Tear You Apart | ✓

Af xwriteratheartxo

55.6K 1.8K 919

[COMPLETED] Enemies Kelsey and Adrian are forced to tolerate each other when a murderer is running lose, kill... Mere

Tear You Apart


1.9K 75 58
Af xwriteratheartxo

T H I N  B R E A T H

"oh, now i'm a little drunk,
saying what i'm thinking,"
~ clara mae


   "I can't believe I'm going to beat my older brother to graduation," I muttered, feeling Adrian shift next to me.

   He said nothing, allowing me to continue while I stared at the bottom of the cliff. My legs were dangling off the ledge while my white sundress moved with the wind. "I want to drink. We should skip the ceremony."

   A deep laugh left him. "I agree on the drinking, but if we dip grad, Edward's gonna be annoying, and I know your parents—"

   Would kill me? Yes, but I didn't choose those words. Adrian got on edge every time I mentioned the k word. "Would ground me until I'm thirty? Yeah."

   Forcing myself to glance in his direction, I slowly turned my head to the left, staring at his side profile as he took in the scenery around him. With the help of the warm wind, it blew his wavy hair around, while the sun lit his honey brown eyes.

   He was wearing a black button up shirt and trousers, and I couldn't help but eye how his arms looked with the sleeves rolled up.

   Three weeks went by since my almost accident. Since then, Yuna and I studied for exams and spent my free time with Adrian. We hadn't mentioned what happened that day, and I didn't want to.

   The line was blurred, and for once in my life, I was too nervous to ask about it.

   He made sure to ask I wasn't alone almost daily. When he wasn't with me, he got Yuna's number and confirmed with her that she'd be with me. Or if I was home, I'd confirm that someone was there.

   Although I made my annoyance obvious, I couldn't help but feel... things, when he cared.

   His sigh took me away from my thoughts before he turned his head, meeting my gaze instantly. "We should go," he tightly smiled before shoving himself back so his legs weren't over the edge.

   I watched as he stood up before offering me a hand. I took it and he carefully lifted me up until I was standing barefoot on the green grass. "Thanks," I smiled before bending down. I grabbed Adrian's jacket—which he gave for me to sit on. "Here."

   He took it, holding the jacket lazily before dropping a hand on my lower back. "Let's get this over with," he sighed.

   I slipped into my flip flops before walking down the hill until we reached his Jeep. When we sat inside, I switched my shoes to heels.

   "Remember, don't go anywhere—"

   "Alone? But I was thinking about taking a long walk in the forest. At night. All by myself," I pretended to frown. "Damn, Taylor. You're really ruining my fun."

   His hand clenched the wheel, turning white. "Don't, Kelsey. I'm not kidding. We may be almost done with school, but that doesn't mean the fucking killer is done with you."

   "Tristan," I rephrased for him. Although Adrian hadn't directly exclaimed that Tristan was the killer, he didn't deny it. And after finding out he'd gotten close to me to hurt my sister, he didn't want me talking to him.

   Although, the fact the brake lines were cut while I was talking to him, I still suspected his responsibility. He could have an accomplice.

   "Tristan or whoever the fuck. Don't be alone," he repeated stiffly before glancing to me once he reached the road. His eyes softened when they locked with mine. "Please."

   I smiled softly. "Don't worry about me. Plus, I have my handy pepper spray."

   "Try not to spray me next time," he smirked before turning to the road. I flinched, remembering when he tried to scare me a week ago.

   I'd finished exams and it was a Friday. My whole family was working at the bar and I updated Yuna and Adrian that I was alone. I made plans to sleepover at Yuna's, but as I was stepping out of the house, he scared me. So I pepper sprayed him.

   "I won't apologize," I drawled out, looking out my window to hide my amusement.

   "You've made that clear when you laughed at me while I was holding my face," he clenched out, and I knew he was annoyed with my response that night.

   When I turned back to him, I wore a shit eating grin. "Did you want me to coddle you? Aw, Adre," I pinched his cheeks while using the baby nickname I started that night.

   He only pushed his head back, so I only grabbed little cheek fat. Still wearing a sour expression, my body moved reflexively as I leaned forward to kiss his cheek.

   My body warmed when he quickly turned to me, wide eyed before snapping his head forward to stare at the road. Faintly noticing the red lipstick on his cheek, I licked my thumb and quickly rubbed off the mark.

