Silent Movie

بواسطة CherieFriedman

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Edele's life is unraveling in the splashes of tabloid headlines, but reality is more than just what sells mag... المزيد

Awake and Breathe Part 1
Chapter 3; Three Letter Word

Chapter Two: Headlines

9 0 0
بواسطة CherieFriedman

A/N: Disclaimer: This fan-fiction is based on the Irish Girl band B*witched who were popular in the late '90s. Till they broke up in 2002, the events portrayed in this story are fictional and do not reflect on the actual ladies in the group no real last names will be used; I've changed the names and ages of all the ladies children. Some words will be spelled in the UK fashion along with dialect to make it more realistic to how the four of them talk.

Fandom: B*witched

Title: Silent Movie

Chapter Two: Headlines

P O V: Sinead

"Mammy, oh, Mammy." The angelic voice of my energetic not always so innocent daughter, eleven-year-old Luighseach "Lulu," Christina Brooke calls out from my car's back seat. "Yes, sweetie." "How many sleeps will you be gone for again?" Lulu's beautiful smile lights up my world as I pull up to the children's school, "four sleeps baby girl. I shall be back on Friday afternoon."

"Yay! So you'll be able to make my talent show on Saturday? Right, Mam?" "Of course, my love, I wouldn't miss it." "you promise, mam?" "Of course I promise my love." turning around, I brush my nose against Lulu's while my fingers pull a sneak attack on her sides laughter fills the SUV as she squeals wiggling in an attempt to get out of my grasps. Lulu's long black hair flies across the air as she squirms under my fingertips. "Hey, watch it fecker." My grumpy thirteen-year-old son Tag grumbles elbowing his sister, who accidentally bumps into him.

"Pog Mo Thoin" Lulu's sassy reply catches me off guard she's eleven and shouldn't even know how to say kiss my arse in Irish.

"Hey, both of you stop acting the maggot and go to school. I love you both. I will miss you loads, but I will call you every day, so be good both of you or Aunt Charity will tell me." "I will Mammy I always do what I am told unlike some boyo's." Lulu, in her childlike fashion, sticks her tongue out towards Tag, hopping out of the car. Tag sits unmoving arms over his chest, a permanent scowl on his face.

"Let's go time for school."

"This is shite is rotten." "I know school isn't fun, honey. I know it isn't fair that I keep leaving, but I must work to pay the bills, and my job requires me to travel."

"I'm not talking about that I don't care about all that. I mean Aunt Edele and uncle Aidan's marriage. Now Baird is leaving; he's me best mate Mam. We're partners in music who am I suppose to have to help me with my shenanigans?"

"Well, first off, my love, you are supposed to be focusing on your studies, learning how to make music not getting into Shenanigans." I tap Tag's cheek lightly, but he brushes me off grumbling. "Why can't grownups get yer shite together?"

"Quite your gurn and ragin you haven't gotten a clue what you are houlin yer whisht about; Mind yer business boyo Aunt Edele and uncle Aidan's affairs are their affairs it ain't your place to be sticking your nose in. I'm sorry your mate is leaving, but you can keep in touch through email, text, facetime. I will gladly fly down with you to see him with Aunt Edele whenever possible. Whatever is happening in their life it does not give you any right to talk badly about Aunt Edele; you have zero clues about what went on in their marriage, and neither does Baird, so if he is your information, he needs to learn some respect."

"Why should we? Aunt Edele didn't show any respect when she broke her vows; Kids shouldn't have to choose which parent to live with; All you guys do is preach honor thy mother honor thy father yet none of you honor each other." Tag is gone before I can answer him, slamming the door, leaving me baffled and stunned beyond mortified. I would have sat here forever if a car horn didn't blast me waving the impatient person behind me off. I check my side mirrors before speeding off.

My thoughts drift to Edele; lately, she is all I have been thinking about I know the pain of losing the person who you swore to love forever. My husband Mac was killed in the line of duty three years ago. It's a different kind of loss, but a loss is always painful, no matter how it happens. At least I got some privacy when my husband died; it wasn't splashed on every headline on every magazine and newspaper worldwide.

Paparazzi has stalked her for months, barely giving her room to breathe; I've noticed a significant change in Edele over the last few months. The loss in weight, how dark her eye-rims have gotten she hardly eats anything, Edele's whole attitude has changed, she's become withdrawn in social settings even in rehearsals. A place usually Edele shines taking charge leading us in vocals and choreography, she's now become a shadow behind us, allowing me to take the lead.

