
By BieetcheRoar

245K 5.4K 785

Simple. Law-abiding. Reliable. Three words that do not even halfway cover all of Jessica Morgan seem to cling... More

1. Unflattering
2. The City of God
3. Ruin Me
4. Ruined
5. Inquiries
6. Phoenix
7. Crème de la Crème
8. Redefining the Parameters
9. Aftercare
10. God is a Woman
11. Control
12. Greatest Surrender
13. Dinner With the Devil
14. If I Were Human
15. Outsmart Me
16. Brat
18. Velvet Scapes
19. Only But a Demon

17. Third Eye

2.9K 76 24
By BieetcheRoar

"...You can't let them do this! You can't let them take her!" a woman's voice screamed, shadows swirling together, a cacophony of grief and screams.

"Give it to me!" a savage male voice growled. Sounds of struggling ensued, the woman screamed, and the baby...the baby wailed.

"NO!" the woman hollered, her voice raw and aching. The ground cracked and rumbled, the sky parted, and rain poured. "Through my blood she is free," she whispered, her shadow getting down on its knees.

"Don't you dare!" The man ran for her, holding the baby in his arms and the woman plunged a knife through her heart.

I woke, gasping and sweating, clutching at my chest. I've been sleeping on and off for who knows how long, wracked by these impending nightmares. They haunt me and they burn through me like a disease. It's like a fever and I can't shake it. Real doctors have tried everything, Azura and her demon doctors have tried everything, but I can't be cured. If they could figure out what is wrong with me, then maybe they could cure me.

I know what's wrong with you.

Lilith. I forgot she is still with me. I groaned, closing my eyes, being lost in the fever yet again. A dream pulled me but not a nightmare, a dream that someone controls. No. I tugged back, and my insides burned as if I swallowed hot coals. I screamed and then woke once more.

"'s been three days, Azura, what are we going to do?" a male voice asked, panicked.

"Shh, Collin. I just have to figure out what's wrong with her."

It grew silent and then with deadly precision, Collin said, "If you don't tell me what the fuck is going on, I will murder you and your entire race of demons until the day I die."

It was silent for so long I thought I fell back into the fever. "Lucifer is after her because she's the personification of humanity. We have a plan but now it's on hold for I don't know why she's suffering this way. I thought—"

"You introduced my sister into the clutches of Lucifer...?" Collin sounds pissed off.

Azura gave a dry laugh. "No, that was all you, dude." She laughed again, her laugh becoming hysterical.

"Excuse me?"

"Lucifer came with the face of fucking James!" Yelling, Azura silenced the room. "If you hadn't of let that worm into the lecture hall we wouldn't even be here!" Silent, I heard Collin take a seat near me and Azura blow out a breath in frustration.

"...Are you guys done?" an unfamiliar but tantalizing voice asked with authority. "We can point fingers at one another all we want but it won't help us figure out what is wrong with Jessica."

I slipped back into the fever, groaning, spiraling into a dream that I tugged out of once more, burning my organs, leaving me shuddering. I gasped in air, wanting nothing more than to just die.

"I fear organ failure if she is to do that again," the unfamiliar voice stated.

"Jesus Christ," Collin cursed beneath his breath, his voice cracking at the end.

"What can we do? Get me more books!" Azura ordered.


Hm, I haven't really heard from Lilith until today it seems like. I wonder if she's dying too.

Jessica just focus on my voice please or I'll slip again just like you. Lucifer, he—

The fever swept my forehead and I grunted, trying to focus just like Lilith asked.

Focus, Jessica, please! Lucifer is trying to pull you into a dreamscape and he's undeniable yet somehow, you're doing it. Go to Cenric instead, Jessica. When you pull, pull towards the light. We only have one shot at this. If you feel that pain again your heart will stop. Jessica the light, go to the light, Jessica, I need you to—

The fever swept me under, and I shuddered closing my eyes. A dream tugged and I internally cried, fearing the agony, death.

"...Do not deny me," a voice brushed against my ear and I knew it was Lucifer. If I deny him, I'll die but if I go to him, he'll finally have me for sure. In the corner between death and darkness is light, but it burns just as much as the dark. "Jessica you'll die."

Some men just don't understand that I'd rather die alone than be with them. I reached towards the light in my consciousness, screaming as I burned. My eyes snapped open after one last shriek and then I was clutching at my chest, on my knees.

"...Jessica?" a familiar voice wondered, and I looked up beneath my curtain of hair to find Cenric staring down at me. Before I could speak my stomach was gripped with agony and I woke from my once fevered slumber.

