Tear You Apart | ✓

Par xwriteratheartxo

55.6K 1.8K 919

[COMPLETED] Enemies Kelsey and Adrian are forced to tolerate each other when a murderer is running lose, kill... Plus

Tear You Apart


1.9K 75 51
Par xwriteratheartxo

C H A P T E R  N I N E
T H I N  M A S K

"i need to get you out my system,"
~ chris larocca


   Daylight savings time passed. Hell, so did March break and Kaitlin's little out of town trip.

   Aaron went back to New York and I basically lived at Martha's studio. With the free time, I also found myself stopping by Nate's house with Yuna, so we could watch movies with him.

   When we got back to school on the twenty-second of March, my body was no longer used to waking up at seven. This was evident when I almost passed out in English.

   My elbow was digging into my desk while I used my hand to support my head up. When Mister Torres clapped his large hands twice seconds later, my body jerked.

   "I want all of you to trade the sonnets you had to write over the break," he said tensely. "You have ten minutes, then I want some of you to present your work."

   Oh, ha. No. My sonnet was trash. People who wrote poems for enjoyment really deserved an applause.

   "You wanna team up?" I heard Tristan ask next to me.

   I nodded with a smirk. "Solely because I don't want to get up right now," I told him before twisting my chair to face his desk. "Here."

   While I slid my sonnet, he reached into his bag and gave me his. On my right, I noticed Adrian watching me. I silently accepted the staring contest, because I cocked my head in his direction moments later, meeting his honey brown eyes.

   Our pair of eyes narrowed simultaneously as we begun our staring contest.

   Throughout the break, I'd barely seen him around. When I did, we didn't talk about what happened on the hill that Saturday. It was a momentary lapse of sanity. I still hated him with a strong passion.

   It wasn't my fault he happened to be a great distraction, verbally and physically.

   Suddenly, he grabbed something without moving his eyes off mine. My eyes narrowed as I reached for the pencil he threw before it would hit my face.

   I threw it in his direction with two times the force, watching as it hit Justin, who was next to Adrian.

   My lips split into a grin when Adrian looked away first to stare at his friend. He was eyeing the both of us with amusement before lingering his gaze on me. "Horrible throw, Graham."

   "Give it to me again. I'll show you a horrible throw when I aim it at your—"

   "Miss Graham! Mister Dankworth!" I stifled a giggle, hearing Justin's last name.

   Slowly, Mister Torres narrowed his eyes on Adrian. "And Mister Taylor. I know you're part of this," he clenched out, crossing his thick arms over his chest. "I want all of you to do as you were asked. Now!"

   I sucked in a breath before turning toward Tristan, who was watching me with amusement. "One of these days, Adrian is gonna lead his group to..."

   "Fuck shit up?" I offered with a smile as I lifted his paper. "I'd live to see the day. Maybe then his dad can throw him out of town."

   He nodded, stretching his back. I watched before slowly opening my mouth again. "I just hope you won't be led," I confessed, only to see him fashioning a confused expression. "I mean, I don't want you to be a follower, you know?"

   His eyes instantly lowered to the space between our two chairs. "I'm trying not to be," he admitted before meeting my gaze once more. I couldn't help but notice that his light blue eyes were glossy. "I need practice."

   "A week with me and I'll get you cussing out Justin. Or even better yet, Blake," I teased before looking at his poem.

   The both of us finished reading and editing each other's work for the next few minutes, recalling what we'd learned about good poems. When I released the pen with my left hand, I stretched my fingers before glancing to the side of my hand.

   Black ink faintly stained my skin, almost all the way up to my pinky. Fun.

   "So how's your family?" Tristan asked, moving my attention from my hand to him.

   I slid his work in his direction. "Same old, I guess," I shrugged. "Kaitlin came back from her week trip to Vancouver and is still a pain in my ass."

   He laughed. "How is she a pain in your ass?"

   "She flew in yesterday at six in the morning and made me pick her up. All she did was complain until we got home, only to then try to guilt trip me into putting on her bed sheets. She was just so tired." I rolled my eyes.

   "Did you do it?" He asked after a few moments, giving me my poem.

   I snorted without thought. "Do you know me? No." I tucked some of my hair behind my ear. "I gave her props before walking back to my room. Well, before giving her my motivational speech."

