Master and the Mute (Kylo Ren...

By bigmultifandomgirl

535 7 2

Life for a mute in the first order was complex enough without the added annoyance of Kylo Ren being able to h... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two

Chapter Three

168 1 1
By bigmultifandomgirl


You awoke abruptly, sat straight up in bed. You could feel your clammy back as your shirt stuck to it, you shivered in disgust and wondered what could have caused you to wake up so suddenly. Could it have been Him? No, You could not think like that, you were on the same ship as him, decidedly close enough to hear your thoughts whether they were directed at you or not. Rubbing your eyes you looked at the clock and realised you had woken up a whole two hours before you usually had to in order to start getting ready for the day. You realised that you weren't going to get back to sleep any time soon and so slowly rose from the bed, the soft sheets fell to your feet as you shuffled to your bathroom. There was a small tub and you thought that a bath was the way to go since you had all the time in the world and were sweaty and in desperate need of a deep, cleansing soak. A sigh left you as you leaned over and turned on the hot tap and felt the water temperature before putting the plug in the drain, the warm water already relaxing the muscles in your hand and you realised how tense your muscles were.

You had been laying on a cold, smooth surface, your arms were tied above your head and your legs were spread and tied to the other side of the surface. You weren't naked but may as well have been, you were in nothing but your underwear, all your scars were on show. You were vulnerable and exposed to your core, your body was shivering with cold and fear. You could sense a presence in the dark room with you but you could not recognise the figure in the shadows.

Another large sigh escaped your lips as you relived the beginning of the dream that had obviously shaken you deeply, but the beginning was all that had come back to you. You sauntered back into your general living quarters to find a change of clothes for after your bath, you knew you did not know when Kylo was due to turn up and you definitely did not want him to be able to see your scars. You dumped the pile of clothes far enough from the tub that they would remain dry for the duration of your time in the water, you turned to the mirror and scowled at yourself as you realised that there was a thin sheen of sweat on your forehead which some of your hair was sticking to. Grotesque. You thought as you tried to comb through the mattes in your hair with your fingers, obviously you were unsuccessful and with a huff you spun around and watched as the water level steadily rose.

Your eyes darted around the room, desperately trying to find out who was occupying the room with you. Fear was coursing through your veins as you heard a rustle of fabric from behind your head. A gloved finger grazed your cheek and ran down your jaw to your neck, you gulped as you realised whoever this finger belonged to could see your scars and you desperately wished to be alone, it did not matter if you remained tied up, you just did not want to be seen. The body that the finger belonged to stepped out of the shadows and you almost stopped breathing completely. It was the handsome face of the master who's head you kept invading.

'Now little girl, why are you invading my head with your mundane thoughts?' he growled lowly. He was angry and you could see why, he was a highly esteemed member of the First Order, you were a useless mute. Of course your thoughts in his mind bothered him.

You could not speak and he knew this, but at this moment you could not even think to answer him. You had hoped that he would just send you away once he realised that you were going to be a constant annoyance to him as there seemed to be no way to get your voice out of his mind. You were scared of what he would do, you could feel his anger rolling off of him like a river bursting its banks and flooding the surrounding area.

You shook the image out of your head, you did not know for sure how Kylo felt about your voice in his mind and you could not make dangerous assumptions in case he heard them. You hoped beyond all hope that he could not see your dreams at night and the images you brought up, you wished to the stars that he would only be able to hear your thoughts. You felt extremely exposed as it is, there was no filter to your thoughts and he heard them all. There had never been anyone that was privy to any of your thoughts, after all you could not even communicate the ones that you wanted to share. Ren made you vulnerable and it made you uncomfortable, he was possibly the last person in the galaxy that you would want to hear your innermost thoughts.

The bath was full and so you turned off the tap and stripped your clothes off chucking the dirty pile the opposite side of the bathroom from your clean clothes. Humming (well your version of a scratchy, throaty hum) you stepped into the bath and sunk into the water with great relief. One by one your muscles relaxed and turned to putty as you laid in the water, still and serene, recovering from the emotion of the dream you had just woken up from.

Kylo growled in anger above you as you could not think of a way to reply to him, you had no answers and could not see a way to diffuse the situation.

'Nothing to say huh?' he smirked down at you. His hand closed around your neck and started to squeeze. You began to choke, the sound an awful guttural one, he laughed and withdrew his hand from you. Only to pull something out of his layers of robes, a knife. A large knife, with a jagged edge that you knew would be painful.

