No more secrets - Wheesa (G!P)

By scandalousgal

9.5K 255 34

After being dumped several times by telling people she was intersex, Wheein gives up on going out on dates an... More

Five [TW]


1.2K 38 12
By scandalousgal

The weak sun rays penetrate through the window who was barely covered by the blinds, Hyejin moved around after something slammed against her nose waking her up. Shifting on the bed, she opened her eyes to see that It was Wheein's hand that slammed her nose accidentally. A smile appeared in her lips, it was good to see Wheein sleep, but she knew the girl wasn't fully relaxed and she took that from last night. Wheein always moved a lot in bed. It wasn't a surprise and Hyejin learned how to deal with it, but after that nightmare, Wheein moved more than usual, showing that she was still anxious.

Hyejin grabbed one of Wheein's thighs pulling over her waist getting closer and hugging the older girl, placing kisses on Wheein's nose bridge and forehead while her hand was soothing circles on the artist's back.

Wheein hugged back, burying her face further in Hyejin's chest.

"Hey, puppy." Heyjin kissed the artist's cheek. "How are you?"

"I'm better..."

Hyejin smiled cupping Wheein's cheek giving the girl a peck on her lips.

"Any plans for today?"

"Hmm not at all... I don't have any homework and I decided to take a little break from commissions..." Wheein looked in Hyejin's eyes. "Maybe..we could have a date and go out... I want to draw outside."

Hyejin smiled hugging Wheein's torso and rolling on her back the girl would be on top of her.

"I'm in!" Wheein smiled, laying her head on Hyejin's chest again. "But I want to stay like this a bit more..."

"Don't worry, I don't plan on getting out of bed now."

The couple stayed in bed for a while cuddling and talking about stupid things until Wheein's stomach growled.

"I think it's time for breakfast," Hyejin said. "I'm making it!"

"No!" Wheein giggled. "You're gonna burn the kitchen down!" She tried to keep Hyejin in place while the younger one laughed as well.

"A race to the kitchen, the winner gets to make breakfast!" Hyejin suggested and Wheein won.

Oh how they missed moments like that, they've been so busy that they barely had time to eat breakfast together.

The day went on, both stayed on the couch cuddling and watching tv until it was 4 pm and wheein decided she wanted to go out. The sun was setting and the place she had in mind was empty by this time of the day.

"So, where are we going?" Hyejin Sat on the couch with Wheein still straddling her lap.

"Maybe eat something and go to a place that I often go to when I'm not feeling good and I want to draw outside..."

"Oh, you never told me about that special place before."

Wheein giggled, resting her head on the girl's shoulder.

"So I'll take you there today."

"Heyjin-ah can you look in my room's wardrobe!?"

Hyejin and Wheein were looking for Wheein's shoes that went lost.

While Wheein looked in the laundry room, Hyejin went to look in the girl's room.

She looked inside the wardrobe but couldn't find it either.

"Where did she put it?" Hyejin closed the wardrobe door and when she was about to call wheein saying she couldn't find wheein yelled at the end of the hallway

"I found it! Just have to put the laces in it!"

"Okay!" Hyejin yelled back and giggled. "Silly"

She sat on the bed now just waiting for the girl to get ready. Hyejin looked at Wheein's bookshelf next to her workspace. That was where Wheein organized her sketchbooks, she smiled. Hyejin got up and walked to the shelf sliding her finger across the spines of the sketchbooks like she was choosing a book to read. She often did this, he had Wheein's permission to look through her sketchbooks and the latter loved when her girlfriend look her sketchbooks drawings. Often when hyejin went to wheein's house to wait for the girl to arrive from her classes she would pick a sketchbook and look to pass the time and at this point, she knew what was inside of everyone and from which date they were.

She was about to grab the last sketchbook from the shelf when her eyes landed on a black sketchbook sitting on the desk. The cover was blank, which made Hyejin think that it might be a new sketchbook since Wheein had the habit to customize her sketchbook covers with drawings, stickers, wash tape and or lettering but the edges were worn out and the cover looked beaten up like the sketchbook was being used for a long period and taken everywhere.

Hyejin picked it up and opened it and was greeted with Wheein's info on the first page but different from drawings, the first page was a swatch one the colors followed by numbers and pen tests. She started to look throughout it and it was different from the others. It had more sketches, notes, tests, studies, a lot of perspectives, color, and anatomy studies. She turned the pages still mesmerized like always when she saw her girlfriend's art no matter if it was a finished complex piece or a study sketch.

She landed on a page full of drawings of her, face, and body. Hyejin giggled.

"And I thought she wouldn't take me seriously when I asked for her to draw me naked."

The drawing was anatomy studies since it had notes and arrows pointing to a certain part of the drawing.

Hyejin kept looking and did a lot of drawing of her and other studies until she fell on a page, a spread with a few drawings of Wheein's own body. That made Hyejin's heart flutter, not from horniness but happiness. The drawing was from a few pictures Wheein had sent her and others Hyejin took when the girl was distracted. She was happy that Wheein was getting more self-confidence.

"I'm ready!" Wheein smiled standing by the door. "Oh, you found it." The smaller girl smiled walking in Hyejin's direction.

"Hope it was ok for me to see it." She smiled.

"It is okay, it's not a problem." Wheein hugged the girl from behind nuzzling her neck. "I just didn't show this one because is a mess and not artistic at all, just a bunch of studies and dumb doodles...."