Rain is fierce coming down sideways in lashing anger even my windshield wipers can barely keep up with today's weather beating. Forcing me to slow down as I approach the airport, it's only ten am I, but I'm already feeling drained. I'm not sure I will have the energy to get through rehearsals today my mind is heavy worried about my son, missing my daughter even though I just dropped her off. The airport is busy grabbing my carry on I hurry inside once I am there I ring my sister Charity to chat about Tag's little outburst hoping she can get through to him a little.

As we chat, I walk through the lobby, watching my flight time on the board which it leaves at eleven am. It's now nearly eight am, so I have a little while the airport while busy isn't overwhelmed. My eyes catch this week's Irish Mirror big front cover of Edele, and Aidan, a line down the middle photos of the kids, is smack in the center with the headline. "Kids, Choose dad! Mom's a cheater." anger burns inside my veins as I snatch the magazine and toss it in the garbage lies. All lies; however, the next magazine the sun has the same fifth on the cover except the headline reads "Who cheated? Who stayed true? Kids caught in the middle of a custody war." My heart bleeds for my best friend, and how unfair this shite is just because we are celebrities doesn't mean we don't deserve to grieve in private. Tears fill my eyes when I think of how much Edele has to be hurting, memories of my husband plague my brain. The loss is so real so undefined and thus eternal.

I toss that one right into the garbage next to it, earning a few looks from people as I head to the Security checkpoint saying goodbye to my sister as I feel a tap on my shoulder, "Excuse me, I am sorry to bother you, ma'am." wiping my tears, I force a smile as I turn towards the stranger "Yes ma'am?" "Are you Sinead from B*witched?" A fan oh I am so not in the mood for this right now, but I smile genuinely at her because in the end fans are why we get to do what we love a second time around and my journey today should never reflect how I act towards them as long as they respect me I respect them. "Yes, I am, are you a fan?"

"Janey Mack! I knew it!" The woman around my age covers her mouth in shock as she starts to cry, jumping up and down as if I had just told an eight-year-old kid we were going to Disney World. "YES, Yes, I am! I have been a huge fan since 1998, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph I never thought this day would come. I am so happy. Thank you, Jesus!" Dramatically she throws her arms up in praise as she dances silly around the same spot tears flowing down her face.

"What's your name, ma'am?"

"Oh, don't mind me. I am sorry I am a right head to the ball, aren't I? I'm Desiree MacHaven I use to sing cest la vie all day my mates nearly went bonkers. I sang it so much. Oh, heavens, I am such a fan I even named my kids Mackenzie Brooks after your daughter Brooke and your husband oh bless his soul. My daughter is three now, and she dances to your music all the time. Oh, she's a wee thing, but she can move, and she sings all the words perfectly."

"Aw, thank you so much, Desiree that's so sweet you made my day would you like a photo or an autograph? I do have to hustle my flight is in a little while I need to go through security yet."

"Oh, heavens, yes, of course, I am so sorry." We pose together for a selfie. "thank you for your support, and the namesake. A lovely beautiful tribute such an honor seriously that has touched me so much, thank you. Are you coming to a show?" "Oh, you know I am! Dublin baby the kickoff! I can't wait!"

Desiree hands me a notebook, which I personalize an autograph for Desiree and Mackenzie. "I would love to get you some meet and greet tickets for you and your daughter so you can meet the other ladies would you be interested in them?" "Oh, Lord, oh my god, yes! That would mean so much to me, thank you." "You are so welcome; just scribble your address down, and I will talk to our manager."

"Thank you so much, Sinead, you are so sweet have a brilliant day." We split in opposite directions. I am amazed at how life can change the course of paths in such short notices. Only ten minutes ago, I was in tears having a rough day -and now I am smiling, hearing how our music has touched someone in such a positive way it is always such a fantastic, surreal feeling.

Taking my place in the query to get my terminal, I start to hum a tune having no clue where I have heard it from; However, I have it inside my brain; it is now forming lyrics. Quickly taking a seat, I grab my notebook, not wasting time trying to find my iPad buried inside my over-sized bag.

Remembering those rainy nights

When we would laugh so hard, our laughter turned into tears

Seeing life through double pane windows of our rolling RV

Our thoughts drifted to our homeland rolling hills of evergreen beauty

We watched cities pass by in a daze of days.

