Entangled Affairs

By bnnybun

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[UPDATES ALMOST EVERYDAY] Plot: England and France have been forced into marriage by their "bosses", at first... More



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By bnnybun

I smile back softly hearing that you're pleased with the restaurant so far. I chuckle lightly when you begin responding to my assumptions of you and America being in love since you seemed to feel very strongly towards the topic "oooh?~ well that helps me be more at ease now if he comes to visit us~" I chuckle lightly. I was a little looking forward to showing off to America that you're all mine now, but now I didn't have to anymore.... but of course I'll still be showing you off whenever I can. It's when I keep you close and hold you when we are out that makes me feel at though I had a sign to ward people off, showing that you're mine... id never previously seen myself as possessive, but all these new feelings I've been experiencing for you draw this side of me out. I look at you feeling your fingers lightly in my hand one by one. It really always felt so sensual when we do these things, it's the same feeling I get when I'm connected to you... when I'm inside you, but in a different way. Even when we have deep and rough sex, it feels so emotionally intimate. It always feels balanced with you... I lust so much for you but feel so emotionally connected to you, always. I lift your hand and gently lean in to kiss it before the waitor comes over to take our order. Once I've ordered and he leaves I chuckle lightly as I remember the times you would get drunk "ooooh~ yes~ that was always interesting~" I chuckle looking at you, intertwining our fingers gently "but I'm so happy that I was the one you always called in those moments" I grin "but I'm also excited to see it again~" my grin turns into a little smirk "I wonder how you'll be drunk with your husband around~" I look at you teasingly, leaning in over the table to your ear "I wonder if you're gonna be the usual sobbing drunk?~" I say with a little smirk before moving my lips closer to your ear "or a horny drunk~" I whispered against your ear before leaning back "cause I have a feeling I know which one I'd be with you around me...~" I bite my lip slightly before I notice the waitor come over with our food. He sets it in front of us before pouring our wine for us. I smile and thank him before he leaves and look back at you "only one way to find out right?~" I smirk a little as I raise my glass slightly towards yours to cheers gently. I take a sip before looking at the food "mmm~ it looks pretty good~" I say before setting my wine glass down to try the food "mm... it is" I take a small sigh, relieved that the choice to come to this restaurant was a good one. "How do you like it Britain?~" I look over at you to see your reaction to the food. Even if I liked it, what was more important to me was impressing you tonight, our first date, after we'd already married. The thought of how quickly and well this had gone made me so happy, it was a first for me.

England listened to the others comment and he chuckled softly along with his husband, unaware of the growing possession the other was feeling in regards to him. He himself was the easily jealous type so the possessive feelings weren't new, granted, he usually hid such things behind his grouchy and stubborn facade. Although, so far no one was sparking such clingy feelings for him since he usually felt as out of the big eight he was the one the most paired with France, granted his feelings of relief could switch at the drop of a hat, especially lately as he and France grew closer and more intertwined emotionally. Personally England was a bit flustered by the idea of being too clingy in public although he would have subtle advances to let passerby know France was his husband, such as the marks he so proudly showed on his neck now. The way he kept close and his gaze only lacing with love when it fell onto the Frenchman, sure, these weren't the best or most noteworthy things but for now in his proud state in regards to his possessive feelings towards his husband he felt it was enough. He felt as his hand was lifted, the skin so gently being gifted a kiss from his dearest before the waiter came to take their order. After they ordered and the waiter left he listened to his husband reminisce in the memories of his past drunken fits, "indeed," he commented softly as he smiled and felt as their fingers intertwined so delicately, he nodded a bit as he smiled, thinking back on all the times he had called for the other to help him home. Sometimes he would do so on purpose just so that when France carried him on his back he could rest his face in the crook of his neck as a sense of comfort, sometimes he just needed those moments, no matter how drunk he was. "Oh you are, are you?" He asked with a raised brow, however, he took notice of his husband's grin turning into a smirk only to receive such a teasing comment. He didn't respond, not yet, as the Frenchman leaned over the table to his ear, saying such a curious question only for his lips to move even closer to his ear to follow up with a few more whispered words. The heat of the man's breath on his ear sent a shiver down his spine, his cheeks easily heating up in response as he looked at the cheeky Frenchman in front of him. His brows furrowed in a stubborn manner, "oh yes, I'm sure you'll be a big crying mess! Wanting me to coddle you as if I'm your mother." He teased with a little huff and a bit of a smirk too, although he tried to hide it with his stubbornness. However the waiter soon came over, serving them their food and pouring wine for each of them. He thanked the waiter as well before looking to his husband and nodded with a small smirk on his lips, "indeed..~" He commebted before raising his glass a bit after noticing France doing so, cheering gently before taking a healthy sip of the splendid liquid. The wine sent a warm feeling down his throat and settled in his stomach, it was comforting and smooth. He looked at his food as well as his husband's and nodded a bit, "yes it does, smells delicious as well." He commented as his mouth watered a bit at the yummy sight, eager to eat the devine cuisine. He put down his glass of wine and politely began to dig into his meal, taking savored bites. "I love it! It tastes absolutely stunning!" He comments brightly as he wasn't lying, his eyes told it all. This was their first date, and man had he been wooed by his husband. Sure they were already married before their romance even blossomed but what's to say they couldn't experience their youthful lively love after such events? He was beyond happy to be with the Frenchman, every day that passed, granted not many had yet, even still, he could tell each one would be so pleasing and hold the utmost happiness. Sure they were bound to argue or fight here and there but what couple didn't? He didn't care though. As long as he had his husband, everything in his life, all those bad and frightening moments that had passed or were to come would melt away.