   "What are you doing?" He asked, watching me.

   "I left a mark," I chuckled.

   His eyes held mine for a moment before he turned to the road. We were getting closer to the school. "Leave it."

   "I am not leaving it on your cheek. My parents know we're chilling more, and the last thing they need to know is that I'm..." I wasn't sure how to finish that sentence.

   "That you're madly in love with me?" He teased, smirking. "We're all aware."

   "If anyone is in love, it's you with Star Wars," I drawled out.

   He snorted. "And you with that Kelsea singer. You were screaming that song yesterday when you were in the shower."

   Yeah, he was familiar with Kelsea Ballerini's music, since he'd heard me singing hole in the bottle multiple times this past month. I knew he liked it, too—I always caught his smile while it played.

   "I think everyone should be in love with her," I shrugged, turning to the window. I cracked it open and breathed out. The weather was nice. Too nice. "Where's the party tonight?" The graduation party.

   "Mary-Anne's, I think."

   I nodded just as he pulled the car in front of the school. I grinned, seeing a head of baby pink hair standing outside of the school, pacing while texting someone on her phone. Her blue gown was flying all over the place, since it was left unzipped.

   Seconds later, my phone rang in my hand. Where are you? Zane came up to me and talked about Macy and I said I had to text my parents but I really don't want to talk to him.

   My heart dropped and I instantly wanted to cry. "Kelly, what's wrong?"

   When I didn't answer, keeping my eyes lowered to my lap, I noticed Adrian unbuckling my seat belt before he placed his hand under my chin. In seconds, he lifted my head and met my eyes. "Tell me," he mumbled softly, his brows drawn together.

   I held my breath for a moment before slowly exhaling. "It's not just Elliot," my voice cracked as I shook my head. "Macy. Justin. Chrissy. I-I really hoped..."

   He didn't need me to finish the sentence. Instead, his gaze hardened as he nodded once sharply. "We'll find him, Kelly. I fucking swear."

   Neither of us looked away until slowly, I mustered up a small jerk of a nod. He released my chin and stepped out of the car the same moment I did. "I just can't wait to leave this town."

   I watched as his chest expanded before looked over the hood of the car, meeting my gaze. Before he could say anything, however, I heard a breathless, "thank god," and a pair of heels clicking in my direction.

   My head snapped forward, watching as Yuna ran to me. "Damn, running is hard in these," she breathed out before wrapping her arms around me. "You ready?" She mumbled in my ear as I tightened my hold around her waist.

   Silently, I nodded before she pulled away, giving me a big smile. "Then we'll get fucked up tonight."

   With that final thought, I locked arms with Yuna before the three of us walked in the direction of the school. We were led to the cafeteria by several faculty members, but were told to wait by the back entrance, so parents and guardians wouldn't see us. 

   Only when we turned the next corner did we see our graduating class, all wearing their gowns, but most of them holding their caps. I glanced at Yuna's cap and smiled. We both decorated ours a few days ago, hers with New York buildings and a saying—off to New York City.

   Mine was styled with a beach and a similar saying—off to Los Angeles.

   We'd be on opposite sides of the country, but we had no plans to stop talking. I hoped.

   I spotted Blake a few feet from us, but Adrian didn't leave my side as I spoke to Yuna. Probably noticing that, Blake walked toward Adrian with a malicious smile as they began to whisper to each other, laughing here and there.

   When he noticed I was staring, he narrowed his eyes on me, but I wasn't intimidated. He knew why I was watching him—I didn't and won't say anything to Adrian, but he should.

   My phone vibrated in my hand and I checked the message, only to smile. "What?" Yuna asked next to me, leaning forward, so she could glance at my screen.

   I twisted my hand and showed her the picture Kaitlin just sent me. "Oh, Aaron's here?" She asked, biting back a smile.

   "No," I pointed a finger at her while narrowing my eyes teasingly. She only laughed, raising her hands up in surrender before I focused on the photo she sent.

   It was of her, my parents and Aaron sitting near the last row, with a message attached: we're all here to watch you trip!

   Another message followed. okay, mom's making me say sorry. so sorry. you'll be great, clumsy—I mean Kelsey.

   I found the middle finger emoji and sent it to her. I can't take that title from you, Kate. You won it a year ago when you dropped a tray full of cups at mom's bar. Three times :)


   *text* but no prob, sis ;)

   I laughed, feeling Yuna glance at my screen. She joined me seconds later. "Your mom didn't notice the missing cups?"

