Republic City's Hospital [Zuk...

By Pommerose25161

3.9K 178 154

Aang has always had a knack for getting in odd situations. This situation on the other hand, he had no contro... More

Day one
Day two
Week one
Origins stink
The Surgery

Week two

637 28 42
By Pommerose25161

I really want to cuddle.

This has become painfully apparent in the past hour. Me and Zuko just came back from breakfast. Waiting for Frank to come and re-bandage Zuko's face. That wasn't the odd thing though. Zuko finished his food quickly as always. But he actually leaned against the doorway waiting for me to finish up.

Then when I got up and went over to him. He turned and headed to our room without a word. Very odd.

He never waits for me. Well except today.

He walked me back to residence room number three. Then went to his bed, and took out the familiar ear buds and MP3 player. I wondered what he was listening to now.

I had gotten a glimpse of his MP3 player's content list. I had a bunch of different songs on the small screen. None of them looked like the smooth jazz we had listened to yesterday. And I could tell there was a lot more than that what the small section showed.  Like a lot more.

So we sat on our beds as always. Zuko leaning against his own headboard. Eyes closed, face shifting minutely as he listens to different songs. Me leaning against mine bored out of my mind. Hat starting to itch a little in the back.

I glanced ovrr at Zuko again. I remembered how I had hugged him yesterday. The weight of his arm around my shoulder. The feeling of me leaning against him, his head onto of mine. The warmth leeching off from him and into me. That had been nice very nice. Very nice.

And I kind of want to do it again. Kind of. It's been awhile since I cuddled with anyone. Yesterday doesn't count, he was crying and looking for comfort. I had provided that comfort sufficiently. I think I did. Probably did. Let's go with probably did. Well it doesn't  look like he's gonna a cry now. Not in the least. He looks stony and blank as always.

He wouldn't want to cuddle with me anyway. But he did stay with me after he stopped crying. Jeesh I sound like twelve a year old again. When I first realized I was pansexual. That was difficult to become aware of and accept. Having romantic thoughts of people with all different genders. Not settling down on one kind if freaked me out. Thinking of a girl one minute then the fantasy would switch to a dude, and back again. It confused me to say the least. I felt equally to all parties and that was interesting to figure out. To say the very least.

So here I am, with my twelve year old mind, trying to figure out why I want to cuddle with Zuko. He didn't mind it yesterday. But he was crying and his brain was probably muddled. Yeah he had brain muddlery. Yet I still want to cuddle with him. But he wouldn't. He did yesterday though. That was yesterday and he had brain muddlery. Yet I still-

You get the idea.

"I'd prefer it if you didn't glare at me."

I legitimately jumped with surprise, and looked wildly at Zuko. He didn't look amused. So like usual. I smiled nervously at him.

"Uhm, what? Sorry I wasn't paying attention." I said honestly, my hand tracing my bump subconsciously. Zuko's golden eye flickered down to the movement. He raised his eyebrow.

"Could you not glare at me?" He repeated.

"I was glaring at you?" I said meekly. Zuko smirked and nodded. "Sorry," I muttered. Zuko smirked again, and I turned away. I didn't mean to glare at him. I heard a sigh from behind me, and the rustling of fabric. I didn't look back I doubt that it was anything.

I heard padded footsteps, going away from me. I sighed and cacooned myself in my bedsheets. Now he'll think you're weird. I'm not that weird. I just wanna cuddle.

The sink ran in the background. I burrowed myself further so I couldn't hear the minute sounds. He's probably just getting a glass of water or something. Maybe taking his pills or something. I still haven't taken that diabolical pill today. I probably should, but I really dont want to get up right now.

I'm startled a bit by the bed dipping. "You might want to take your pill a
Airhead." Zuko said shaking my shoulder. I warily turn over still in my cacoon of blankets. A pout takes over my face, as I spot his small lopsided smile. His bandages making smiling completely unavailable. His one eyebrow was raised, showing his amusement.

"Ugh, do I have to?" I whined, already sitting up. Grabbing the cup of water from his hand. The little orange capsule catching the light tauntingly. My pout defeated, I grab the capsule.

I knock back the pill, washing it down with the bland water. I shake my head after it's down. "It's still disgusting as the first time." Zuko nodded, and took the capsule and cup. Bringing them to the sink, dumping the water. And placing the capsule next to the sink taps.