I wondered if you would've been even more stubborn and hiding your urges more than you do now. But it was still comforting that we had known eachother well, even though we weren't in a relationship. I found myself feeling the urge to take you back to our home... and just cuddle you, watch a movie together and just enjoy each others company even more. I continued to eat the food for a little while as the food was pretty good, but then of course my mind wondered a bit in the other direction as I looked down at the table, the table cloth was long and the table was round, this automatically made me think of the world meeting table. The image already formed a dirty fantasy in my head in no time. I look up at you for a moment with a little grin "Britain~ imagine if you were under this table right now sucking me off~" I teased you slightly, it was only to get a little rise out of you, I knew that it would be impossible to get under the table without being seen with so many people around "it would be so hot~" I smirk before taking another bite of my food that was already mostly finished now. I then take a sip of the wine "or maybe~ what would you do if I was under it~ and made you cum with all these people around~" I smirk again enjoying the thought of getting to tease you like this.

England could feel his cheeks and ears heating up in response, granted, he didn't necessarily try and hide such a thing, knowing to hide his blush was futile when it came to his husband. He soon replied in his stubborn, flustered manner, listening now as his smirking lover spoke of how he'd get him in the drunken scenario he himself had suggested after the waiter had left, causing him to raise a brow. "Oh is that right?" He started although when the Frenchman began to speak of how he would be inside of him all night no matter where or what they were doing he clearly couldn't bring himself to deny such a realistic scenario, especially when he craved and desired such. He chewed at his lower lip ever so slightly when he imagined such, the thought only made him realize just how far away his husband felt with the table in between them, his mind finally began to remember his craving to be filled, granted he tried to keep himself composed and ignore such a thing. He almost wanted to give his husband a begging desperate look, let out a soft pleading whisper, something along the lines of "Please.. I can't take it anymore, can we go now?", only for them to head up to the suite. However, he was strong and held back such urges, wanting to enjoy this dinner with his husband, especially because of the planning the other put into picking it just for him. He soon began to eat and couldn't hide his happy expression only to then confirm brightly he adored the food, he smiled and chuckled softly upon hearing the other say how he was worried, "my my, I don't come across as that picky do I? I promise you when it comes to food I'm not particularly hard to please." He said sweetly, "However, being treated to such a place as this is quite splendid, so thank you, love." He said once more in a sweet gentle voice, before taking one more healthy sip of wine only to return to savoring each bite of his scrumptious meal. Of course now that they were together the thoughts of if they had gotten together sooner occasionally crossed his mind, if they were teens again how would they be? So new and inexperienced, awkward, stiff, shy? Or perhaps even more relaxed and confident then now? He had no clue, all he could do now was be grateful for every day he had with his husband, the love of his life, no matter their current age. They had the rest of their lives to spend with one another even if they hadn't had the earliest start in their romantic relationship, at least they had had a relationship beforehand to begin with, and such a deep rooted one at that. He continued to eat his food, doing his best not to rush due to how yummy it tasted, his mind at the moment was clean as he focused on the flavor his tongue was experiencing. However his gaze wandered to his husband and noticed the little grin growing on his face as their eyes met, he heard the slight tease and his calmed cheeks turned a gentle pink once more. He knew this was simply a ruse, there was no way he could do such an act due to all the people around which whom could easily see him go underneath the table, however it did make him think of their future plans, their future erotic plans more specifically inquiring the world meeting table, such erotic imagery of what such an experience would be like flashed through his mind causing his cheeks to only burn brighter as he tried to think of the words for what to say. "I'm imagining..~" He grumbled cutely as he looked at this cheeky Frenchman, hearing his comment on how it would be hot, he nodded a bit, taking a bite of his food as a subtle excuse to not comment, however his mind was swimming with growing eagerness to connect once more, or even.. taste the Frenchman's cum on his tongue once more. Oh how fast he snapped from his thoughts, face going ablaze as he was gently brought to think about what he would do if his husband were to do such on him with all these people around. Oh how lewd, of course poor England wasn't the best at holding things in, he could only imagine how red he would be compared to now, how he would tremble lightly, bite at his lip as a desperate act to keep quite, all the while brows furrowing and eyes looking to be in ecstasy, however, that all depends on if his husband wanted to torture him in such a situation or not. He took hold of his wine glass and took a good healthy sip before answering, "I'm not sure.. what would I do~?" He asked with a raised brow, tome almost seductive as he bit his lower lip slightly, god did his husband seem to know just what to do to rile and spark up his dirty thoughts, it was like his lewd mind was contagious in certain moments.

I was a little surprised to hear you go along with what I said and imagined such a scenario, but this made me even happier. I bite my lip as I looked at your flushed cheeks at your slightly lewd expression as you imagined it. I could also imagine having you down there with my cock deep down your throat, trying to remain quiet and stop myself from watching such an erotic sight. I could also imagine how you would react having me sucking you off and making you feel good from under the table, I knew that you had a strong control over your voice judging by when we had sex at the theatre earlier today. But your face, however, would immediately give it away... you would look much too lewd, with bright red cheeks, glossy eyes, eyebrows furrowed and enjoying every moment "you would be so erotic Britain... You would be completely at my mercy~" I smirk biting my lip slightly "you'd also desperately hold in your voice, but one look at your face and you would be able to tell you're a sexy little pervert~" I take another big sip from my wine "now tell me~" I give you a cheek grin as I slightly bit my bottom lip "should we order desert?~" I said in a low seductive tone as I slowly raised my leg under the table and gently pressed the sole of my shoe against your crotch, grinding against it gently. This couldn't be seen by people because the table cloth was long enough to almost hit the floor, therefore my leg couldn't be seen. "hm?~ what do you think? Do you want it?" I smirk teasing, wondering if you would actually take my offer and order deserts or had something else entirely in mind. I couldn't wait to get you up to the suite. My urges were flaring up, and it was becoming much harder to stay away from you the longer we stayed apart. "We could also order a wine bottle for our room~ and continue drinking there~" I look over at you.

