When I Needed You The Most ~...

By NotReadyToPlayNice

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Louis has always known he was a carrier but what happens when he has trouble getting pregnant "its ok baby, w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 13

897 18 7
By NotReadyToPlayNice

"take a deep breathe and tell us everything" jay says

"mom i am so scared i dont want any of you to hate me" louis says

"we wont hate you we want to help you" anne says

"its ok louis go ahead tell them" niall says as he starts to get angry knowing already

"umm i am so scared" louis says crying

"dont be you want me to hold your hand" niall says

"please" louis says as niall sits next to louis and hugs him and he holds louis hand with his other hand

"so you know" harry questions as he glares at niall

"he told me earlier and its his secret to tell not mine" niall says

"fine tell us louis" zayn says as louis looks up and sees everyone looking at him

"ummm" louis says as he takes another deep breath "richard was emotionally and physically abusive to me" louis says not being able to look at anyone and hears harry growl out in anger "it didnt start immediately maybe a year after we started dating it all started with small pushes and then he would tell me how i was worthless and no one would ever love me, then he would tell me i couldnt go anywhere without him being with me, i couldnt even get the mail, he always wanted me to move in with him but i never wanted to i knew it would get worst, so i told him that my mom would get mad if we moved in together before marriage but he would get mad when we started the label that i was there so much, i tried to end it with him so many times but he wouldnt let me, one night i told him i was pregnant and he hit me so hard in my stomach that he left and i called the ambulance and lost the baby, after that he came back brought me flower and apologized but i was scared of him and was scared to tell anyone he told me he would hurt me if i told anyone he has a gun and  i knew he was serious about it i was just scared the day he came to break up with me he walked into my house and was wearing his tuxedo he told me i was worthless and no one would ever love me and i should just die he said he was on his way to get married and left but before he left he hit me again and i just didnt have anymore fight in me until my neighbor saw the door open and called the paramedics i was in the hospital for a week, i was scared to say anything so when i healed was when i moved in with mom i was scared to be alone" louis says crying as niall and jay hug louis tight

"its ok boobear mommy is here" jay says calmy as she hugs Louis tight

"did he ever point his gun at you" harry growls out in anger

"yes, he would tell me all the time that he would kill me if i ever left him" louis says crying scared "the day he left me he told me that he would come back for me and he didnt care if i was with someone when he said  i was his i had to come back to him or he would kill who ever i was with" louis says crying as he looks at harry who looks like he is about to kill and louis gets so scared" im sorry so sorry but i am so scared, i saw him a few days ago and he told me that he wanted me back and i told him no and walked away but i know that angered him even more, he asked me if i was still with harry and i told him no, but i wasnt with the twins so he doesnt know about the twins, but i am so scared look i dont care about myself but my babies please protect my babies that is all i care about" louis cries harder as louis sees harry move and walk towards louis and extends his hand and louis reaches for it as harry grabs louis and hugs him tight as he starts to cry and louis starts to cry as he feels safe" im sorry so sorry" louis repeats over and over

"why didnt you tell me" harry says

"i wanted to forget about all of that" louis says

"did he ever ummm rape you" jay asks

"yes" louis says crying

"how did you not go crazy with all of this, lou this is alot to go thru and not talk to anyone" anne says cryings as robins is holding her

"i ummm i was seeing a therapist and i worked thru all of it" louis says

"anymore secrets' dan says with anger in his voice

"no but i am sorry i didnt say anything i just never thought this day would ever come" louis says crying harry not wanting to let go of louis

"is this why you were so scared of not getting pregnant" harry says

"yes the doctor at the emergency room told me that i might not be able to carry a baby because of what he did to me" louis says crying " and when i couldnt get pregnant my worst fears came true and when i got pregnant i just was so happy"

"but why didnt you tell me" harry says

"i wanted to forget all of it" louis says as everyone gets around louis as they all hug him

"i want him dead" jay growls out in anger "and if you fucken fail harry i will kill you myself"

"ohh trust me i wont fucken miss" harry says with anger as the twins start to cry and anne and  jay go get them

"and you are mad at us for keeping harrys secret, lou we could of helped you" zayn says as he cries

"i am sorry i really am" louis says as he hugs niall and zayn

"'no more fucken secrets" zayn says

"ummm i have one" liam says as he looks at harry and niall and they nod at him

'"ohh for fucks sakes dont tell me your a fucken hitman" louis yells out

"yeah for the last 10 years" liam says

"does maya know" zayn asks

"yeah" liam says "she found my gun one night and well that was that"