   "It started with: do it, and ended with: your damn self." Kaitlin always preached about being older, but aside from all the jokes we said to each other, she knew that I didn't see her as my elder, especially growing up. Elliot was.

   Tristan's laughed returned me to reality. But before he could say anything, Mister Torres called out for us to stop chatting before pointing at Justin to present his poem out loud.

   He never got to finish it, since it was too sexually explicit for Mister Torres. I was almost scared that the vein popping out of his forehead would burst.

   Justin and Adrian both laughed while another student got up to present their work. This motion kept on going on for another ten minutes before the bell rang. We all began to pack up while Mister Torres already had his phone out, texting rapidly while sitting on the chair in front of his desk.

   The moment I stepped out of the classroom, I felt someone slide into the space next to me. "Go out with me, Kelsey."

   "How about no, Tristan," I respond back with ease as I turned the corner.

   He jogged to catch up with me, only to stop in front of me moments later. "Why not?" He asked with raised brows, making me sigh.

   "I thought you were over this, Tris," I told him, clenching my Calculus textbook against my chest. "We're friends, but dating—"

   "Just one date," he almost begged. When I didn't budge, he sighed, stepping close enough that our feet were almost touching.

   I inched my head up slightly with an exhale. "Can't we just try one date?" He mumbled.

   After maintaining eye contact with me for a few solid moments, I sighed. "Alright. But Tris, this doesn't mean I'm magically in love with you now."

   He only grinned before sliding into the space next to me again. "What class you have now again?"

   "Visual arts with Pop. But I'm gonna head to the bathroom first," I told him, stepping a few feet away. My period was just finishing up, thank God.

   He nodded and waved goodbye before jogging to the other side of the hall. I pushed the girls' bathroom door open seconds later before jogging to the first clean stall I saw.

   Out of the dozen, I went into the fifth one I opened. It wasn't long until I finished my business, but as I was lifting my leggings over my butt, I heard the door to the bathroom open again.

   "Please," one of the girls snorted. "You're telling me you'd rather sleep with Justin over Adrian?"

   I looked through the crack of the door and saw two dark-haired girls with different heights, standing in front of the long, horizontal mirror. The one applying mascara rolled her eyes before turning to the short one. "Adrian is hot, but I doubt he'd give anyone his time."

   The short one pursed her lips. "But he's still better looking," she repeated. "He is an ass, though."

   "That's what Kelsey exists for: to deal with him for the rest of us," mascara girl laughed, pausing to fix up her eye makeup before straightening her back. "I never met her, but I did see her friend around. The girl who died—Macy."

   My head snapped away from the door for a second as I held my breath. Neither of the girls said anything either.

   "I met her, too," the small one whispered. "The police still haven't found out who killed her."

   My fist clenched at that reminder. The notebook in my school bag was itching to be touched. It held my suspect list, starting with Chrissy and ending with Belle—a girl on the basketball team with Macy, who I knew hated her with a passion.

   She broke Macy's camera. Macy broke her nose.

    "Will anyone really miss her though?" The tall girl hesitantly mumbled. I leaned back toward the crack of the door and narrowed my eyes on her as she lazily shrugged. "I mean, she was a bitch. Maybe she kind of deserved..."

   The short girl looked ready to say something, but she stopped. Because that's when I finally had enough.

   I stepped back and unlocked the stall door before throwing it open. I left my school bag on the ground as I stepped into the well lit space, both of the girls turning to face me.

   Out in the open now, they must have been in sophomore or junior year. But hey, I didn't discriminate people based on their age. Everyone equally gets what they deserve.

   "Do you know who I am?" I said, almost softly, as I stepped closer to the pair.

   The tall girl stiffened, nodding once while the short girl remained silent. "Good," I gushed, wearing a fake smile. "That means I don't have to give a synopsis of what I will do if I ever hear you talking about Macy again."

   Without looking away from the tall girl, who I now noticed had hazel eyes and straightened black hair that ended by her low back, I began to walk to the sink, so I could wash my hands.

   "Macy had personal problems, and although it was wrong that she took it out on other people, she didn't take it out to the one who mattered—her little brother." I kept my smile in place, but it felt emotionless and bleak.