England raised a brow at his husband's cheeky response but couldn't help but smirk slightly himself, "Oh I certainly will~.." He said back calmly, of course neither did he know his husband felt the same about the distance between them that the table had created, if he  had he would either wait for the other to move closer or do so himself. Sure the closeness would probably only awaken his desire to connect once more even further but it would ease the strange longing that was spreading over his skin if they could even just simply hold hands, and for him to even just feel the heat of his husband's skin would be enough to suffice him in some way for the time being. He listened to the Frenchman as he spoke about wanting to make the night memorable and how he was happy he was enjoying it, of course he smiled softly holding his lover's hand from across the table while his eyes held an unwavering loving gaze within. "Well, you've done quite well at making tonight memorable, I'm not sure that even if we were to stop everything now I would ever be able to forget about today.." He commented softly as he rubbed his husband's thumb gently with his own before nodding slightly as he smiled in a sense of agreement at the other's next comment. He himself calmly went back to eating his meal which really didn't take anytime at all to finish since it had been so yummy, he couldn't help but finish every bite. Finishing off his glass of wine along the way, although the glass didn't remain empty after he set it down for very long. His husband filling it right up once more, upon hearing his next comment he bit his lower lip ever so slightly as he nodded in agreement only for his cheeks to easily begin heating up as the Frenchman told him about sucking him off beneath the table. He went along with it however, cheeks flushed with a slight lewd expression lacing on his face as he imagined such. After snapping from his thoughts and responding he listened to each word that sneakily slipped from the Frenchman's lips, he knew he was certainly right, he would be at his husband's mercy and what he described as how he would react was certainly true. To avoid having to confirm or deny such a scenario he eagerly took a good sip of his filled wine glsss, only for his lustful and slightly flustered gaze to move from the table cloth coating the table back up to his husband's face as he heard his suggestion in regards to dessert. Being asked such a thing with such a tone of voice sent a shiver down his spine only for him to bite his lower lip at the feeling of his husband pressing the sole of his shoe against his crotch, grinding it gently all the while. He knew there were no witnesses other than himself to what he was currently  enduring and rather was pleased with this sneaky teasing his cheeky husband chose to act on. He chewed at his lower lip slightly, as much as he wanted to rush to the hotel room and eagerly connect all the while drinking and becoming drunk, he also was determined to enjoy this dinner, no matter if he was being teased in such a way or not. He nodded slightly as initial response to hearing his husband's teasing offer, "yes, I would like dessert." He said as he seemed to be keeping his cool just fine, although his cheeks were a shade of pink and he was timidly chewing on his lip here and there in reaction to the other's foot. Due to this kind of touch even if not skin to skin he was beginning to desire and crave his husband much more, his urges as well beginning to finally take hold of his mind more. He heard the idea of ordering wine for the room, how could reject such an offer? "Ah yes. That sounds lovely to me." He responded as he looked hack to his husband, unaware of just how luxurious their suite was, although, to him even if they were to be staying in a shady motel, as long as he had France his time would be magical. He was trying not to get antsy as he imagined them in bed tangled with one another, so close and warm, loving, he desired this but knew he had to wait although he couldn't help but begin to grow slowly impatient especially because of the added distance that he was only recently made aware of.

I watched your reaction as I gently grinding the sole of my shoe against your crotch, watching you blush even more and bite your lip as I grinded up more against it. To my surprise you said you wanted to order desert, I bite my bottom lip looking at you. “Oh yeah?~” I thought for a moment, wanting so badly to have you to myself right here and now. I felt myself yearning for you, it’s only been a few hours and I already missed the feeling of being inside you. The warmth of your inside and the way you tighten around my cock to fully feel it inside you. I wanted to wrap my arms around you and just hold you, feel our heart beats synchronise as we held each other. It was progressively feeling harder to hold back, and the thought of being inside you was already starting to harden my cock in my pants. Although I wanted to take you right away, I wanted to give you everything you wanted... and of course, I wanted to tease you while doing it. “Hmm~ well then~ I’ll call over the waiter and you can choose and order the desert for us~” I say in a low voice with a slight smirk. I call over the waiter, wait for him to come over to us before telling him we’d like to order desert. I look over at you, immediately adding pressure against your crotch, grinding the sole of my shoe more intensely against your crotch, I could tell that you were hard and I ran my shoe up and down your cock as we waited for you to order the deserts. My eyes didn’t leave you for one moment, to watch your reaction completely and the way you spoke. I knew that this would be extremely stimulating for you because you seemed to enjoy being touched in public places. I also wondered how you would react if on top of that, you had to speak to someone and pretend as if nothing is happening. I bite my lip ask I watched you talk to the waiter and thanked him before he walked away, meanwhile my foot was still moving against your crotch. “How is it?~” I asked in a deep lower voice referring to the movements of my foot “is your body craving mine yet?~ or am I the only one that wants to be deep inside you right now?” I bite my lower lip lightly “ at this rate~ I might start pounding into you  on the elevator up to the suite~” I said quietly in a seductive tone, teasing you, enjoying your reactions as I did and wanting so badly to see more.

