Just One Day (Bakudeku)

By Astranger015

530K 20.1K 40.2K

Bakugou gets into some trouble with the law and is forced to do some community service at the local hospital... More

Trouble Maker
Community Service
Mystery Person
Halloween Party
A Bad Day
A Pinky Promise
Phone Number
Thanksgiving Party
Toy Drive
Movie Night
New Years
Some Fun
Eri's Surgery
The Truth
First Date
Story Time
We Need To Talk
Together Again
Together Again (part two)
Prom Night
After Party
Just One Day
A Kept Promise


8.4K 380 559
By Astranger015

Don't play the song yet please!


Inko yelled at the teen standing in front of her in the hallway. Tears streamed down her face as she glared up at the boy. Mitsuki and Masaru stood off to the side unsure of what to say to the greenette or if they should even get involved.

"*sniff* My poor baby..." Inko said as she clutched onto her heart and looked down at the ground. "He's been through so much already. The two of us were doing just fine together. He was safe." She looked back up at Katsuki and narrowed her eyes at him making the teen's already sorrow filled face worsen.

"Then you showed up and ruined everything!" She screamed as she pushed the teen. Katsuki stumbled back slightly from the shove but he continued to stand in front of Inko and listen to her yelling.

"I told you what happened with me and Hisashi! H-He died because of me! *sniff*
B-Because I wanted to be with him!" Inko cried as she pressed her hand against her chest.

"You did exactly what I warned you about! Why couldn't you just listen to me! Why didn't you just do what I asked!" Inko closed her eyes as she put her hands on her head and grabbed a fist full of her hair.


Inko looked directly at Katsuki and screamed in his face, tears fell from her eyes as she did so. Katsuki however didn't even flinch at the woman's outburst.

"Why did you have to show up in my son's life! This is all your fault!" Inko continued to yell as she started to repeatedly bang her fists against the blonde's chest which Katsuki just allowed to happen.


Inko screamed before dropping her head onto Katsuki's chest, breaking out into tears. Her fists slowly stopped making contact with the boy's chest as her choked sobs got louder.

"*sniff* T-This is all your fault." Inko began to mumble. "I wish he d-didn't *sniff* I-I wish *sniff* I wish I never fell in love!" Inko sobbed out as she gripped onto Katsuki's shirt and began crying into his chest.

"Oh, why did I have to fall in love! *sniff*
N-None of us w-would be here if *sniff* if I didn't follow my s-stupid heart. *sniff* Why does loving someone cause so much hurt..." She cried. Katsuki painfully looked down at the woman crying on him unsure if she would want him to comfort her.

Eventually Inko pulled her head away from him and used the back of her hand to wipe away her tears. Katsuki took this chance to try and say something to her.

"...Inko I-"

Inko's hand began to shake before she quickly grabbed it and pressed it against her mouth. Her eyes were wide, shocked by the fact of what she had just done. Tears started to fall from her eyes as she shook her head slowly.

Bakugou's face was turned to the side with his eyes focusing on the ground. His eyes were also wide from shock and they too began to water. The newly formed bright red hand mark on his cheek stung but that wasn't the reason for his tears.

Mitsuki and Masaru stood there in complete shock as well, no one expected the greenette to do that.

The hospital room door behind Inko opened and a nurse stuck her head out. "It's okay for you to come back in." She said before sticking her head back in the room and closing the door.

Inko looked over at Mitsuki and Masaru before turning her attention back to Katsuki who was still facing away from her. Her hands trembled as she slightly lowered them from her mouth.

"I'm sorry." She shakily whispered before turning around and heading into the hospital room. Mitsuki rested her hand on her husband's shoulder gaining the male's attention. "I got Inko." She said and Masaru nodded understanding what he needs to do.

Mitsuki walked over to the door but before she went inside she went over to her son and gave him a hug. When she pulled away she kissed his cheek and then went inside the hospital room.

Katsuki looked up at the door longing to go inside but for some reason his body wouldn't move. Instead he fell back onto the bench behind him and leaned his head back against the wall.

Masaru walked over to his son and took a seat next to him. Katsuki immediately moved his head so it was now resting on his father's shoulder. "Everything is going to be alright." Masaru spoke and gently ruffled his son's hair.

