On The Run || JJK ✔️

By PurpleMistArmy

46.3K 3.9K 2.9K

"Fast isn't in my vocabulary, Y/n." He smiles, head tilted with a playful gleam in his eyes. "Want to find... More

1 - Whispers
2 - The Hallway to Inevitable Doom
3 - Shifty Shifty
4 - Boxes
5 - Rooms
6 - Sprints
7 - Megaphone Speech
8 - Getaways
9 - Dropouts
10 - Platforms
11 - Elevator Glide
12 - Rocky Road
13 - Land Ho!
14 - Inside the Hobbit Hill
15 - Ice Guy
17 - Oh
18 - Ninja Skills
19 - Tracked
20 - IDEA
21 - "A Trip on Thin Air"
22 - To where?
23 - The Tree-Home
24 - Meeting Place
25 - Surprise...?
26 - Surprise!!
27 - Into the Night
28 - Sticks and Campfires
29 - You're It!
30 - Promised
31 - With You
32 - In the Snow
33 - To Never Let Go
34 - Missed
35 - Searched
36 - Pulled
37 - Discovered
38 - Centered
39 - The Power of Visuals
40 - A Redirection
41 - Take and Give
42 - Some Courage
43 - When Time Runs
44 - The Opposition
45 - Stumbling
46 - Unearthed Depths
47 - Healing
48 - Soft Conversation
49 - Light
50 - Message Sending
51 - Tugging
52 - Sent
Author's Note

16 - Windswept

1K 102 76
By PurpleMistArmy

"Well then," Jimin smiles. "We've got a lot to teach you."

I take back what I said about this hobbit hill place looking pathetic.

It's massive.

Base C is a living example of how looks can be deceiving.

As if the living room wasn't big enough, each tunnel-room could not be more different from one another with their unique aesthetics. My head spins with the information that Jimin rapid-fire tells me.

He never stops talking. He just talks...  

"The blue tunnel here leads to Namjoon's room because he controls electricity. I honestly think his room is the coolest. And he's thinking of dying his hair blue too!"

... and talks... 

"My room is closest to the green couch and it's next to the treehouse tunnel. Jungkook once gave me a cool ring for my birthday, apparently it's a good luck charm thing. Now it's hanging on my door. There's an identical one on his, too."

... and talks.

"We also have a music studio where Suga likes to produce music. He stays up through the night to work on that stuff, which is why he's always tired during the day."

I try my best to soak in all the details I can by separating the important information from Jimin's rambles: Location of the bathroom? Important. Details about the time Namjoon tried to make the toaster work with his electric powers instead of plugging it in? Not as important. (But still fun to listen to.)

Most of our time is spent crawling through each of the tunnels. After visiting each room, we'd have to crawl all the way back to the living room before heading down another tunnel.

"Is there another way to get to each room?" I eventually ask as we enter a white colored one - two more to go. "Why all the separate tunnels?"

Jimin pauses in his rambling to think about it for a moment. "It was Namjoon's design. He said something about making sure that if some bad guys were to break in, they'd have a harder time getting into our rooms or something...? I think? Anyway, it is what it is," he shrugs. "You kind of get used to it after awhile."

We arrive at a door.

"This is Jungkook's room."

I perk up at the mention of Jungkook's name. As Jimin pushes it open to reveal the inside, I notice a little golden ring hanging on the door - likely the good luck charm that Jimin had talked about.

Then I set my gaze on Jungkook's room.

If it had to be described in one word, it would be whimsical.

Like the vines in the living room, Jungkook has white ceiling drapes hanging in a similar fashion. The open window lets in a cool breeze that makes the ceiling drapes flow in the air, giving the room a gentle windswept feel to it. 

His desk is white, his window is white, his closet door and desk are white. The occasional gray makes an appearance on the walls and pillows, but the room is dominated by white.

"He's got a closet full of white shirts too," Jimin says. "None of us know why he wants so many."

His room looks so comfy. I resist the urge to just lay down on his bed and take a nap - there's something about his style that makes me feel right at home.

"I really like the theme," I say.

"Of course you do," Jimin says. "You use sound as a source of energy, which falls under the air elemental. So it makes sense that you'd connect with this room and Jungkook's style more."

"Surroundings make a difference?"

"It makes you feel more grounded. It's like sleeping in your own bedroom versus a hotel room - they're both nice, but nothing beats the stuff you're already comfortable with."

We stare at the room for another few moments.