England noticed the slight surprise that had sparked in his husband's eyes upon hearing his answer, he had a feeling the other wouldn't have expected him to actually go along with such a thing, probably thinking he would allow his desperation to take over and beg to go up to the suite already. However, he was much too stubborn still to allow such, determined to enjoy the dinner to the fullest, including dessert, all the while pushing himself and his husband's cravings to the edge. He raised a brow slightly upon hearing the man's confirming question, he nodded a bit, "yes, really..~" He spoke in a softer but sternish tone mixed, however, his eyes seemed to hint towards the strong feelings which were only growing stronger inside. He wanted his husband already, to feel his cock buried inside his body, to feel his gaze carressing his skin paired with his lips endlessly gifting him with kisses, the feeling of his strong hands gripping his body. Or even his deep stern tone he'd sometimes use after he teased him too much or the loving compliments that he was still trying to warm up to hearing, he missed and craved it all, anything his husband threw his way, anything he could give him he wanted. He could imagine the taste or the feeling of a new load of cum being pumped down his throat or deep inside his body, how warm and filling it made him feel. He wanted it, he wantes to be in his husband's warm safe arms, bodies pressed together, being so close he felt as though they were one. He almost wanted to dismiss his earlier desire for dessert, look at the Frenchman and whisper how he couldn't wait any longer due to his strong desires, but he was too determined now to not give in so soon. He could wait, just a bit longer. He nodded along a bit as he listened to his husband's words which were spoken in a low voice, he made notice of the slight smirk growing suspicious of what the orher might do but didn't question him. Instead he patiently waited for the waiter to come over, after his husband looked to him to actually order he looked to the waiter knowing already what he wanted since he had spotted it on the menu earlier. "Ah—" He started to speak but stopped himself, the pressure and grinding against his crotch, affecting his hardened cock even more as he looked a little flustered, he cleared his throat a bit, gaze falling as he looked a bit shy, less confident than he had been at the start. "My apologies, uhm.. W-we would like a crème brûlée, please.." He requested before chewing at his lower lip slightly, trying not to appear lewd in any sense to others around so he tried to play off the erotic excitement/adrenalin and pleasure with perhaps a slight shy embarrassed attitude. He felt how his husband's devious gaze was glued to him, never wavering throughout the whole process of him ordering. He had managed to hold back any moans or whimpers he oh so desperately wanted to let out, he managed to then thank the waiter and watched as he walked away only for his gaze to move back to his husband. He had such urges to grind back against his husband's foot or buck his eager hips a bit for more, the pleasure he was feeling wasn't enough for his hungry body. Upon hearing the question spoken in such a low deep voice, he knew his reddened cheeks and the look in his eyes just give away how he felt in regards to what the other was referring to. "Good.. but not enough~" He spoke in a soft almost pouty tone, he heard what his husband said next and the thought of such aroused him, he chewed on his lower lip, keeping his hands busy by messing with the table cloth in an almost impatient manner. "No you aren't the only one.. my body is very much craving yours..~" He spoke softly, his lustful gaze connecting with his husband's. He imagined them in the elevator, each floor leading to the possibility of the doors opening revealing them inside so the idea of being pounded was extremely erotic and lewd for such a situation. However he sensed his husband's teasing tone, knowing he was messing with him to make him even more desperate for him. "Oh my..~ how naughty of you to suggest..~" He spoke in his own soft quiet yet seductive and almost innocent tone, it was like he himself was trying to toy with the Frenchman by acting all innocent and embarrassed by such a suggestion. However, his hardened cock in his pants so lovingly gave away how he really felt in the situation at hand, how badly he wanted his husband already.

I watched you very closely as you ordered, I bit my lip seeing how sneaky you are, playing off your cute little stutters and flushed face as if you were shy. Seeing you take control of that moment was beginning to get me a little heated too. It was a turn on, I always favoured you for how strong you are among so many other qualities. I didn’t yet know just how much you were craving me, I only knew how much I wanted you... and wanting you to feel the same way. I enjoyed placing you in these situations, and I knew being touched publicly is a a turn on for you, as it was for me. It was slightly conflicting because you appeared to be shy around the waiter, and I could feel it was sparking some jealously in my heart. It was in these moments I realised just how much I wanted you to be mine, I already knew that I did but merely speaking to the waiter in a tone that’s so sexy... and cute at the same time made me want to make sure he knew you were mine. Once you finished ordering I gently take your hand before the waiter walked away. I didn’t know if my teasing was very effective, wether it made you feel good or that it may have wound up backfiring on me. I wasn’t sure if I was the once being teased by this or or it was you. Once I heard you say that my little foot massage wasn’t enough i let a little grin out “Ohh?~ not enough?~”the edge of my lips curl slightly “what would be enough then?~ what do you want me to do for you?~” I smirk more, mesmerised by you as you sat across from me. I pressed a little more intensely against your cock, moving up to the tip and massaging it lightly. I bite my lip lightly for a moment as I listened to you tease back with a seductive tone “ooh?~ could it be that you would actually let me pound into you as soon as we get in the elevator?~ because I really won’t hold back~” I look at you with glossy clearly endearing and lustful eyes before leaning a little closer across the table and pulling your hand my way gently to pull you a little closer. “If so...I wanna start fucking you as soon as we walk in~... I’ll take that little plug out of your tight little hole, fill it up to the hilt of my cock, pin you against the wall and start pounding into you....over and over~... until we get to the verrryyy top level~” i whispered to you in a deep lustful tone before I lightly lick my lips “only to keep pounding you into the bed as soon we get to our suite~” I continues to speak quietly close to your ear as I looked into your eyes “is that enough?~” I asked with a little cheeky grin as I intertwined our fingers and leaned a little more to give you a soft and lingering kiss on your lips from across the table. I felt your warm lips pressed against mine for the first time in a few hours and I could feel myself getting more eager feel you more although it was only a peck. I didn’t care if people could see, in fact I would’ve wanted that waiter to see more than anyone.

