This Long Journey : Full Story

By Bluesmurf0124

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While dealing with the aftermath of the Nogitsune Stiles leaves, goes on a road trip, and finds love in an un... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 3

101 6 0
By Bluesmurf0124

We had been driving for three hours when I finally thought to ask, "Where exactly are we going Danny?"

He started laughing. "Oh Jesus Stiles we're both idiots," he took a breath and turned into a drive thru, "we're going to a cabin my Grandad owned in Michigan. He left it to my parents when he died. We have a couple stops to make along the way though the first of which is a lake house for us to rest in."

I nodded and went back to sitting quietly while he ordered us cheeseburgers and curly fries.

"Thank you Danny," I said when he handed me my food and drink. He beamed then shoved a fry in his mouth.

We drove for another 17 hours stopping every few hours for a restroom break and to get snacks. Danny and I switched seats halfway through the drive so he could get some rest. Two hours before we arrived at our destination I tried to wake Danny up for our usual break. "Hey wake up," I said while shaking his shoulder.

He groaned and pushed my hand away. "Five more minutes please."

The corner of my mouth twitched up and I turned off the car. "Okay I'll go get the snacks and you can sleep." He mumbled happily while I got out of the car.

The first thing I did was locate the bathroom because after three hours and two energy drinks my bladder was full. I relieved myself then washed my hands before exiting the restroom.

After that I went to get us both some drinks. I was about to open the glass door so I could get to the drinks but I froze. I thought I could see Allison standing behind me. I turned quickly but there was no one there. I started counting my fingers but there were only ten. I sighed and grabbed two bottles of water, two Dr. Peppers, and two white Monsters.

Next I went to get some food. I picked up a bag of Funyuns, two packs of Sweet Tarts Ropes, a thing of Gummy Bears, and some beef jerky. I paid for everything before making my way back to the car.

"You got to wake up now Danny," I said while shaking his shoulder again. He grumbled but opened his eyes. "Do you need to use the bathroom?" I asked.

He shook his head no and yawned. "Did you get drinks?" He asked while reaching for the bags.

I nodded and said, "Of course I did. Will you hand me one of the Monsters and the bag of Gummy Bears please?"

He gave them to me then opened a Dr. Pepper and took a drink. I put a few of the Gummy Bears into the Monster then ate a few more while starting the car and reversing out of the parking spot. "So we're about two hours away from the lake house according to Google Maps."

He looked out the windows and nodded with a breathtaking smile. "Yeah," he grabbed the Funyuns, "we're almost there. Me and my parents would stop here whenever we went to the Cabin for vacation. We'd spend hours playing in the water after they got some rest." I grinned and took a drink of my Monster while he ate.

We made the rest of the trip in silence only really speaking to ask for another drink or snack to eat. The sun was just starting to rise when I pulled into the driveway. We climbed out and stood next to the car to watch it. Once the sun was all the way up we grabbed our bags and made our way inside. Danny showed me around quickly then made his way to one of the rooms so he could shower and change into some fresh clothes.

While he was doing that I made my way to the lake. It was just starting to freeze over around the edges. The grass was covered in frost and crunched under my feet with each step I took. The morning air had a deep chill that I hadn't noticed earlier; my breaths came out in white puffs in front of me. I pulled my jacket tighter around me. It was serene and I felt lighter the longer I stood there.

I let out an ecstatic laugh and smiled like I hadn't since I found out werewolves were real. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and took a picture of the breathtaking scene. I sent it to the pack group chat and decided to call them at a more reasonable time.

When I finally went back inside Danny was out of the shower. He had on a red long sleeve v-neck, a pair of black jeans, and some fluffy socks. He was sitting on the couch in the living room with one of the books from the table open in his lap. He looked up and smiled when he heard me coming in. "Hey, I was thinking about running to the store to pick up some food so we can have a real meal while you shower. What do you want to eat?"

I thought about it while I sat down next to him. "Well how long are we staying?" I asked.