"Speaking of room styles," Jimin says, "we should get yours set up! We can try to replicate Jungkook's style if you'd like. I'm sure he won't mind."

I nod absent mindedly as I observe the intricate weaves of the ceiling drapes. They look like floating clouds.

"Let's get moving to the next tunnel shall we?" Jimin asks.

But his voice sounds a little distant because I'm busy taking in the whole room. Is that a mini white lamp on Jungkook's nightstand? It's so cute-

"Looks like someone is entranced by Jungkook's style."

"I - It's just... it's perfect," I defend myself, gesturing at the whole room. "Look at this! Look at the white aesthetic in this room. And look at those billowing ceiling drape things! And look at the closet door - oh my gosh, are those little tornados on the drawer handles?!"

I turn to Jimin. "And it's not only this room - every single one you've shown me is just so... aesthetic!"

"You can have your own room just like the ones you've seen if you're willing to walk out of here." Jimin raises his eyebrows. "But if you want to stay, go ahead."

I stare in awe at the soft white.


"Oh! Sorry," I say. "Yes. Let's go."

Jimin chuckles as we exit the room.


We emerge into the living room once more.

I hear voices as we crawl closer to the end of the tunnel.

When I look up after Jimin, I see three new people in the room.

Jungkook's awake!

And beside him are J-Hope and Jin! I happily start walking towards them, but Jimin pulls me to a stop and signals for me to be quiet.

I look down at his hand holding my wrist, then up at him.

"What now?" I mouth silently, confused.

"Read the room," he whispers. 

I look back to see Jin pointing an accusing finger at Jungkook and J-Hope. "YOU PEOPLE!"


Jimin's right. I almost walked right into that.

Jin walks closer. I can tell he's trying to seem intimidating, but for some reason I just find this whole thing really funny. I would've laughed at J-Hope and Jungkook's shocked expressions if the situation was different.

"I was SCREAMING into the walkie talkie the ENTIRE TIME telling you guys to take a left AWAY from the road and into a hidden shortcut. And what did you guys do? You continued down the MAIN ROAD. Did you know how worried I got and how hurt my feelings were when I realized you were ignoring my suggestion? Not only THAT, you people put your OWN LIVES on the line!! What were you THINKING?? I was SO WORRIED, I almost wanted to go over MYSELF and give you people a PIECE OF MY MIND but I had to STAY HERE to keep track of things and talk through the walkie talkies that you didn't even pay attention to, do you know how STRESSED I was?!"

I'm speechless. Jin said that so fast, I almost couldn't keep up.

A mischievous smile suddenly makes its way onto Jungkook's face when he replies "... no?"

He flinches away when Jin holds up his wooden spoon threateningly. 

"We were busy," J-Hope tries. "I completely forgot that the walkie talkie even existed -"

"Don't you 'we were busy' me!" 

At this, the two of them give up trying to say anything.

Beside me, Jimin takes a deep breath. He lets go of my wrist as he decisively walks toward them. "Go easy of them Jin," he says, entering himself into the conversation. "They literally just woke up from a recovery nap."

The three of them turn to look at us.

Jin puts his wooden spoon back down, J-Hope looks really relieved, and Jungkook's expression brightens when he sees me.

How does Jimin always know exactly what to say?

I wave at Jungkook cheerfully, and he waves back.

"You know what, it's fine," Jin sighs. "You're all safe now, and well-rested, and that's what matters, right? Just don't do the same thing again. Now, off to dinner! Shoo!" He waves them away.

Jimin gasps. "Dinner's ready?!"

"Yes. We're having some hot soup and -"

"DAEBAK!" Jimin runs into the kitchen. "I LOVE your soup!"

Jin watches him with a fond expression before turning to me and Jungkook. "Welcome to your new home Y/n. I'll go call the others."

He politely excuses himself and leaves. 

Jungkook and I share a look. Then, with a smile never leaving his face, he tilts his head toward the kitchen. "I bet you're hungry," he says. "Let's get this bread."


"Jin serves his soup with bread. You need to try some, it's sooo delicious . . . "

Together, we join Jimin at the table in the kitchen.


A/N: The first story arc of On the Run has now been completed (yay!) and before we move on, I'm going to edit some of the previous chapters. Nothing big, just some pacing changes.

So, the next actual update will be on Monday, August 31st.

During this time I'll also catch up on reading and respond to your comments! Stay well everyone 💜💜

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