"Well, your studies are pieces of art and you took that suggestion to draw me naked seriously"

Hyejin jokes, making Wheein's cheeks redden. Hyejin put the sketchbook back on the table and turned around to hug the older girl.

"I...I like your body... I mean, your anatomy like the way your body just good to draw I don't know...I'm not saying it sexually I just...."

Hyejin exploded with laughter. Wheein messing her words and getting shy was adorable.

"I got what you mean," She said and pecked Wheein's lips. "Now grab your stuff and let's go." She said tapping the girl's bottom.

Wheein grabbed her bag, putting her sketchbook, a pencil, and her pocket watercolor with a water brush. Hyejin got her phone and waited for her girlfriend.

Both left the house, walking hand in hand to a special place where Wheein said they were going.

Ahn was less worried now that Wheein seemed more relaxed. They talked during the walk and the more they got near to the place the more dessert the streets were getting.


Wheein said, both stopping in front of a broken fence. It's still near the beach. They transpassed the fence and walked a little more.

"Now we're gonna do a bit of hiking," Wheein said.

"Oh god..." They passed a few trees and then there was the place it was beautiful, the ocean was clear and there was no one. They started to climb down to the rocks with counting to not slip and fall on the ground.

"There we are," The older said walking past the rocks to sit on a plane surface.

"That's a nice place!"Hyejin smiled sitting behind the girl on the floor.

"Yeah..." Both stayed silent hearing the waves crash on the rocks, the silence, the smell of the ocean. Wheein leaned against the girl's torso. "I love you..." She whispered."

"I love you too," Hyejin said, placing a kiss on top of the girl's head and hugging the girl's waist. Just a few minutes passed until Wheein took her sketchbook out of her bag and her watercolor to start sketching.

Wheein decided to paint the ocean in front of them, it has been a while since the last time she painted or drew beaches or oceans. She was feeling comfortable and safe, hearing the waves crash and Hyejin's soft voice singing and the girl's arms around Wheein's torso.

She leaned more against Hyejin making herself more comfortable making Hyejin smile, she placed her sketchbook against her legs, she squished the brush and dipped into the pan filled with paint and started freehand painting.

They stayed like this for a while until Hyejin noticed that Wheein stopped her brush strokes and her hand laid against her lap like it shut down. She looked at the girl confused and got surprised. Wheein feels asleep.

Hyejin giggled but she decided to let her girlfriend nap. The atmosphere was calming and comfortable, the sound of the ocean, and maybe her singing helped lull the girl to sleep. She knew When didn't have a good night at all after that nightmare.

Hyejin closed Wheein's sketchbook and took the brush from her hand, putting asides, she cleaned the brush and put the lid of it back on putting it back inside Wheein's bag. She hugged Wheein closer to her and kissed her head again singing almost in a whisper.

Wheein told her about her traumatic past before, not much in detail like this time, and said that from time to time, she had nightmares, but this was the first time she witnessed it in person. Wheein called her a few times in the past in the middle of the night saying that she had a bad dream but didn't go much in detail, asking if they could video chat until she fell asleep again.

Wheein woke up suddenly as she had slept in the middle of a class. She palmed her lap searching for her sketchbook but it wasn't there anymore.

"Hey, you," Hyejin said kissing the girl's cheek. "You fell asleep so I put your sketchbook back in the bag and let you nap.

"For how long I was asleep?" She asked, rubbing her eyes.

"30 minutes I guess..." Hyejin smiled. Wheein sat straightening more her body so she could reach for the girl's lips. Hyejin cupped Wheein's face, pecking the girl's lips a few times before starting a kiss. The place was empty and dessert so no one would bother them. Both shared a passionate slow kiss, no rush, no nothing, just enjoying the kiss and the feeling. Wheein turned her body completely to straddle her girlfriend's lap for the kiss to be more comfortable.

Hyejin broke the contact and before Wheein could restart the kiss her stomach growled making both laughs.

"Let's get going, shall we?"

"Yeah..." She kissed Hyejin's forehead."

Both left walking hand in hand and on the way home they stopped to get something to eat.

They were both in the living room, freshly showered, and enjoying their meal and each other's company while watching a random movie on the tv.

"Thanks for today..." Wheein started. "We should do more dates like this."

"I agree," Hyejin replied after stuffing a piece of meat in her mouth

They started another silly random conversation while finishing their meal.

Both went to bed, and while Wheein decided to play a game on her phone, Hyejin decided to check her emails again. She let out a loud 'what' that scared Wheein. Looking at her phone with bulged eyes and her mouth hanging open in disbelief.

"What happened?!" Wheein was worried and immediately sat by the girl's side looking at her phone too. The name on the screen on the top of her mailbox.

Looked like the company's name.

"Wheein they replied! Fuck should open it?!"


Hesitant and afraid of what could be written on the email, she clicked and read through it. She was shocked.

She passed.

"Wheein I passed the audition! I passed this first audition!" Hyejin said happily and still not believing. She did it, she was going to the real deal auditions now.

"That's great! Oh my god! I'm so happy!"

She hugged Wheein tight and the latter retributed the hug in the same intensity. She was happy for her girlfriend, happy that she was pursuing her original dream.

"When is it? The next audition?"

Hyejin looked at the email again.

"In one week. I have to prepare a song... I still can't believe it..."

"Believe baby, it's real."Wheein smiled softly at the younger and caressed her cheeks placing a kiss on the top of her nose. "I'm proud of you."

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