We had the best of times; we had the worst of times.

None of us ever dreamed it would end.

We were young too young back then

Living through the high of headlines and number ones

We never allowed ourselves time to dance to breathe

Chasing the thrill of fame and musical harmonies

It was the best time of our lives.

Never dreamed we would lose it all in the blink of an eye.

Never knew castles could burn to the ground.

Disney never spins the fairy-tales into reality.

Who knew ten years would fly by so fast

Times have changed, but the buzz of headlines still blurs the reality.

Who knew fate would give us another chance

Can the second time be magic, or has our spell become defunct?

Nostalgia can be fun, but can it be spun into a new web?

Shall we take a chance eighteen years have passed, but I still feel the rush

Success at forty isn't impossible; we did it once when we were too young to know better.

Now we're older, and we know where we want to go.

When I am with you, I feel whole again.

Faith, love, and hope I feel so much joy even through the tears.

Life's too short for regrets.

The best of my memories I hold dear consist of the four of us

We create magic when we are together, so what do you say?

Do you want to make the headlines?

I know I will carry you in my heart forever and ever no matter what the outcome.

Just like the pictures of rolling hills, you will be forever etched inside of me.

Coming up from my notebook, I feel a thousand times lighter, remembering all these memories on our tour bus; that make me smile. Memories like making glitter bombs to throw at our crew laughing as they exploded on us, which lead to a massive fight of who can cover who in the most glitter fastest. We were so full-on into this fight we never heard our manager Sarah till she was inside the back lounge hands on her hips a scowl on her face. Keavy was a pure ball of purple glitter at that stage; even her eyelids were nearly glittered shut. Keavy reminded me of a damn pixie I can't help but laugh out loud as I remember that image of her scared face as she saw Sarah standing there fuming.

Lindsay had shrieked and ran behind me to hide a little blue smurf with curly black rings of hair hiding behind my multi-glitter colored frame. I was lost in a maze of orange, yellow, and green, so I looked like a tropical movie scene. The three of us got lucky though the stage lights were a neon glow of multi-colored swirls, so we blended right in poor Edele had to be front and center probably the only time we weren't jealous of her being the lead singer. A pink and silver glittery glow dancing in front of over 10,000 guests which packed Disney World on Christmas Eve to party B*witched style. The whole front row was jammed with executives and higher-ups, so Edele had to dance in front of them while trying not to sneeze from the glitter that had flown up to her nose.

I can remember the four of us afterward getting screamed at my Sarah and the record label president Ethan Crown. Lindsay, Keavy, and I were elbowing each other and swatting each other's butts in secret as Edele took the brunt of the punishment since she was the self-proclaimed leader.

The four of us were always super close, hardly ever fighting. I can only recall one significant row, not counting the split in 2002. It was while we were touring the states, after six months of being together twenty-four-hours and seven-days a week. Edele. I were both having our time of the month and were majorly bitchy towards each other I couldn't stop talking loudly, and Edele not so nicely told me to shut the feck up. I got so mad I pushed her back, and she fell over Keavy and hit the ground hard. We didn't speak for seven days when she came to apologize a week later I slammed the door hard in her face.

I never apologized for that when I think back to those days now. Looking up now I see the time had flown by, and my plane is nearly boarding. Grabbing my baggage, I start to head to the terminal gates when I see Edele standing in the middle of the waiting room. Baird has just raced down to get his plane she turns slightly, and I see how pale she is tears are cascading down her face. I watch as Edele's legs start to quiver her body propelled forward. My heart races as I drop my bag and race over to her falling body. I'm screaming out her name as I run to her, pushing people out of my way in a dramatic fashion.

"Someone call the medics!" I hear a voice shout as other people scream some jumping out of the way as her body falls. My arms catch her head seconds before it would have hit the hard floor Edele's head falls against my shoulder; instead, she's motionless. Laying her down, I feel my throat tighten up God; she is so pale too damn pale.

"Is she breathing?" The question catches me off guard not breathing had never entered my mind touching my fingers to her throat I feel how warm her skin is sweat coats her face as I close my eyes saying a prayer to God to please let her be breathing. "Lord above, You have been the sword that has cut down the different agents that would have harmed my loved ones. Now, I pray that You be my shield that'll protect Edele. Bring her heath so she can come home to those who love her."

A/N: Lyrics belong to me

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