England felt a little proud honestly of how well he played how he was acting off, after he finished his hand was grabbed by his husband and the waiter left. He was unaware of how his little show had affected his husband, how he was turned on by how well he handled it yet also desiring to make the waiter know he was his. Neither thought crossed his mind as he looked to his husband, he of course adored the little massage he had received, it was simply his cravings desired more, every second that passed by his mind only desired more and more, after telling his husband that it hadn't been enough he nodded a bit to confirm what he said, upon hearing his husband's questioning of course he wanted to flat out admit how he wanted him to fuck him already, but, he couldn’t. He couldn't because he had to be at least a little gentlemanly, having to wait for their dessert before they do anything. However, upon feeling his husband pressing a little more intensely againsg his cock, moving up to the tip even to massage lightly, his desires only felt stronger, his patience growing weaker in response. "I'm not sure..~" He played it off the best he could, holding back his desperation as he soon teased his husband back with a seductive tone. However his cheeks only brightened in color upon having the idea once again introduced of him being pounded in the elevator up to their suite. Maybe he did want it to happen.. the thought was so arousing of course, the adrenaline he knew would be amazing at the prospect of them being walked in on. He looked at his husband, his own green orbs were swimming in love and lust as he was pulled a bit closer, chewing on his lower lip as he used such as an excuse to stay silent for the moment, not wanting to confirm or deny such an erotic idea. Although, god did that become so difficult! His husband began elaborating on what they'd do, as soon as they were in the elevator he would waste no time to take his plug out and replace it with his cock, pinning him to the wall as he began to pound him over and over again until they got all the way to the top level where their suite was. The look of desire in his eyes only grew after being given such a description, he chewed his lip a bit more, his crotch felt hot as his body desired such an erotic lewd situation. Oh my and the way his husband even spoke such words sent a shiver down his spine, such a deep lustful tone, it made him want it even more. However, he wasn’t done, the Frenchman continued to elaborate on how he'd keep pounding him in the bed once they reached fhe suite, his face was bright red, his love of dirty talk seeming to have continued on. He held his husband's hand, fingers intertwined. "Yes.. that's enough..~" He responded softly, so desperately wanting their lips to meet, to feel his husband inside of him or his hands on his body, his patience was dwindling so much faster than he thought it would have. However their lips connected into a soft lingering kiss, he didn't care if people saw them kissing, in fact, he liked such an idea. Wanting everyone to know he was his husband's and his husband was his. After the kiss had ended since it was only a peck more or less, he gazed at his husband, admiring every detail in his sexy, cheeky, face. He wanted the dessert to quickly be delivered so they could eat and continue on with their lewd night.

I could tell you were slowly becoming as impatient as I was when we spoke. I kept my eyes on you, watching your reactions as I whispered what I’d planned to do to you. Fantasising about doing such already had blood rushing to my groin. I could feel my cock harden from the thought of touching you again. My desire for you physically and emotionally was becoming overwhelming... I could feel my heart beating as I held your hand and looked into your beautiful green eyes. I could also feel my cock throbbing, clearly hardened now in my pants. My cock was ready to go inside you at any moment, it did not take long for me to get hard when it came to you, I’d noticed this fact when I got hard only looking at your rosy, perky nipple when we were meant to go to bed. It was also that I had a weakness for your moans, and the way you take my cock into your mouth as if you wish to fully taste it, suck every last drop of cum out and swallow it all as if you liked the taste. It was not only this but the way your insides welcome my cock inside you, hugging my cock so tightly. So incredibly warm, soft, I could always feel your walls throbbing and twitching against my cock. The thought alone was driving me crazy for you. Once you said that it was enough I smiled gently before twisting our intertwined hands lightly so I could kiss the back of your hand after our kiss. “Well of course~ that would only be the minimum of what we’ll be doing tonight~” I squeeze your hand gently “I won’t be fucking you the whole time~ but we’ll definitely be connected the whole night~” i said softly, obviously wanting to have sex with you all through out the night, but planned to have moments where we could connect “like we could drink in the hot tub~ and you could sit on my lap and I’ll keep your inside all plugged up and warm  ~ I wanna be connected to you any chance I get...” I say as I play your your fingers softy as I noticed the waiter coming over. I move back slightly to make room for our plates. He sets our deserts down and I thank him again before he leaves, giving him my card before he leaves so that we can leave to go up to the suite right after desert. I look at the desert and I smelt it “mmm... it looks so good Britain~” I smile gently. I take a bite from it and let out a very quiet moan “mmmm.. you made a good choice~” I said chuckling lightly, happy that we did stay a little longer for desert, it was nice experiencing things with you, no matter what they may be. “Do you like it?” I look over at you and see that you’re clearly also enjoying it, I smile gently again. You looked so cute whenever you’d get happy or excited, and it made me happy seeing you enjoy yourself. Although, I kept my foot between your legs, I stopped grinding it against you for a little while as we ate, giving you a small little break, but I wanted to keep going. I was only half way through my desert before I looked across at you and began massaging and teasing you again to see your reaction after id stopped.