   Once I finished washing my hands, I shook them while slowly taking steps in her direction. "I'm a nice person. But I can be a bitch worse than Macy." With a sharp exhale, I laughed humorlessly. "I wonder what kind of person you are—thinking that although you don't know a someone's story, you can deem them worthy to die."

   Her eyes lowered to her feet, and I knew I got to her.

   I glanced to the shorter friend and gave her a smile. "Have a good day back to school, guys," I waved, going back to my stall quickly to grab my bag before stepping out of the bathroom entirely.

   Although I released some of my pent up energy, I still felt pissed off. Poppy must have noticed that when I came into the classroom a few minutes after the final bell rang, since she sat in the station next to me and slyly handed me a chocolate chip cookie.

   I gave her a small smile before taking the quietest bite I could. Miss Lorenzo wasn't a stickler for class rules, but she didn't want people to eat during class, since lunch was next period.

   But the cookie was too good to refuse so... eating in secret it was.


Do I have a pile of homework to do? Yes.

Am I going to reorganize my entire room despite knowing this? Also yes.

"Do you want this?" I asked Yuna, who I was currently FaceTiming with on my phone.

When I turned to my desk, where my phone was currently sitting upright, I lifted the little figurine I made with clay a few weeks back. I almost laughed, watching as Yuna moved closer to the camera as she worked on her eye makeup.

"Sure," she mumbled, suddenly widening her eyes.

"Nice blend," I commented with my lower lip pursed. Her eyes consisted of different shades of pink, with winged eyeliner and false lashes.

She moved back, sitting upright on her chair with a grin. "Thanks. I'm trying to perfect my eyeliner."

"You do better than me," I snorted. It usually takes me a dozen tries to get my eyeliner somewhat okay.

"It needs to be perfect, not average. I won't get anywhere if I'm average," she sighed with exhaustion while removing the elastic off her hair. I watched as her baby pink locks fell around her shoulders seconds later.

"Being perfect is impossible. But you can strive to be better than you were before," I told her with amusement. "That's what I like to think when I'm planning to piss off Adrian."

She chuckled. I picked up my phone and placed it on my bed before sitting next to it. Once releasing my hair out of its bun, I lifted the phone and tried to make it appear as tame as possible.

I was currently dressed in joggers and a grey tee-shirt two sizes too big. I was also wearing long socks that went over my pants, ending in the middle of my calves. I looked hot, I was aware.

Before I parted my lips to introduce another thing we could talk about, I heard rapid knocks coming from downstairs. I was startled, beginning to hear it become louder and louder.

"Um, Yun..." I mumbled, standing up phone in hand. My attention was aimed out the hall, since my door was wide open. "Someone's here."

When I glanced to the screen moments later, I noticed her fixing up her makeup again. "Are you expecting anyone?"

"No," I told her before slowly walking into the hall. "I'm taking you with me." Another series of knocks followed.

"Holy shit," she breathed out. I looked at the screen again, seeing her pause with wide eyes. "That's loud. Be careful."

"I'll make sure to aim the camera at the door so you can spot my murderer," I joked, but my heart felt heavy. Thoughts of Macy entered and changed my mindset.

When I got to the bottom floor, I walked to the door and took a hesitant breath before opening the door. Only for the body to shove past me and enter my house before I could comprehend what's going on.

"Who is it?" Yuna asked quickly as I turned, meeting a familiar pair of wide eyes.

My brows furrowed. "What the hell are you doing here? And why were you knocking like a crazy person?" I asked, keeping my eyes on him as I closed the door behind me.

Tristan's chest was heaving as he continued to gasp for the air he clearly needed. His usually pushed back hair was a mess, with his clothes looking wrinkled from running, I assumed.

"Come with me," I told him, walking to the kitchen with my phone. When I lowered my gaze, I noticed Yuna watching me with wariness. "I'll call you later," I whispered.

Once she nodded, I hung up the call and shoved my phone into my pocket before walking to the cupboard that stored the glasses.

My movements were fluid as I pressed the glass into the water dispenser connected to the fridge. It was filled soon after, and I turned, seeing Tristan still trying to control his breathing while pressing his lower back against the island.