"Oh, thank God!" Azura gushed, parting my hair from my face.

My stomach feels empty and agonized. "Why—" I croaked.

"Here." Collin handed me a glass of water with a straw and I thankfully drank as much as I could before he wrenched it away. "Don't drink too much."

I groaned. The water soothed my throat and made my stomach feel a little bit better. I want more. "Why does my stomach hurt like this?" Clutching my belly, I closed my eyes as the room spun.

"You're most likely hungry. Anything in particular I can get you?" Collin asked, trying to make himself useful.

Frowning, I slowly sat up in bed with the help of Azura's steady hand on my back. There is nothing that I want to eat more than anything else. The idea of sleep is way more appealing. Shrugging out of Azura's aid, I slid to the edge of the bed and then rose, unsteadily to my feet.

A brown hand reached out to support my arm and I gasped, feeling heat, electricity, and gorgeous lust wash over me. Shaking, I looked into huge almond shaped dark brown eyes coated with thick black lashes. Her bone structure supports an oval shaped face with thick luscious lips that are full and painted a stunning matte chocolate brown. She is tall with deliciously thick thighs accented by a small waist, that support the most firm and round ass I have ever seen in a dress. Her breasts push out in a lovely way. Dressed in a yellow bodycon dress, her nails also match, shaped to a fine point. Her feet are bare, with gorgeous yellow toes and her dark brown skin shines from the addition of the sunlight from my bedroom window.

She smiled and I lost control of my body. Supporting me with one hand, she brushed her thick curly hair out of the way with the other. "Careful there," she said, her voice the unfamiliar one from who knows when. It lit me on fire.

"W-who is this?" I turned to face Collin who is on his phone searching for food.

"I'm Sheeba," she introduced. I honestly can barely look at her she is way too stunning.

"I'm not going to lie to you, Sheeba, I can't think straight in your presence."

"You're very distracting as well," she purred.

My bottom lip dropped open in awe and then I ran for the bathroom before I could regret my next decision. Jeez, are all the succubi this damn attractive? This is ridiculous. Men do not stand a chance. Clutching my stomach, I stared at myself in the mirror. My stomach feels raw and achy, as if I am dying from the inside out. I've been hungry multiple times in life, this is not hunger pains.

Blowing out my breath in frustration, I leaned against the bathroom sink, staring at my pale face. I look god awful and dirty. Tired, I turned on the shower and stepped in. I washed everything until I became soap itself, and then wrapped in a towel to exit the bathroom.

Azura is standing in the doorway, Collin has a tray of food by the bed, and Sheeba is sitting in the window, glowing from the backlight. On the tray is an assortment of food from all three times of the day, yet all at once. Bagels, eggs, bacon, fruit, sandwiches, chips, carrot sticks, lasagna, garlic bread, and broccoli. I looked and my stomach gnawed even tighter, causing me to grunt. I leaned against the wall for support.

"Are you okay, Jessica?" Azura asked, her voice laced with worry.

After the odd feeling passed, I nodded my head, letting go of the wall. I grabbed a few clothing items and then dressed in the bathroom, coming back out with damp hair and a romper. Everyone is now standing together near the bed and I stopped to face them.

"Will you try to eat, please?" Collin asked.

"I don't want that right now. What's the plan for Lucifer?" Collin attempted to argue and Sheeba threw him a scathing look.

"We'll gather the girls and then meet you at Collin's. Your roommate is starting to get suspicious so I'm glad you're finally okay," Azura said, her voice calm and patient. I am not a mental patient.

"Why are you all treating me so fucking weird?" I grabbed the water from the nightstand and drank it all, tossing it into the trash. I just want to feel...alive again. "I'm going to go for a walk. Then I'll meet you at Collin's."

Sheeba, Azura, and Collin shared a look and then I rolled my eyes and left out the door. I do not need their weirdness and in sync ass judgement. Frustrated, I laid a hand against my aching stomach and squinted up at the sky. Ah, sunlight, life. It made me feel amazing, almost as if I could absorb the power and life of the sun. The gnawing in my stomach reduced to nothing and I smiled in relief. Maybe I was lacking vitamin D from staying inside so long in my bed. Walking again, I thought about how close I was to dying lately. Lucifer is a dangerous enemy to have.

Yes, he is.

Lilith! Where in the hell have you been?

I was staying in the shadows so that he wouldn't notice I were there.

That is probably a wise choice. I guess I could eat something now. Spotting a taco truck up ahead, I headed over and ordered two. The smell of the chicken made me groan and I quickly consumed the tacos, turning back to the truck to order two more and an order of elotes. I ate all of that as well while standing and then tossed my trash, walking back to my place. Jeez, how many days has it been since I ate? I'll probably get a snack at Collin's. He lives like a thirteen-year-old boy apart from tea.