"Soon you'll be getting a second one. To replace the hormones that the first pill kills." Zuko said absently walking back over to me. The blankets were falling off my shoulders as I leaned against the head board. My hat somewhere on the ground probably. I'll find it later.

"Do I have to?" I repeat. Zuko gives me a blank look as he sits on the end of my bed.

"If you don't want you to die than yes." I glare  playfully at him. He didn't react and I slid down the head board so I lay on my back. The dip in the matress disappeared  and Zuko went over to his own bed.

The small flicker of hope that we would cuddle extinguished.

"Sit up Airhead." A gruff voice stated from beside me. I glanced over at Zuko surprised. In his hand was the MP3 player and ear buds. "I said get up." He repeated a little irritated. I slowly sat up, and scooted over. Zuko slid in beside me and handed me an ear bud. I took it dumbly staring at him. There was no sound coming out of it. Zuko hadn't selected anything yet. He slid up right against me, and I fought to keep my cheeks from heating. I failed.

Zuko handed me his sacrid MP3 player. I glanced at his hand then at him. He was looking at me expectantly. My hand slowly travelled to the offered device. I scrolled through the dozens of songs. Pressing the tiny down button, squinting to make out the tint print. Gyasto had been talking about me maybe needing glasses, and now I believed him.

I settled on a random song, and a lively guitar started up, with a bright voice bursting out spanish. It didn't sound like anything new. The opposite actually. I had a sneaking suspicion that it was at least thirty years old. I looked up at Zuko, he didn't seem surprised.

What surprised me is the arm that wrapped itself around my shoulders. Pulling me cllser to the boy beside me. Zuko didn't acknowledge his actions. Just simply closed his eyes and laid his head on the head board.

I sighed happily, and leaned against his side. Enjoying that I got to cuddle Zuko Prince without his brain possibly having muddlery.


The next day, tea time was half way through. Harlow had just finished passing out treats and tea. My hand had been stuck to my bump this entire time. Tracing it frantically. Usually I had Katara to talk to. Except Katara was just coming home from Cuba later today. I'm not sure I can wait for her visit to spill.

Zuko had been acting oddly sweet these past two days and it's bothering my systems. He's walked and eaten with me every meal. He's let me listen to the seemingly endless songs on his MP3 player multiple times. He's gone easier on me with connect four. He still won though, annoying twat.

Anyway his sweetness is messing with my bodily systems. One guy can only take so much blushing and amazment. Seriously, my face becomes strawberry red every time he sits next to me. When we eat breakfast, he's actually starting to talk to me. Sure it's only small comments like, 'pass the salt' and 'don't eat your orange juice and yogurt at the same time that's revolting'. And other random junk. THAT'S STILL TALKING. It's progress. And that's all that matters.

When Bumi started yelling outside residence room number three, I had actually wanted to kind of....
Kiss him goodbye? Just a peck on the cheek. Nothing to major. A kiss on the mouth would've been amazing. But I doubt that would end well. Most likely with him screaming in fury and storming away. That would be awful.

Literally if I did that I don't think I could look him in the eye again. So here I was. Waiting for Harlow to not be busy, so I could spill my every growing fascination of Zuko Prince.

I fiddle with the brim of my hat. The soft woven threads, nice and warm against the harsh evil of fans. The kids were watching Megamind on Harlow's tv. The tv in residence room number three hasn't been used by me nor Zuko yet. We hadn't needed to. Between our games, my books, and Zuko's music there had been no need.

A familiar white cat emerged from under my chair. Looking up between my legs expectantly. I giggled and allowed Momo to jump on my lap. Stroking his fur, helped calm me down a bit. Only a bit though.

Harlow finally looked like she was finished serving everyone their mandatory tea and treats. Today I had lemon tea in the same Snow White cup from the first time I came to tea time. Has it really been only nine days? Jeesh it has hasn't it. Only five more days till the surgery. Then three days to recover. After that it was home sweet home. Yay. No more tea times, no more cheery Frank, no more surprise visits from Momo, no more crazy Bumi shouting at my door. That'll be hard to leave.

Maybe I won't have to. I could possibly start volunteering at the hospital. That'd be fun. Or maybe just visiting and helping Harlow.

Speaking of Harlow, she callopsed into the chair beside me. A soft weezing noise made by her weezing caught my attention. "Do you want me to get your air mask?" I asked her worriedly. Harlow waved her hand dismissively.