"ok well then what is your plan" louis says

"kill him" harry say "find out everything about him and find Taylor "

"why Taylor " anne questions

"she married him" louis says

"ohh my god no" anne says

"i want to know everything about him" harry says as niall starts typing on his phone " louis you are going to have to stay here until i can find him you are not to turn on your phone your parents and everyone has the phone number here its untraceable"

"i took his phone before we got here" niall says

"ok  you have everything you can need here there is a private pool on the roof that only this apartment has access to" harry says

"how long have you had this apartment" louis questions

"since i took over the elite mob" harry says

"who else have you brought here" louis questions

"no one this is where i come hide when i feel like someone is close to finding out who i am" harry says "no one has ever known about this apartment until now"

"ok, thank you for protecting us" louis says

"i told you i would protect you all from anything" harry says as louis and harry stare at each other as they start to kiss and harry puts his hand on louis head to deepen  the kiss

"ohh fuck it let them" jay says as they start to laugh as noah starts to cry "shh baby your mommy and daddy are busy"

"umm sorry" harry says

"umm its ok" louis says

"the twinkies are hungry" anne says as louis looks back and sees everyone stare at them

"stop staring" louis says as he starts to blush as he gets noah and he starts to cry as he makes grabby hands to harry

"daahhhddddaaa' Noah babbles crying as harry gets noah and louis gets oliver and starts to feed him

"we have to go and i have to meet with my team but i will call you later if at anytime you dont feel safe here press this button and it will alert someone and i will come immediately" harry says

"ok" louis says

"there is one here and one in the bedroom and kitchen"  harry says

"umm can i have lottie come stay with me i know she has school but i dont want to be alone" louis says

"yeah i will bring her" niall says

"meet me at the office in 30 minutes" harry says

"what do we all do" anne questions

"act like you know nothing" niall says

"what if richard comes to the house" jay says

"act like you know nothing" harry says

"what do we tell him about louis" dan asks

"tell him he went on a business trip and wont be back for a month i want to piss the fuck out of him" harry says "tell him he went on vacation with his new boyfriend"

"you're an ass" jay says laughing

"you have no idea" liam says

"well i will bring lottie in 20 minutes, jay can you call her and tell her" niall says

"umm no i will stay with louis' anne says "if we have to pretend like everything is normal lottie has to be at the house or he will know something is wrong or that they know"

"its true, mom i will bring you clothes tomorrow but i have clothes in here and you can use what ever you need" harry says

"umm i can drop it off in the morning" robin says

"jay you cant come here until we get him i dont want him to follow you or dan" harry says

"i understand but lou please call me" jay says

"i will" louis says

"do i have to turn off my phone" anne asks

"No he doesnt know anything about you but you know what turn it off and use the land line only" harry says

"ok" anne says

"there are 8 exits from this building jay and dan i need you to leave thru the underground street and that will take you to a parking structure at the beach, zayn and robin you both leave and follow dan and jay liam you know what to do " niall says

"ok" everyone says

"lets go and dan and jay dont tell the kids anything incase he goes" is all harry can say as jays phone starts to ring

"fizzy" jay says

"mom richard is here at the house looking for louis i told him he doesnt live here" fizzy says

"tell him you dont know where he lives that he just moved out" jay says as she hears fizzy telling richard what she said

"jay its richard"

"hey how have you been" jay says trying to control her temper

"i came because i wanted to talk to louis" richard says

"ohh he just moved out about a week ago and i still havent memorized his new address but give fiz your phone number and when i talk to louis i will get it from him i am sure he will be happy to see you"  jay lies

"ok i will" richard says as he hands fizzy the phone

"fiz dad and i will be home in 20 minutes lock all the doors" jay says

"i will, ok mom i will see you when you and dad get here" fizzy says as she hangs up

"he is at the house" jay says with panic

"dont worry we got men out there if he tries anything they are ready to get him" harry says as he puts his phone away

"ok i feel better" jay says "we better get going"

"yeah me too" zayn says as they all hug louis and anne and start to leave the apartment

"louis talk to me" anne says as louis hugs noah tightly

"im so scared" louis says as anne hugs him tight

"you know harry will protect you no matter what" anne says

"yeah i know but until he is caught i dont feel safe" louis says

"well lets give the twinkies baths and put them down for the night and rest, you want me to sleep with you tonight" anne says

"please" louis says as the house phone starts to ring and anne picks it up

"hello" anne answers

"mom" harry says

"son is everyothing ok"

"yeah look make sure your phone is turned off" harry says

"it is, and i promise not to turn it back on until you tell me just tell  gemma to call me here so she doesnt worry" anne says