"Today and tomorrow," he set the book on the table, "We can get back on the road after breakfast on Thursday."

I nodded and said, "Well how about omelettes for when you get back, quesadillas for lunch, and for dinner we could have tater tot casserole. Tomorrow we could make french toast for breakfast, grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch, then sweet and sour chicken with fried rice for dinner. Thursday we could either have oatmeal or muffins."

He smiled and stood up. "That sounds delicious Stiles. Now go take a shower and get some sleep. I'll wake you up when I get back." I nodded and watched him go before I made my way to the bathroom. I stopped by the room I had left my bag in to grab a white sweater, a pair of Beacon Hills High sweatpants, and my own fluffy socks.

After my shower I went back to the room and climbed under the blankets in bed. I tossed and turned for a while until I was finally able to get comfortable. Just as I was about to fall asleep I thought I heard my mom humming an old polish lullaby. I slept peacefully.

A while later Danny came in and gently shook my shoulder. "Wake up breakfast is ready."

"Let me sleep," I mumbled and snuggled further into the blankets.

He chuckled quietly and said, "Nope none of that come eat you can go back to sleep later."

I groaned but sat up. "Fine, I'm up," I said. I stretched and yawned before finally getting out of bed.

He laughed and left the room. I followed after him. When I got to the kitchen he had already put an omelette on a plate and sat it down at the table with a steaming cup of coffee. He was soon joining me with his own plate and cup. "Eat up we've got a relaxing day ahead of us," he said. I gave him a small smile and took a bite.

I made an obscene sound at the taste. "Fuck Danny these are amazing."

He beamed and said, "Thanks Stiles." I nodded and we both started eating.

After breakfast we decided to call the pack to let them know we were okay. We went to the living room and sat on the couch while I got my phone out. I pulled up Dad's contact and hit the little green button. He answered on the third ring. "Hello Son, how are you and Danny doing?"

I put the phone on speaker and Danny said, "Hey Sheriff Stilinski, we're both good. We just got to our first stop along the way."

"Yep we're great and this place is great," I confirmed.

We heard footsteps in the background then Derek and Peter both saying, "Hi Stiles. Hi Danny."

We smiled when Dad shouted for them to give his phone back. "Sorry about that, boys. These overgrown puppies haven't left the house since you guys did yesterday." That caused us to laugh.

We talked to the three of them until Dad had to leave for his shift at the station. I ended the call with a promise to call again tomorrow while Danny started calling Jackson.

"Hello," he greeted with an overly faked english accent that brought a smile to my and Danny's faces.

"What's up Bitch?" I said when Danny put the phone on speaker.

"Ah you know the usual just making fun of spastic little shits. How about you Jerk?"

Before I could say anything Danny cut in, "We're actually at my Aunt Grace's lake house."

We heard some noise in the background and then Jackson scoffed. "I can't believe you got to go there before me, Stilinski especially with how enthralling that picture you sent was. Chris, Ethan, and Isaac all say hi by the way."

Even though he was trying to hide it I could feel how happy he was that we were no longer in Beacon Hills through the pack bond that sat firmly in my chest.

"Tell them we said hi and I'll add them to the group chat later so they can see the picture Stiles took too," Danny said.

I heard two cheers and a soft huff in the background as Jackson relayed the message and just like that three new bonds formed sitting snugly with the others. I slowly reached out to them and they all started wrapping around each other until every bond was interconnected and strengthened even farther.

There were gasps coming from the phone and Danny then my Dad's ringtone sounded from my phone. As soon as I answered he was shouting, "What the hell was that Kid?"

Everyone went quiet and I rubbed my chest with a small smile. "Those were the pack bonds connecting," I explained.

Dad sighed but accepted it and said he had to go because he'd arrived at the station. I hung up with him only for Peter's ringtone to start playing. I swiped to accept the call and said, ""Hey Zombie Wolf."