He smirked evilly down at you as you gulped down the rising bile and closed your eyed in preparation for the cold metal to meet your warm and clammy skin. The tip of the blade danced down your neck and you felt yourself beginning to cry as a lump in your throat formed and tears pricked your eyes.

Please don't. You begged in your mind. I don't know why you can hear me, I'm sorry, I-I-I can leave, please I'll leave.

He chuckled deeply, 'No pet, you're not leaving, you have already taken up too much of my mental capacity, you need to be disposed of before you manage to worm your way into anyone else's brain.'

You sobbed as he pressed the blade firmer into your skin, it finally broke in the valley of your breasts, he pressed in deeper and deeper. Your gargled screams filled the room as your body was ripping apart with the jagged blade that was piercing you.

You dunked your head under the water to erase the painful images of your nightmare from your brain but they were seared into your memory. Why did you feel this way towards him? You had thought he was handsome, no matter how much you scolded yourself for thinking that and so far even though his presence did terrify you and his reputation should have sent you running, you did not feel that he was a major threat to you. Even though your vivid dream would contradict that thought you could not ignore the tiny but powerful part deep inside you which could not wait to see him. That tiny part also wondered how his skin felt against yours and you hated to entertain the thought but a larger part of you also wanted to find out those answers.

To distract you from your wondering mind and to rid your body of the rest of the residual stress from the night you reached over and grabbed the generic body and hair wash that was provided for all low level staff. The silky liquid was spilled onto your hands and you reached back to massage it into your scalp and run in through your hair. A low hum escaped your mouth and you submerged your head once again to wash the soap out of your hair. You quickly eyed the clock and you still had one hour before your usual waking time and so you decided to take your time with the rest of your bathing and really work out all of the stress that had built up in your limbs. Once you were done there was still half an hour left but the water was beginning to turn cold and so reluctantly you decided it was time to step out of the bath.

Your warm toes met cold tiles and you shivered before picking up a towel and drying yourself off before moving towards the pile of clean clothes that you had prepared before the bath. Once you were dressed you realised that there was still an hour before you were required to start working and with nothing more to do you made your small bed and sat on it. Twiddling your fingers was no use as you knew that your thoughts would inevitably turn back to him and you did not want him hearing anything so you hurriedly turned on your data pad so you could start planning your day, you may even swing by the cafeteria to grab some lunch for later as you currently had nothing edible laying around your living quarters that you could take with you.

With half an hour spent and half an hour left you realised that there was no use in waiting around, he was not coming to get you right now and you may as well get on with your day lest you wanted to bring forth the wrath of General Hux for not doing your job properly. You got up and headed to the cafeteria, slinging your bag over your shoulders as you went.

The halls were not completely empty, you encountered the odd storm trooper here and there but they often did not bother you and you did not get in there way in return. When you made it to the cafeteria and saw that it was practically empty, you smiled and moved to pick up a flask of soup from the heated section, you paid for it with your employee card and then looked down to your data pad in order to start towards your first job of the day. Now you had fixed that strangely hard job, the ones that were next on your list were very simple, there was no problem solving involved. The problem had already been diagnosed and all you had to do was quietly go in and fix whatever was the matter.

The first job was replacing some loose screws in a control panel for a data analysis so that the keyboard no longer made a rattling noise. The second was to reboot some computers that had been crashing while important work was being done. These jobs flew by and you completed them with little to no interaction with anyone.

Then came job three of the day: there was an engineer working on the Command Shuttle, His ship, that was having issues with their computer systems and as their focus was ships and not computer motherboards you were sent to solve the issue. The computer with the issue was not one that was on the ship but the one that logged all of the engineers work and was where they ticked off checklists etc, so it was fairly important for safety reasons that this was remedied. You were grateful to find that the commander of the ship was nowhere to be found in the bay where his shuttle was kept. Unfortunately, you were not alone on this job, an engineer was stood with her arms crossed staring hatefully at the misbehaving piece of equipment. You walked into her line of sight and made a gesture asking her to move aside so you could have better access to the computer. She nodded curtly and stepped backwards, her arms remained crossed and her attitude was hostile despite her moving aside from you, you felt uncomfortable.