"she will she knows everything" harry says

"ok thank you" anne says " i have to get going louis is worried so i am trying to distract him"

"ok thank you mom, i will come by in the morning" harry says

"ok son be careful" anne says

"i will " harry says as he hangs up" ok tell me everything you have on this dumbass that i want to fucken put a bullet"

"calm down you dont think rationally when you get this worked up" niall says calmly

"after what he did to louis how the fuck are you not running him over" harry says

"because we need to see what the fuck he is up to" niall says "louis and the kids are safe and your mom is with them"

"ok thanks" harry says as they drive to the office and soon walk in "talk to me"

"just i never thought i would ever tell him my secret" harry says

"well we never had to worry about an ex coming back specially one that hurt louis" niall says

"i know" niall says as they get to the office and niall and harry walk in

"boss" jakob says

"yes" harry says

"we knew you wanted answers when you walked in when niall sent of the information and" jakob says "richard smith works for the skull mob and the reason he was moved to the states was because his cover was blown on a mission he was on, joseph doesnt know he is here he is not to come back for another 2 years, taylor divorced him when she caught him cheating and got his mistress pregnant but she stayed in new york and took everything from him"

"do we have someone following her "harry says

"well boss joseph is her brother which is the only reason he got the job" jakob says "and roger found out that he was coming back to get louis back because he doesnt want to be alone and knew that he can manipulate louis into returning"

"hmmm" harry says

"well we called joseph and talked to him and he is coming to meet with you and told us that he fired him a few weeks back because he came back" jakob says

"ok thank you, what else do you have on him" harry says as anger starts to build

"he killed a previous girlfriend during a domestic dispute, and we have a police report that louis filed but they let him go when richard paid them to falsify that louis lied" Jakob says

"did he ever hurt taylor" harry asks

"yes but she never told joseph until joseph walked in on them but taylor begged him to not hurt him" jakob says

"uughghg find him and i am dealing with him" harry says

"look more into richard" niall says

"yes sir" jakob says as he walks away

"bring in joseph as soon as he walks in" niall says

"yes sir" jakob says

"calm the fuck down" niall says

"im trying" harry says as they see joseph walk into harrys office

"hey" joseph says

"thank you for coming by" harry says as niall closes the door

"no need just get richard i dont care how much it cost" joseph says with anger

"ohhh i am and if i would of know this earlier trust me i would of killed him myself" harry says with anger

"both of you fucken calm down" niall yells out

"sorry" harry and joseph say at the same time

"uughgh i cant with you both" niall says

"sorry" harry and joseph say at the same time

"ok now what do you know about richard and is taylor ok" biall asks

"she is fine she was just angry when she found out that louis was his ex and what he did to louis" joseph says

"well he is back and thinks he can get near louis but i swear he touches him and i wont even give him a chance to take his next breathe" harry says

"i know that is why when your guys called me i came here immediately" joseph says

"well my guys told me" harry says as he tells joseph what his guys told him

"yeah that is about right he is living here, here is is address i have a guy following him and he has gone to louis apartment he was there this morning and got pissed when niall told him that louis didnt live there, richard paid someone $15,000 dollars to find louis, he wants to take louis money since he knows louis is rich and wants to use louis for his money and when he gets a hold of his account he was going to steal everything" joseph says

"well louis keeps really close tabs on his accounts so that would of been a big fat no" harry says

"well he thinks louis is still going to give into him but from what taylor tells us is that louis is that not person anymore" joseph says

"ohh no he isnt" harry says

"well i have my men following him so if he tries to get close to louis then we will get him but for now he doesnt know where louis lives and let me tell you it pissed him off" joseph says laughing

"good" harry says

"is he safe" joseph asks

"of course" harry says

"good" joseph says

"is taylor moving back here"

"no she is staying in the states she met someone" joseph says

"well that is good hope she is happy" harry says

"she is, he is so good to her and treats the kids like his, he actually cant have kids and the girls love him so much" joseph says " you know richard signed over his rights when they divorced he never wanted to have kids"

"seriously" harry says as he tells joseph what louis had told him

"are you fucken serious now i want to kill him" joseph says

"yeah he told us tonight after richard showed up at his house" harry says

"so he never told you"

"no he figured since he was getting married he would never see him again, he actually told niall and well i swear if it wasnt for niall i would of went to look for him myself and decapeted him" harry says

"ohh i know" joseph says "so are you and louis ok"

