{1} āœ”ļøŽ The other Todd (Percy...

By Reed_Pebble

775K 20.9K 4.5K

- After the Giant War Percy has to go live with her brother in Gotham. Only problem is, her brother is Jason... More

2. A Demon Comes To Visit
3. Dinner And A Show
4. Making Amends
5. Saying Goodbye
6. I Know Who You Are
7. Mutual Respect
8. Midnight Snack
9. Ghost King
Some Spice
10. Seeing Red
11. Who Are You
Some Spice 2.0
12. You Killed Her
Some Spice.03
13. Bird Out Of The Bag
14. Talk Amongst Warriors
15. Snitches Get Stitches
15.5 Untold Tales
16. A Good Day
17. Visits From The Grave
18. A Cousin Comes To Call
19. Monster Removal Team
20. The Guy In The Red Bucket
21. A Fatal Mistake
22. Moving On
23. A Silent Snowfall
24. Second Chances
25. Endings {Or a begining}
New Books

1. Things Change

39.4K 845 167
By Reed_Pebble

Percy- 8


The two siblings sat hunched down in an alleyway, just outside their rundown home.
Their mother had kicked them outside earlier that day, and they had yet to be let back in.
It had started to rain just a little over an hour ago, and both children were thoroughly soaked.
"J-Jason I'm cold."
The little girl moved closer to her elder brother.
"I know Perce, I know."

Jason clenched his teeth, he didn't mind being locked out all day, but Percy was still young, and he knew all too well that they couldn't afford medication if she were to fall ill.
A small sneeze broke through the rhythmic sound of the rain hitting the ground.
Jason looked down at his sister as she sneezed again.

"That's it. We are going back inside." Jason gently pulled his sister up and pushed her towards the window.
"But Jason! Mom said not to come back inside."
The black-haired boy shook his head "that was hours ago, and I don't want to risk you getting anymore sick." Before his younger sibling could argue anymore he quickly shoved open the small window and pulled himself in before turning around and offering a hand to his sister.
Percy huffed quietly before taking her brother's outstretched hand and scrambled through the window.
She landed with a soft thud in the small room she and Jason shared, it wasn't much, but it was home.

Her brother gently pushed her onto her bed before telling her in a hushed tone that he was going to go get some more blankets for her.

Jason slowly opened the door to their room and winced as the door made a loud creak that seemed to echo throughout the house.
Yet to the young boy's surprise his mother didn't suddenly appear around the corner scolding him for coming inside without being told to with a raised hand.

He paused for a moment, waiting for any sign that she had heard him, and when nothing happened and the small damp house remained perfectly silent, only then did Jason tiptoe past the bathroom and peek around the corner.
And there laid his mother in the middle of the dirty kitchen floor.

Nine years later...

Percy fiddled with the straps on her duffel bag as she waited in the police station. Shifting now and then on the uncomfortable plastic chairs in the waiting room.
The sound of footsteps made Percy look up and quickly wipe away any tears that may have escaped her eyes, only to see the familiar blonde-haired Officer Patson. "Percy are you ready? Your brother is here."
The Ravenette only gave a short nod before standing up and looking down at her shoes.

Officer Patson let a sigh escape her lips as she slowly leads the teenage girl to the front desk.
Seeing the tear stains on her cheeks as well as the murderous look in the teen's eyes she decided to speak up.
"Look I don't know why you don't want to live with your brother. But it's only for a month until you turn eighteen. It's for the best."
"I know." Came the short reply.

As the duo rounded the last corner, Percy sucked in her breathe, as she caught sight of her brother while he slides some papers towards the man at the front desk.
He's changed.
He was not only taller and more muscular, but the way he held himself was different as well.
He seemed almost content.
Living with Bruce Wayne must have done him some good.

The young demigod nearly gasped when he turned around. His once piercing blue eyes were a deep emerald green. And his once pure black shaggy hair had a streak of white in it, much like her own grey streak.
Then his eyes met hers.

"Perce?" He said though it sounded like a question.

"Jason." The young adult winced at the icy edge in his sister's voice.

"Perce, I'm sorry. It was for the best, I-" Percy cut him off.
"Don't give me that bull-crap Jason. You're the one that chose, the one that said no. This is your fault." Jason pinched the bridge of his nose, a trait he had picked up from Bruce. "Let's just head to my place, we can finish this there."

Percy only slightly nodded her head and followed her brother outside to a very fancy looking car, She shot her brother a questioning look.
"I borrowed it." Was the simple reply.

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