I'll get it" I said. 

I opened it and saw my other mates.

I ran to my other mates (Cullens and Jacob) and kissed them goodbye. 

Then I ran into Harley and Diana's arms and hugged them so tightly.

"I missed you guys so much" I said and kissed both of them on the cheek.

"We missed you too angel" Diana said

"We were so excited to pick you up flower" Harley said

"Where are the others?" I said

"They are back at the bat cave with Bruce they can't wait to see you again let's go shall we?" Diana said.

"Yes. Let's go" I said 

I shut the door behind me and I got in the back seat next to Harley and Diana drove us back home.

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