"umm for now" harry says

"well hope if all works out for the both of you" joseph says

"thanks" harry says

"i better get going" joseph says as he stands up shakes hands with harry and walks out of the office and niall closes the door

"well we have a few days before we get him but becareful when you go to the apartment" niall says

"i am not going i know richard knows i am his ex husband and i dont want to risk shit" harry says "but i am going to miss the kids"

"i know i have to get home" niall says

"ok i am leaving too" harry says as they walk out of the office "good job everyone" harry yells out as he walks out of the office building and goes to his car and drives to his parents house and takes a shower and lays down in his bed as he looks at apartments for sale since he wants to move out of his parents house and he sees a few that he likes and soon he falls asleep the next morning harry gets ups and gets ready to head to the office as his phone starts to ring and sees its jay " hey good morning"

"morning umm richard just came to the house and asked for louis i told him that louis was on vacation with his new boyfriend and he told me that he is giving me 2 days to have louis call him, he was pissed he left me his phone number" jay says with a panic tone

"jay dont get scared i have a few men outside your house and if you guys go somewhere someone will be following you so he will never get close to any of you" harry says

"i know but it still scares me" jay says

"just please go about your day as if nothing is going on you are all safer than you think" harry says

"ok thank you harry for everything" jay says

"no need to thank me" harry says " i have to call my mom i will talk to you later"

"ok thank you " jay says as harry hangs up and calls anne

"hello" anne says carefully

"mom its me" harry says "how are you all"

"good but louis is going crazy he is not used to being locked up" anne says

"i know good luck mom" harry says laughing "but until we find out what richard wants we need him to stay inside he can go to the roof top pool"

"i told him but he hates it but the twins are loving the space they are all over the place" anne says laughing

"i bet" harry says "send me a picture of them"

"ok they just went down for a nap" anne says

"ok well i have a few calls to make" harry says

"ok" anne says as harry hangs up as harry gets to the office and when he walks in he sees niall waiting for him

"how long have you been waiting" harry says

"i just walked in" niall says " and i know you have a plan"

"i do but i want to get as much information as i can" harry says as they hear a knock at the door "come in" and the receptionist walks in

"sorry to interrupt mr styles, but there is a richard smith asking for you but he doesnt have an appointment"

"give me a few minutes tell him im on a call and will be with him in a few minutes" harry says as the recptionist walks out of the office as harry gets his gun and puts it close by as niall text joseph "you ready"

"yeah" niall says as harry calls the receptionist and lets her know to bring richard and soon there was a knock at the door

"sorry sir but richard is here" she says as richard walks in "would you like something to drink"

"um no thank you" richard says as she walks out

"what can i do for you" harry says

"im richard"

"ok and i am harry and this is my business partner niall, now that we got introductions out of the way what can i do for you, do you need legal advice" harry questions wanting to push his buttons

"no i know your louis ex husband and i wanted to know if you knew where louis lives i have a few things i wanted to take him from when we were together i cleaned out a storage locker and found a few sentimental things that were his" richard lies and harry wanted to roll his eyes but knew he had to calm down

"no after he divorced me he left the city my mom told me when she ran into him after we seperated" harry says

"ohhh how long ago did you seperate"

"almost 2 years ago and our divorce was finalized about 9 or 10 months ago and i only saw him when we went to mediation and court" harry says

"ok do you know if he is dating"

"no i really dont jay doesnt talk to me anymore she blocked me so i really dont know" harry says "what do you want with louis"

"i want him back and i miss him never should of let him go" richard says " did he ever tell you anything about us"

"no i would ask him about you and him but he would just tell me that he didnt want to talk about it and i would just let it ago after awhile i just never asked again" harry says

"ohh, well he left me for someone else was cheating on me our entire relationship because i didnt have money he always wanted someone rich and i guess when he found him he left i was distraught it was bad, ran into him a few days ago and all my feeling for him came back" richard says

"what about taylor" harry asks as he knows niall is recording everything

"she left me when we moved to new york she ran off with some low life" richard says

"im sorry to hear" harry says "but i havent heard from louis sorry i cant help you"

"i talked to jay this morning and she told me he was on vacation with his new boyfriend" richard says and harry and niall can tell he wasnt happy about that

"like i said i havent seen or talked to him since we finalized our divorce" harry says

"i know your an attorney, so i assume that you would know a few detectives" richard says

"yeah i know a few good detectives why" harry questions

"i wanted to know if any of your detectives would find louis i would pay them $50 thousand dollars cash to find him the last detective lied to me and took my money gave me an address and i went and he didnt live there, so i want to find him" richard says