Slow down on the food, not that I'm opposed to how great that tasted.

I snorted in amusement just as my place came into view. Collin is loading up the car, Helen at his side dressed in a pantsuit. They both saw me at the same time, halting what they were doing. Irritated all over again, I just opened the passenger door of the car and slid in, closing the door behind me. My eyes grew a little heavy, and I leaned back in my seat. A little nap can't hurt me, right?

There is delicious sunlight on my face, and I blinked my eyes open to find a brilliantly beautiful greenhouse. It feels so green in here, so full of life. Little reptiles crawled around and there is a spiral staircase that leads up. Cenric is playing with one of the reptiles, his eyes trailing to mine. I am wearing a light green dress, feet bare. I smiled tentatively and raised an eyebrow at the reptile.

"This is a Chinese water dragon," he answered, setting it down near some plants. "This is the Kew Royal Botanical Gardens in London, the Palm House to be exact."

"It's stunning."

"You feel different to me," Cenric said, stepping closer to me.

"Because I almost died?"

After a flinch so fast I barely noticed, Cenric said, "No it's something else...something foreign to me."

I wonder if he can feel Lilith. Oh no.

Change the subject.

"I missed you," I whispered. Cenric's face softened and Lilith exhaled in relief.

"I almost lost you, repeatedly. You're growing a habit of being trouble." His eyes crinkled with concern as his lips twitched with amusement. Right in front of me now, he brushed a finger through my dark hair. Looking closer at his face, he looks strained and then I knew.

"You haven't appeared in many dreams, have you?" I asked, my concern now growing. I frowned, reaching up to touch him and he grabbed my wrist.

"Shh, I saw you briefly the other day. What was that?"

"I came to you instead of Lucifer's calls."

Cenric's jaw hardened and his hand curled around my wrist like claws. "I need him dealt with," he growled.

"I'm on the way to meet the other succubi, we will take care of it."

Yes, we will.

Cenric cocked his head to the side and I smiled. "Jessica..."


"Something is not right with you."

"I'll come back to you tonight," I said, partly grateful that I can feel Collin trying to wake me from the car. "I won't let you keep suffering this way. I love you."

"Jessica, wait—"

I jolted awake in the car and my stomach twisted so violently I let out a little scream, bracing myself on the dashboard.

"Are you okay? Sorry, didn't mean to scare you!" Collin said, eyebrows furrowed in concern. God, I'm sick of everyone's concern for me.

"I'm fine," I croaked out, my insides shuddering like an old engine. Goodness. I stepped out of the car and into the sun, and closed my eyes. Warmth and life filled me so wholly and completely that it was practically life changing. My stomach felt normal again and I opened my eyes to find Collin's mouth hanging open in awe. "What?"

"Y-you were just glowing!"

"The sun, duh."

"No, like literally glowing!"

With a snort, I headed for his front door that he always leaves unlocked somehow. "How are you and Helen? Did I miss anything?"

Still in awe of me, Collin answered, "She just knows we are lying to her and is begging me to tell her the truth."

"Will you?" I asked, stopping in his living room. "Should you?"

Collin sighed. "I just want her to be safe. This is...a lot. Plus, what's to stop her from writing an article on it?"

"Friend solidarity. Surely you think more highly of her than to think she'd sell what we tell her."

"Writers, can you ever trust them?"

"Don't you write?"

Collin waggled his brows with mischief, and I laughed, slapping his arm. "Are you okay, Jessica? Really?" He looks so fucking worried.


The door opened and in came Azura, Sheeba, and two other ladies before I could answer. Collin immediately gave them his attention and I gave a nod to Azura and Sheeba. Before I could ask how this was going to go, someone else started speaking.

"So, if we are to pull this off, I will say this. We must be one team and we must listen to one another. None of that solo dolo shit, there are lives on the line. Plus, we get to say we took down Lucifer," a gorgeously bronze complexioned woman with knee length dark hair said.

"Hold your horses, Penelope, we have to come up with a plan," a woman with the complexion of fresh ginger interceded.

"All of your plans are so boring, Ai," Penelope groaned.

"Enough." Sheeba barely raised her voice, it's the power in it that brought everyone to a stop. "There are a lot of things to consider before we can come up with a plan. Penelope, I need you to get intel on where he is."

