De anime411

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Y/N's is a normal girl, her parents got divorced and she got to live with her mother, but little did she knew... Mais



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De anime411

We are going home tomorrow. I was not talking with Oikawa since that day. It's night and everybody are packing their bags. I finished first since I'm lazy and I only trowed everything inside. I was looking at that mess, it was messy just like my life... maybe I should talk to Oikawa, but if we start arguing that will be even bigger mess. I just closed my mind and my bag. I laid down and tried to sleep. Girls are so noisy. "Kiyoko? Please don't tell anyone that I cheated on Oikawa" his girlfriend said. WHAT? I acted like I haven't heard anything. After 30 minutes everyone went to sleep. You know that feeling when you just can't sleep. Whatever you try, you just can't. I decided to get up and go for the walk. The sky was clear and the moonlight was bright. I sat down on the grass and watched sky for a little bit. "L/N what are you doing there? The bus is leaving soon!" Someone yelled. I opened my eyes and realized that I was sleeping outside. I got up and Iwaizumi was standing in front of me. "Let's go" he said. "My bags!" I said. "I took them for you. Don't worry" he said and we went to bus. I was sitting with Iwaziumi. I still can't understand how I feel asleep outside... anyways I fell asleep in the bus too. When we arrived back, Iwaziumi and Oikawa walked with me home. Iwaziumi left us halfway because he lives in other direction. I really don't want to walk with Oikawa... it's so awkward. "I'll go to the other way. I want to get Starbuck" I said and I just turned. I was walking fast, when I turned around he was nowhere to be seen. I let out a tiny sight and I made my way to Starbuck. It was getting dark and the line was kinda long so I got worried. Maybe I should call Iwaizumi, or my mom to come and pick me up. No, nothing can happen. After like 20 minutes I took my drink and I walked home. It got really dark,really fast. "Hey. You shouldn't be outside by yourself young lady" an old man said. He came closer. "Let me take you home" he said and he reached for my wrist. "No, thank you. I'm okay" I said. " Are you sure?" He said. I nodded and I started walking, he started following me. I continued walking until I reached my neighborhood. There was no lightning in the street, only the moon and some windows. The man was still following me. I got to my house and I put the key in trying to unlock. He came to the balcony and I got scared even more. "Why are you following me?" I asked. "Just making sure you will come home safe" he said. "You can leave now" I said. The old man was just starting at me. I got my phone out and I called Iwaizumi. He answered and I told him to come as fast as he can. The man looked unbothered. He grabbed me by the wrist and he dragged me inside the house. Then he locked the door behind him. I didn't scream, I had to stay calm. He's old, he shouldn't be that strong. I pulled my wrist and I was free. I ran to the kitchen to grab a knife. I hid behind the door. Waiting for him. I heard the door open but I didn't move. After 15 minutes I heard Iwaizumi calling me. I got out and there was no sign of that old man. I started crying without a reason. I dropped the knife and I sat on the floor. "What the hell just happened" I said underneath my breath. After 2 minutes Oikawa rushed trough the door. "Y/N! Are you okay? What happened?" He said. I was looking down at my hands wrapped around my legs. "Why didn't you walked her home? I will kill you Oikawa" Iwaizumi said. "She wanted Starbucks!" Oikawa said. "Well you should have gone with her!" Iwaizumi said. "It's not his fault Iwa-chan" I said. They both looked at me. I stopped crying and I got up. "You guys should leave. I will lock the door and then I will go to sleep" I said. "No way" Oikawa said. "We're staying with you!" Oikawa added. "When's your mom coming home?" Iwaizumi asked. "Around 1am. I don't know" I said. "Okay we'll stay with you until she comes back" Iwaizumi said. I nodded. "I'm going to take a bath" I said. "Wait! Can I make you a bubble bath? I can set up candles and stuff" Oikawa said. "I don't like stuff like that, I want to finish quick" I said. He nodded and I went to the bathroom. When I finished I put on my pajamas and I went to the living room. They were still here. "You guys should go. I'll be fine" I said. "No" Iwaizumi said. "Now come here we have to pick out a movie to watch" he added. I sat in the middle and they gave me a blanket that was on the edge. "Guys I'm very tired. I want to sleep" I said. "Sleep here, it's fine don't worry" Oikawa said. I looked at Oikawa and I felt sharp pain in my chest. His phone started vibrating. He answered and he left the room. After few minutes he came back. "I have to leave" Oikawa said. "Why?" Iwaizumi asked. "My mom called me. They need me home. I'm so sorry" he said. Iwaizumi got up so he can lock the door after Oikawa. "Please take care of her" I heard Oikawa. The tear fell on the blanket. "Oikawa!" I yelled as I got up. I went to the front door where he was standing. "Oikawa, I wanted to tell you to be safe and I love you" I said and I ran back to the living room. He was silent. I just heard the door closing after him. That's when I started crying. Iwaizumi came to the living room. "L/N don't cry" he said and he sat next to me. I pulled my legs to my torso. It's not fair, he's playing with me. I have to do something. I want him to pay attention to me, to kiss me and to be with me. Iwaizumi lifted