"leave me you contact information and i know one that will do it" harry says

"ok here is my business card" richard says as he give harry his business card and harry looks at it

"it says you work for the northside mob" harry says

"yes so dont fuck me over or i will come and take care of you personally" richard says

"no trust me the detective i have in mind is the one i use to find out the dirty side of my clients enemies i am sure he would take the job let me just talk to him if you call him he wont take your call" harry says

"what is his name incase he calls" richard says

"liam" harry says

"payne" richard questions

"no podge" harry says

"ohh ok" richard says "here is where i am staying if you need to reach me"

"ok give me a couple of days to get a hold of him usually he travels" harry says

"ok no rush" richard says as he stands up they shake hands and richard walks out of the office

"i want to put a bullet in him" harry says with anger

"i know but joseph should be here in 10 minutes" niall says

"ok" harry says as they continue to talk and soon joseph walks in

"hello" joseph says as they all stand up and shake hands "i came as soon as niall texted me"

"well he wants me to find him a detective to find louis offered $50K" harry says as niall plays the recording of their conversation "here is his business card"

"i swear this motherfucker better hope i don't find him" joseph says

"ohh he was more than willing to give me his address and phone number" harry says laughing

"uughgh well i will take care of him" joseph says

"ohhh no let me want to see his face when he finds out about me my favorite part" harry says "lets give him a few days and see what happens he went to louis moms house this morning and she told him he was on vacation with his new boyfriend"

"i know you have a plan" joseph says

"of course i have a plan i want to piss him the fuck off" harry says as he starts to laugh

"knew i liked you for a reason" joseph says as they start to laugh "well my men are at your service"

"thank you i appreciate all your help and i will call you when we get him does taylor know we are after him" harry asks

"she knows i am but she still knows nothing about you" joseph says

"Ok well thank you for all your help" harry says as joseph stands up and walks out of the office and harry calls his favorite detective and body guard


"hey paul i need you to come to my office i have a job for you" harry says

"give me an  hour i have to take my daughter to day care" paul says

"ok i will be here the rest of the afternoon" harry says

"ok" paul says as he hangs up

"you need a plan if you keep louis sequestered any longer than 2 days he is going to kill someone" niall says

"i know i need to talk to him and make sure he stays inside" harry says

"good luck with that, you know how stubborn he is" niall says

"i know but ugguguh i should tie him up for two days and have my mom feed him" harry says

"good luck" niall says laughing and soon the receptionist walks in

"sorry boss but paul is here" she says

"let him in" harry says as paul walks in

"you wanted to see me" paul says as he sits down

"yeah i need you to play detective" harry says as he tells paul what is going on

"ok i will reach out to him this afternoon" paul says

"ok and let me know what is going on im going to photoshop some pictures for you to give him" harry says "i want to piss the fuck out of him"

"i love this side of you" paul says laughing "ohh and your name is liam podge"

"ok i got everything i need boss" paul says

"that is all for me" harry says

"ok boss i will let you know as soon as i talk to him" paul says

"thank you paul" harry says as paul walks out of the office

"well this is going to be interesting" niall says laughing

"i know but i am serious i want to piss him off" harry says

"i know you do but its going to be fun messing with him" niall says as harry stands up

"ill be back call me if you hear anything" harry says as he walks out of the office and heads to the apartment building and  goes to the apartment and walks in" mom"

"bedroom" anne says as she walks out of the room

"what were you doing" harry asks

"was putting the babies to sleep, louis got bored and went up to the rooftop to the pool" anne says

"ohh i have to talk to him and make sure to keep him locked in here for 3 more  days and he isnt going to like that" harry says as he starts to laugh

"good luck, and i am calling jay to come babysit her kid, ill take the grandkids but she can come take her kid" anne says laughing

"can you tell him" harry says dramatically

"nope good luck if he throws you off the roof just make sure its on the other side where i dont see you" anne says as she continues to laugh

"stop" harry says as he walks up to the roof and sees louis in the pool "hey"

"hi" louis says

"i need to talk to you for a bit" harry says as he goes and gets a towel and hands it to louis as he gets out of the pool "those shorts are too fucken short"

"no they are  not you jealous frog" louis says

"well if i see them i am going to throw them away" harry says

"stop what do you want to talk to me about" louis says as he sees harry licking his lips

"umm your going to have to stay here for another 3 days and i need you to understand that you cant leave at all" harry say

"OHH HELL THE FUCK NO" louis yells out "i am going crazy in here"

"i know but i found out that" harry says as he tells louis everything they found out "and he went to your moms this morning look i want to protect you as of right now he doesnt know where you are and nothing about the kids"