Katsuki heard the words his father said but didn't focus on them. His attention was on the window of the hospital door and how from his angle of the door he can just barely see the heart monitor. And the green line moving up and down on it's screen.

~Play song here~

A few minutes earlier

"...You...w-wanted to know...why...I did it... right?" Izuku breathily asked Katsuki who nodded his head while placing his hand ontop of Izuku's own that was resting on his face.

Izuku closed his already half lidded eyes and smiled.

"I w-wanted...to actually... be... with... you...
e-even if...it...was for...just...one...day..."

Katsuki could feel his own heart drop when he heard the flatline. He felt Izuku's hand slowly start to slide off of his cheek.

"No no no no no no! NO! Izuku wake up! Y-you have to wake up! D-DON'T LEAVE ME!" Katsuki yelled his voice cracking as tears streamed down his face. He tightened his hold on Izuku's hand and pressed it back onto his cheek.

"Y-You're the one for me r-remember...I-I can't lose you..." He cried as he stared at the greenette's lifeless face. Katsuki soon felt hands grabbing at him and pulling him away from Izuku's side.

The nurses lead him and the other adults to the corner of the room so they wouldn't get in the doctor's way.

"Inko breath!" Mitsuki told her friend who was on the verge of a panic attack. Katsuki ignored the adults around him and brought his attention to Izuku.

The doctor stood besides the bed as he rubbed together two metal plates getting ready to shock the boy.

"Alright, clear!" He yelled and placed one of the metal plates on Izuku's chest to the right while the other was placed underneath his chest and to his side on the left. Izuku chest rose slightly from the quick shock but the green line on the monitor was still flat.

"Come on kid..." the doctor mumbled before shocking Izuku again. Katsuki watched in nervous anticipation hoping that the green line would soon start moving again.

'Please come back to me.' Katsuki thought as he watched the doctor use the defibrillator again and shock Izuku.

The green line went up slightly only to fall back into a straight line. "Tch, stay with me kid..." The doctor mumbled as he rubbed the metal plates together getting ready to shock Izuku again.

"Ma'ma the doctor is doing his best to try and save your son I'm going to need you and everyone else to wait outside until we have everything under control." The nurse told Inko. "B-but I can't just leave him!" Inko cried back making the nurse hold up both her hands trying to get her to calm down.

"Ma'am please this is for you and your son's sake." The nurse informed her. "Come on Inko." Mitsuki said as she wrapped her arm around Inko's shoulders and walked her out to the hallway Masaru followed right behind them.

The nurse watched the adults leave and then turned her attention to Katsuki who remained in the room his eyes glued onto Izuku. "He'll be okay." She said causing Katsuki to bite his quivering lip as his eyes began to water but he didn't move from his spot. The nurse sighed before gently pushing Katsuki out of the room.

Katsuki stood in front of the door and watched the heart monitor. Inko paced in front of the door and every five seconds she would look at the heart monitor. They both watched waiting for the green line, the one thing that will determine everything, to move.

It seemed like forever for the two but the green line slowly started to go up and down at a slow but constant rate.

The tears in Inko's eyes started flowing harder as she felt relieved knowing that her son is alive.

"He's okay..." Katsuki whispered out feeling relieved as well and wanting nothing more then to hug the boy and never let him go.

Inko turned to look at the blonde and narrowed her tear filled eyes at him.

"You don't have the right to worry about him."


One week later


Izuku cheered and put his guitar away when the blonde entered his room. Bakugou smiled softly at the smiling boy and walked over to the seat next to the hospital bed.

"I missed you!" Izuku said once the other teen sat down. "Having no visitors besides the doctors were kinda boring." He joked. "*gasp* You got me a teddy bear!" Izuku exclaimed as he took the stuffed animal from Bakugou. "It's so cute!" He exclaimed and hugged the bear to his chest.

'He's acting like nothing happened.'

Bakugou thought as he watched the boy mess around with the bear as he began rambling about a movie he was watching earlier.

"Oh and you wouldn't guess what happened next! So the main character-" "Izuku." Bakugou said cutting the boy's sentence off. "Yeah Kacchan?" Bakugou smiled sadly before looking down at his hands and his fidgeting fingers.

"Are we not going to talk about it?"

"Talk about what?"