"Nah I'm fine." She saying her breathing not getting any easier. I narrow my eyes at her.

"I'm going to get your air mask." I say already half way out of my chair. Harlow doesn't protest as I find her air mask beside her bad. And wheel the air tank over to her. I attached the tube to the air tank, and wash the face mask with a tissue. Handing the mask to Harlow to strap on herself. She puts on the mask rather reluctantly, but she's breathing fuller now.

"You didn't have to do that." Harlow says grumpily through the mask. "What is it that you wanted to talk about Aang?" Harlow says, wheeling the air tank so it was beside her. I breathed in deeply and sighed.

"I may or may not have a crush that I don't know what to do about." I say quietly, finger still tracing my bump.

"What was that?" Harlow said, cupping a hand over her ear.

"I may or may not have a crush that I don't know what to do about." I said a bit louder. I glanced over at Harlow, she had a wide grin on her face.

"Really now?" She asked still grinning behind her air mask. I nodded starting to regret telling her. "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-" was her low squeal. I groaned and planted my face into my hands. Trying to suppress a blush. Harlow giggled. Eugene who had been sitting next to us had noticed my dismay and Harlow's glee. He raised an eyebrow.

"What did you say?" He asked accusingly. I just groaned, and looked up at him.

"Something I shouldn't have." I said miserably. Eugene took one glance between the practically exploding Harlow and me. And hummed knowingly.

"I see. Who's the lucky boy?" Eugene suddenly a lot more attent.

"How do you know it's a boy?" I say confused. Eugene just looked me up and down.

"Are you being serious?" He said amused.

I just groaned and tried to hide my face into my hands. "Don't worry kid I won't judge." Eugene said chuckling. "But I would like to meet this boy." Eugene said on the edge of protectiveness. Harlow gasped beside me.

"I want to meet him too! Can we meet him?" Harlow asked hopefully to Eugene.

"Who are we meeting?" Bumi said coming up to us.

"Aang's crush."  Both Harlow and Eugene said at once.

"Oooh I want to meet the boy as well." Bumi said gleefully, dragging a chair so we made a small circle. I groaned into my hands. My face now bright pink. I had planned, well I don't know what I planned. Maybe just spill to Harlow and run away. That had been my expectation.

The three old people looked at me expectantly. All their eyes locked on me. I looked at each of them warily. "Zuko," I muttered. Harlow started squealing again and Eugene chuckled. Bumi just looked thoughtful. I expected him to be the one with the biggest reaction.

"At least we know who's going to be limping after frick fracking." Bumi muttered, but we all heard. My face had never been more pink. Harlow started roaring with laughter. Eugene rubbed my back sympatheticly. I pulled down the brim of my hat to hide my face. I only pulled it back up when Harlow had stopped laughing.

"You guys done?" I whispered embarrassed badly. Harlow's face lost all of its amusement. Her brow furrowed, and she took off the air mask. Putting the mask on the moble tank of air.

"Of course honey, we won't make fun of you anymore. Won't we Bumi." She said sternly, and glared at Bumi. Who shrunk at the woman's fierce glare.

"Yeah yeah I'll stop." Bumi muttered. Hatlow nodded satisfied by his frightened reaction.

"Good, now Aang was about to gush. Continue." She waved at me with a hand, and took a sip of her tea.

"Well where do I start..."


"he absolutely undefeated by me in any game. I don't know how he can win so many times at candy land, but he does." I say smiling sweetly. Harlow was the only one left. Eugene had always left early to refill his IV bags. Bumi had declared he was getting more cookies and never came back. Harlow was listening intently to every word that came out of my mouth. Tea time had ended about twenty minutes ago. My tea had cooled awhile ago.

"I th-" a knock interupted her. She looked at the door curiously. "That's not Frank, he already came." Harlow stated, getting up, brushing the crumbs. I followed her to the door. Just as curious as the old woman.

Harlow opened the door, to see a very nervous looking teenager with bandages covering half his face. "Um I was wondering if you knew where Aang was?" Zuko asked softly. Very politely, like how you would greet your aunt that you couldn't remember the name of, but you know is very important. He was trying to see past Harlow and into the room. I looked at Zuko in shock, he hadn't seen me yet.

Harlow slowly turned round to face me. Her face held a small smile. Zuko looked past her to me. A cute confused frown on his face. I smiled queasily back. Harlow walked over to me, Zuko stood respectfully at the doorway. Harlow leaned down to say something in my ear.