my face so I was looking at his eyes now. "L/N please. Don't cry, it's making me sad" he said. I wiped my tears but it was making no sense because I kept crying. He hugged me. It feels so warm and safe. He also kissed my hair. "Don't cry" he whispered. We stayed like that for a minute, then I stopped crying. I smiled when I realized that I have Iwaizumi as my friend. "What's so funny?" He said. "Nothing. I'm just happy that I have you" I said. "Oh shut up, you're laughing because I look funny right now" He said. I laughed, it was not funny tho. I just laughed because I didn't wanted to crash his ego I guess. You know guys would cry if you show them that they're not funny. I think we end up sleeping because when I woke up he was on the floor and I felt the smell of bacon and eggs from the kitchen. I got up and I saw my mom making us breakfast. "Finally" she said. "Good morning mom" I said and I kissed her forehead. "Go brush your teeth first" she said. I laughed and I went to bathroom. After I finished I checked Iwaizumi and he was still sleeping...with his mouth wide open. "There is something going on between you two I can smell it" my mom said from the kitchen. "Mom, I need to explain to you why is he sleeping here" I said. "Did he ran away from his house?" She said. "What? No! Listen" I said and I told her what happened last night. She looked afraid. "Oh gosh. I'll go to the police station later and I will put cameras around and inside the house" she said. "Mom it's okay. Everything is fine now. I'll walk home with Iwa-chan from now on" I said. "Don't worry I won't put cameras inside your room. Only in living room and hallways" she rolled her eyes. I laughed and then I heard Iwaizumi moving. "L/N? Did I fell asleep?" He yelled from the living room. "No Iwa-chan! You just blinked and the sun came out" I yelled back. "Do you have any new toothbrushes? I was not planing to stay overnight" he said. "Yes, I have actually" I said. "It's so hot in here. Do you mind if I take my shirt off" He asked. "It's fine" I said. He came to the kitchen and he saw my mom. He ran back and he put his shirt back on. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know that you were here" Iwaizumi said. He looked embarrassed. "It's okay. If I were a boy I would never wear shirts" my mom said. He smiled and he took off the shirt again. It is hot in here actually. I gave him the toothbrush and he went to the bathroom. "L/N you blushed" my mom said. Iwaizumi and I were eating breakfast. My mom is not working today so she went to her friend. They wanted to go shopping, you know, single mom thing... I was scrolling trough my phone when I got a notification. Someone added me on Snap, when I checked I realized that it was Oikawa's girlfriend, they're still together. I added her back and I started watching stories. Then I ended up on hers, it was her legs in bed with white sheets, holding someone's (Oikawa's) hand. And she wrote "Thank you for the last night bibi🥰". He told us that his mom needed him! I dropped the phone, I was so angry that I didn't even wanted to cry anymore. I'm sick of it! Iwaizumi noticed my mood changed. "What's wrong?" He asked. I don't want to ruin this time by crying so I won't tell him. "Nothing, one of my old friends said something bad about me, not a big deal" I said and I smiled. He nodded and we continued eating. I have to do something to make Oikawa jealous so I went on the internet and searched up some revenge ideas. The one that popped up was 'Sleep with his best friend! The only one who will regret it is HIM! Do it girl!' I looked at Iwaizumi and I started staring. Should I do that? Am I ready to go that far? I'm still a virgin, maybe that's not a good idea. But I'm sure he's going ti be gentle, maybe he's virgin too? "L/N?" Iwaizumi said. I realized that I was staring, don't blame me, I was questioning myself and plus he's shirtless. "Are you virgin" I said. "What? Why would you ask that?" He said. "I wanted to ask you for a favor" I said. "What favor?" He said. "Answer me first" I said. "No,I'm not a virgin" he said. The fact that he's nit blushing is just cusnaiakbxudndiddn. "Okay so I wanted to ask you if you could teach me how to do it" I said. I blushed like crazy, what am I thinking? "No" he looked down "you don't look ready" he said. "I am ready! I want to know how it feels and I want to do it with someone who won't judge me because I'm bad" I said. CAN I JUST SHUT UP!? He looked up at my eyes but his head was still kinda tilted and down. "Are you sure?" He said. I nodded and cold shivers ran trough my body. "When do you want to do it?" He asked. "Are you free tonight?" I said looking down and dying from embarrassment. "Yeah, my family is not home tonight, we can do it at my place" he said. "Okay" I said. "I should go now. I'll pick you up at 8:30pm and tell your mom that you're not coming home until tomorrow and bring extra clothes and underwear" he said. I nodded and he left. I closed the door behind him and I just sat on the floor. I'm nervous, I should call him and tell him that I changed my mind, but everything will be even more awkward between us two and Oikawa... why is he like that? My phone started ringing and it was Oikawa. "Yaho! L/N-chan! How are you" he said. "Good" I said numb. "Is everything fine?" He said. "Why do you care, go to your girlfriend, sorry, I mean mother" I said and I ended the call. He texted me saying that he broke up with her five minutes ago. I went on snap and I saw that she deleted her story and she posted 'heartbreaking quotes'. I was never this happy but I'm going to get him back. I texted him okay and I went to my room.