Bakugou looked back up at Izuku only to see the boy now frowning as he played with the teddy bear.

"Why'd you do it?"

"I already told you why..."

Izuku mumbled as he pulled his knees close to his chest and hugged the bear burying his face in its fur. "I know but..." Bakugou started and sighed before running his fingers through his hair. "I just don't get it." He finished making Izuku snort softly.

"What's not to get? I wanted to be with you... even if it costed my life..."

"But I shouldn't be worth your life."

"...why not?"

"Izuku come on! Give me one reason why I am worth your life because I can't think of any."

"...because I love you more then my life.

Izuku said causing Bakugou to freeze as he took in what the teen had just told him. A long silence fell over the two as their minds were both deep in thought.

"Do you..." Izuku started to say breaking the silence between the two boy's . "A-Are you going to break up with me again?" Izuku asked as he tightened his hold on the bear.

Bakugou's eyes widened slightly not expecting the boy to ask that. He looked at Izuku and locked eyes with the boy. He gave him a small smile before answering. "Of course not...I love you too much to do that." He said causing Izuku to smile too.

"Besides if I did that you would probably just leave the hospital again." Bakugou joked making Izuku snort softly. "Probably." Izuku said agreeing with him.

Silence fell over the two again but it didn't last as long as before.

"So, I really can't touch you anymore." Bakugou said as he tried to control his fidgeting fingers that desperately wanted to hold the greenette. Izuku nodded his head. "Yeah doctors orders... but it sucks cuz I really want to kiss you right now." Izuku grumbled making Bakugou smile. "Yeah we haven't done that since that night." Bakugou said with a smirk and watched as Izuku's face became a bright shade of red.

"I wish I could hit you right now." Izuku said as he pouted up at Bakugou making him laugh. "Hmph, I'll just ask my mom to hit you for me when she gets back." Izuku joked making Bakugou stop laughing as he remembered what happened in the hallway.

"Actually knowing her she probably wouldn't be able to do it." Izuku said as he tossed the bear in the air and caught it. "Yeah..." Bakugou whispered.

Both boys then turned their attention to the door when they heard it open.

"Oh hey mom! We were just talking about you! Look what Kacchan got me!" Izuku said as he proudly held out the stuffed animal to show to Inko. "That's nice sweetie." Inko said as she walked over to the bedside table and placed the tray full of food onto the countertop.

"Alright I have to go. Make sure you eat." Inko said before using her hand to brush back the hair hanging over Izuku's face so she could kiss his forehead. "Yeah I know." Izuku said making Inko smile.

She took her eyes off of her son and looked over at Bakugou. Her eyes soften and she opened her mouth to say something but she quickly closed it and walked out of the room.

"Woah she didn't yell at you." Izuku said as he turned to look at Bakugou. "I think she's warming up to you!" "Yeah... that's not why she didn't yell at me." Bakugou said making Izuku tilt his head to the side in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Bakugou just smiled and shook his head. "Forget about it...I want the chocolate one this time." He said and pointed at the tray of food.

"*gasp* Just because I almost die you think you can have my chocolate pudding!" Izuku exclaimed dramatically. "You did fucking die!" Bakugou retorted. "Only for like five minutes!" Izuku countered making Bakugou roll his eyes as he smiled. "Fine I'll have vanilla." Bakugou said and Izuku giggled while handing him the pudding cup.

Bakugou took the cup and smiled at the boy. "You know I'm really glad you're okay." He said making Izuku softly smile back at him. "I'm glad you aren't mad at me." Izuku said and laughed at the face Bakugou made.

"No I'm definitely mad at you, but I'll let it slide if you promise me that this will never happen again." Bakugou said causing Izuku to smile as he nodded his head. "I promise not to lie to you about my sickness and to not leave the hospital to go out on an amazing date with you." Izuku said semi jokingly with his left hand raised. "Cross my heart." He said and made an x over his heart.

"Now can you let it slide?" Izuku asked and Bakugou smiled as he nodded his head. "Just make sure you keep it." Bakugou said as he took his spoon and placed it in the pudding cup. "Ha, I crossed my heart didn't I." Izuku said as he too placed the spoon in his cup.

Both teens smiled at one another before putting a spoon full of pudding in their mouths.



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