Carefully you exposed the motherboard and could immediately see the issue and silently went about fixing it and replacing certain components.

'Who are you, I've never seen you around here?' she asked from behind you.  All you could do was turn your head to look at her and offer her a small smile, you wondered if there was any paper in your bag so that if she insisted on talking to you, you could try and talk to her in your own way.

'Well are you going to answer me?' he tone was much more aggressive now and you could tell you had offended her by not offering her a proper response.

You turned to her again and this time gave her an apologetic smile and shrugged a little before reaching into your bag. Before you could register what had happened you were being pushed into the ground as the engineers hands wrapped around your neck as she climbed on top of you. She brought your head up by my neck and slammed your head back into the ground. You groaned in pain as your vision became blurry as you tried to focus on her and why she was having such a violent response to you not being able to answer her. Of course you had seen people become hostile towards you because they could not understand you, but they were never this aggressive. A physical move was rarely made. You could feel tears prickling in your eyes and you tried your best to not let them fall, even though she heard your groans of physical pain, you were not going to show her anything else.

She removed one of her hands from the tight grip on your neck and brought it above her head. He open palm came swiftly onto your cheek and you could feel the sting spreading across your face as she lowered her head to yours.

'You don't think I've noticed you scuttling about? All alone, uncovering secrets for our enemy you SPY.' she seethed at you.

There was nothing you could do, you were pinned underneath her body weight, her grip on your neck getting increasingly tighter. Your airflow was being cut off and you were sure that your face was turning different colours at an alarming rate.

I'm not a spy. I am not a spy. I. Am. Not. A. Spy. You were screaming in your head but you knew all your efforts were futile as she could not hear you and you had no way of making her hear you. You couldn't have responded even if you did have a working voice box but she did not seem to realise this and the fact that you only could have produced a strangled gargling noise only seemed to enrage her.

Next she brought her hands into a fist above her head and she brought it down onto the same cheek. This time the force was enough to make your head whip to the side despite her other hand holding your throat in a vice grip. Black spots started to invade your vision as your body was starved of oxygen.

The familiar sounds of those heavy boots filled your ears just as the girls grip on your throat loosened, and you close your eyes and breathed with relief. Then your body was no longer pinned underneath hers and hers was thrown onto the wall with a loud bang which made you wince as your head was still throbbing from how it had been slammed on the floor seconds earlier.

You could not open your eyes as your head throbbed and you gasped, desperately to get enough oxygen back into your lungs. Kylo was near you, you could feel his presence as he kneeled down to your level.

'Open your eyes y/n' his modulated voice commanded, you scrunched them together and then managed to open them, not without more pain running through your head. You locked your eyesight onto the place on his helmet that you were sure his eyes were peering at you from and gave a tiny nod. Yes I'll be ok.

'Hmmm' he deliberated and then turned away from you as you slowly started to sit up. The room was silent as Kylo moved towards the engineer on the wall apart from her pathetic whimpers, you rubbed you neck trying to relieve the tension that had been rebuilt into your body.

She was suspended a couple of feet off of the ground, her arms pinned to her sides, her back flush to the wall. There was no where left to go for her and you feared what Kylo was going to do next, there was no telling what was going on underneath that mask and you were not sure if you even wanted to find out. He raised his arm to focus the force, suddenly she started spluttering and choking - he was force-choking her.

No this isn't the way. You thought, hoping that he would listen. Please don't hurt her. Another strangled wheeze escaped her pushing you to add another, please to the end of it.

A low familiar growl spread around the room, 'She attacked you and here you are pleading with me to give her mercy?' he seemed astounded at what was happening and that he even had to ask this question.

The engineers eyes moved frantically between you two, trying to figure out how you were communicating. Especially as you were not reeling in the pain that was expected when Kylo Ren invaded people's minds and sifted through their thoughts.

Yes, listen please just stop this. This is not the first time someone has been hostile towards me, they don't understand me or how to communicate me. I frustrate them, and with my .. appearance .. my scars. I look different, suspicious which means that people naturally distrust me.

You hoped that he would not notice your hesitation over your scars and appearance but you knew that you could only wish to be so lucky.

She just thought she was protecting a cause that she loves. That we all serve, I understand that the stakes are higher on such an important ship like this, with important people like you.

You stood and waited for his response, tension was growing as the engineer was changing colour similarly to how you were not too long ago.