   "She knew about the first two trays," I smirked. "Kate paid for the replacement for the third tray of cups before mom found out."

   My smile was cut short when I felt Adrian shift next to me. I felt his touch seconds before our skin brushed, since the heat was radiating from him. And when his fingers began to reach out, caressing the palm of my hand, I held in a breath.

   All my focus was on him while he continued to talk to Blake casually. Slowly, I looked down and noticed that our large gowns acted as a layer of protection, enabling people from seeing our hands clearly.

   "I need to check my makeup before we go in," Yuna said next to me, breaking my trance. "Bathroom?"

   Adrian was still watching Blake as they spoke, but when I stepped away from him, our hands separating, his head instantly snapped to the side and watched me. "I'll be right back," I rolled my eyes at his glare, unable to hold back my smile before Yuna tugged me off to the end of the hall.

   Yuna ended up fixing my mascara once we were in the bathroom when she chuckled. "Adrian has really taken the whole watching you thing seriously."

   My eyes were half open while she applied the makeup. "I think if something happens to me, he'll blame himself," I whispered softly.

   She finished and pulled her hand away the same moment her brows furrowed. "Why?" She asked, and I forced a sad smile as I shrugged.

   "Why do I still feel guilty for Macy's death?" I asked myself before turning to the mirror. I pretended that she was standing next to me as I sucked in a breath. "Because I could have done something, and just knowing that can put a lot of weight on someone's shoulder."

   I heard Yuna softly drop her lip gloss into her pouch. I watched from the mirror as she fully turned her body toward me. "Cece, I... I know you loved her, but it is not your fault."

    I just turned and smiled, nodding once. "It's too late to know that now."

   Before she could defend her statement, the bathroom door swung open. We both looked behind us and watched as a red-eyed Poppy stepped inside, wearing her blue cap and gown. It was zipped up, preventing us from seeing her chosen outfit, but by how her blonde hair was perfectly curled, with nude makeup that suited her perfectly, she looked beautiful.

   "Hey, Pop," I smiled sadly. The last three weeks, she'd been distant to a point where she'd avoid conversation with me. I knew she was hiding something, but all I could hope was that she was talking to Tristan about it.

   "Hi, Kelsey," she whispered looking over her shoulder before stepping fully inside.

   Yuna and I both frowned, watching as she pressed her back against the door before glancing to her left, where five stalls were opened and unoccupied. There was only the three of us here.

   "Is everything okay?" I asked, stepping forward. Yuna remained behind me as I inched closer.

   She sniffed, dropping her focus to the floor. "I-I need to tell you something," she choked out before clearing her throat. "Please don't be mad."

   "Pop," I sighed softly. Once I was close enough, I dropped my hands on her shoulders, and when our eyes met, I smiled kindly. "I'm sure whatever is wrong, we can work it out."

   Seeing that I meant what I said, she nodded. But as she walked around me, so she could stand in the middle of the bathroom, the door opened. "Girls! Let's get a move on," Miss Harley, our Calculus teacher called out, keeping the door open for us to step out.

   Poppy looked shaken up, so as we were stepping out of the room, I touched her arm. "We can talk after the ceremony. You're coming to the party, right?"

   "I-I don't know," she mumbled, looking to the ground before walking away at a fast pace.

   I watched her disappear around the corner with a sigh before turning to Yuna. "You ready?" I smiled tightly.

   She just looked around us, watching as our teachers instructed our grade to stand in a single file in alphabetical order. When she looked back to me, her shoulders sagged with defeat. "Daisy's not here either."

   Yuna didn't wait for my reply as she walked to the middle of the line—since her last name was Moon.

   I just watched as she glided away, all while remembering the girl who died—only, it was two years ago. And it wasn't an accident.


   Aaron and I both tapped our shot glasses on the counter before lifting it up, drowning the burning liquid seconds later.

   "Ah, vodka. My best friend," I sighed, holding the neck of the bottle Aaron bought for me.

   He laughed, shaking his head with amusement. "The older you get, the more we have in common, cous," he smirked, bumping fists with me.

   "Next step: sleep with a person and forget their name the next day!" I grinned, feeling the effects of the alcohol as I looked around. "Then we'll really be alike."

   We were all currently at Mary-Anne's house, who gracefully allowed me to bring Aaron. Mostly because she was attracted to him and fell for his charms.