"I approve." She whispered gently, grabbing my elbow to drag me towards the door. "Here's Aang, I had him stay longer so I could tell him the secret to making good gingersnaps."

"Isn't shifting the sugar and flour together?" Zuko commeted casually. For a second Harlow seemed surprised, then she seemed devious.

"Well you'll have to come some time to teach me some of your secrets." Harlow said pryingly. Zuko shrugged and seemed to think about it.

"Possibly." Zuko muttered, turning away to walk back to residence room number three. I waved at Harlow and jogged to catch up with Zuko. Once we turned the corner I glanced at Zuko.

"I didn't know you could bake." I commented randomly.

"Yeah, I used to bake things for Father and mom." Zuko said absently. I noticed he addressed one formally and the the other casually.

"As a treat?" I asked. Zuko snorted, but there was no amusement.

"No more like a peace offering."

I didn't ask him any more questions that day.


"Alright kiddos today we're going to be doing something a bit different." Frank annouced. Me and Zuko had been playing connect four on my bed. I exchanged a curious look with him across the board.

"What?" I asked, just a twinge of nervousness making it's way into my voice. Frank laughed fakely.

"Nothing to do with you, Mr Prince on the other hand... eh." Frank said suddenly not as at ease. I raised an eyebrow, and glanced at Zuko. He was already looking at me.

"I'll clean up, you do whatever." I offered, already dumping my pieces into the box. Zuko nodded stiffly and got off the bed and over to Frank. I respectively looked away, as Frank started taking off the gauze.

They were talking in low voices, I couldn't hear them that well. Only that Zuko wasn't happy, not at all. I finished cleaning up, and went to put away the box itself. I had just closed the cabinet when Frank said, "how does it feel?"

I turned and sucked in a breath. There was Zuko. I could see his entire face. Part of me wanted to turn away. The other part knew I had already had seen it and, it wouldn't matter. The latter part won, and I inspected Zuko's face.

The entire left side was various shades of pink and red flaring off to the side. The area around his eye and forehead, the brightest. It was sickly wet from  sweat, and the cream Frank was holding. The burn consumed his enitre eye almost reaching his nose. His eyebrow was no more. His left ear was shrivelled and pink. I could see why Zuko had been excited that it would work.

I don't know what to say or do. I don't know what I expected. Maybe hideous stiches or internal bleeding. Not this.

Then I realized the scar traveled down to his left shoulder. I winced wondering what had caused the burn. Then I looked in his eyes.

They were both bright molten gold. Swirling with small flecks of brown. There were two of them now. Both vibrant and bright against his far from unblemished skin. The scar suddenly didn't seem as bad now.

One word bounced through my head. Handsome.

A cute dusting of a blush was on his right cheek. That's when I realized he was embarrassed.

Frank had cleaned up by now, and was lecturing Zuko to do the regular oitments and  creams that usually went on it. Neither of us were paying attention. My attention was locked on Zuko and his on me. Frank left. Now it was just us two.

I walked forward slowly, Zuko seemed to tense up. Like he was expecting an attack of some sort. I put my hands up slowly, kind of like soothing a startled animal. I slowly made my way to his bed, and sat on the side of it. Right next to Zuko who was watching me warily.

I turned to him slowly and cocked my head to one side. Looking at his face curiously. "Does it hurt?" I asked meekly. Meeting his gaze with steady eyes.

"No," he said gruffly and stubbornly like he did my first day here. I sighed, and moved so I sat against the head board. Directly beside him looking forward.

"My parents died in a fire." I commented slowly, unsure what to say. Zuko grunted dismissively, but I could tell he was listening. "I was only two at the time. Gyasto had taken me for babysitting. I can't remember their voices, I've only seen their faces in photos." I say quietly waiting for the slightest reaction. He slowly turned his head away from me. I could no longer see his face. Only the thick raven hair. I noticed the area around his ear was shaved a bit. So the scar could be healed properly I guessed.

"Is there a reason you're telling me this?" Zuko muttered bitterly. I hummed thoughtfully, and slumped against the headboard.

"I don't know really." I answered shrugging, I have no clue what I'm doing. Zuko glanced back at me disbelieving. I smiled, looking down at my bare feet. I can't remember the last time I wore socks. I usually go bare foot or just flip flops. Zuko's feet were usually also bare. "Stalling maybe." I told my feet.