"Here," I said, lifting the glass in his direction. I watched as he tightly gripped the cup before bringing it to his mouth, gulping it in seconds.

I waited until his chest stopped surging forward before leaning against the counter across from him. "What happened?" I asked, crossing my arms.

He let out a dark laugh, gripping his hair as he tilted his head away. "What happened?" He repeated, shaking his head as another laugh escaped him. "What happened is that someone was trying to run me over with a car."

My brows furrowed, not expecting that. "What?"

He snapped his head back in my direction before sucking in a breath. "I was jogging around my neighbourhood. I heard something behind me and saw a car following me without headlights on." He reared his head back. "The second I noticed that they were following me, the lights turned on and starting speeding in my direction."

I said nothing, completely startled. "I went onto people's property to try to get them to slow down. When that didn't work, I started hopping through their backyard fences until I got to your street."

"Do you..." I looked to my feet. "Do you think this is the same person who killed Macy?"

He said nothing at first. When I noticed that his legs moved forward, so he was standing right in front of me, I lifted my head. His eyes softened as he touched my shoulder. "I don't know. Maybe? But I don't know..."

If he's the person's next target—why?

I needed to re-examine my suspect list.

"I can't breathe," Tristan gasped as he stepped back. I watched as he leaned forward, taking slow, steady breaths.

"Come on," I mumbled, touching his shoulder.

Once I guided him to the living room, the two of us sat on the couch next to each other. After a few minutes, he began to repeat what happened with extra detail, while I listened intently, hoping to gain any clue I could.

It was around ten minutes later when I was stepping out of the bathroom. But as I was walking into the main hall that would lead me to the living room, I heard someone knocking hard against my door, startling me.

Before I even had a chance to reach for the doorknob, the door was thrown open. Seeing who stood on the opposite side infuriated me.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, Taylor?" I bit out with an overwhelming amount of anger. "Don't you know that you don't just open someone's door?" My voice was close to yelling by the end.

He stared at me with a clenched jaw. "Well maybe you should learn to lock said door, Cracker," he drawled out, looking just as annoyed as I felt.

I remembered that when Tristan came, I forgot to lock the door, too startled to even think about doing so. Damn it.

But I didn't explain myself. I only clenched my fists before taking a slow breath of air. "What do you want from my life?"

His eyes darkened, and I took notice on how he dressed. His wavy, brown locks were mostly covered by the beanie he was wearing, but I couldn't help but eye how some waves decided to stick out on his forehead.

He wore an unzipped puffer jacket with a fitted grey tee-shirt that complimented his physique, along with dark jeans. I noticed then that he was holding his laptop tightly with his left hand.

When he noticed where my eyes were trained, he lifted his left hand, so it was close to his face. His bleak eyes met mine then. "I need you to review my work before I show it to Mister Torres tomorrow."

"And why would I do that, Taylor?" I drawled out, but he stepped closer into the house, so he was fully inside. I watched as he closed the door. "You're not staying," I said quickly.

Before he could respond, I heard footsteps behind me. I noticed Adrian stiffen, his eyes focused on Tristan, who was definitely standing behind me.

Turning, I met his light blue eyes. Well, not really. His attention was focused on Adrian, too.

I stepped closer to the wall, so I could look between them both slowly. Was this a staring contest?

It wasn't surprising that Tristan lost after not even a minute passed. When he did, Adrian snapped his head toward me and clenched his jaw. I noticed his adam's apple doing that dance, but I was kind of irritated that I wasn't the one directly causing it.

"Testosterone," I sang, glancing at Tristan one last time before settling my gaze on Adrian. "Are you done being a piss-ant?"

My feet froze in place when he suddenly stepped closer, until there wasn't any space between us. My back straightened against the wall, and although I was aware Tristan was right down the hall, seeing all of this, I didn't move away. I just narrowed my eyes.

It was a reflexive response when I had to stare at Adrian Taylor.

"He your new fuck buddy, Cracker?" He bit out, lowering his head. "Didn't think you were the type to screw around with a bunch of guys at the same time. Maybe you and Macy are more alike than I thought."

My body responded before my mind could. Impulsively, I reached forward and slapped him across the face, feeling my heart pound rapidly against my chest. "Fuck you," I hissed, trying to shove him away.