   Who wouldn't, honestly? He was tall, attractive and had the clearest skin. I was jealous.

   "So, why are you back?" I dragged out, rolling my shoulders back.

   He watched me with amusement. "You a light weight, Kels?" He laughed, wrapping his arm around me. "Why would I miss my baby cousins graduation?"

   I dropped my head on his shoulder and sighed. He'd came by last night, and mom informed Kaitlin and I that he'd stick around until we go to New York together. I know he wanted to be away from home because of his dad's absence. Although he had a rocky relationship with him, it was still his father.

   "I am not a light weight," I defended weakly. "That was my seventh shot. I'm getting tipsy."

   "That was my ninth." Although I wasn't directly looking at him, I knew he was sporting a prideful look.

   I pulled away, so I was standing in front of him before I glared. "You shot-cheated on me? I thought we'd drink together?" We didn't say that, but even tipsy, I felt like screwing with him.

   His eyes widened. "Don't spill water on me when I'm sleeping again, Kelsey. I'm warning you." He pointed a finger toward me, and I quickly bent down to bite it. Unfortunately for me, he moved back quick enough.

   "Killjoy," I grumbled just as a large hand touched my lower back for a second before it moved away.

   I looked up and grinned when I met Adrian's somber, honey brown eyes. "Sup, Taylor Swift?"

   His eyes roamed around my expression before he zeroed in on Aaron. "How much did she drink?"

   Aaron, who was looking over my shoulder, widened his eyes before focusing on Adrian. "Seven," he told him as someone in the crowded house began to up the volume of the music.

   I turned, confused to what he'd been looking at. My eyes glanced over my surroundings, seeing people dancing in one corner, smoking weed in another, and playing beer pong on the kitchen table. We were near the patio door, where most people were dancing.

   When I caught the movement of baby pink hair flipping around, I laughed, watching Yuna dance. She was drunk, but she was dancing with a few of our class friends, so I knew she was in good hands.

   Realizing that she was a few feet from me, I turned back to Aaron and narrowed my eyes on him. He and Adrian were in a conversation, but too fuelled by alcohol, I interrupted.

   "You sure you have no other reason for being here, cousin?" I said accusingly.

   He swallowed, and probably unintentionally, he looked above my head again. "Just my love for you," he confessed. I didn't even bother to hide my scoff, making him turn back to me and grin. "I do love you. Sometimes. More than Kaitlin."

   I grinned at that. "I'm totally gonna tell her that," hitting my hand once on the table with excitement. "Let's have another shot."

   "Kelly," Adrian bent down to mumble next to my ear as he touched my waist. "Don't take too much too fast. You'll feel sick."

   "But I like it," I jumped up, already preparing the shots.

   There was a moment of silence between the three of us. But once I finished pouring the vodka in two separate cups, Aaron spoke. "What the fuck?" Both Adrian and I looked up, confused, and he continued, shaking his head with disbelief. "Since when are you guys this close and not yelling at each other? Last time I was here, you were at each other's throats."

    "That was in March," I told him slowly, lifting up both of our shots. He didn't reach for it, so I added, "things change."

   His eyes dropped to my waist and narrowed them when he saw Adrian's hand was still holding me. "Clearly," he grunted before glaring at Adrian. "She's my baby cousin."

   "She's eighteen," Adrian drawled out, unaffected by his protective persona.

   My heart cracked, thinking about Elliot. But not wanting to be sad tonight, I left the gentlemen to their bickering before finding Yuna. "Shot, babe?" I offered with a mischievous smirk.

   She stopped dancing, breathing heavily before grabbing the shot with a grin. "Yes, bitch." We clicked glasses before taking the vodka like a champ.

   "So nice," she sighed, handing me the now empty shot glass before putting her hands behind her neck. I watched as she pushed her head back, closing her eyes. "I needed this."

   I watched her and tightly smiled. "I know you... you were friends with Daisy. She doesn't deserve to miss graduation."

   "She didn't deserve a lot of things," she mumbled, shaking her head before dropping her arms. When her eyes opened again, she tried to muster up a smile. "I'm gonna go get some air."

   I nodded and watched her go out the patio door before walking back to Adrian. Aaron was gone. "Where'd thing one go?" I asked, looking around the house.