Having said that out loud I can't overlook that possibility. Was I really stalling? Yeah, kind of. I'm grasping for something soothing to say. But what do you say to your crush who just revealed their biggest insecurity?

"I know sorry or get better soon, won't do much. I have no clue what to say to you." I said earnestly, still talking to my feet. I don't wanna know what's Zuko's reaction to my words will be. So I don't look at him.

"I haven't actually seen it." Zuko blurted, the blush on his cheek still there. Yet he still seemed stony and mad. I have to say, he hid his embarrassment well.

"You haven't?" I asked my feet, a little surprised.

"Why would I want to see the ugly burn marring my face." Zuko stated bitterly, I spied his hands clenching and declenching by his side. I looked up at him, I was now laying on my back. From this angle the scar kind of suited him. In an twisted sort of way. Made his eyes brighter. Then again I've never seen him without it.

"It's not ugly." I stated firmly. Looking up at him with a pout. He looked down at me, his frown evident.

"Yes it is." He argued, I pouted harder.

"It's really not."

"It is."

"How do you know? You haven't even seen it!" I shout sitting up quickly. That came put a bit harsh. I wince and look back a Zuko. He was glaring at me. "I mean-"

"You meant what you said. Don't take it back!" Zuko said angerily. Sitting ram rod straight. I sighed, and got off his bed, walking around it to face him. I knew he was very vulnerable, and people get snippish and rude. Trying to defend themselves through lashing out at the people around them. It doesn't work only hurts other people. I knew he was vulnerable now. I shouldn't be careful with my words, he needs to know he is valued and handsome. So to hell with his anger.

"You haven't seen it, I think you'll be surprised." I say softer, holding out my hand. To tug him to the mirror. He eyed my hand. And I tried not to wriggle under his cold gaze.

Zuko wordlessly got off the bed, ignoring my hand. I ignored the small stab of hurt. And followed him to the sink. He was inspecting himself in the mirror, his face was unreadable. I sighed and came up behind him. I wrapped my arms around his waist, and rested my head on his shoulder. A lot like he did when I was about to shave my head. Except I couldn't put my head on his head. He was too freaking tall. This would do though. I made eye contact with him in the mirror.

I smiled at him. He didn't smile back. "I don't think you look ugly at all." I said. He grunted and moved closer to the mirror. Dragging me along with him. "In fact I think you look quite handsome." I said stubbornly.

The small sprinkling of blush on his cheeks increased a bit. He gave me a wry smile. I smiled confidently back. "Is that so?"

"Yup, handsome as heck." I say nuzzling my chin into his shoulder. Zuko chuckled deeply, his smile finally able to stretch across his entire face.

"You're something else Airhead."

"I know."


For the rest of the day Zuko wore his dull red hoodie. With the hood up. Partially obscuring his burn. I don't mind, I didn't want to take off my hat when I first shaved my head. I wouldn't have been comfortable with it. Which is the exact reason I'm fine with Zuko's hoodie.

We were currently walk back to our room. Dinner had just concluded and the day had been busy. I just wanna curl up in my bed and sleep. Unfortunately toady had other ideas. By today I mean Katara.

"AANG TENZIN L'AIR WHEN THE FUCK DID YOU MEAN TO TELL US YOU HAD CANCER???!!!" A female screamed down the hallway. Both me and Zuko froze. We both slowly turned towards the enraged voice. And there she was, Katara Maji, storming down the hallway. Her face was bright red and if it were possible I was sure that steam would be coming out of her ears. "WE WERE GONE FOR LESS THAN THREE WEEKS!!!! HOW THE HELL DID YOU GO ABOUT GETTING CANCER!!!!"

I slowly back up, and try to hide behind Zuko. Zuko doesn't protest, and slowly moves in front of me.

"KATARA WAIT!! WE'RE NOT ALLOWED BACK HERE!!!" Sokka yelled, bursting from a door that a door that Katara had just come out of. I peeked out from behind Zuko. To see Sokka looking even more tan, chasing after his run away sister. I slowly go back behind Zuko again. It was no use though. Katara was in right in front of us.

Katara was steaming but she was nothing to Zuko. He was muscled and frankly very scary if you didn't know him. He crossed his arms and glared down at her. She glared right back. Tension was radiating from both of them. Sokka finally caught up to us. He glanced between Zuko and Katara. And slowly moved to hide behind Zuko as well.

"Aang who's the scary dude?" Sokka whispered, as Zuko and Katara faced off.