I's 8:30pm and Iwaizumi came to pick me up, I told my mother that we're having a sleepover with other friends and we left. He came here with his car since he has a license. It was silent. "Are you really sure about this?" He said. "Yes Iwa-chan. Don't ask me again" I said. "I will ask you one more time, but later" He said. I looked at him and he was kinda smirking. "Did you hear that Oikawa broke up with her?" I said. "Yes" he said. We arrived to his house. He opened the door for me and he took my bag. We went inside and he made me some tea. We were just sitting there. After few minutes I finished with my tea. "Don't make it so awkward" he said smiling. "It's just weird because we're just friends and we are about to have sex" I said. "No we are not going to have sex. We are just going to watch a movie" he said. "What? But I wanted to see how it is" I said. "I'm not crazy L/N. You're doing it because you wanted to get revenge on Oikawa" he said getting into my face. "No I'm not!" I said. "Are you sure?" He said. "Yes, you don't believe me?" I said. "Okay then I will believe you but just to let you know that if Oikawa finds out about this, he will hate us both" he said. "Are we doing it?" I said "I'd rather not but It's your choice" he said. "Then we are doing it" I said. He rolled his eyes and he picked me up. "You really want to see that side of me..." he sighed. He carried me to his room and he putted me down on his bed. He went to the bathroom and he took something. "What's that?" I said. "It'S suRPriSe TooL ThaT wiLl hElp uS laTteR" he said in Mickey Mouse voice. "Jk it's a condom" he said. I blushed because I feel so attached. "So do you want to be a bottom or top?" He said. "What?" I said. He rolled his eyes. "You'll be the bottom first. After all you're here to learn" he said. I felt something down there. He came to me. "Lay down" he said. I got confused so I just froze. He noticed so he pushed me down and he got on top of me. "Relax, I'm not going to put it in you right now" he said. I froze even more. "This is not going to work, I'm not doing it" he said and he sat next to me. "Let's watch a movie" he said and he changed his led lights to blue. I was still frozen. I sat next to him and he looked for the movie. I went to the bathroom and I put on my pajama which was made of black satin with lace on the edges. I went back and he found the movie. He was staring at me "I am questioning myself now" he said. I sat next to him and the movie started. The movie was interesting but in the middle of the movie Iwaizumi grabbed my thigh and he got on top of me. What's happening. "Do you still want to do it?" He asked. My body gave him a positive reaction. I nodded. He took my wrists and he pushed then to the bed, he started kissing my neck and then he moved to the chest "Iwaizumi stop" I said. He looked at me "Can you turn the lights off please" I said. "Sure" he got up and he turned the lights off. He came back and he continued."Take off your clothes" he said "I'm kidding. I'll do it for you".He started licking me from the chest to my belly. "You're so soft" he whispered. I flinched my legs because i was feeling something strange and pleasing. "I'll do something but you'll have to do it for me after I'm finished" he said. He removed my pajamas and he slowly took off my underwear. He went down there and he started eating me. "Aghh, Iwaizumi" I moaned. "What is it?" He looked at me. "What's this feeling?" I said. "Is it good?" He said. "Yes, continue" I said. He continued and he was grabbing my thighs with on hand, his other hand was on my waist, he was gentle and rough at the same time, that really made me feel good. "Your turn" he said removing his mouth from down there. He sat down and I looked at...his...hm...it's kinda big it's scaring me. "My turn?" I said. "Yeah, suck it" he said.

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