"Hello darling boy. Me and Derek can feel everyone now, not just you and each other. Seeing as you were responsible for that I'm assuming you are for this as well," he replied.

I nodded even though he couldn't see me. "You are correct Creeper but I have no clue how I'm doing any of this."

Danny said goodbye to Jax, Chris, Isaac, and Ethan quickly then hung up the phone. "I might have a theory about that," he said.

I motioned for him to continue and Peter hummed down the phone line. "Please inform us Daniel."

Danny took a deep breath and explained, "I think Stiles has magic, more specifically a spark. Sparks use belief to do magic so when he believes in something it happens. That day with you and Derek he said he could feel your bonds starting to break but he couldn't let that happen so he latched on to them. He used his magic to strengthen them and it never forgot how to make pack bonds, so when he believes someone is in his pack his magic starts building the bond. However, since bonds are two sided and involve more than one party his magic keeps the bond dormant until the other person believes they're pack too.

"For example, the day Noah, Jax, Jordan, and I became pack. We didn't really know what pack was so we didn't think we were part of it, but when we saw him with you and Derek we realized pack was family and we were most certainly that. Then today when I said I'd add them to the group chat Chris, Ethan, and Isaac realized they were part of the pack too.

"We're all connected now because Stiles has been reading the books you gave him and knows how pack bonds should feel so his magic made it happen. The more he learns about packs the more his magic will do to mimic that because he believes we're a pack."

I was staring at him with a stunned expression. Peter and I were speechless. Danny rubbed the back of his neck and looked away.

Peter recovered first and asked, "And how pray tell might you know all of this Danny?"

Danny ran a hand through his hair then started picking at his cuticle with a sheepish expression. "Um... so I might not have told you guys some important things about my family. Most of us have some sort of magical ability. Mine is earth elemental magic but that's not really important. My mom and dad don't know because my mom never came into her ability and my dad married into the family and never had any type of magic.

"Anyways we've been connected to the supernatural since the beginning of our family line. We're most closely connected to werewolves and even have quite a few in the family alongside the witches.

"Our next stop is actually the White Wolf Inn which is run by my Aunt Juliet and her husband James who is a werewolf. She's also a spark which is how I learned about them. She might be able to teach you a few things if you wanted." Danny crossed his arms and shrunk into himself.

I was even more speechless than before. With each minute I didn't say anything the smaller Danny made himself and the more intensely he stared at the floor. It was once again Peter who broke the silence. "Thank you for telling us Danny. I'm afraid I have to go now but it was nice talking to you two. Be sure to call again tomorrow," he said then hung up.

I caught Danny's worry through the pack bond and finally snapped out of it. I took a deep breath and Danny flinched. I frowned and moved closer to him so I could put a hand on his shoulder. I left it there as I started talking. "You're very smart Danny. I wish you would have told us about your family before but I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to tell us now. I can't wait to meet them and I'd love to learn anything she could teach me."

Danny was slowly leaning into the touch and by the time I was done talking he was looking at me again. "Thank you Stiles," he said. I raised an eyebrow so he continued. "For not being mad I didn't tell you sooner."

I smiled slightly and rolled my eyes. "Danny me being mad about that would probably make me the world's biggest hypocrite. I didn't tell my dad about werewolves until recently. I didn't even tell you about everything until a few days ago."

Danny started laughing and didn't stop until he had tears in his eyes. Finally he said, "Oh my god I literally forgot it's only been like four days since you told me."

I chuckled but before I could say anything I yawned. Danny smiled and grabbed my hand. "Come on let's go get some sleep," he said pulling me up and leading me back to my room. He tucked me into bed and turned to go to his own room.

I grabbed his wrist when he moved away. "Stay until I fall asleep?" I asked. He didn't say anything for a minute and I was afraid he'd say no and I'd end up having another nightmare filled sleep. Eventually though he nodded and made his way to the other side of the bed where he got under the covers but stayed propped up against the pillows. I let out a quiet sigh of relief and relaxed.