"i get it but" louis says as he puts his head back in frustration "you better find him you have 3 days and after that i am leaving"

"that is all i ask we are following him and know every move he makes, i just want to get as much information as i can and make sure that he isnt working with someone else" harry says as louis  pulls down his shorts as they were riding up "need help"

"stop" louis says as he lays down "move your blocking my sun"

"are you listening to me" harry says

"yes i am going to be caged in like a fucken animal for 3 days and there is nothing i can do about it" louis says "what if he finds me"

"he wont and you know where the emergency buttons are at" harry says as he stares at louis as he licks his lips missing his body "and cover up your showing to much skin and ass"

"shut it i was swimming just needed fresh air, and the twinkies are napping" louis says

"well if you need anything let my mom know" harry says

"can you put tanning lotion on my back please" louis says as he turns around and when he does louis shorts go up showing the botton part of his butt and harry cant help but lick his lips "are you going to do it"

"sure least i can do" harry says  as he gets the bottle of lotion and puts some on his hand as he starts to rub it over louis back and it takes every bit of will power not to start kissing the back of his neck " you want me to get your legs"

"yeah" louis says as harry starts to rub the back of louis legs

"you shaved didnt you" harry says

"yeah this morning" louis says "from head to toe"

"hmmm" harry growls out as he is turned on as he starts massaging louis legs and harry cant take it anymore as he starts massaging up louis legs he puts his hand under louis shorts and moves his finger to tease louis hole

"umm" louis moans out

"baby boy i want you so bad right now" harry growls in lust into louis ear

"no" louis says as he inserts 2 fingers into louis and louis starts to moan in pleasure

"i need you" harry growls out again as louis starts to shake his ass

"gonna make you work for it" louis moans out "daddy" louis says seductively as harry puts his hand on louis inner thing

"always remember you will always be mine" harry growls out into louis ear

"was yours, gonna find me a sugar daddy" louis says wanting to push harrys buttons" uuughghg" louis moans out as harry slaps louis on his ass

"baby boy you need to be taught a lesson" harry says as he starts to undo his belt "i need you" and louis turns around as harry starts to passionately kiss louis as he wraps his legs around harrys waist

"i want you" louis says

"you sure about this" harry says into louis ear as he starts to kiss louis as harry goes behind louis ear kissing him on his neck as louis moans "hmmm you like that dont you"

"yeah" louis moans out as he turns around and harry pulls louis shorts down as he starts to lick and suck into louis hole as he inserts 2 finger "daddy" louis moans out

"umm baby fuck" harry says "dont have condoms"

"fuck me just fuck me" louis moans out and harry flips louis over as louis lays on the lounge chair and harry starts pushing himself into louis as louis wraps his legs around harrys waist as he bottoms out "daddy move" and harry starts to thrust into louis taking his time making sure louis knows how much harry loves him and even if its a one time thing then harry wants to make sure louis know that harry loves him and harry continues to thrust into louis as he stares into louis eyes with each slow thrust

"i fucken love you" harry moans out as he starts to passionately kiss louis making love to him never wanting to let go of louis not wanting to moment to end and soon louis starts coming and harry starts to thrust into louis harder and soon starts to come into louis as harry growls out as he starts to suck on louis neck then his chest as he goes to louis nipple and starts to swirl his tongue on the nub as he plays with the other one with his fingers

"ahh" louis moans out as harry continues to thrust into louis and louis flips them around and starts to bounce onto harry "uughgh yes daddy right there yes" louis moans out as harry starts to hit louis prostate over and over as louis continues to bounce up and down moving his hips as harry grabs onto louis hips and pushes him down lower and deeper as he thrust up "daddy" louis says as he starts to come as he goes down and starts to kiss harry and harry wraps his arm around louis waist as he continues to thrust up as he pulls louis down "ugughg yes uughg daddy" louis moans out in pleasure

"fuck baby" harry growls out as he continues to kiss louis and soon harry thrust up hard as he starts to come into louis and they continue to kiss until they hear their names being yell out

"HARRY" anne yells out

"LOUIS" jay yells out as harry and louis look at their direction as louis moves his head away and harry reaches for the towel to cover himself and louis

"Shh if we dont move they wont see us" harry says as they start to laugh

"mom ummm i wanted to" louis says laughing

"me too" harry says "louis shorts were showing to much and i couldnt help it"