His eyes roamed around my face once more before stepping back, still keeping his jaw clenched. "If you're gonna talk about sleeping around, look at Justin—or hell, anyone else who enjoys sex!" I uttered a curse.

"But I'm not looking at anyone else," he said slowly. It could have passed as soft, if I wasn't looking at his hard expression. "I'm looking at you, Cracker."

"And this," I pointed my favourite finger in his direction. "Is pointing at you. Can you guess what I'm saying?"

His adam's apple moved again, but I was too rattled by his comment to be phased by it. "I hope he can figure out what you like," he said slowly, beginning to lean closer until his mouth was aligned with my ear. My back pressed harder against the wall, wanting more space between us.

"If he'll know the exact spot that'll make you scream," he breathed out next to my ear as his hand faintly touched the sensitive spot on my neck. Thankfully, it was on the other side, away from Tristan's view. "The spot that makes you quiver."

My skin began to heat up the same moment I felt the centre of my core pool with wetness. But it was ruined when he stepped back, glaring at me. "Because I definitely won't fuck you again," he said, quiet enough just for me to hear.

It took me a few moments to speak again. "I hate you."

"And you're a fucking menace," he hissed, his face contorting with disgust before he took another step back.

I watched as he opened the door, ready to step out. But before he left, he gave me one final look. I graced him with my favourite finger and my tongue sticking out again before he left, slamming the door behind him.

Thank God mom wasn't home to hear that.

When I turned to face the opposite side of the hall, I found that Tristan was no longer there. "Tris?" I called out, walking to the living room once I locked the door.

I stepped in the room moments later, seeing him scrolling on his phone with a wavering smile. "Thought I should let you guys talk... or yell, in peace," he explained while I moved around the coffee table to sit next to him.

"He needs to get a foot shoved up deep in his ass," I mumbled, crossing my arms as I slid lower on the couch.

With a nod of agreement, he decided on changing the topic by showing me funny TikToks he found on his feed. While doing so, however, all I could do was think about the spawn of Satan.

And no, I wasn't talking about Kaitlin.


"Like who does this man think his is? God? My fucking father? I should just kick him in the balls and be done with him," I hissed with frustration as I gripped the wheel tight. It was the next day.

Yuna said nothing, watching me as I drove us to school. "The nerve of this guy." I stopped the car in front of the stop sign before snapping my head in her direction. I vaguely noticed her amused expression before continuing my rant. "Did I tell you what he said? Ha! Like I need his ass."

"Adrian's annoying you again? Shocking," she smirked before looking back to the mirror connected to the visor.

I looked back to the road and began to drive again, ignoring her comment. "The nerve," I repeated. "Because I won't fuck you again, bro, I won't fuck you again!" I yelled.

"Again?" Yuna asked slowly.

My back straightened before flinching. "Yes..."

She said nothing as I parked the car in front of the school. I carefully unbuckled my seat belt when she spoke up again. "I thought it was a one time thing."

"Well, it may have been a three—wait, four time thing," I cringed. "It's nothing serious."

"I'm not saying it is," she snorted. When I looked back to her, I watched as she began to shake her head. "What are you guys doing?"

A harsh laugh left me as I threw my hands up. "Well, not fucking! Like it's his decision. I'm not screwing him. And he just barged into my house like he owned the damn place, did I tell you that?"

"Yes. Three times." She bit back her smile.

"An idiot! That's what he is." At this point, I bit my gums to avoid clenching my teeth harder.

While Yuna laughed, I looked out my windshield and easily spotted Adrian's Jeep parking just a few rows in front of me. "I'm going to yell at him," was all I said before grabbing my bag and jacket.

I gave her my car keys before throwing the door open, taking long strides toward his car in the slightly warm temperature. In seconds, I began to slam the palm of my hand against the driver's window.

In seconds, Adrian threw his door open, glare in place as he stepped out. "What the hell is your problem?" He said, dropping his school bag onto the ground next to him.

I did the same before turning back to him. He wasn't wearing his hat this time, so his wavy brown locks were free. He also wasn't wearing a jacket, just dark jeans and a grey crewneck sweater.

His honey brown eyes were still narrowed on me when I focused back to him.

