Just One Day (Bakudeku)

De Astranger015

512K 19.6K 39.6K

Bakugou gets into some trouble with the law and is forced to do some community service at the local hospital... Mais

Trouble Maker
Community Service
Mystery Person
Halloween Party
A Bad Day
A Pinky Promise
Phone Number
Thanksgiving Party
Toy Drive
Movie Night
New Years
Some Fun
Eri's Surgery
The Truth
First Date
Story Time
We Need To Talk
Together Again
Together Again (part two)
Prom Night
After Party
Just One Day
A Kept Promise


10.2K 385 836
De Astranger015

Don't play the song yet please!

After a night of "activities" Bakugou woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside his bedroom window.

His eyes squinted opened as he peered over at his alarm clock to check the time. He let out a small groan when he saw how early it was. He then used the back of his hand to rub the drowsiness out of his eyes.

When his eyes were fully opened he looked down and softly smiled at the greenette snuggled up to his chest. He took his hand and gently started to run his fingers through the boy's hair.

"Good morning."

Bakugou said softly and placed a tender kiss on top of the boy's head. When Izuku didn't react to this however Bakugou's anxiety managed to get the best of him.


Bakugou said slightly louder than before his voice laced with worry as he tried to get the greenette to answer him.

"Baby wake up."

He said and started to softly poke the boy's cheek.


He said again and this time he gently started to shake the greenette's shoulder.

"Mmm... ten more minutes..."

Izuku mumbled out sleepily as he nuzzled closer to Bakugou's chest. Bakugou let out a small sigh when he heard the greenette respond.

He tightened his hold on the boy and buried his face into his hair.

"Good morning."

He said again and smiled when Izuku responded.


"So what do you want to do first today?" Bakugou asked as he absentmindedly played with Izuku's hair. "Stay in bed..." Izuku mumbled making Bakugou chuckle lightly.

"Really babe? You finally get the chance to go out and enjoy life and all you want to do is stay in bed?" Bakugou said and Izuku just nodded as he snuggled up closer to the blonde. "I want to stay in bed and cuddle with you..." Izuku mumbled making Bakugou blush at the cute action.

"We can do that later promise." Bakugou said as he kissed the greenette's head before sitting up in the bed. Izuku whined as he felt the blonde slip out of his grasp.

Bakugou got out of the bed and put on some sweatpants. He looked back at his bed and smiled at the greenette still lying down. His eyes were closed as he hugged a pillow using it as a replacement for the blonde.

Bakugou went back over to the boy and gently started to shake his shoulders. "Come on let's do something. We could..." Bakugou started and looked around his room as he thought of an idea.

"Oh, since it's so early Kaoruko probably hasn't started getting the breakfast ready yet, we can go down to the kitchen and I can teach you how to cook." Bakugou suggested. "And I'm not taking no as an answer." Bakugou joked as he nuzzled his nose against Izuku's own making the greenette giggle. "Haha...Okay." Izuku said softly and began to rub his eyes as he sat up in the bed.

Bakugou grabbed one of his black tank tops and pulled it on over his head. When he finished doing that he looked over at Izuku to see that the boy had put on one of his hoodies. The sleeves of the hoodie covered the majority of his hands and the hoodie itself stopped at his mid thigh. It was clearly way to big for him and Bakugou found that adorable.

Izuku wobbled slightly as he made his way over to the door. "Baby." Bakugou called out making Izuku stop and look over at him. Bakugou smiled before scooping the smaller teen up in his arms. Izuku immediately wrapped both his arms around Bakugou's neck and closed his eyes as he began to nuzzle into the crook of his neck.

"You aren't a morning person, huh?" Bakugou said only to get a small hum in return. Bakugou placed a kiss on the boy's forehead before making his way out of the room.

As Bakugou walked down the stairs with Izuku in his arms King started barking from the bottom of stairs when he saw the two. He ran up the stairs and constantly started to switch which side of Bakugou he wanted to walk next to as they walked down the stairs.

"Morning King..." Izuku mumbled when he lifted his head up and saw the dog next to them. King happily barked in reply making Izuku smile at the dog before closing his eyes and nuzzling back into the blonde's neck.

"Aww just look at you two!" Kaoruko awed when she saw Bakugou walk into the kitchen with Izuku in his arms. "So cute but I'm surprised you two are up early. I thought I would have to wake you boys up after breakfast was ready." Kaoruko said. "Yeah I just thought that we could help you out." Bakugou said as he carefully set Izuku down onto the ground. As soon as he was standing on his feet Izuku leaned his head against Bakugou's shoulder and closed his eyes.