"My roommate." I whispered back. Sokka nodded gravely, and started backing away from the both of them. I followed, and led him to residence room number three. Without either Katara nor Zuko noticing. I closed the door behind me. And Sokka strutted over to my bed and plopped down.

"Who do you thinks going to win?" Sokka asked. As I leaned against the sink,.

"Zuko." I said simply. Sokka shrugged.

"That dude is scary as fuck." I glared at his choice of words. He knew I only sweared when absolutely necessary. Sokka raised his hands surrendering. "Am I wrong though?"

I sighed and shook my head. "He's actually really sweet, in his Zuko sort of way." I defended. Sokka raised an eyebrow like he didn't quite believe me. "You just have to get to know him."

"Sure sure, I believe you buddy." I just glared at him again. "Anyway, Katara has a valid reason to be mad."

My shoulders drooped as I remembered how Gyasto had to tell them. It wasn't entirely my fault. The hospital could have informed them. Even if I personally didn't have a cell phone. "I know." I muttered, guilt piercing my gut.

"She was really hurt, when she found out you were in the hospital. That we only found out when we went to your house and you weren't there. Not a single text." Sokka said accusingly. I winced again, and traced my bump. I would have to take another sample of my thyroid tomorrow. Then in four days the surgery.

"I know." I said meekly.

"Two weeks Aang." Sokka gave me a disappointed frown.

"I don't have an excuse do I?" I murmured. In some ways Sokka was worse than Katara. Katara would yell and scream in your face, but Sokka would just act disappointed and guilt trip you all the way to Canada.

"No, no you do not." I groaned, and hid my face in my hands. "It's not all bad though, you found yourself a boyfriend I can see why you were occupied."

My head snapped up so fast I think I got whip lash. Plus having a painful buldge on my neck doesn't help much. "What?!?" I shouted. Sokka smirked, and crossed his arms.

"You do know he likes you right? He wouldn't have faced the wrath of Katara if he didn't." Sokka said finding great amusement in my blushing face.

"What?!?" I repeated my face over heating. Sokka snorted and shook his head.

"Are you that dense?"

"YES!!" I shouted, wanting answers. Sokka laughed.

"You'll have to ask him yourself buddy." I glare at him. Then turned my attention to the door.

"How long do you think they'll be?" I asked Sokka uneasily. "Maybe we should check up on them." I say getting off the counter. I'm sure Sokka's smirking at my back, but right now I don't want two of my friends don't kill each other.

"Yeah yeah, let's go check up on your boyfriend." Sokka said leaping up from the bed.

"He is not my-" Sokka put up a finger to shush me.

"Yes he is, stop deining it." I grunted and opened the door angrily.


When we found them, they were having sympathy chocolate milk. Or that's what it looked like. They both had chocolate milk cartons, Zuko was sipping his chocolate milk listening to Katara rant.

"- he's like a little brother to me. I was scared when Gyasto told us he was in the hospital. I mean who doesn't tell their friends they were in the hospital? With cancer of all things?!?" Katara ranted, taking an angry sip of her chocolate milk.

Zuko nodded sympathetically. "Aang, he doesn't act like he has cancer. Only that he's bald and living in the hospital." Zuko said, truthfully, his stony face was the same, but his tone was understanging and calm.

Me and Sokka were watching the scene from behind the corner. We exchanged a bewildered glance.

"I know that but still. I get worried about him. He has this habit of not telling us things so wouldn't worry about him." Katara confessed, sipping her milk sadly.

"Aang didn't tell you and that was idiotic and insensitive." Zuko said, placing down the chocolate milk. Looking Katara dead in the eye. "He probably doesn't even have a reason." I opened my mouth to retort, but Sokka shushed me. "But he still does have cancer. Go easy on him. It's been just as hard on him knowing as you not knowing."

Katara sighed and nodded. Putting down her drink as well. "We should probably go back. Knowing Sokka they were probably making bets on which one of us will kill the other first."

Me and Sokka exchanged a guilty glance. "Sneak back to the room?" I whispered.

"Yep." We slowly backed up. And headed back to the room.


Katara and Sokka had to leave sooner than I would of liked. I mean it was like eight when they left but still. Turns out Katara and Zuko noticed we were gone. Katara deflated and started ranting to Zuko. Who had went to get the chocolate milk.