The last thing I remember before sleep took me was a whispered, "Goodnight Stiles," and fingers brushing the hair away from my forehead.

Danny was asleep and spooning me when I woke up but we weren't alone. Standing at the end of the bed was a man I didn't recognize. He had wild red eyes and unkempt hair. His clothes were torn and he was covered in dirt. He had a wound on his shoulder that was oozing black blood at a steady rate. He opened his mouth showing off his long, sharp fangs. He lunged at Danny and suddenly I was in the middle of the woods.

I looked around and found a trail of dark red blood leading farther into the woods. I took a step in the direction of the blood and noticed my bat laying on the ground. I picked it up and started running when I heard Danny scream.

I found them just as the man bit Danny's shoulder. "Danny!" I yelled.

I opened my eyes still in the middle of shouting his name when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I was back in the house under the blankets and Danny was standing over me saying something. I couldn't hear anything over the sound of my heart beating in my ears. I tried to take a deep breath but Danny's name was clogging my throat. I brought my hands up to count my fingers but everything was starting to blur together. I felt something warm run down my cheek then Danny was pulling me up into a sitting position.

"It was just a dream Stiles. It wasn't real. Everyone and everything is gonna be okay." I could finally hear what he was saying. I tried to breathe again and this time I was able to take a shallow breath. I still couldn't see my fingers well enough to count, and I could still feel the tears running down my cheeks.

Danny carefully placed the tips of each of his fingers along mine as he started counting them for me. He had to repeat the process a few times before I was able to calm down enough to count with him. It took a few more sets of us counting together before I was fully out of the panic attack.

When I was finally able to relax again Danny asked if I wanted to talk about it. I told him no and he let it go with a promise to always listen if I ever changed my mind. I was overwhelmed with gratitude for the boy who had done so much for me in such a short amount of time even though we weren't even really friends before the nogitsune.

Since I couldn't go back to sleep we spent the rest of the day watching old movies. After dinner Danny suggested Teen Wolf and I started laughing hysterically. I laughed until I cried then Danny pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back. "It's gonna be alright Stiles. It's going to take some time but I'll be here every step of the way. We'll all be here for you," Danny said. I nodded and rested my forehead against his shoulder letting the tears fall freely.

When I was out of tears I felt even lighter than when I was at the lake. There was still weight on my shoulders but slowly it was lessening. Danny let me go and we went back to watching movies after that.

We stayed up all night like that and only went to sleep when the sun was coming up and neither of us could keep our eyes open. We stumbled to bed and fell asleep together.

The next time I woke up the sun was setting and there was a delicious smell coming from the kitchen. I made my way there to find Danny standing at the stove cooking. I brushed my hand over his shoulder on my way to sit down at the table. "Good morning Sleeping Beauty," he said with a blinding smile.

I gave a small smile back and said, "Good morning Danny." I sat quietly for a few minutes just thinking when I realized something. "Hey Danny can I ask you something that might be a bit personal?" I asked.

He looked at me then nodded and motioned for me to go on. "How did you come out to your parents?"

He froze then turned off the stove before making his way over and sitting in the chair on the across from mine. His usually expressive face had closed off and gone hard. "Why are you asking me Stiles?" he questioned.

I shrugged then let my shoulders slump as I explained, "When I tried to come out to my Dad he didn't believe me. I mean I had been lying to him a lot at that point and I haven't brought it up since so I can see where he was coming from but it still hurt ya know."

Danny was staring at me like I'd grown three new heads and I shrunk in on myself. I started counting my fingers against my thigh so I wouldn't freak out. Finally he said, "So that's why you asked me if I thought you were attractive to gay guys."

I nodded and he took a breath. "Well damn. I just sat them down and told them I was gay. The same should work with your dad especially if you've already tried to tell him before."

I sighed and said, "Thanks Danny I think I'll try to tell him later tonight when we call for our daily check in."

He smiled. "How did you find out if you don't mind me asking?"