"How am I supposed to do that?" she squeaked. Penelope is taller than everyone in the room, her bronze skin stunning as well as her perfectly sculpted face. She is mostly torso and legs with long limbs and a long face. Her forehead is covered with a patterned headband and she is dressed in a knee length matching patterned dress and sandals.

"Now she wants to be modest," Azura mumbled to Collin and I and we both cracked smiles.

Sheeba ignored her and faced Ai. "I need you to find out if anyone has heard of his next move, or if he's picked up any allies." Ai is the shortest of the group, with shiny black hair that reached her shoulders, pulled back on the left side with a dragon pin. She's wearing a black and red kimono, her lips painted red with the nails to match. When she moves a certain way, I can see blades attached to garters on her thighs. Her eyes are cunning and wise and everything about her is dainty and precise.

"Why them?" I asked. Both pairs of brown eyes turned to face me, and Penelope snorted.

"Darling I've been alive since the first colonizers. If I can't find the information no one can."

"Penelope is Native American," Collin whispered to me. I nodded in understanding. "She is the goddess Xocotzin, that of sexual desire. Penelope is her name now."

"Talking and well a blade, goes a long way," Ai offered, her lip turned up in humor.

"Ai is Chinese. She's had many names since she's lived. Jiutian Xuannü, is the most popular. The goddess of war, sex, and longevity." I shivered in response and Collin patted my back. These are some terrifying women.

"Collin, you keep looking in those books you read," Sheeba directed. "Azura keep watching Jessica and I will think up a concoction to destroy Lucifer."

Tell her that if the substance does not include the blood of his love then it will fail.

"I may or may not know that whatever concoction you make will not work without the blood of his only love." I smiled sheepishly and everyone turned to gawk at me.

"And how could you possibly know that Jessica?" Azura asked, eyes narrowed.

Say because you're his only love.

That would be an entire lie. You're his only love.

I am inside of you, genius, so if your blood is mixed in what does it matter if they think it's yours or not?

"Because he loves me," I answered, voice soft.

"Excuse me?" Collin protested.

Azura held her hand up. "Is that right?" I shrugged and Azura stormed out of the room with a huff, slamming the door behind her.

There was a long awkward silence and then Sheeba said, "Alright, now that everyone is clear on what they are to do, lets get to it. I'll need some of your blood eventually then, Jessica. Thanks for the...suggestion." She gave a sharp nod and then left the room as well. I'm getting the impression that my revelation has upset everyone.

"I thought the worst thing in the world was being human," Ai said, sharpening one of her blades. Penelope snorted with laughter. "Turns out the worst thing is being loved by Lucifer."

You have no idea.

"Tell me, how did you manage that? Is it the long dark hair? He does have a thing for long dark hair," Ai continued. I blushed and Lilith rolled her eyes. "He'll kill you with zero hesitation. You think you know what you're doing, that you've charmed him, it's all under control." She stopped sharpening her blade to look at me, and Penelope turned to gaze at me as well. "I'm here to tell you that you do not. You're not a succubus, you're not even remotely interesting than for more than 5 seconds. I don't get the fuss, honestly. I wouldn't fuck you if you were the only human on earth."

"Watch how you talk to my sister," Collin spat. Ai laughed.

"To be honest, you're way more interesting, handsome boy. I do see the fuss about you," Penelope purred.

"You'll get everyone killed." Ai began to sharpen her blade again, her red nails reflected back in the blade. "I can feel the way you feel about him."

"I don't—"

"I have lived too long to be lied to, honey bun. When it comes time to choose, you'll choose him. I can feel it in you like a dragon's breath on my neck." She stopped sharpening once more and turned the blade to face me. "And I'll kill you before you choose him. I'll slide this blade right through your throat and watch you bleed."

I haven't chosen him; I choose my demon. There's no way unless...Then I knew. I gave my brain radio silence and nodded my head at Ai in understanding. "How much do you know about human possession?"

"That's Penelope and I's specialty." Ai gave a delicious grin and Penelope nodded in excited agreement.

"How would you rid a human of possession?"

"Slice my blade through the third eye." Ai held her blade up to the light and it gleamed.

"What happens to the demon?"

"Depends on the demon," Penelope answered. "If it's an old one it could just leave the host. If it's a young one, they could just be eliminated."

What are you doing?

I walked up to Ai and grabbed her wrist that held the blade. She gasped in surprise and then stabbed me in the middle of my forehead to get to my third eye. The world was filled with pain and a bright light. Lilith screamed. I could never love Lucifer, not even a little. The thoughts she felt must be Lilith's and I'll be damned if she uses my body to get back to her lover.


The light consumed me, and I fell, and I fell, and I fell, and then there was nothing. 

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