"not my fault anne made harry sexy as fuck" louis says as they start to laugh

"ummm get decent the twins are up and im leaving" jay says

"me too" anne says as they walk away

"i dont even want to know who is here" harry says

"uughgh they are going to tell on us" louis says

"yeah i know" harry says as they start to laugh "i really missed you"

"me too" louis says

"can i take you on a date"

"umm let me think about all this" louis says " i know i shouldnt of done anything but i just couldnt help it, im sorry"

"look it was a one time thing i am glad it happened" harry says "um get dressed lets face everyone and the twinkies are hungry"

"uughgh cant i just stay here until everyone leaves" louis says

"nope" harry says as louis goes to the outside shower and washes himself off and soon dries himself as he and harry walk back into the apartment and when they walk in everyone starts to clap and louis takes a bow and starts to laugh

"stop looking at me" louis says as he grabs noah from jay

"so your moms told us you were busy up there" niall says first

"we were talking" harry says

"not what jay said" zayn says

"ughgh shut up all of you ok we had sex" louis says hiding behind noah as he starts to feed him and harry gets oliver and starts to feed him

"why is everyone here' harry asks wanting to change the subject

"well, richard came to the house again" jay says

"what"harry says

"what did the bastard says" louis says with anger

"calm down" niall says

"sorry" loui says

"he asked for you again and i told him that you were on vacation with your new boyfriend and he got mad" jay says laughing

"what did he say" louis says

"he wanted me to tell him where you were what hotel and room number told him you didnt tell me and would call me to tell me tonight and he left, look i dont like this i cant put my family in jeopardy harry i know you wanted to wait but i cant do this another day" jay says

"i understand but give me 2 more days" harry says

"two days and after that i will kill him" jay says

"look we know why he wants louis back" harry says as niall tells everyone what he know

"that bastard" jay says

"exactly i need to make sure that he doesnt have anyone else working for him for now we know that he came to my office and" harry says as he tells them what happened at the office and niall plays them a recording "i just need to make sure when we get him we get everyone that he has hired and there is not chance of anyone else coming after louis"

"ok i understand but i dont like this" jay says

"look if you want you can all come and stay at the apartment next door its a 3 bedroom 3 bath" harry says

"for now all he has done is come to the house he really hasnt said anything else" jay says

"ok i promise nothing will ever happen to any of you" harry says

"we believe you" dan says

"if we feel that any of you are in danger i promise to grab him before he can even think" harry says

"ok fine" jay says

"did you two at least use protection noah and oliver are only 6 months old unless you want another one" anne says laughing trying to change the mood in the room

"uuhghgh it took me 5 years to have these two i am sure it might take me just as long to try and have another one but i honestly dont want to go thru that again so i think these are the only ones i want to have" louis says "and they are good babies dont want to jinx it"

"ok, well lets make dinner" anne says as she and jay go into the ktichen and start making food as everyone sits down and start to talk

"im gonna go get the kids" dan says "since we might be here longer"

"ok when you leave and come back the same way" harry says

"ok i will be back in 15 minutes" dan says as he walks out of the apartment

"so how is everyones day been" niall says as he starts to laugh

"why does shit like this only happen to me" louis says as he puts his head back

"stop being dramatic" jay yells from the kitchen as harry goes to the room and gets oliver as he starts to cry and hands him to louis then goes to get noah as he sits on the floor and places him on the blanket as noah starts to move and soon flips over and louis sits oliver up as he starts to clap his hands

"mahma" louis says to oliver

"dahda" oliver says

"uughg sure why not" louis whines" 16 hours in labor for you both to say daddy first"

"your welcome" harry says as he sits up noah "daddy"

"dahhda" noah says as he looks at harry and smiles

"look my son said daddy" harry says with a smile

"its bad enough they look like you and have your eyes and dimple and now their first words are daddy" louis says

"we should get niall drunk and have you 3 dress the same see what he does" liam says as they all start to laugh as niall glares at them

"awww sugar lips we wont but dont tempt us" zayn says laughing as noah crawls to zayn and he picks him up "babe can we have another one"

"sure take this one he sleeps thru the night" niall says

"no have your own these are mine" louis says

"half mine" harry says with a smile as he picks up oliver and gives him a hug "i love my sons"

"and they love you so much" louis says as he sees harry interact with the twins as he plays with them and they start to laugh

"where is mia and ash" louis asks

"my mom has ash" niall says

"maya is with her parents" liam says

"we should have a play date at the park" louis says

"ok after all this we can all have a play date" liam says

"noah" louis says to oliver as he starts to laugh and shakes his head "nohhahh" and oliver shakes his head again and louis smiles wide "mawmah" louis says with a smiles as oliver puts his hands in his mouth and starts to babble "mawmah"