I shrugged again. "Three words dude. Derek Hale shirtless," I explained.

Danny frowned then covered it with a smirk. "That man is a god. I still have fantasies about cousin Miguel and that day."

I laughed and said, "Yeah me too. I swear he doesn't know what a shirt is. I've seen him without one so many times. Maybe it's a werewolf thing though because most of the guys started developing that habit." He laughed this time and went back to finish cooking dinner.

After dinner we went to the living room and called everyone again. This time we started with Jax. We talked and joked and then ended the call when he fell asleep still on the phone.

Next we called Der and Peter. It was a lot like our call with everyone else but they also updated us on what was going on in Beacon Hills. Apparently not much was happening currently but they didn't think it would stay that way for long.

Finally we called Dad. Danny stayed for a little bit then left when I said, "Hey Pops there was something I wanted to talk to you about."

"You know I'm always here to listen, Son." I heard shuffling in the and knew he was sitting down in his recliner.

I nodded to myself and saw Danny giving me a thumbs up from the kitchen. "Do you remember that night at the Jungle Dad?" He hummed in confirmation and I continued. "I tried to say I was gay and you said I couldn't be because of the way I dressed. I know I haven't brought it up since then but um I really am gay dad. Well bisexual actually."

I heard a sharp intake of breath then Dad was saying, "Oh my god Son I am so sorry. If I had known I never would have said that. Fuck Kid please forgive me. I thought you were just trying to get out of trouble. I thought you were just telling me another lie. I love you so much and I support you no matter who you love."

I waited for him to finish before saying, "I understood why you didn't believe me at the time so there's nothing to forgive. I know you do, I love you too Daddio."

Danny came back in and we talked for a little while longer before Dad had to go to bed. Then we played board games until Danny was tired. He went to sleep but I decided to stay up and read one of the books Peter had given me.

When the sun started coming up I decided to make some banana nut muffins. When they were done I went to go wake Danny up. He looked so peaceful in his sleep he could be mistaken for an angel. I took a quick picture and sent it to Jax then shook him awake. "Come on Danny it's time for breakfast."

He smacked my hand away and grumbled. I smiled and shook his shoulder again "Now who's Sleeping Beauty," I said. He grumbled some more but opened his eyes and sat up.

After breakfast I took a shower and got my bag packed up and in the car. While Danny was showering I made my way to the lake once again. It had frozen over a little farther and everything was covered in a light dusting of snow. There were still flakes falling from the sky and I was starting to shiver. I took a quick picture and sent it to the group chat then made my way back inside the house.

Danny got out of the shower not long after I came back in. He was wearing a white long sleeve shirt with a pair of blue jeans. I smiled at him while he packed his bag and he smiled back. As soon as he had everything we left shutting and locking the door behind us. Once we were on the road I turned on the radio and hummed along with the song.

We drove for ten hours instead of 20 this time but we still switched half way through the journey. We didn't make as many stops for snacks as last time and we spent more time talking. I asked a lot of questions about his family and the White Wolf Inn.

He told me that his family was originally made up of nothing but magic users but one of his ancestors married the alpha of a pack who had been able to accomplish the full shift. After that werewolves became common in his family even though there were still more magic users than wolves. When hunters came to Hawaaii and tried to kill the pack they had all come to America to escape them and have lived here in peace since.

He explained that the White Wolf Inn was the first property they owned and that's how it got its name. It was just the family home but eventually as they started to expand and more creatures came for refuge they decided to turn it into the Inn.

While I was driving he called the pack and we chatted until whoever was on the phone had to go. He called his parents when I pulled into a gas station to get gas and use the bathroom. When I came out he looked more relaxed. "I told them about magic and werewolves and other supernaturals. I told them they could call your dad, Chris, or Peter if there was anything they wanted to know about the stuff in Beacon Hills or in general and to call Aunt Jules if they wanted to know more about our family specifically," he explained.