England couldn't help but allow his impatience to leak into his words, into his eyes, and his aura. He felt like his cheeky husband may being speaking in such ways in order to arouse him even further and push him to the edge, he felt stubborn at such a thought, wanting to prove to him that he could wait, he could be patient and wait without a problem or even a whine. Although the way the Frenchman described things in such a lewd erotic manner easily roused his desires, making his crotch feel hot, his face red with blush, his lower lip helplessly being attacked by his teeth in response while his own cock was nice and hard. He resisted the desire to squirm in his seat or grind against his husband's devious naughty foot which stayed between his legs he felt embarrassed that his husband made him react like this, feeling like he always made him so weak. Feel like jello and melt in his hands, he wanted him already.. the longer he stayed sitting across from his husband the more his eager mind began to wander, going from thinking of what he had described to more, such as the taste of his cum, just how much cum he would have collected inside of his helpless body by tomorrow morning if they were even finished by then. Or perhaps about all the ways they'd do this, even the embarrassing thought of how weak and desperate he'd be at the hands of his husband after a while since the other knew his body so well already and yet almost seemed to be able to discover more and more places he could use to his advantage to pleasure him. The thought of how he'd take the Frenchman's cock deep in his throat and body so eagerly, or how this man seemed to already have managed to make him addicted to the feeling of his cock being inside of his body. However he broke free from his erotic thinking as the back of his hand was kissed and he was told what the other had described had only been the minimum of what they'd be doing for the night, his hand was then squeezed before his husband began to elaborate, saying how they wouldn't fuck the whole night but they would be connected the whole night, he nodded a bit, that alone was music to his ears, he loved being connected even if they weren't fucking, just to have the Frenchman's cock buried inside him, keeping him full, it was amazing. He nodded along a bit as he listened his husband speak, "that sounds marvelous dear~.. I want us to be connected too.." He spoke softly as he watched the male playing gently with his fingers bdfore his hand was let go and his husband moved back. He himself moved to sit up a bit more, looking down at the gorgeous creme brûlée in front of him, he nodded slightly, "indeed it does." He said with his own smile lacing his lips, he took the spoon and tapped the surface, breaking the hardened sugar to get to the custard beneath before taking a spoonful, eagerly eating such. He hummed from the pleasure of how delicious it was, "I agree.." He said with a soft chuckle of his own, honestly this break from the lustful haze that was taking over was refreshing, experiencing this with his husband was very lovely. He nodded upon being asked if he liked the dessert, "yes, it's awfully scrumptious!" He said sweetly as he smiled at his husband before taking another bite, savoring each one. However as he neared finishing half he suddenly was given a reminder of his husband's deviousness, his calmed cheeks easily began to turn a shade of pink once more in reaction to the massaging and teasing occurring to his helpless body. He looked at his husband, his body being quite sensitive as of currently due to how pent up his desires were and how much his husband had been teasing him, he swore if this was revenge for all the teasing he had done to him he found that to be unfair. His brows were furrowed in a stubborn manner yet his eyes held a determination within as instead of letting out anymore reaction he instead filled his mouth with another bite of dessert, even letting out a soft stubborn huff. He wanted to mess with his husband as he messed with him, he was determined to not give him too much of a show just from his devious teasing massaging.

I couldn’t help but think about all the possibilities of what we could do once we were all alone again, not having to hold back any longer. I could wait to fill your insides up with cum until it just over flowed out of you, I wanted to watch it all drip down your thighs. I wanted to help you clean up inside you and use my cock to reach deeper inside you. I couldn’t wait to do all of it with you. I stopped my mind from wondering even further before we’d even gone up to the room yet. I look at you enjoying the food and I smirk after a while, wanting to tease you again. Once I began moving my foot against your hardened cock I give you a little smirk, enjoying your little stubborn reaction to my teasing. I loved the way you would act unbothered and stubborn, I found it endearing. The way you would let out a stubborn huff and furrow your brows, would both Spark a warm and soft feeling in my heart, but it would also arouse me. I was already hard in my pants, it was very restricting and hurt a little. I watched you take another bite before reaching into my pocket subtly, holding a very small remote and turning it on as I looked at you. The plug inside you had a remote vibrating option, I’d planned to use it when you weren’t expecting it, I kept it at a low setting as I watched to see if you would notice. I slowly increased the vibration levels until I got a reaction out of you “if my teasing doesn’t work for your front~ then I’ll use the back to tease you~” I smirk slightly as I watched your reaction. I took another few bites out of the desert as I watched you enjoy being massaged from the front and the back at the same time.  “Does it make you miss my cock?~ or are you enjoying the plug inside you more Britain?~” I asked with a little smirk as I continued to grind my foot against your crotch and leveling up the vibrations of the plug inside you. “Britain~ you’re such a pervert~ you’re sitting on a butt plug while we’re having a romantic dinner~” I teased you in a quiet voice, holding your hand across the table before pulling it gently my way to kiss it “you don’t like the plug more than your husbands cock do you?~” I look at you with a little pout “you like mine better right?~” I kiss your hand again and gently kissing up to your wrist. “My cock is rock hard and ready to make a mess of your insides anytime you please~” I whispered quietly. I wanted you to come over here and sit on my lap, take me inside you even with all of these people around us, my fantasies were becoming more intense, the longer I was away from you “I’m thrusting my cock inside you the second we’re alone together~ so all you have to do is say the word~” I bite my lower lip before taking another bite of my desert to see how you would react.