So new day new possibilities. Zukobwas becoming more comfortable without the bandage. Now he leaves his hood down in our room. Frank had come and gone, goving Zuko some odd looking creams for his burns.

Getting the thyroid sample was just as bad as I remembered it. Since Momo wasn't there, I gritted my teeth and went through it undistracted. When I glanced at Zuko, I could tell he wanted to be over here with me. That had been a nice realization.

So now here we were, me reading my book. Zuko listened to his music. Much like we did on our first day. There was something that was bothering me though.

"Zuko?" I asked the open air. He grunted and took out his ear bud. "Do you wanna go to tea time?" I waited for his response, to be quite fair it took awhile for him to answer.

"What room is it in?" Zuko asked instead.

"Remember the one where you picked me up in?" Zuko hummed a yes. "Harlow always hosts tea time there. Will you go?" I ask again.



He did not go. I tried not to be too disappointed. I mean he said 'possibly'. Not a definite answer. It's not like he promised he would, or even said he would. I just wanted him to.

So here I was pouting across from him, at our table. Dinner had just started, and I was not in the mood for rice and cheese. So I crossed my arms and glared at the food, like it was responsible for Zuko's absence.

Speaking of Zuko, he hadn't said anything about tea time. Only the menial 'pass the salt' and 'don't forget your hat'. That last one was sweet, but still not an explanation. He doesn't exactly owe me one, but I'd still like it if he gave me one.

"Why didn't you come to tea time?" I say slowly. Zuko looked up from his own meal, surprised.

"I thought you were joking about that." I wrinkle  my nose in the thought of me falsely inviting anyone. That's just plain mean.

"Why would I be joking about that?" I ask genuinely confused. Zuko shrugged in response and ate a forkful rice.

"Most people wouldn't want me there. Who would actually want me there?" Zuko said, leaning back in his chair crossing his arms. I frowned at him.

"Me, most likely Bumi, it's been awhile since he's had any competition in checkers. Harlow wants to know your baking secrets. Eugene wants to meet you." I listed off my fingers. "The kids have been interrogating me about my roommate. They want to know your opinion on princesses." I say as enthusiastic as I can. "Snow White deserved better." I mumbled, as I slumped back in my chair.

All of what I was saying was true, especially the Snow White part. She was fourteen, that's  just plain wrong. Not to mention consent was never asked nor given. I admit Snow White's not the brightest, but still.

Zuko grunted and stirred his cheesy rice some more. "Will you come tomorrow?" I ask, glumly taking a bite of rice.



It was two days till the surgery, Zuko hadn't showed up the day before. And I was well, grumpy. I really wanted him to show up. I'm only gonna be here for two more days. I wanted to make the most of it. I don't even know when Zuko is being released. It has to be soon right? Like he already had his bandages off. Now it was just observations. Frank had informed me that Zuko was going to be here at least another week. So we'll be leaving around the same time.

Here's the thing though I have no idea if we'll keep in touch. I don't have a phone and Zuko has never shown signs of him having one.

"Hey Zuko?" I ask him after his rather long trip to the bathroom. Zuko looks up from closing the door.

"Yeah?" He asks leaning against the sink.

"Will you go with me to tea time?" I ask for the fourth time. Well more like plead, but whatever.

Zuko sips his chocolate milk, which he isn't allowed to bring in here. "Possibly." Zuko answers, shrugging carelessly. I groan and fall back on my back.

"You always say that." I mutter. Zuko heard it though, and grunted.

"Did it occur to you that I'm actually fairly busy?" Zuko said scowling.

"Are you though?" I say looking up at the ceiling unimpressed.

"Yep." Was all he said, after that was just the sound of him chugging the milk carton. I groaned once more and looked up at the clock Bumi should be here in ten minutes. I rather reluctantly get out my book.

Ten minutes later, Bumi knocks loudly on the door. "COME ON OUT!!!! HARLOW'S GOT A SURPRISE FOR YA!!!" Bumi shouts from the other side of the door. I sit up and pull on my hat. Second to last tea time ever, might as well enjoy it while it lasts.

I lazily open the door and smile at Bumi. "How you doing?" I asked a bit sleepily, last night I didn't get the best night's rest. Thinking about the surgery. Mostly the realization that I'm really going to be put under and operated on. I don't know about you but I've grown rather fond of my bump.

"Fine, now lets go Harlow doesn't want you to late." Bumi said hurriedly. He then took me by the arm and dragged me down an unfamiliar hallway. The way we usually went was to the left.

