sincerely, r

By starynightae

97.1K 6K 2.1K

We'll meet each other one day. We promise. Sincerely, BTS -bts letter fic- -plot and dialogue included- -co... More

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i'm having a bad day deal with this
one hundred nine
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one hundred eleven
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one hundred sixteen
one hundred seventeen
one hundred nineteen
one hundred twenty
one hundred twenty one
one hundred twenty two
one hundred twenty three (final)

one hundred eighteen

300 18 32
By starynightae

"Get up." Jimin begged, trying to pull Taehyung off the floor. Taehyung kicked Jimin's shins with a cry, eyes remaining closed as he sobbed. Jimin hissed painfully, watching Taehyung throw himself against the wall, slamming his head against it.

"S-she can't die!" Taehyung screamed, Jimin looking over at the closed door, thankful for the thick walls. "I can't lose her! Jimin! She's everything!"

'Get his mind off of her.' Jimin clenched his teeth, thinking of something, anything that could possibly take his mind-

Jimin ran over to the window in the room, pressing his face against the glass. There they were, the twins being watched by a nurse.

"Get up." Jimin pulled Taehyung by his wrist, dragging him across the floor until Taehyung finally stood to his feet. "You have kids." Jimin grabbed Taehyung's shirt, glaring at him. "They need their father."

Jimin pushed Taehyung into the next room, shutting the door behind him as the nurse stood. "Hi, I'm Park Jimin." He shook her hand, the lady old. "This is Kim Taehyung, the fath-"

"Father of the twins." The lady smiled and nodded. "I'll leave you two alone. I'll be just out of the room." She waved and left, Taehyung staring at the babies, slow tears falling down his face.

"Sit down." Jimin pointed to the couch, Taehyung backing up and sitting on the couch. Jimin walked up to the baby girl, taking a shaky breath. "Hello, little one." Jimin carefully picked her up, holding his breath as she looked up at him. "I'm Uncle Jiminie."

Taehyung had his hands on his mouth, watching Jimin carefully walk over to him. On his second step, the little girl burst into tears, screaming and crying. Her brother, still in his bed, sobbed as well, hearing his sister in distress and fear.

They were just babies. They didn't hear their mother's heartbeat anymore. This man holding her, that wasn't her mom. It wasn't at all.

Jimin handed her to Taehyung, Taehyung releasing a shaky exhale as he looked down at his baby girl.

"They have blue eyes."

"The brightest blue." Taehyung whispered, using his thumb to gentle wipe the tears from her tiny face.

"Little man." Jimin picked up the swaddled baby boy. "I'm Uncle Jiminie." He smiled down sadly. "I'll bring you to your Dad, okay?"

Taehyung sat there, holding both of his kids in his arms, smiling down at both of them, slowly looking at them as they cried. Jimin sat beside him, rubbing his back as he finally let his own tears fall down his face.

Taehyung was calmer now, now Jimin could deal with his own emotions.

Rebecca can't be dead. She, she just can't.

Jimin still remembers the day he put together the 'Jimin Package' for her. He remembered her wearing the Jimin sweatshirt, her phonecase, the necklace.

Her necklace....

She was wearing it today.

Jimin almost sobbed out if it wasn't for Taehyung.

"Shh, shh." He hummed softly, his deep voice causing a hiccup in the little girl's cries. "I know, I know, it's scary." He sighed sadly, his own lip quivering. Taehyung took a deep breath, looking over at his son. "But she'll be okay."

Jimin slowly let his hands fall from his mouth, looking up at Taehyung. This was the first time he was, positive. He was just wailing that she was dead...

"Mommy is going to be okay."

Jimin looked down at his kids, their crying reduced to sniffles.

'Not Mommy, but, but I know him.' The baby boy looked up at his father. 'I know his voice.'

'Daddy.' The little girl giggled.

"You two are going to love her so much." Taehyung smiled, a real, genuine smile. "She has hundreds of freckles all across her cheeks. They look like the stars you'll see in the sky." Taehyung sighed and looked out the window, the night sky out there. "Never ending and absolutely breath-taking."

Jimin cried silently, leaning his head on Taehyung's shoulder. All he could see was her face, her smile. He could feel her hugs, her teasing hits. He could hear her laughs, he could hear her voice.