"Awwww! *ahem* Well I was just about to wake everyone else up so we could set up breakfast but since you offered to help maybe you could start working on some pancakes while I go get everyone." Kaoruko said resisting the urge to take a picture of the couple.

"Yeah we can do that." Bakugou told her as he smiled down at the greenette resting on his shoulder. "Great! Then I'll be right back." Kaoruko told them right before leaving the kitchen.

"Izuku." Bakugou whispered making the greenette open his eyes and tilt his head back so he could look up at the blonde. Bakugou nodded his head over to the kitchen island silently telling the greenette that he should sit.

Izuku understood what the blonde was telling him and stopped leaning against his arm. He went over to the kitchen island and sat down at one off the stools. He then crossed his arms and rested his head on the island using his crossed arms as a makeshift pillow.

Bakugou picked up an orange dog bowl near the doorway and went over to the walk in pantry. He took a cup and scooped up some dog food from the bag inside the pantry. When the bowl was filled he placed it back where he got it which made King bark happily as he started to eat his breakfast.

Bakugou went over to the kitchen island and stood across from Izuku. He gently ruffled the greenette's hair making the teen lean into his touch. "I know we stayed up pretty late last night but I never seen you this tired before even at Eri's party you were still pretty awake." Bakugou said and Izuku merely hummed in reply.

"But I guess that's just because you didn't want to disappoint her on her birthday." Izuku nodded which made Bakugou sigh. "I really need to get on her and everyone else's good side again." Bakugou mumbled which made Izuku snort softly. "Mirio is still going to want you dead..." Izuku mumbled softly his eyes still closed as his head rested on the table.

"Ugh, I know. If I were him I would want me dead too." Bakugou said as he turned away from Izuku and went to open the fridge. "Before he ends up killing me I was thinking that maybe later today we can get all the extras together and play a little soccer game." Bakugou suggested as he began taking out the ingredients he's going to need to make their breakfast.

"...That sounds like fun." Izuku said softly. "Yeah? I figured you would like it I mean it is your favorite sport and all. And now you can actually enjoy it!" Bakugou exclaimed as he reached into the cupboard to take out some bowls and pans.

"If we want to win we should probably have shitty hair and pinky on our team. Actually maybe tired eyes would be better then Pinky..." Bakugou said to himself making Izuku giggle softly. "Your nicknames for your friends are funny." Izuku said quietly. "Nicknames? I just call them based off whatever physical appearance I saw first. I didn't think I would need to remember their names." Bakugou mumbled the last part to himself as he smiled at the memory of meeting his friends for the first time.

"Hmm...you should invite round face then I only got to talk to her a little bit at the dance." Izuku said making Bakugou snort softly at Izuku saying his nickname for Uraraka. "Maybe, but she has to be on the other team if she plays I don't want her winning with us."
Bakugou said and smiled when he heard Izuku's faint laughter.

"Oh and after maybe we can go to the ice skating rink or even the amusement park. Those were on your bucket list too, right?" Bakugou asked making Izuku muster out a quiet yeah.

(Play the song here!)

"Alright everything's set up we can start now." Bakugou said and turned to look at Izuku who started to lift up his head from the table. "Oh, wait I almost forgot." Bakugou said and went to the pantry. He looked up and down the shelves searching for the last item he needed.

His eyes lit up when he saw the glass jar of what he was looking for. "You like chocolate chips in your pancakes, right?" Bakugou asked as he picked up the jar of chocolates.


Bakugou froze when he heard the loud thud followed by the barking of his dog. His hold on the jar tightened as he rushed out the pantry.

"Izuku!?" Bakugou called out hoping to see the boy perfectly fine and wondering what he's so worked up about.

When he didn't see the teen at first glance he rushed behind the kitchen island.

His grip on the glass jar loosened making it fall to the ground and shatter upon impact. The chocolate chips sprawling out all over the floor.


Bakugou yelled and rushed over to the greenette's side. Izuku was lying on the ground breathing heavily as his body shook uncontrollably. His eyes were squeezed shut as his arms tightly wrapped around his stomach. Sweat slid down his forehead.

Bakugou crouched down and placed the back of his hand on the greenette's forehead but immediately pulled it back when it stung him. "Fuck you're burning up!" Bakugou exclaimed and quickly stood up "King watch him!" King barked in reply as Bakugou ran over to the sink.