"Where are we going? This ain't the way to Harlow's?" I ask looking at the increasingly unfamiliar doors and hallways Bumi was leading us down.

"Oh I know, this is a distraction you dense piece of cheese." Bumi said, making yet another right.

"Distraction for what?" I asked nervously, I love Harlow and all. But she'll do literally anything to prove a point. This 'distraction' could be literally anything.

Bumi smiled knowingly, "Don't worry kid nothing too out of wack, just a going away treat. You know, since you'll not be able to do much tomorrow."

"What do you mean? I'll be able to do plenty tomorrow." I said, a bit confused. Bumi stopped walking and turned to me. A mix of sympathy and disappointment on his face.

"You don't know the specifics of the surgery do you?" 

"Ummmm I read the pamphlet..." I say meekly, tracing my bump nervously. Bumi sighed and paused in front of what looked like an office. He turned and took a loop of keys put of his pocket. He unlocked the office and waddled in. I followed warily. Bumi flicked the lights on. A framed picture of some kids were on a mahogany desk, along with a picture of... is that a younger Bumi?

I stared at the picture confused, while Bumi strutted beind the desk, and sat in the sacrid spinny chair. "My daughter's office." Bumi said waving an arm to display the boring office. "Now where are the specifics on thyroid removal surgery, nope, nope, nope oooo what's this doing here?!" Bumi sorted through an open drawer. He pulled out an paper sailors hat, and put it on giggling happily. A little bit like a kid that snuck some candy into their room.

I watched the old man in part confusion and one part nervousness. "Are we allowed in here?" I asked timidly, taking another look at the pictures.

"Bah, of course we are. Molly always lets me anyway." Bumi waved a hand, still focused on the files.

"Is Molly your daughter?" I ask. Bumi looks up at me.

"Duh." Is his bland answer, and continues looking for the file. "Ah-ha!" Bumi cries, sitting up, looking down at me excitedly. He hands me a small vanilla folder, it has about five pages of brightly colored information. "Educate yourself." Bumi said, getting off the spinny chair. "Now come on, Harlow doesn't want us to be late."


When we enter residence room number seventeen, the lights were out. And excited giggles from the children could be heard. I glanced at Bumi, who looked rather proud of himself. I hugged the vanilla folder closer to my chest. Daniel, the kid with the heart hat, dragged me to a chair facing the closed door. "What's going on?" I whispered conspiratorially to Daniel. Who giggled and shook his head.

I sighed and looked to the door. In the dim light, I spotted Eugene who smiled all fatherly  like. I fixed my hat subconsciously.

Slowly the door creaked open. The first thing I noticed was the cake. It was one tier, with a big blue arrow going down the middle. The background was milky white with occasional yellow and blue rosettes. There were a few white and blue birthday candles surrounding the arrow. The second thing I noticed was the boy holding it. And then I wondered why I didn't notice him first.

Zuko had his hood down, his still fresh scar on full display. His molten gold eyes were sparkling from the candle light. The small lopsided smile was back. He wore a black apron, caked in flour and what looked like frosted. Some powdered sugar was in his hair. Harlow followed behind him, grinning like the chesire cat in her own black apron.

"Happy last day airhead." Zuko said, his lopsided smirk becoming a grin. Small pricks of tears attacked my eyes. I gasped, and covered my mouth with my hand, trying to hide my grin.

Zuko walked forward and put the cake on the small coffee table, that was oh so conveniently placed in front of me. Daniel started chanting. "Make a wish! Make a wish! Make a wish! Make a wish! Make a wish!" Eugene joined in, the kids joined in, then Harlow, then finally, Zuko.

I leaned forward and blew out the candles. Everyone cheered and Harlow started to cut the cake. A kid flipped on the light. I smiled at all of them, and stabbed my fork in the middle of my slice. I got up, and started wading through everyone to get to Zuko.

He was eating his slice quietly in the corner. Once I got over to him, he grinned at me. "Was this the reason you didn't come?" I asked curiously, leaning against the wall next to him. Zuko hummed in agreement. "How long did it take you?" I ask curiously, taking a bite of the cake.

"A few days." Zuko muttered, a bit of pink sprinkled his cheek. I smiled up at him. And we ate our cake.


THIS TOOK LIKE TEN DAYS TO WRITE! Imma go take a nap. Hope you enjoyed the story so far.

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