I patted his shoulder and said, "I'm proud of you for being brave enough to tell them Danny." He beamed at me and we got back on the road.

When we arrived at the Inn I stopped breathing for a second. It was absolutely majestic. I took another picture and sent it to the group chat before we made our way inside. There was a woman waiting just inside the door and she squealed when she saw us. "Oh my god Danny look how big you've gotten," she said. She hugged him tight then turned her attention to me.

"Hello I'm Juliet but you can call me Jules if you'd like. What's your name?"

I smiled as I introduced myself. "It's nice to meet you Jules. My real name is a polish mouthful so I go by Stiles."

She pulled me into a hug too though much gentler and said, "It's nice to meet you Stiles." As soon as her arms were all the way around me though she gasped and held a little tighter. "Oh my little spark I am so sorry."

I frowned. "What are you talking about?" I asked.

She let go but stayed close. "The sacrifice you made your father has changed your spark and that is what allowed the nogitsune to possess you. Of course that 'Druid' knew this but never told anyone. Then what your previous pack did is despicable. I'm most sorry though for seeing that because I didn't have your consent to do so." I was staring at her in shock.

Thankfully Danny cleared his throat and said, "Aunt Jules it's been a long day why don't you show us to our room and we can discuss this some more tomorrow."

She clapped her hands together and nodded. "Of course right this way gentlemen."

We followed her until we got to room number 13. She unlocked it then gave us a key. "Alright boys you have a good night and I'll see you in the morning for breakfast," she said.

Before she could go I told her, "You don't have to apologize for seeing what you did though I have a lot of questions."

She gave me a relieved sigh and nodded. "I'll answer any questions I can in the morning sweetheart. For now you need to rest." I agreed and Danny and I wished her a good night.

Danny sat down on one of the beds to take off his shoes in socks. "She's right ya know you need rest Stiles," he said.

I sighed and sat down to do the same. "I know Danny but unless I'm surrounded by the pack I have nightmares and I can barely ever go back to sleep after them."

He thought for a second before asking, "I can't do anything about everyone else but would it help if we slept together?"

I started picking at my cuticle and looked at the ground but nodded because sleeping with Danny did help. He moved to sit next to me and bumped our shoulders together. "Well then there's our solution we'll just have to sleep together from now on." I gave him a small smile that he returned before getting back up to go get changed into his pajamas. When he got out of the bathroom I went to do the same.

He was already in bed by the time I got back out. He held up the corner of the covers and motioned for me to get in. "Come on get in here," he said. I smiled and slipped under before making sure all of the doors were shut and turning off the light.

I had a peaceful night sleep and when I woke up I couldn't keep the smile off my face. I was laying on Danny's chest and he had his arms wrapped around me. I tried to sit up but he held me tighter. "Noooo don't move just go back to sleep," he whined.

I chuckled and poked him in the ribs. "Sorry Danny but it's time to get up." He whined again but let go. I sat up and he followed with a yawn before getting a sheepish look on his face.

"Oh shit I'm sorry Stiles," he said. I frowned and raised an eyebrow. He gestured around himself. "Ya know the cuddling without asking thing and then not letting you go."

I snorted. "We're pack it's fine Danny. Besides I slept better than I have since we left," I replied.

He nodded then stretched. "Alright then let's get to breakfast before all the good food's gone."

Jules was waiting for us in the dining room. "Good morning boys. It looks like you slept well. Stiles would you like to meet everyone else who's here?" My smile brightened even more and I nodded enthusiastically. "Well then follow me," she said.

She led me to a huge table full of people. "Everyone, this is Stiles Danny's friend," she introduced.

I waved and said, "Hey everyone." They all said hello back and she started pointing to people as she said their names.

"This is my husband James," she said pointing to a tall, tan, muscular guy who had a shaggy haired little boy that reminded me of Scott sitting in his lap. "That's our pup Gabe."