   Adrian shrugged, turning his body to me as I left the shot glasses on the table. I noticed the bottle of vodka was gone and frowned. "Aaron took it," he explained, and I turned so our eyes met. "He didn't want anyone to take it or drug it, but if you want more, you can find him."

   My eyes narrowed on him, watching to see if he was lying. But I was lazy to continue on, so I leaned against him. "We should dance."

   He laughed harshly, but still moved his hands, so he was holding onto my waist tenderly. "So you can step on my feet again?" He mumbled, lowering his head so his mouth was next to my ear. "I'm good, Kelly."

   "Are you triggered, Taylor?" I smiled widely into his chest, probably looking like a madman.

   I felt his lips quirk on my forehead. "From your aggressive foot-stomping? I think everyone is."

   "I'm not that bad," I laughed, pushing my head off his chest. He was still wearing the same clothes from graduation. Everyone was, since we came here right after the ceremony.

   A sigh left me as I dropped my hands on his shoulder. "Anything new about Violet?" I asked, smiling. I think finding his sister was Edward's way of getting on good graces with his son, and I also think it was working. They actually talked more now than ever.

   Adrian straightened his back before nodding once, rocking my body to the side. "Edward thinks he found her near Fort Lauderdale. We've been trying to contact..."

   "Your mom?" He clenched his jaw and nodded once. "I'm sure you'll find Violet soon. Maybe then we can bond over how annoying you can be," I raised my brows while fashioning a teasing smile before touching his cheek.

   His jaw instantly loosened under my hand before I released him. The moment I laid my head on his chest, I noticed Tyler step away from the kitchen table before zeroing his gaze on us. His eyes widened, but still quickly strode toward us. "We're about to set up another round of beer pong. You guys down?"

   "I'm good for now. Maybe later," I smiled, moving my head off Adrian.

   Tyler's eyes jumped form Adrian and I before nodding once. "Okay," he mumbled before walking away. I watched as he whispered to a few people before I focused back on Adrian.

   "I should care about them, but I don't. I'll be gone soon," I shrugged, but for some reason, I felt a pang in my chest. Alcohol was my immediate solution.

   I fully stepped away from Adrian's hold, actively searching for my cousin. "Where's Aaron?" I frowned. "I want another shot."

   Adrian was silent for a moment. "Just don't go over eleven shots," he told me, and I widened my eyes.

   "You know my limit?" I asked, turning to him with surprise laced in my expression.

   He looked embarrassed as he nodded. "Well, yeah. Sophomore year you said you took twelve shots out loud, and followed that by throwing up."

   I laughed at the memory. "Ah yes. That was fun to experience," I reminisced before focusing back to him. The longer I watched him, my eyes narrowed. "Wait. Is that why you stole my shots over the last two years?"

   He looked away and tensed before shrugging. "I didn't want people to clean up your vomit again," he defended grudgingly.

   Still, I was confused.

   Before I could ask for more answers, there was a piercing yell coming from the backyard. Adrian quickly moved before I could think, standing in front of me as someone lowered the music.

   Everyone piled out of the house, including Adrian and I as he held onto my wrist. I looked over his shoulder and noticed several people near the end of the backyard, which had several tall trees growing and a wooden fence.

   Adrian shoved people back with me behind him, and when he stopped, stiffening his back, I knew there was something wrong.

   I heard someone sobbing and forced myself away from Adrian, his hand still on my wrist. But when I saw Poppy cradled into a ball, leaning her body against a tree, I ripped my wrist from Adrian's reach before running to her.

   "Pop," I breathed out, dropping my knees into the grass and cupping her cheeks. She looked completely out of it, as she dug her head into her knees again, rocking back and forth.

   Releasing that the scream came from her, I looked around to try to find the cause. But when I stood up and faced the trees, I wished I stayed inside.

   Because laying against the wooden fence, was Tristan. "Oh my God," I stepped forward, holding my mouth as the desire to throw up rose.

   Poppy's sobs increased in volume, and I heard Yuna somewhere in the background, attempting to sooth her. But still, I couldn't look away from Tristan.

   Tristan, who was laying, dead, eyes open with a slit throat and bare stomach with a carved out message.

   I couldn't save her.


yeah so... tristan's not the killer :)

how are you all feeling with the
story so far? any theories,
thoughts, ideas?

there's a few more chapters until
the story is done, and I'll be
updating a new story description
soon, so keep your eyes open!

love you lovelies, and I'll
see you in the next one xx

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