Bite or Howl

By barbziecult

162K 4.9K 296

I could feel its presence from behind me. I tried walking faster, but I could feel it slowly pacing near me... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39


3.3K 78 20
By barbziecult

126 Years Later

Chase comes barging into the castle, the color in his face completely drained out and his hair a mess. For someone who'd just grown an extra 126 years, he doesn't look a day over thirty. In his hands, he carries his precious wife. She wears a faded gown that is covered in dirt. Her head, hands and legs all tilt downwards from the lack of consciousness she has. Her small baby bump pressed up into Chase's chest.

Nick comes barging in from the other side of the hall with several guards followed behind him. "I came as soon as I heard." His speech muffled and his breathing unsteady as if he'd run from Mount Verona all the way here to Felix's palace. The West Wing was dark and dusty but for some odd reason, everyone gathered here as soon as they heard Phoebe had had an accident. There were no proper details, just something had happened and they all dashed directly here.

Felix and Lupus come running on from the opposite end, sending the huge doors flying as they burst in. "What is going on?" Felix's voice is stern and filled with concern. They all walk to the centre of the hall, minds clogged. Chase holds Phoebe close to his chest as he slowly lets her lay on the counter. He crouches down to stay close to her, her eyes not leaving hers. "What happened?" Lupus's voice is thick with worry. Chase struggles to speak. "She was just walking around the cabin and she collapsed and I don't know-" His speech is rigid and stuttered.

"Maybe she's giving birth?" Nick suggests which makes all heads turn to him. He's clueless and gives them a dumbfounded look. "What?" he questions. Lupus rolls his eyes and shackles his head. "She's one month pregnant." He deadpans, turning his attention back to Phoebe. "I want every medical related person in here now." Felix's voice is demanding and scary, shaking all the guards.

Four men, slouched over and examining the petite body that lays down on the counter. Not moving, rather drained and dead. Lupus, being the most sensitive and close to Phoebe, couldn't take the sight of seeing her in this state. He turns around and walks away, strutting towards the windows. His breathing is uneven, trying to take deep breaths are hard when your adrenaline is pumped up.

But then something catches Lupus's eye outside. Peering out the fogged window, his eyes squint. A cloud from the sky starts to infect itself with a deep red pigment. It slowly starts to seep down onto the ground from the middle as it swirls around in the atmosphere. "What the hell is that?" He semi-shouts, attracting the attention of the other three men.

They all turn to him, Lupus looking back at them. He parts his lips to alert them of the scene he'd just witnessed but a loud, strangled scream came crashing into their ears. Lupus's hands found their way to his ears to block out the choking sound while Chase, the closest to the sound stumbled backwards. Phoebe's body shoots up from the counter as her scream scratches her throat. Her body triggers upwards and her hand quickly finds Chase. Her grip is death threatening on his arm as she struggles to speak. Felix's eyes widen and his hand finds its way to her leg. Phoebe's eyes are bloodshot red, unsteady. She looks between Felix and Chase before murmuring in a deep voice, "He's here."

Before any other movement could come from anyone, all the stained glass windows in the hall shatter, the sound breaking through like a baby screaming for air. Everyone in the room ducks down, their hands covering their head for protection.

The red smoke started to seep through, oozing into the hall and layers itself on the ground. Everyone stood perfectly still, their eyes following the red mist that was starting to pile up in the centre of the hall. It was like magnets attached to each other, crawling around, twitching every second as they try to find their way to each other. The mist starts to climb on top of each other, displaying a tall figure that stood in the centre of the hall.

"Hello there, Chase." A deep, distorted voice murmurs, alerting them all as Chase's eyes grow wide. He'd recognised that voice any day. He grit his teeth and clenched his jaw, glaring at the figure that had called his name. "What have you done, Cassius." Chase spits, his eyes starting to pigment to a dark red color.

The red dust starts to shift, forming a man's body. The dust that was once a perfect cloud now was possessed by something demonic, reaching up and moulding itself into a hideous creature. For Felix and Lupus, they were coming face to face with a strong, middle aged man. But for Chase and Nick, they knew they were coming face to face with an absolute monster.

"Why nothing, child." Cassius remarks. "I have done nothing at all." His tone is counterfeit, plastic. His hand reaches to his chest, holding on to his heart as if he were offended. Felix and Lupus turn to each other, confused and unaware of the scenario that had just unfolded in front of them. Lupus slowly starts to walk away from the window, gradually taking steps closer to Phoebe. Her posture is perplexed, sitting upwards with her back completely straight.

"But Chase, remember what I told you," Cassius's posture changes. His shoulder, standing tall as he starts to strut towards them. One foot, crossing over the other like a pageant model. "I  warned you, boy. Something was coming." He sings, stringing a tune to his speech. "You are ungrateful to have not used my gift I had given you." He spits, exaggerating the word gift.

His face hardening and his weight shifting over to his right foot. "So I guess I'll just have to take matters into my own hands." He barks slowly. Felix stiffens in his position, slowly standing straight. "Get out of my palace." His voice is strict and demanding, not tolerating with this intruder.

Although, the intruder just smirks. Cassius had a lot up his sleeve, and he was going to reveal them all. "Oh but, you see, this isn't your palace. You aren't meant to be alpha." He insults. Lupus looks taken back as soon as Cassius's speech lingers in his ears. "How dare you speak with no respect to our alpha in charge." Lupus grits out of his teeth, holding back the urge to lunge onto Cassius.

Cassius laughs darkly and clasps both his hands together, tilting his head back in a deep laughter. "Oh no, boy." He stutters out, wiping the bottom of his eye from laughter. "It should be luna." His tongue rolls as he says Luna, defining it so everyone in the room could hear. Felix steps back as he says this, confused and utterly offended. "What are you talking about?" He manages to say.

"Oh, you see," Cassius starts. "Just you wait. It'll come, eventually. And when they're here, I will return. Just you wait." Before anyone could say more, Cassius shoots up at the ceiling and tears it apart, breaking an entire hole through it. Phoebe lets out a scream, looking up to see the beautiful ceiling painting she once loved, being torn apart. But to her surprise, it only started to peel. Not break.

Her brows furrowed looking up at it. "Chase," She mutters, attracting his attention. "Could you try peel that off?" She asks, motioning to his hands. Chase nods and starts to swirl his palms together, forming a dark red mist around them. The painting starts to rip off of the ceiling, revealing one behind it.

Lupus once told Phoebe that there used to be a different painting up there but Phoebe never thought to ask about it. But now she knew why they covered it in the first place.

The ceiling showed a painting of Phoebe's parents. Their beautiful wolves, prancing in the moonlight. Felix, still young, running behind them. Phoebe's wolf laid in her mother's arms but they weren't the only ones in the photo. There was another wolf.

This wolf looked different from them, though. Both Phoebe and Felix's wolves were a pigment of perfect white, so were their parents. This wolf's fur was a dark raven, darker than the skies behind it. Her eyes are identical to their mother's and her figure is so similar to Phoebe's. She had this mystique aura around her, gleaming a dark, black pigment. She was a witch.

Felix's eyes grew and his lips parted. "Holy shit..." He mutters. Cassius's voice erupts in the atmosphere, shocking everyone. "Your true luna," He yells, echoing throughout the entire hall.

"Abandoned by her parents and given away to her father, your forgotten sister."

The end.

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