"I think my little girl wants her Uncle Jiminie to hold him." Taehyung nudged Jimin softly. "She is our second born, which makes her-"

"My godchild." Jimin breathed, his hands shaking as he reached out for her and her baby smile. "She ... she has Becca's smile."

"She has the best godfather in the world." Taehyung spoke gently, Jimin hugging his godchild as he doubled over and sobbed.

If Becca didn't make it, Jimin would only have her little girl to remind him of her. He, he has to keep this little girl safe, protected. He swears he'll never let anything bad happen to her.

This is Becca's child, nothing will ever happen to her.


"The kids are alive-" The nurse spoke up as chaos insued.

"Becca!" Taehyung's mom cried, shocking everyone through their tears. "How is my daughter-in-law? Is she going to make it??"

Never has Taehyung's mom ever referred to Becca as her daughter-in-law. The two still had a hate-love relationship. Taehyung's mom saying she hates Becca, but everyone knows she absolutely adores her no matter how much she denies it.

Jungkook lunged forward and pulled Yoongi back, Yoongi about to charge through the doors to Becca. "Stay Yoongi!" Jungkook cried, holding onto his hyung as he tried to fight through him. "Yoongi I need you!"

"No no she can't die." Namjoon was still in shock as Jin clung to him, sobbing into the leader. "She, she's going to be fine."

Amber rubbed Jamie's back as she cried into her, Amber crying silently, reassuring her younger friend that Rebecca will pull through. She always does, she, she has to.

"I can't lose... I have to ... I need Becca." Hoseok couldn't form proper sentences, standing alone as everyone else had someone to hold. "Becca .. she's always there she, she can't-"

Yoongi yanked Hoseok into him and Jungkook's hug, Hoseok finally crying along with the rest of them. Yoongi kept his eyes shut. Maybe, just maybe, if he closed his eyes and imagined Rebecca alright, maybe it'll come true.

He just has to belive enough.


"You're an amazing father already Taehyung." Jimin whispered, both looking down at the sleeping children in their arms. "You calmed them down so quickly."

"I just talked about Becca." Taehyung sat back, staring forward. "I just pray they'll get to meet her themselves. Besides," Taehyung swallowed tears. "I can't be a good father if they don't have their mother."


Rebecca opened her eyes, screaming for a second before slamming her hands against her mouth. Water, there was water all around her. She held her breath looking around wildly. There was no telling which way was up, which was down.

Her heartbeat increased.

She opened her mouth in shock for a split second before closing it agian, her eyes burning against the salt water. There was her sister, floating towards her. Becca couldn't move, watching Kathryn stop in front of her.

"Hi Becky." She smiled sadly, and if Rebecca wasn't under water, she could cry. "Do you want to see your babies?"

Rebecca nodded quickly, her heart starting to burn as she slowly ran out of breath to hold.

"Then breathe." Kathryn raised her chin, holding eye contact with her older sister.

'I can't.' Rebecca thinks, shaking her head at her sister. Everything was becoming blurry, Rebecca could barely hold her arms up, could barely keep her hand son her mouth.

If she breathes, she'll suffocate. The water,, it'll just kill her.

Death scares her.

"Yes you can!" Kathryn held her sister's shoulders. "Do it for them!"

Rebecca's eyes fluttered for a second, before shutting. 'I can't!' She's almost there, almost at her resting-

"Do it for your babies!"

Something clicked inside of Rebecca. Two babies in her arms, crying, but holding blue eyes, freckles. Taehyung was there...

Rebecca took a deep breath,,


The nurse walked back out into the waiting room.


Everyone stood, everyone holding onto each other, giving each other enough strength to stand. But they needed another to stand themselves.

The moment of truth.


"Taehyung?" The doctor knocked on the door after opening it.

Jimin and Taehyung both stood, the babies remaining asleep in their arms. Taehyung's lip quivered once he saw blood on the doctor's scrubs.

"Your wife ..."

hahah you thought

i have school tomorrow so you'll hear me complain about it in the next chapter.

actually i might publish another today idk

wait, is this even a cliffhanger? idk

bye lol

oh btw jin isn't the godfather it's jimin sorry i changed it, it made more sense this way

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