He grabbed a small towel and ran it over some cold water. He then wrung out some of the excess water and made his way back to Izuku.

"Katsuki!? What's wrong I heard yelling!" Kaoruko asked when she rushed into the room. Her eyes widened when she saw the two boys on the floor. "What happened!?" "Just call an ambulance already!" He yelled at her as he gently rested Izuku's head on his lap. "R-right!" Kaoruko stuttered and went out to make the call.

Bakugou brought his attention back to Izuku as he gently started to dab the boy's face with the cold towel trying to bring down his high temperature.

Izuku's eyes squinted open staring up at worried red eyes. "K-Ka...c-cch..." "Shh...relax. You're okay. Everything's going to be fine." Bakugou told the boy but he was really just trying to convince himself. He's trying his best to stay calm in order to tend to Izuku properly.

"...Ka...cchan..." Izuku whispered out making Bakugou stop what he was doing and watch the boy try to speak again. "Di...di...diz-zy..." Izuku mumbled before his eyes rolled back in his head as his head fell to the side.

Bakugou's eyes widened when he realized what was about to happen. He quickly yet carefully moved Izuku's head from his lap and onto the floor. He then moved the chairs away from the boy giving him some space. He also brushed away some of the glass shards that came close to him not caring if he got cut by a few.

Once the area near Izuku was clear Bakugou crouched back down next to the greenette right when his arms and legs began to twitch. Bakugou quickly turned the boy onto his side and painfully watched the seizure take place.

King whined as he laid down next to Bakugou and rested his head on the distressed teens lap. Bakugou however paid no attention to his dog as his eyes were solely focused on the teen suffering in front of him.

The last time the boy had a seizure it only lasted for around fifteen seconds.

Fifteen seconds...

That's what the blonde was hoping for.

Fifteen seconds...

He knew he could handle that.

Fifteen seconds...

That's the longest he wanted to watch Izuku be in pain.

Only fifteen seconds

So why...

Why has it already been five minutes.

Every time Bakugou thought the seizure was dying down Izuku's legs and arm would start to jerk around again. Bakugou could hear his heart pounding in his ears every time that happened.

He knows how long it's been he's been counting the seconds in his head.

He knows that once a seizure hits the five minute mark that the person needs to seek medical help immediately.

He knows that long seizures could lead to sustaining permanent brain damage.

He knows that if this goes on for any longer that it would be considered a life or death situation.

He knows all of this.

But he wishes he knew how to stop one.

"Katsuki! The ambulance is on their way!" Kaoruko said as she rushed back into the kitchen carrying a pillow and blanket.

"I brought these I thought they would help to make him more comfortable, oh and I told the others not to come in here for the time being." She explained. Bakugou looked up at what his maid was holding and took the pillow from her. He carefully lifted Izuku's head and placed the pillow underneath him.

Kaoruko watched the boy and gently placed her hand on his shoulder. Bakugou payed no mind to the supportive gesture and continued to watch the greenette.

After a few more minutes Izuku's seizure finally stopped. When it ended Bakugou waited a few seconds before pressing his ear to the boy's chest. He held his breath as he listened for a heartbeat.

When he finally heard the faint beat he sighed and slowly lifted his head back up. He looked down at the unconscious teen and started to gently brush the strands of hair out of his face.

"You're going to be okay..." Bakugou whispered.

"There's still so many things we have to do together." He said as his body began to tremble.

"W-We were going to play s-soccer and go to *sniff* t-to the amusement park together." He managed to say as he choked back his tears.

"D-didn't you *sniff* didn't you say t-that you wanted to c-cuddle? We can do that a-after you wake up." Bakugou said as a tear managed to escape and slide down his face and onto Izuku's cheek. Kaoruko turned her head away not wanting to watch anymore of the heart breaking scene.

"Y-you'll wake up soon...r-right?" Bakugou's voice cracked.

"*sniff* O-of course you will...t-there's nothing to worry about. Y-your okay. Y-You even said it yourself *sniff* you aren't supposed to be sick anymore...s-so you're okay." He croaked out as he stared down at the boy's emotionless features.

Bakugou bit his quivering lip and squeezed his eyes shut as heavy tears began to fall from his eyes.


He screamed and dropped his head onto Izuku's forehead.

"P-Please be okay..."

He whispered this time as he opened his teary eyes and held the boy's face in his hand.

"*sniff* Please."





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