"My problem is you, Taylor," I laughed humorlessly. "Now do you mind to tell me what the hell was yesterday? You came into my house without invitation and just assumed that I was sleeping with Tristan. I'm not even attracted to him!"

A scoff left him as he stepped closer, crossing his arms. I didn't step back, determined. "You're going out with him tonight, aren't you?" He raised a brow.

"How the hell do you know—"

"It's a small school, Cracker," he deadpanned, lowering his head closer to mine. "If you're not fucking him, you're just leading the dude on. I don't know what's worse."

I raised a finger. "He knows how I feel about him," I spat, hating how he was painting me out to be a bitch. "So don't go and try to make me out to be the bad guy."

"You do that all on your own," he clenched out, his face twisting in anger. "I don't even know why I waste my time on you."

"Because you're a weak son of a bitch," I smiled, but it felt chill.

He sucked in a breath, and I watched as his eyes darken with anger. "Are you triggered, Taylor Swift?" I felt giddy now.

He easily noticed this because he cussed under his breath. "You piss me the fuck off," he hissed before leaning forward. I wasn't given any preparation before he slammed his lips to mine, cutting off whatever I was going to retort.

I was grateful that we were hidden by his car as he pressed me against his door, lifting his hand under the fitted red, v-neck tee-shirt I was wearing.

A breathless sigh left me as his mouth moved to my jaw before latching onto the sensitive spot on my neck, scrapping his teeth against my flesh. "I still hate you," I whispered, gripping his shoulders.

"I hate you more," he mumbled, biting me suddenly.

A jolt was sent straight to my centre. With his hand on the nape of my neck, he used his left hand to open the backseat door and slowly guided me inside. In seconds, I was on his lap with the door closed next to me. I was relieved to see that his windows were tinted.

He gripped my hips, controlling my movements as he rubbed against me. The friction of his jeans against my leggings forced me to bite back a moan. I wouldn't be the first to make a noise.

But I stilled once his hand returned under my shirt, seconds before gripping my breast. My knees pressed hard on either side of him as he used his thumb to pinch my nipple the same moment he lifted his hips to grind against my heat.

"Fuck," I whispered softly before moaning. I felt his grin against my neck.

"Better luck next time, Cra—" I gripped his locks before bringing his mouth to mine. He groaned against me as I rubbed my heat against the constricted bulge on his jeans.

He removed his hand from beneath my shirt, so he could unzip his pants. Before he could touch his zipper, I jerked away, hearing a piercing scream coming from outside of the car.

Both of our eyes were widened with shock when we glanced back to one another. Quickly, we fixed ourselves up before sliding out from opposite ends of the car.

We found ourselves walking side by side to the front of the school, where we saw dozens of students standing on the left side of the building. Next to me, I felt Adrian stiffen the closer we got.

It wasn't long after we were shouldering passed our peers. The higher I lifted the head, the more I noticed that everyone was circling the pole that held the Canadian flag.

Did everyone suddenly appreciate Canada or something?

Adrian and I simultaneously stepped past the last round of students before stopping, right in front of the tall pole. I felt every bone in my body stiffen the same moment Adrian's steps faltered.

Because just a few feet away from us, was Justin.

Justin, who was tied with rope around the pole, eyes closed with neck wounds. He was shirtless, only wearing shorts, but through that, I didn't miss what was carved on his chest.

My hand jumped to Adrian's upper arm, but he jerked away from me. I glanced in his direction and saw him shoving people away from him as he nearly ran back to the parking lot before driving away moments later.

Slowly, I focused back on Justin, just short of tears leaving my eyes before lowering my gaze back to his chest.

I couldn't keep it in my pants.


andddd another victim.

do you lovelies have any thoughts
to who the killer could be? I'm
interested in your theories!

and on a lighter note—

I'm currently 20, and I'm still
in disbelief that when covid
started, I was only 18. my brain

anywho! I said this previously,
but I'm gonna start posting
twice a week, starting august
(aka... tomorrow)

new uploading schedule is:
Tuesday's and Friday's!

TYA only has 21 chapters, and
we're almost halfway through,
so the story will be finished
probably in the beginning of

thank you lovelies for reading,
and I hope youre enjoying the
story so far xx

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