"dahhhda" oliver babbles and he starts to laugh

"i cant with your kids, here change your sons diaper" louis says as he starts to laugh

"he is your son too" harry says

"not until he says mommy" louis says as harry picks up oliver and louis goes to noah "mawmah"

"maw" noah babbles and louis smiles "dahhhda" noah says as he starts to kick his feet and laughs

"these kids i swear" louis says laughing as he picks up noah and hugs him tight as he blows raspberries into noahs neck

"nonononononnno" noah says over and over as he laughs and louis sees harry walk back with oliver

"what are you doing to my son" harry says as he smiles seeing louis and noah

"he was a bad boy and said daddy" louis says "here change your other son"

"so i have diaper duty the rest of the night" harry says laughing

"of course gotta take advantage right now that you are here" louis says laughing

"fine" harry says as louis gives oliver to niall as he gets up and starts to make the twins their bottles and soon comes back and niall reaches for the bottle as louis hands harry noahs bottle

"mommy has the night off" louis says as he lays back on the couch "any questions comments or concerns please see dad" louis says as he starts to laugh

"fine can i take them home then" harry asks

"no they are the only reason i haven't gone crazy" louis says laughing

"fine take the night off until we leave" harry says as he burps oliver as dan walks in with the kids

"lou" fizzy and lottie yell out as they go hug their brother

"i missed you all " louis says

"where are the twinkies" doris asks

"their dad has oliver and uncle niall has noah" louis says as doris goes to harry and sits on his lap as she holds oliver

"so you and frog face talking again" fizzy says

"stop" louis says

"hey" harry says

"sorry your baby daddy" fizzy says as she has always been very over protective of Louis

"yeah he is trying to protect me from richard" louis says as he takes a deep breath "there are some things that you dont need to worry about but harry is protecting me so please be nice"

"well if anything happens to you i will stab him" fizzy says as she glares at harry

"might hire you to help me" harry says " love ya back"

"hmmmm" fizzy says "anyways"

"dinner is ready" jay yells out as everyone goes to the dining room and sit down

"did richard go back to the house" harry asks

"no but i think he was sitting in his car across the street but the neighbor called the police and he left" dan says

"what does he want with louis" lottie asks

"nothing' jay says

"lets not talk about that" anne says as they continue to talk and enjoy being together and soon everyone leaves and harry helps louis with baths and helps put them to sleep and leaves as louis lays in bed and hears a knock on the door

"come in" louis says

"you ok" anne says


"dont lie to me" anne says

"just spending the day with harry and the twins makes me wonder how our lives would be if he" louis says as he starts to cry" if he didnt cheat on me"

"dont think of that look you were able to spend the day together and not fight or you wanting to throw him off the rooftop" anne says with a small smile

"i'm scared so scared, i was just looking at harry with the kids and just feel more in love with him which i never thought possible" louis says as anne hugs louis

"look give yourself time heal and then what ever you decide we will all support you" anne says "just stay focus"

"thank you anne" louis says " you know he asked me on a date"

"what did you tell him"

"told him to give me time" louis says

"well there you go" anne says

"what if he gets tired of waiting for me"

"then its his lose" anne says

"thank you anne you are seriously the best mother in law anyone can ever ask for" louis says

"so if you ever date and get remarried will i still be your favorite" anne says as she starts to laugh

"after being with harry i dont think i can ever love anyone else like him, i am not sure i want to date i dont think i can ever find anyone that treated me like harry, you know i knew when he would cheat but was never able to catch him" louis says

"ohh" anne replies

"yeah it would be when he would go on his jealous rages" louis says

"ohh yeah that does it, because they know if they can cheat and get away with it they you can cheat" anne says "happened with harry and gemmas dad"

"really" louis says

"ohh yeah harry and his father have the same personalities" anne says

"you know when we went on our unofficial first date the next morning he was coming back to his apartment he had been with taylor and the next after noon when i came home the store he wanted to talk to me and taylor was coming back to his apartment, i knew i should of not have given him a second chance but i couldnt help it" louis says

"well lets go one day at a time lets get thru this whole richard mess and then you can think long and hard about what you want to do" anne says "i am here if you need me"

"thank you anne i appreciate everything you have done for me" louis says

"night sweet heart" anne says as louis lays down and she kisses louis on his forhead and walks out of the room and louis falls asleep


sorry this chapter is all over the place

but we will see you all next chapter

thank you all for all the reads and likes i appreciate them all

Not Ready To Play Nice 💚💙

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