England was feeling rather proud of himself, mainly due in part to not giving in to his husband's little teasing, rather he held his reaction back in a stubborn determined manner. However, as his husband's foot continued moving against his hardened cock he took one more bite of his dessert only to notice a strange feeling, a faint feeling he could only describe as a vibrating coming from inside him, more specifically the plug. That faintness began growing slowly, increasing until he looked rather flustered, not having expected such a thing whatsoever. His face was hot with blush, a lovely shade of red falling over his cheeks and ears as he bit at his lower lip, looking at his husband with a bit of a surprised look in his eyes, his once stubbornly furrowed brows were beginning to furrow in a bit more of a lewd sense as he listened to the other talk. He was at least determined in not making a sound, taking a quick bite of his dessert, the feeling of both the massaging from the front and the vibrating in the back felt so good. He kept still, not squirming or looking too disheveled from the experience as he tried to continue eating his dessert, taking hesitant bites, as if he were nervous he may let out a moan when he went for a bite, as even in the theater he let out sounds, albeit quiet and toned down ones, to the best of his abilities anyways. He heard this devious man's questioning, he shamelessly nodded a bit at the first one before shaking his head a bit, sure the plug felt good but it only made him desire his husband's cock even more as this was arousing him so much more. He tried to speak a reply but was quick to bite his lower lip helplessly as his husband turned up the vibrations of the plug inside of him, all the while continuing to grind his foot into his crotch. He had such urges to grind and buck his hips for more but resisted the best he could, he looked up from his dessert, his green eyes swimming in lust, his expression rather lewd in a sense all the while he listened to his husband speak such dirty talk. It aroused him, he certainly didn't seem to mind being reminded of the situation in such a way, it only aroused him. He was holding hands with the Frenchman, he was sure anyone looking at them probably thought he was just shy, oh god were they wrong. He shook his head a bit at his husband's pouty questions before letting out a response finally, "y-yes yours is best..~" He managed to say quietly as he nodded a bit to his husband's whispers, god was he getting to his breaking point. He just wanted to have his husband inside him already, he hated feeling this desperate, like a slut, and yet, he loved it. He loved feeling this way for France, and he was sure the other loved it as well, especially since he seemed to know to push him to such a state. He was imagining the Frenchman taking him, he didn't care where, his mind was cloudy with lust, all he wanted was to feel his hole being filled and stretched by his husband's hard cock, so deep inside, filling him up with so much cum, only adding to the amount he already pumped deep inside of his body. He began to squirm slightly in his seat, trying to keep himself under control, quickly thinking of something else, however the other's question brought him back to what he wanted. He looked to the other, he was biting his lower lip, eyes furrowed to leave a lewd-ish expression on his face. He hesitantly, let his lips part, whispering in a desperate manner as he tried his best to look like he was adjusting himself when in reality, he so weakly, so discreetly was grinding slightly against his husband's foot, succumbing to his desires. "Please..~ please I can't wait~" He whispered out, his voice so desperate and eager, he hoped it was enough, he didn't know what he would do if the Frenchman made him wait any longer, he would become probably even more unwound, grinding a bit more, perhaps begging a bit more too, maybe even tearing up from desperation. However, he hoped it wouldn't get to that. He just wanted his husband to give him what he wanted.

As I was watching you, I could tell that you were beginning to feel the vibrations coming from the butt plug, I bite my lower lip as I enjoyed the view of you slightly squirming in your chair, with your cheeks all red like that. I could tell that you were beginning to feel it, and it showed on your face wether you liked it or not. I was enjoying the I was having an impact on you despite your efforts to stay composed. I squeeze your hand gently in mine. I kiss your fingers gently “oooh? So you like my cock better huh?~” I bite my lip looking at you. I could see your green eyes filling up with lust the longer this is being dragged on, the longer your insides are made to wait for my cock. I felt as though I wanted to train your insides so that you’re unable to go very long without my cock buried inside you, I wanted you to crave me the the way I feel I constantly crave you. I bite my lip watching as I could tell you were increasingly becoming more desperate, and I loved it, it excited me to see you this way too. Once I noticed you grinding against my foot I looked into your eyes, I little surprised but even more turned out at the fact. I listen to your quiet desperate whispers and bite my lower lip trying to hold back from jumping you right then and there “mm... I can’t either..” I said as I stood up from my seat, walking over to you and taking your hand before helping you out of your chair and quickly walking us to the elevator. I quickly pressed the button waiting for it to come down to our level, meanwhile I kept my hands on your waist, holding you from behind, hiding my extremely obvious hardened cock while grinding it against your ass as we waited, becoming more and more impatient the closer we were to eachother. Once the elevator door opened I immediately walked in with you, walking you up to the wall and pressing you against it as I pulled your pants down a little at the back, unzipped my pants and too my throbbing hard cock out. I quickly take the putt plug out of your ass, before immediately shoving my cock inside you right after, just as the doors of the elevator closed and begin to move. I could feel your inside spasm around my cock as it accommodated the sudden intrusion of my cock. “Fuck... Britain... your ass is so addicting..” I bite my lip, filling feeling the reaction of your walls and the heat building up inside you that was now surrounding my cock. I could feel all the cum inside you coating your walls making it even softer inside you. I groan wrapping my arms tightly around you as I felt your insides immediately quench around my cock as I slid inside you. “Haaaaa... I’ve been wanting to do this for so long...” I said as I held your hips tightly as I pinned you against the wall, beginning to move my hips, pounding deep inside you, giving you long and hard thrusts to make you really feel the difference between that butt plug and my cock

