Song & Story

By star-3213

40 7 14

(ON HOLD) A series of original short stories inspired by songs. (Open to suggestions!) ~*~ I only own the st... More


Hold Me While You Wait

23 3 7
By star-3213

(Inspired by "Hold Me While You Wait" by Lewis Capaldi, requested by @angelchild10)

"Flynn, I just don't understand! You're working more than ever lately and I can't help but feel that I'm just not a priority right now!"

Flynn's stomach felt like he had just downed battery acid. "Maria, please, I told you, they just happen to be scheduling me for longer hours at the moment and I've had to cover a lot of shifts lately!"

"We're not even at our two month anniversary, Flynn, and it already feels like this relationship is slipping through the cracks! Everything about our relationship is so fragile, we can't risk jeopardizing what we have!"

He could feel everyone's eyes on them as Maria's voice rose, but that's not what he really cared about. She was angry and he couldn't have that. They may have been on the front steps of their high school, but they felt like they were in a world of their own.

"I agree, we can't risk putting what we have in danger, but fighting over this isn't going to help anything!" Flynn reasoned, fighting to keep his voice low and even.

"Then prioritize me first! Put me first, Flynn!" Maria's voice grew even louder. "Please!!!"

"I can't change my work schedule at the moment, but I can request less shifts next week. We'll make this work, I promise," he said, taking Maria's hands.

She pulled her hands away, shaking her head.

"Ria..." he breathed.

"Don't call me that," she snapped.

Flynn felt tears sting at the corner of his eyes. Maria walked away into the parking lot without another word, making a beeline for her car. Flynn just stood there, watching her walk further and further away. The students around him were whispering and staring, but he paid no attention to them.

Finally, after Maria had driven away, he took a deep breath, drew himself up, and walked to his car. Silent tears streaked his cheeks as he drove aimlessly. Unthinkingly, he ended up at his and Maria's favorite park. He sighed and got out of his car, found the park bench they usually occupied and sat down.

He couldn't stop thinking about Maria. She was new and they'd hit it off right away. He'd asked her out a month later, and there they were two weeks in.

And yet we still fought...

No, he told himself, every couple has the occasional spat, but they work it out in the end. They usually do. He wanted so desperately for things to work out; he didn't want to lose her.

I...I love her... he realized as his heart fluttered.

Suddenly, everything was clear. He was going to find her and apologize and explain everything. And maybe even tell her that he was madly in love with her. He stood with a newfound resolve and marched back to his car, confidence surging through his blood.

He sat down in the driver's seat and had his key halfway to the ignition when his phone rang. He paused, trying to decide whether to pick up or not. He didn't recognize the number, but something in his gut told him to answer. So he did.


"Flynn? It's Selena Castello, Maria's mom."

"Mrs. Castello, hi! I didn't recognize your number, is it new?"

There was silence on the other end.

"Mrs. Castello?"

A sniff and stifled sob. Flynn felt his heart drop inexplicably.

"M-Mrs. Castello? Is everything alright?"

"Maria was in an accident..."


He didn't even remember the drive to the hospital, but he was sure he was driving rather recklessly. He barely even remembered the initial visit; only that Maria was in a coma and the doctors were unsure of how long it would last.

It had been five weeks. Flynn had visited nearly every day and brought her fresh flowers once a week. Not that it mattered, she had about a bazillion cards and flowers in her room already. He always went there straight away after work or school and worked on homework. Once, he'd flipped on the TV in an attempt to find something to watch. One of the channels the hospital got was one that happened to be showing their favorite movie. He had sat there and watched the whole thing through, tears forming in his eyes at the thought that they may never watch the movie together again. But he forced himself to remain positive; she WILL make it out of this!

It was almost week six and Flynn was once again in Maria's room. He'd been sitting there for two hours already and had finished all his homework, and found quickly he couldn't focus on anything else. He sighed and took Maria's hand. It was limp, but he didn't really care. He just wanted to hold her hand again.

He took a deep shaky breath and began to speak softly. "Hey, Maria. It's me again. It's almost been six weeks. I, uh..."

He laughed quietly, an unsure and weak laugh. "I know I say this every time but I miss you. I really do."

He felt himself beginning to choke up. "There's still so much I have to learn about you, and about us. We still have so much time left, Maria. But instead, I'm sitting here, holding your hand while I wait. While I wait for you to come back to me."

Flynn sniffed and looked up at the ceiling in an attempt to prevent the tears he'd kept at bay from falling. "I wish I was good enough for you at the beginning. I wish I was enough and you didn't have to get mad at me for working a little extra. I wish that stupid driver didn't hit you and I wish you weren't in this stupid coma. I wish I could just kiss you like they do in the fairytales and you would wake up. Or even any other way, I just wish I could wake you up and get you out of this."

His eye caught the clock. Five minutes till he had to leave. He needed to get going, it was getting late and was nearly completely dark out.

He looked back at Maria, who was oddly a few shades pinker than a couple minutes ago, and said sadly, "I have to go, my love, but please stay. Please hang in there for me. Please wait a while, I'll be back soon, I promise."

He sighed sadly, stood, and leaned over her. He pressed a gentle kiss to the back of her hand, then to her forehead.

"Ria...I love you..."

He kept his forehead against hers for a second, then mustered up his resolve to go. Just before he could let go of her hand, however, he felt her hand move in his. But that wasn't possible, he thought.

There it was again! A tiny little squeeze. His eyebrows bunched together.


A breathy, weak voice responded. "I love you too..."

And Maria's eyes opened. 


A/N: Hello there! (GeNeRaL kEnObI sorry I had to lol) 

I hope you guys enjoyed this section! I know both of these have been sad so I'll see about making a happier one next haha. This short story was requested by @angelchild10 and it was fun to write, thank you so much for the suggestion/request!! (I mean, the subject matter is sad but I genuinely enjoyed writing it because I'm starting to get back into the swing of things XD)

Speaking of which, I've started to begin writing again, slowly but surely! I am by no means 100% better, but I'm definitely now in a headspace where I feel inspired to write again (as of around 3pm this afternoon lol). I will likely still be sporadic for a couple weeks, but I'm hoping it'll only be uphill from here! 

Thank you guys for being patient with me! Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay strong lovelies! <3

~ Rori

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