Next she pointed at a tan man and woman who had dark hair and moles. "This is my brother and sister Elijah and Elizabeth. They're twins," she explained. "Sitting next to Elizabeth is her husband Richard and between them is little Laila." The little girl had gorgeous red hair that she'd clearly gotten from her father and they were both sporting green eyes that made me think of Lydia. However, when she flashed her eyes at me I was reminded of Malia who was still more animal than human. I smiled at her and they went back to their natural green.

I was now getting a few raised eyebrows in my direction but I just focused on Jules who was now pointing at a fierce looking blonde. Her bright red lips combined with everything made me think of Erica. "This is my youngest sister Grace." She was holding a little girl with long, dark brown hair and big, brown disney princess eyes. I instantly thought of Allison which had me counting my fingers against my thigh. "That is my little princess Katherine."

The little girl turned her full attention to me now and something in her aurora made me think of Kira which led to the nogitsune so I had to look at my hands and count again. Before I could even get to three Danny was there with a hand on my shoulder. I relaxed slightly and finally took a deep breath when I counted only ten.

Everyone was staring at me and Danny now so I slumped into his side. The wolves at the table flared their nostrils then snarled. Laila flashed her eyes again this time joined by Gabe. Elijah showed off his deep red eyes and growled, "Explain right now."

I looked at Danny and started laughing. "Oh my god he reminds me of Der when he was the alpha," I said. Elijah only growled louder at that but I didn't really care.

Once I had finally calmed down I told everyone about Beacon Hills which seemed to relieve some people and only enrage others.

When I finished recounting everything that had happened Jules looked ready to go murder someone. "I swear I will personally hunt down and murder this 'Druid'," she said.

I frowned in confusion and so she explained, "Deaton as you have called him should have had wards on the Hale house that would have prevented the fire. He should have advised Laura Hale and helped Peter Hale heal. He should have helped in identifying Peter as the new Alpha and in training this Scott McCall. He also should have advised Derek as soon as Peter was dead. He should have started training you with your spark immediately after you laid that mountain ash line. He should have had wards around town that kept the Alpha Pack and that Darach out. Then he knew the ritual you did to save your father would taint your spark and allow the Nogitsune to possess you. He also lied about 'True Alpha' Scott McCall. He stole the Hale Spark and gave it to him when Derek gave it up for his sister's life. He also should have already helped the Nemeton heal."

I couldn't believe what she had said and then I remembered the book Peter had given me on Emissaries and Druids. She was right. The things she listed were responsibilities of both and yet Deaton had done none of these things. It was no wonder she spat the word druid when talking about him. Danny's arms around me was the only thing keeping me up as everything sunk in.

I took a deep breath and stood up, straightening my shoulders. I turned to Danny and said, "Call Peter and Derek and tell them everything you just heard Jules say and tell them to inform my dad and Parrish. Then call Chris and tell him to stay prepared and to start training the others as well as sending everyone a training regimen to follow. Make sure you keep your parents up to date when you get a chance. Let everyone know to call me tonight and not to do anything until I've talked to them."

Danny nodded and took off to do as I had instructed. I watched him go then turned to Jules. "Okay I'm going to need everything you have on magic and Darachs because I'm assuming that is what Deaton truly is. Seeing as I'm not in Beacon Hills and half of my pack is I'm going to need it fast so I can instruct them on how to protect themselves. Then I'm going to need whatever you have on Sparks so I know what the fuck I'm doing."

She was smiling at me and some of the people around us had a look of awe on their faces. I raised an eyebrow and she shrugged. "You're going to be a good Alpha," she explained. However, she only managed to confuse me farther. She must have noticed because she sighed and said, "I'll explain later. Come on I'll tell you what I know and give you all of the books I have on the topics at hand."

The next few days were a whirlwind of research and phone calls with the pack. Most of them were calming down Peter and Derek and the rest were answering questions and giving instructions. On New Years we'd been able to figure out how to protect the pack from Deaton and had agreed to leave him alone for now. Once that was taken care of Jules started training me on how to access and use my spark. She also explained that I was the Alpha because I had created the bonds and there was not an Alpha werewolf in my pack. She told me that when I had one and viewed them as an acceptable Alpha for my pack that they would take that position and I would become the Emissary.