England had nodded a bit once more to clarify that he liked his husband's cock over the plug, he honestly was becoming more unwound as time progressed, he was unaware of such a lewd idea of his insides being unable to go without the Frenchman's cock being inside for long. He was getting desperate, eventually beginning to grind the best he could in the sense of staying discreet, all the while letting out his soft but desperate begging. He heard his husband and saw as he stood, it was the most relieving thing he could have seen in the whole dinner. He held his husband's hand as he was helped out of his chair and quickly taken to the elevator, however, the wait for it to arrive was unbearable. He was so desperate so being so close to what he knew was to arise felt painful. He was biting his lower lip as he felt his husband's hardened cock grinding against his ass while they waited, all the while his waist was held, this closeness was very well received as he missed it tremendously. However, it made him crave his husband much more. Once the elevator opened he hurried inside, being walked to the wall and pressed against it, he felt a rush of excitement and desperation wash over him as his pants were pulled down a bit at the back, hearing the familiar unzipping only to feel the plug be pulled out which prompted him to let out a soft slight cute sound which was replaced with a bit of a moan, although he shyly tried to hold it back at the amazing feeling of his husband shoving his cock right up inside of him. He heard the doors closed but couldn't be bothered to care, too immersed in what he had been aching for the whole dinner. His insides spasmed around his husband's cock as it was quickly trying to accommodate for such a larger object in comparison to the plug which had been in him the whole dinner. "Mm..~ your cock is addicting...~" He said out softly, he really did feel addicted to the other's cock, he needed to feel filled like this, to take it all inside him, as deep as it could go, filling him up. His insides clenched around the Frenchman's cock as he slid back inside of him, he had his own hands on the wall while his husband's were wrapped around him. He let out a sweet moan before he heard his lover begin speaking, he couldn’t agree more, having been eager since they stopped in the car. "M-Me too..~" He spoke out softly as he felt his lover's grip move from his waist to his hips, only for him to be pinned against the wall, each thrust was long and hard, it was as if he was stunned by the amazing feeling. Having had his insides neglected throughout the whole dinner, only having the plug which compared to his husband's cock was nothing. He knew no one was in the elevator yet still felt a bit timid to moan out, however, not enough to stop him. He had been desperately awaiting this and was more than eager to finally be able to let out his sounds, he moaned out such sweet eager moans, it was if his sounds were trying to draw the other in even more. His cheeks were stained red as his brows furrowed, eyes having an eager gaze although eventually shut as he adored this moment, so very eager to get to their suite so he could receive even more, he could imagine them getting inside and once there the bed was immediately filled with the two, going at it eagerly, and when they needed a break they wouldn't pull apart, staying connected as they drank wine and grew drunk together.

It was becoming unbearable, I didn’t know who was the one addicted to who at this point because I could feel myself losing control. I held you so tightly as we waited for the elevator, my arms wrapping around you, seeming like an innocent embrace from behind to those around us. Meanwhile I grinded my cock between your ass cheeks as it I was drilling you right there on the spot. I move to kiss your cheek gentle you and moving to your neck when the elevator arrived. I quickly move in with you, in this moment I didn’t care if we were seen anymore, all I knew was that I needed you, I wanted us to connect, so I began unzipping my pants, pulling yours down and taking out the plug in a fast motion before penetrating you before the doors had even closed yet. I could feel the heat on my face from hearing your moans again, I’d realised how much I’d missed your soft little moans when your ass is being played with. I gently bite your neck as I moved inside you, feeling your insides already sucking on my cock “mm... good... cause I want your insides to crave my cock whenever it’s not inside you~” I whispered next to your ear as I grinded inside you before pounding into you over and over again. I could feel the elevator going up and surprisingly it hadn’t stopped once yet, not that I would have stopped pounding away into you anyway. I didn’t care anymore, I didn’t care if we were caught and was fully consumed by the way you take my cock into you. The way you would moan so desperately and so eager for more. I felt as though I was drowning into you, I could feel my cock harden even more inside you from all the excitement. The way I was thrusting inside you was beginning to cause the cum inside you to foam up at your entrance that was being stretched out by the girth of my cock. I looked down to watch my cock moving in and out of you and it was already covered in cum, I bit my lip getting even more excited knowing how much of my cum was already inside your body, be it in your ass or in your stomach. “Britain... I’m gonna fuck you even harder when we get to the bed.... there won’t be an inch of my cock that won’t be buried inside you, getting sucked on by your hungry little hole” I whispered against your ear before biting my lip pounding harder into you before we’d reached the very top level, the doors opening with my cock still deep inside you. I groan as I took it out and zipped my pants before looking over at you and sliding my hand down to your ass, sliding three of my fingers inside you, acting as the plug until we reached the room “we won’t be using the plug anymore~ I wanna be the one plugging you up~” I smirk as I walked with you over to our suite, only a few steps away from the elevator. I scan the card and open the door to go in, finally reaching the suite we we’ve been looking forward to all night.

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