'Fine.' he moved closer to the girl and you held your breath. 'She is not a fucking spy you stupid bitch. If I find out that you touch a single hair on her head again' he steps even closer and his hand squeezes into a fist and she lets out another squeal, 'you will not live to tell the tale.' he warned.

With a sweep of his hand the girl was thrown against the another wall with such force that it left a dent. You did not have time to stop and check that she was ok as Kylo's robes swept past you and he was already through the door and you realised that it was probably in your best interest to follow the man considering the promise he had made to find you today. That and you did not really have a lot of intension of staying in a room with your assailant. You found yourself jogging again after every couple of steps in order to keep up with his long legs and soon you found yourself in a part of the ship where you had never been before, a small drop of fear rippled through you but you had to bite back all your thoughts, you did not want to make him any angrier.

There were noticeably more storm troopers lining these halls. They were protection, you were nearing His chambers. You kept your strides strong and tried to no contemplate why he was leading you here, you also began to second guess your choice to follow him as he had not looked over his shoulder or given you any verbal confirmation of your assumption.

Finally a large black door stood in front of you and Kylo leant over a screen and entered a code and the door slithered to the side and allowed the giant man to stride through.

'Come.' he ordered and you realised that your feet had been glued to the floor, so you quickly came to your senses and shuffled in and the door closed swiftly behind you. As you walked into the room you noticed the matt black tiles which covered all walls in the room, the books scattered over a large desk that also had screens with complicated plans on it that you would never understand, the jet black silky sheets which were strewn over the bed and finally you landed on the man whose back was turned to you. As you had been scanning the room he had taken his helmet off and it was by his feet, his raven locks were exposed and all you wanted to do was reach out and touch them. However, you would not reach out and touch him as his wide and strong shoulders were moving up and down with deep and ragged breaths. He was angry and you weren't about to poke the bear.

The silence was deafening and for some reason all you could think about was how he saved you. Why did he save you? Why was he so angry? It was obvious to you that he had heard you screaming in your mind and had come to your rescue but why? You were just a useless mute, he was a master. Why would someone like Him help someone like you?

He spun around and his face was brought inches from yours, you could feel his warm breath fanning your face which sent shivers down your spine.

'You ask me why I'd save you?' he asked lowly and dipped his head so that he could place a kiss under your ear, a sweet spot, which made you hum in pleasure.

'I saved you because you're mine.' he nipped at your ear and you inhaled sharply as pleasure bloomed from the spot where he his lips were now placed, hovering over your skin. 'We have a bond that I cannot wait to explore pet.'

You felt cold as he removed his face from your neck, and looked up into his pots of honey for eyes and almost melted into him. His expression was one that you could not decipher but you could stare at his handsome face all day. He smirked down at you.

'I can hear you.' he taunted in a sing-song tone and you went beet red and looked down at your shoes in embarrassment.

He hooked a finger under your chin and tilted it so that you had to look at his smug expression. He leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on your lips. The moment his soft, plump lips met yours, you knew that you were in deep trouble as something stirred inside of you.

'Stay here for the rest of the day, relax. I will come and take care of you later.' he whispered and all you could do was look at him.

'Answer me.' he ordered while tilting his eyebrows, questioning your judgement on not replying to him.

Yes sir, you thought out loud as a smile kept on your lips. He smiled at your answer and leaned in again, this time the kiss was longer and more complex. Where your skin touched you could feel the nerves beginning to hum in excitement, it was not a battle of a kiss which pleasantly surprised you, it was a dance. A careful and passionate dance, so when he ran his tongue over your bottom lip you allowed him entrance and control of the kiss as he gently dominated you. A hand snaked to the back of your head and buried it in your hair, he tilted your head back which allowed him more access. You could feel yourself falling into his frame as his other hand held your cheek and then snaked down to your waist and pulled you into him, so his entire body enveloped yours. He slowed the kiss down and you almost whined in disappointment but knew better than to vocalise that feeling, he could probably already tell what you were feeling. He smiled into the kiss and then grabbed your lower lip between his teeth and tugged at it which made your eyes open in shock, only to be met with his deviant ones.

He fully detached himself from you which you secretly hated, but it was no secret to him.

'Clean up and get some rest pet.' he murmured as he turned to retrieve his helmet from the floor.

He left the room without saying another word, leaving you dumbfounded in the middle of his massive chambers.

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