I was laying in bed with Danny after a particularly hard day of training and calming the pack when I finally asked, "Danny do you think I'm a good alpha?"

He turned onto his side to look at me. "I think you're doing an amazing job as our alpha Stiles."

I turned my head to look at him and asked, "Really?"

He nodded then yawned. "Really. Now let's get some sleep." I agreed and fell asleep listening to his breathing.

The sound of growling woke me up. There was a man standing at the end of the bed again. He had wild red eyes and blood around his mouth. That's when I remembered. I sat up and turned to Danny but all of a sudden I was in the woods again. This time I could see the snow that was covering everything and the patches of red and black blood everywhere.

Danny cried out in pain as the Alpha's teeth sunk into his flesh then I was running toward them. I swung my bat towards the alphas head and believed it would knock him out. I heard it connect with a sickening crunch then the alpha was up and stumbling before it collapsed into the snow. It was leaking even more black blood now.

I watched him for a minute to make sure he wasn't getting back up then I turned to Danny. I sunk down to my knees in the snow and moved his shirt so I could examine the bite mark. It didn't look too bad so I relaxed but then I remembered, "If it doesn't kill you and it could you'll become like us."

"Fuck fuck fuck you better become a werewolf Danny. I swear if you die on me I'll find a way to bring you back then kill you myself," I mumbled while looking him over for other injuries.

I heard him grumble so I turned to look at his face. He had black blood running down the corner of his mouth. "No no no no," I kept repeating while I moved his shirt to look at his shoulder again. The wound had black blood oozing out of it and I felt a tear run down my cheek. I pulled him up so his head was resting against my chest. I ran my fingers through his hair while more tears fell. I felt his heart stop beating then his back bond snap. I wailed his name just as well as any Banshee could.

I woke up with wet cheeks still screaming. It took me a while to realize Danny was holding me and I could still feel his pack bond. By the time I realized he hadn't just died in my arms I had woken every guest at the Inn as well as Danny's family who had ran into the room prepared for battle.

When everyone realized what was going on they had devastated looks on their faces. They slowly made their way out until it was just me, Danny, and Jules in the room. Jules slowly climbed into bed with us and took my hand in hers. "Are you okay sweetheart?" she asked. I shook my head no so she asked, "Do you mind if I take a look?" I shook my head no again and squeezed her hand.

She gasped and started crying herself when she saw what I had dreamt. "Oh honey," She mumbled and pulled me and Danny into her arms. "Stiles, do you want to stay or do you want to go ahead and head for the cabin so no one asks what your nightmare was about?"

I held tighter to Danny while I thought about the question. "Please can we leave." I requested with a wrecked voice.

Danny tightened his hold on me and said, "Of course we can. Whatever you need Stiles." I let out a relieved breath then started sobbing into his chest.

Jules got our things packed and gave me every book she had on sparks so I could continue training while I cried and clung to Danny. Once everything was ready Danny carried me to the car and sat me down on the passenger seat. While Jules carried our bags and the box of books. I hugged her goodbye before we left and she whispered, "You'll be okay sweetheart and so will Danny." I hoped she was right but I had the sinking feeling she wasn't.

Danny grabbed my hand and held on tight once we were on the road again. We had been driving for two hours before I felt like I could speak again. "Thank you Danny," I said with a weak voice. He squeezed my hand and replied quietly, "You don't have to thank me for anything but you're welcome." I squeezed his hand back and tried to smile before resting my head against the window.

An hour later as we were driving down a deserted road that was completely surrounded by woods I saw two sets of beta gold eyes before an arrow whizzed by. A moment later I feel something collide with the car and we're hitting a tree. "Stiles run!" is the last thing I hear before everything goes black.

Word Count: 7,312

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